Kellie and Brad Ch. 02


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Anita then whispered conspiratorially, "You know, I have to agree with them. You`re pretty hot stuff."

"Well, I`m flattered, really," Brad said, recovering his composure and showing the engagement ring on his hand. "But as you can see, I`m already spoken for."

Anita nodded. "You and Kellie, huh?"

"Yeah," Brad answered, looking at Anita warily. "How did you know? I don`t remember mentioning her to you. Did I?"

There was silence for a long time, but it looked to Brad that Anita really wanted to speak her mind. Instead she exhaled and shook her head, eventually saying, "You know what, that`s not really any of my business. I think I`m going to go for a coffee. Thanks again Brad, see you soon."

And with that she was gone. Brad sat still, staring at nothing in particular for several minutes, trying to wrap his head around the conversation. He suddenly wished Anita and her team`s visit would be cut short so his and Kellie`s lives could return to some level of normalcy.


This was not what he needed right now.

Anita continued to be insistent on having things done perfectly, her way. That combined with his regular work duties made for long days for Brad. This meant less time for him to spend with Kellie, which made her even more on edge, which, considering her archenemy was in town for so long and how she found that so unnerving, was pretty seriously on edge.

Furthermore, Anita had been making other odd little comments to Brad whenever she had a chance. Dropping hints about the lack of available bachelors in town, and about how much she missed the men in her city neighbourhood. Subtle remarks that hinted at a possible attraction she had for him. Worst of all, she made a few comments that, while perhaps not outright insulting to Kellie, could leave the impression that she thought he could do much better than her. She timed these comments perfectly and never gave him an opportunity to respond.

And now, at the end of another gruelling day, physically and mentally, there was another envelope taped to his locker door.

Another goddamned envelope.

He tore it off the locker and ripped it open, nearly shredding the letter inside in the process.

Whenever Brad looked back on this chapter in his life, he wondered what would have happened had he just destroyed the letter. Instead, with his heart pounding inside his chest, he read it.


The time for playing games is over now. I must have you! This game of seduction has been very pleasing and thrilling for me, but I cannot bear the thought of another day without you. My pussy is on fire, begging for your touch.

I know you are with a woman now, but I also know I can take care of your needs so much better than her. Oh yes, Brad, you may not know my true identity just yet but I know so much about you. And I`ve been much closer to you than you could imagine. I`ve seen the look in your eyes, I know how much you want me, and it only fuels my desire for you.

Don`t deny yourself this ultimate pleasure. Don`t deny me. You know you want this. Let me make your dreams cum true.

Your Secret Admirer

P.S. Look up.

Confused, Brad did indeed look up. His breath caught in his throat.

"Anita," he gasped.

Anita Morriss stood at the entrance, wearing a long trench coat and black high heels. She had a small, seductive smile on her face. Then, with a dramatic flair, she pulled her coat open and let it fall to the floor in a pool around her legs. She was now covered in only a black lacy bra and matching panties that left little to the imagination. She strutted forward towards Brad, who was by now transfixed by the beautiful woman before him; the letter he had read moments earlier had since fluttered softly to the floor. She walked slowly in a circle around him, letting the fingers of one hand trail through his hair. The seductive smile had not left her lips, and she was making a satisfied noise that seemed to be a hybrid of purring and a deeper feline growl.

"Anita, what are you doing?" Brad asked.

She gave him a throaty chuckle. "Isn`t it obvious?"

Not waiting for him to answer, she sat in his lap, straddling him. He could feel his hard-on grow as she rubbed her panty-covered mound on his crotch and ran her hands over his chest.

He gulped and closed his eyes. Suddenly, he understood everything. He was upset at himself for taking so long to clue in, but then again she had laid out her plan so methodically. It was brilliant in a devious way, he supposed.

"You," he finally said as he opened his eyes. "It was you all along, wasn`t it? Sending those packages and leaving these letters for me to read. You did all this."

Anita giggled, bit her bottom lip and nodded her head. "I was wondering if you would ever figure it out before now. In a way I`m glad you didn`t though. Like I wrote, this chase has been a big thrill for me. And now, I have my ultimate prize."

