Kelly Takes a Turn


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Tyrell explained in his deep grumble, "Well we gonna fix what he been denying you. What's his name again?" Tyrell knew his name, he just wanted Kelly to say it.

Kelly answered breathlessly, "His name, oh my gosh, his name is David."

Tyrell continued, "Well my little bitch, we gonna correct what David been denying you." Kelly wordlessly nodded as Tyrell kept speaking, "Ain't right for a husband to deny his wife these pleasures. So, here's what we gonna do. Just like yesterday at hospital, when you here you my wife. You got that?"

Kelly was nearly ready to cum again at those words. And with his next words she couldn't hold out any longer.

"This way when you here, you know your husband got a black dick and that he fuck you right." He paused a moment and then added, "Now cum on your husband's black dick."

Kelly obeyed his command.

Kelly was too far gone in pleasure to realize Tyrell's cock was about to pump his seed into her pussy bareback. The first blast of his cum splashing into her womb almost reawakened her from the unfaithful lust she was experiencing. Almost. It never got past almost because each subsequent spurt of cum was just too good to deny.

She was immediately grateful she was on the pill. She and David were not ready for kids, and she was grateful for that too as she was sure Tyrell's cumming so deeply into her womb would have certainly made her pregnant. Kelly expressed her gratitude by wrapping her legs around Tyrell's hips and pulling him in deeper inside her.

When Tyrell's seed was fully expended inside her, he paused a moment to enjoy his conquest. Then he slipped his cock from inside her and moved it towards her lips which were still open as she gasped for air.

Kelly looked up at him with a look of confusion on her face, completely at a loss as to what he was doing. Tyrell removed her confusion with his words, "Clean it up little bitch. This is probably something else your white husband been denying you."

Kelly blushed at his comments. The mention of her "white husband", the commanding tone of this voice, and the act he was expecting her to perform. But Kelly, seeking to redeem at least part of the pleasure Tyrell had just provided, pushed her embarrassment aside and pulled his cock towards her mouth. She sucked him clean, looking into his eyes throughout.

Once satisfied she had fully cleaned his cock, Tyrell rolled off to the side to catch his own breath. He smiled to himself when Kelly did not let her hand release his cock when he lay down next to her.

Kelly began to feel the wave of guilt of her unfaithfulness build up within inside her. She had sucked Tyrell off, something she had not done for her husband. She took Tyrell's cock into her pussy without protection and allowed him to cum inside her. She acknowledged to Tyrell that her husband could not satisfy her. She had sucked his cock clean of their collective spend, something else she had never done for her husband. And most intensely, she had enjoyed it all.

Tyrell did not let her linger in her thoughts for long. He stood up and helped her to her feet, getting himself dressed and giving her a look to imply that she should do the same. Kelly actually was happy to move to get her from sinking deeper into her guilt.

She felt his seed begin to leak from her ravaged pussy and quickly reached for a tissue to dab it up before it ran down her legs. Then she slipped her underwear and pants on as Tyrell, who had briefly left the room, returned with her shirt. She took it and then paused a moment as he had not brought her bra back in with him.

Kelly assumed he had just missed it and innocently asked, "My bra?"

Tyrell stepped in close and tweaked her still bare nipples before answering, "My wife don't wear no bra."

Kelly's nipple flared at the thought and she let out a heavy breath of excitement before taking her top from Tyrell's hand and slipping it over her shoulders. She then froze right before buttoning it and said in an alarmed tone, "But my father..." her voice trailing off.

Tyrell took over the buttoning of her top as he answered her, "Your old man ain't gonna be looking at his daughter's tits."

Kelly accepted this answer if for no other reason than her peace of mind and nodded in agreement.

Their morning sexual escapades had taken them through breakfast and into lunch, and Kelly was surprised that she was not hungry. Then she giggled to herself that it probably because she had swallowed Tyrell's cum. She gave him a quick glance without him noticing and then, without saying anything, stepped to the passenger seat of her car. The unspoken message was clear to both of them: Tyrell was in charge and she was ok with that.

They drove in silence as Tyrell tuned the radio to his favorite rap/hip hop station and then in seeming no time were pulling into the hospital parking lot.

Once parked, Tyrell stepped out of the car and stopped by the front bumper, waiting for "his wife" to join him. Kelly felt the heat of desire rekindle inside her as she sidled up to "her husband" and walked to the hospital door with his arm draped over her shoulder.

The same older black gentlemen was working the visitor badge desk as they walked up. He smiled at them, then stole a glance at her braless tits and then gave an approving look to Tyrell. His subtle glance aroused Kelly and she became acutely aware of the effect her appearance could have on others. She enjoyed the feeling.

As they made their way to the elevator and to her father's hospital room, Kelly couldn't help but think everyone was looking at them. She started to just brush it off as them being an interracial couple. Then she thought about her braless tits and feeling them sway within her blouse as she walked down the hallway. Ultimately she realized that she liked the looks she was getting, and the reasoning didn't matter. In fact, she felt quite alive and invigorated walking down that hallway with Tyrell against her.