She teasingly licked his cheek and his ear, causing Brad to sigh in pleasure. "So I`m just the goal of your fun little game, am I? Just prey you were seeking to capture?" he asked, his will power diminishing by the second from Anita`s expert seduction.

"Mmmm, you know you can be more than that, big boy," Anita whispered in his ear. "You can be my strong man, my knight in shining armour, and I can be the kind of woman you need, the kind of woman Kellie could only dream of being."


The sound of her name quickly jolted Brad back to reality. He gently yet firmly lifted Anita off his lap and sat her down on the bench. He was quickly up on his feet, pacing and nervously laughing. "Whoa, that was a close one," he said, more to himself than to Anita.

He then said to Anita, "Please listen carefully. I mean no disrespect, and I apologize if I have led you on in some way, though I really don`t think I have. In any case I have very nearly made the biggest mistake of my life. I love Kellie with all my heart, and I can`t risk throwing it all away for anything or anyone. You need to get dressed and stop trying to seduce me."

Anita was frustrated but she hid it as best as she could, trying to turn on the charm again. "But Brad, don`t you find me pretty?" she asked, playfully batting her eyelashes.

"You`re a beautiful woman, Anita. I`m sure you can have any other man you choose. Just not me. These games have to stop."

Her voice was edgy, aggressive. "I don`t think you understand, Brad. I`m the kind of woman who gets what she wants." She stopped herself before she came off as too angry and tried a different tack. She smiled and asked, "What would it take to convince you? Because I would do anything to have you as my lover. Anything at all." She took Brad`s hands and placed one on her left breast, the other on her sex. She humped his hand slowly, back and forth, back and forth, feeling the wetness spread within her. She stared into his deep blue eyes, practically daring him to refuse her offer.

Brad could feel Anita`s arousal, both her diamond-hard nipple and her quickly moistening pussy, through the thin lace of her lingerie. He swallowed and inhaled deeply as his cock twitched and hardened again. It would be so easy to give in to temptation, to indulge his carnal desires and fuck this beautiful woman who was basically throwing herself at his feet.

No. I must resist, he thought to himself. He removed his hands from her body and took two deliberate steps backwards. "I told you, I love Kellie. She`s the only woman for me, now and forever. There`s nothing you can do to get me to cheat on her."

He watched Anita begin to fume, her face growing redder by the second. It wasn`t an attractive look for her, Brad thought. He was starting to see why Kellie held Anita with such disdain.

But then her lips curled into the most devilish smile he had ever seen on anyone in his life. He was completely unsure how to react. Before he could ask her what she was so damn happy about, Anita embraced Brad and kissed him with as much hunger and passion as she could gather. He tried to break the kiss but she would have none of that. She took the lead again, holding on to him tightly and surprising him with her strength. She planted his hands on her ass and kissed him hard again, her tongue parting her lips and seeking entry into his. He barely responded to the kiss, but he didn`t break it either despite the voice in his head screaming at him to do so. His mind was a swirling mass of confusion and bewilderment.

Anita broke the kiss and looked into Brad`s eyes, still sporting the same grin from before, even breaking out into an evil little laugh. He was preparing to ask her just what the hell was going on.

Then he heard a very familiar voice from behind him.


His eyes grew wide in shock and fear. He slowly turned around to see Kellie. Her lower lip was quivering and tears were rolling down her face.

"Why, Brad? Why?" she asked.

He was dumbstruck. He tried to speak, his mouth made speaking-like motions, but no words came out.

"Answer me, damnit!" Kellie yelled.

Finally he stammered, "Kellie, please... this isn`t what it looks like... I can explain..." He cringed at his own words, hating how weak and goddamned clichéd they sounded.

"Shut up, Brad! Just shut up! God damn you, you bastard! I never want to see you again!!" Kellie ran out of the room, sobbing all the way.

Brad ran into the hallway. "No, please Kellie, come back! Don`t go!" It was too late. Kellie was gone.

He walked in a daze back into the locker room and slumped on to the bench. He then felt Anita`s hands trailing over him again and heard her say in a seductive voice, "Well, looks like we`ll have time to play after all."

He didn`t feel arousal this time. Only burning, white hot fury.

"Get out," he said in a dead flat tone.

"Oh, I think we both know you don`t really want me to..."

"I SAID GET OUT!!" In a flash Brad stood up and whirled around, adrenaline coursing through his veins. He saw Anita put her hands in front of her in a defensive stance, and as he wondered why he realized his right fist was cocked back, ready to strike. This made him even angrier, and without thinking he turned and drove his fist into a metal locker with all his might, connecting partly with the door but more with the hard, unyielding frame surrounding it.

The pain was blinding, searing. He howled in agony. He didn`t even notice Anita pick up her coat and run away as fast as she could.

The anger drained from Brad, and all that was left was the pain of his mangled hand, which was nothing compared to the pain of his broken heart. He collapsed to the floor and wept bitterly.


He found him there about an hour later.

Russ had just finished meeting with Anita and her team. Anita had announced they were cutting their visit short immediately, two weeks early. Russ was concerned that this would reflect badly on the club as a whole, and more specifically his job performance. She assured him that they had no problem with the club or its employees and enjoyed their stay, but otherwise she was very vague about their reasons for leaving. After they left Russ decided he needed to find Brad to see if he could shed some light on the situation.

After a few minutes of searching Russ found Brad in the employees locker room. He was stunned at what he saw. There was a massive dent in one of the lockers. Brad was slumped on the floor and looked to be in a wretched state. One of his hands was bloody, broken and swollen to twice its normal size.

Russ managed to get Brad up and immediately drove him to the local hospital. En route, he asked, "Brad, what happened?"


"Anita just told me her team had decided to leave now. Do you know anything about this?"

More silence.

"Brad, I really wish you would..."

"I don`t want to talk about it right now, Russ."

Russ suddenly felt very uncomfortable and decided to stop his inquiries for now. He drove the rest of the way to the hospital without saying another word.

After being told Brad would have to wait overnight to have an X-ray and surgery scheduled Russ went home for the night. He got a phone call the next night from the hospital`s head nurse who told him Brad`s surgery was done and he was being released, and since he helped admit him to the hospital would he please pick him up as well. Russ was even more curious now but he knew something had to have gone badly wrong if he instead of Kellie had to get Brad.

He found Brad in the waiting area, a large cast on his hand but otherwise looking just as miserable as before. Russ was about to speak but Brad interrupted him.

"Russ, I apologize for being rude to you yesterday, but in my defense, it was the worst day of my life. I promise I`ll tell you all I can but not right now. It hurts too much. Also, if I could crash at your place for a while I would appreciate that. I have nowhere else to go."

"What about Kellie, Brad?"

Brad just shook his head. "I can`t go back there," was all he could say.

It hurt Russ to see his friend so depressed so he agreed to let him use his guest bedroom until things got sorted out. He also allowed him to use a short-term medical leave from work as he would not be able to do much with a broken hand.

Brad barely spoke two words over the next couple days. That second evening, Russ, out of great concern, said, "Brad, I don`t want to force you, but it might help at least a little to talk about what happened."

Brad looked totally defeated. He sighed heavily and finally decided to tell his long-time boss and friend what happened. "Anita tried to seduce me."

Russ nodded. He had some suspicions, and this just confirmed that at least one of them were true. He tried to keep an open mind and not judge his friend until he finished the story.

Brad continued. "Remember all those packages and letters? She sent them all. It was part of her whole plan or game or... whatever. She finally revealed everything to me... almost literally... that night. I guess it was that same night she later told you they were leaving early. Anyway, the really scary part is it almost worked. Anita looked so hot and was pushing all my buttons, I damn near fucked her right then and there. But I resisted because I wouldn`t be able to live with myself if I cheated on Kellie. Kellie`s the best thing that ever happened in my life... you know that Russ, don`t you?"

Russ nodded again.

"And you believe me, right? You believe that I`m telling the truth when I say I didn`t cheat on Kellie, right?"

"Yes, Brad, I do believe you, absolutely."

"Thanks Russ. Anyway, all of a sudden Anita just kisses and gropes me out of the blue. I`m so shocked I don`t react. I just stand there like an idiot letting her do whatever the hell she wanted. It just happened that at that very moment, Kellie walked in." Brad started to sob and choke at this point. "She thought I was kissing Anita for real. Then Kellie... she... told me she... never wanted to see me again."