In the room, Kelly's father was once again in an out of it during the hour they were there for this visit. He would barely awaken, say something neither of them would understand, then drift back out again. This, plus the fact that Kelly really had become significantly detached from her father because of her upbringing, essentially meant if any conversation was going to take place, it was going to be between her and Tyrell; her father was not going to be part of it.

Tyrell seemed to recognize this at the same time. He was leaning against the wall by the window and motioned for her to join him there. Kelly, who was sitting in a chair on the opposite side of her father's bed from Tyrell, responded to his gesture immediately by standing up, which she internally admonished herself for doing, and then made her way over to him. She could not explain why she was behaving like this and felt as if she were a high school underclassmen being beckoned by the star senior quarterback.

Kelly stepped up to him with her back to her father and tried to display an air of inquiry as to why he summoned her over. Tyrell smiled at her and Kelly felt her defenses weaken, and they further crumbled when he grabbed the backs of her arms and pulled her a bit closer. Kelly wanted to stop him and tried to say something about her father being there, but her voice was too late, because her defenses completely collapsed when Tyrell tweaked her left nipple. She let out an audible moan at the sensation and silently prayed that none of the hospital staff heard her.

Kelly attempted to bring her hand up to stop him from fondling her like this, but couldn't seem to muster the willpower. Tyrell continued to smile, and then he leaned in close and said, "My little bitch, you want to stay here and continue this waste of time, or would you rather get out of here and make better use of it?"

Kelly's mind was spinning out of control at this situation. Here she was in her father's hospital room with a black man who just a little over a day ago she didn't care for now tweaking her nipples. The same black man she had sucked off earlier that morning and then fucked. Her response to Tyrell's question was a movement of her head which nearly matched the confusion going on inside of it. In essence, she didn't know what to do. And that meant it was up to Tyrell.

Tyrell turned her around so she was facing her father and, putting his hands on her hips and pulling her back towards him so his hard cock could be felt in the small of her back, leaned in close to her ear, "Tell daddy that you leaving now."

It took a few seconds for her voice box to finally speak the words, but she was finally able to sputter out, "Daddy, I leaving now." It was only after she heard a light chuckle from Tyrell that she realized what she had said, and she giggled herself.

The next few moments of leaving the hospital room and riding the elevator all were in something of a blur for Kelly. Her face was flushed with excitement, her pussy now back to life and seemingly begging for attention, both of which, in her mind, seemed to be contributing to everyone they passed staring at them.

The final stop at the visitor's badge desk was a special event unto itself. That same elder black man was seated at the desk and he again appraised her as she walked up. Maybe it was because of the arousal she was feeling or maybe because of the look he was giving her, but Kelly could not help but put on a subtle sexy display as she seemed to glide to the desk. Her nipples, unsuppressed by a bra, seemed to be drilling holes in the front of her top, and she could feel the gentle sway of her tits with each step she took. She stepped up before him and gently slid their visitor passes towards him. At that same time Tyrell stepped up and again laid his arm over her.

Kelly looked at the man, and in a hushed whisper said, "Need to cut today's visit short. My husband has something better he wants to do."

The elder black man took in a deep measured breath and then glanced from Kelly's eyes, to Tyrell, to Kelly's tits, and then back to her eyes, before finally responding, "It would seem he does have something better to do." He nodded politely to her and then turned towards Tyrell, "Enjoy the rest of your afternoon." to which Tyrell nodded and then led Kelly out the door.

Kelly exited the hospital door under Tyrell's arm. She felt good. She felt alive. She felt naughty. She looked up at Tyrell as soon she felt the sun upon her and giggled in delight at how she was feeling.

And then a moment later her phone rang. It was David. She was immediately irritated with him and looked up at Tyrell, "It's David again." She felt embarrassed that he was calling her again and she shook her head at Tyrell to indicate it.

Tyrell shrugged his shoulders as they continued walking and kind of chuckled which only seemed to further Kelly's irritation with David.

She briefly debated letting it go to her voicemail, but figured that would only cause a bigger issue when she actually spoke to him, so on the final ring before it switched over she answered. She barely masked her irritation in her voice, "Yes?" Then she took a deep breath and said in a more even tone, "Hi David. Everything ok?"

"Yes honey, I was just hoping you'd call after we texted this morning, that's all." David replied.

She looked at Tyrell, who still had that smirk of satisfaction on his face, and then replied to David, "Sorry, I guess I got distracted." She giggled to herself that wasn't entirely a lie as her thoughts were focused on Tyrell since the night before.

Then, looking directly into Tyrell's eyes, she lied to David, "I have to go. We just got to the hospital and I can't have my phone on in the room."

Kelly said these words at the same time they arrived at her car. She stood there looking up at Tyrell as her husband was quick to accommodate, "Sorry honey. Hope the visit goes well." Then he paused and trying to be funny to insure she wasn't angry with him, said with a silly chuckle, "And let me know how things go if you remember me."