Wow, Russ thought as Brad bowed his head and sobbed harder. This was bad. Real bad. He took a couple of deep breaths before speaking. "Brad, I`m here for you. I`ll help you any way that I can." He didn`t know what else to say.

Brad looked up and nodded. He appreciated the support from Russ. But unless something drastic happened, he figured it was going to be a long time before he would recover from these deep emotional scars. If he ever would.


She was despondent.

Kellie missed having Brad around. Even with everything that had happened, she genuinely missed having him at her side. They had been through so much and did everything together. She felt his absence most keenly at night, when she was in bed; there was now open space where he had usually slept peacefully. She missed feeling his body heat keeping her warm under the covers. And, if she was being completely honest with herself, she missed the sex, too.

But every time she thought briefly about asking him to come back, and every time she saw his cell number or Russ`s number on the caller ID screen of her phone, her mind turned back to the sight of him making out with a half-naked Anita, and she became angry all over again. Bad enough that he could so casually toss away their relationship for some cheap sex. But with Anita! That witch! Kellie knew she could never forgive Brad for such a betrayal.

In the days afterwards, Kellie`s curling teammates and best friends had called her on the phone every day, asking and even begging her to either visit them or let them visit her, just so she could talk about it and maybe find a way to emerge from her funk. Kellie had successfully rebuffed them every time. She looked and felt a mess, her eyes red from constant crying, and she simply did not feel like moving on at this point.

This continued until a week later, when that evening Kellie heard the doorbell ring at the front door. At first she didn`t move, but whoever was at the door was insistent and would not take the hint. Reluctantly, she got up to answer the door. There stood her three teammates; Jennifer Janik, the vice-skip, Sandra Morgan, the second, and Jennifer`s younger sister Amber, the lead.

"Alright, skip," Sandra said, using their preferred nickname for Kellie," enough moping around and living like a hermit. We`re going to have a girls night in!"

"Oh I don`t know girls, you don`t really want to be around me, I`m not much fun right now," Kellie replied.

"Sorry skip, it`s all decided, we`re not taking no for an answer!" Jennifer said.

Amber excitedly chimed in, "Look! We got snacks and chick flicks! Come on, it will be great!"

Kellie relented and the three young ladies piled in to the house, giggling along the way. All four of them stuffed themselves with popcorn and laughed themselves silly during the movies. For the first time in a long while Kellie forgot about her troubles and had fun with her three best friends in the world. She did notice Jennifer looking at her smart phone and texting throughout, but she didn`t think much of it at the time as Jennifer was always playing with that darned thing.

After the second movie was finished, Jennifer checked her phone again and gave a small nod to Amber and Sandra. There was an awkward pause as the room grew quiet, before Sandra spoke up. "Skip, we need to talk..."

"There`s nothing to talk about," Kellie interrupted, knowing exactly what they were trying to do.

The other three ladies looked at each other, unsure of how to proceed. Jennifer looked at the other two with a nod and a look that said, I`ve got this.

She turned to Kellie and said, "Skip, we know what happened. We know the whole story about you and Brad, and Anita. More than you realize, actually."

Kellie was incredulous. "What?! How?! That`s impossible! I never told you what happened, but even if I did it doesn`t matter. I was there! I saw everything!! There IS no more to the story!! Brad`s a cheating bastard and that`s it!!"

Jennifer knew how furious Kellie was. If the plan she worked out with Amber and Sandra didn`t come off, there was no telling what their future held. They knew they had something special with Kellie, both in the strength and success of their curling exploits, but more importantly in their combined friendship, which had been tested at times but was now truly deep and long-lasting. Now their leader was in need and they had to be there for her. Despite Jennifer`s youth, she had a real self-confident attitude, and she used this belief to do what she and her other teammates knew needed to be done.

"Skip, do you trust us?"

Kellie eyed Jennifer, Sandra and Amber warily as she wondered what they were up to. She sighed and said, "Yes Jen, I trust you, I trust all of you, but..."

That was all Jennifer needed to hear. "Awesome! Just a sec, OK?" She sent another text message, and just a couple of minutes thereafter came a knock on the door. Kellie was confused as Jennifer told her, "It`s OK skip, I`ll get it."