Her face turned to a naughty grin as she stared at Tyrell but spoke into the phone, "Don't worry, I'm sure everything will go fine. Have a good day." And she hit the call end button.

Once she put the phone away, Kelly reached up and put her arms around Tyrell's neck. She said to him, "That was my husband from home. But I can't have him interrupting my time with my husband from here can I?" Tyrell replied by bending down and planting a kiss directly on her lips.

Twenty minutes later, Kelly was bent over the arm of the couch in the living room Tyrell shared with her father as he pounded her pussy from behind. Her pants were still wrapped around one ankle and she was still trying to slip her arm out of at least one sleeve of her top.

Tyrell, who didn't bother to put on any underwear before they left the house, had an easier time of preparing. He just simply needed to unbutton his already sagging jeans and they fell to the floor, readying his cock for action.

Kelly's pussy welcomed its return and her orgasm began the moment his cockhead slipped inside her moist lips. It took no time for him t work up to speed, and she was amazed at the feelings of his balls swinging into her clit as they fucked.

She came two more times before he splashed another load of jism inside her womb. And when he pulled himself from her pussy and sat down on the couch, Kelly did not need to be told to clean his cock; she immediately began lapping their collective juices with her tongue before sucking him into her mouth to make sure she got it all.

Kelly then turned herself around so she could lay on the couch with her head in Tyrell's lap, and the next she knew, she had fallen asleep and two hours had passed. The intensity of passions during the day had exhausted her and she didn't even realize it because she was high on adrenalin and excitement.

When she awoke, naked and alone on this strange couch, she was startled and bolted upright to catch her bearings. Tyrell was seated at the edge of the couch, still in his naked glory, with an amused smile on his face. He gently touched her shoulder and said, "Nice of you to come back to earth."

Kelly giggled at the sight she must have portrayed and she felt her face flush with shame. And then she began to focus on what she had done earlier with Tyrell. Her sexual endorphins had returned from their peak and she became acutely aware that she had cheated on David multiple times with Tyrell. Along with that, she was sitting there naked on his couch at that moment.

She felt her eyes well up with tears at the reality of letting herself get out control and breaking her marriage vows, even if she had enjoyed the sex tremendously. Tyrell watched she brought her hands up to cover herself and then saw her look at him with sadness and confusion on her face. He slid over on the couch towards her and gently grabbed her wrists, preventing her from covering her tits.

He leaned in close to her and asked in that wonderful, low growl of his, "You thinking about your husband? You think you should feel bad for cheating on him? Girl, had he been treating you right, you would have got the loving you need from him. You got nothing to feel bad about."

Kelly wordlessly stared up into Tyrell's eyes, processing what he had just said. Yes she was thinking about David. And yes she was feeling bad about cheating on him. But David was not giving her the loving she needed. In fact, after being with Tyrell, she was debating whether she truly had experienced sex with David at all. Sure they had fucked, or rather made love as she quickly corrected herself. But it paled in comparison to the sex she and Tyrell enjoyed. Was she supposed to go without because her husband couldn't or wouldn't step up to the task?

Tyrell could almost see the thoughts running through her mind as they looked at one another. He nodded to simultaneously validate her thoughts and acknowledge to himself that she was a keeper.

As he witnessed her expression slowly shift from sorrow to a form of acceptance, Tyrell added, "And besides, I thought we already decided that I'm your husband when you're here." It should have been a question, but he didn't pose it as one; it was more a statement.

Kelly smiled at his comment and almost imperceptibly nodded her head in agreement.

Tyrell could feel the tension relax in her wrists which he was still holding and he continued, "Now let's stop worrying about the mother fucker who can't please you and start thinking about the one who can."

The bluntness and directness of those words were exactly what Kelly needed to hear to shake her from her malaise. "I'm sorry, I just..." and her voice trailed off as if embarrassed for reacting as she did. Tyrell smiled at her and, releasing her arms, stood. He didn't say a word. He was testing her. And the moment he felt her hands cup his sack and lift his cock to her lips, he knew she passed.

Kelly began to slowly suck Tyrell's cock, using it as almost a salve to heal her confused feelings. It didn't take many strokes of his cock across her tongue before her focus completely turned to sucking him off and away from her lawful husband David.

But Tyrell didn't want her to completely forget about David. He wanted her to acknowledge him and thus acknowledge her infidelity. Doing so would make her accept things that much easier and that much more intensely. So he began to bring up David's name.

"Damn babe, I can't believe white boy don't let you suck his cock. Motherfucker don't know how to treat his bitch, does he?"

Kelly was still struggling with her emotions and didn't want to answer. But Tyrell forced it. He grabbed her hair into a ponytail and used it to hold her still, his cock still between her lips. He said firmly, "I asked you a question."

Kelly directed her eyes up towards his and Tyrell could see the surrender in her gaze. He simply stared down at her and widened his eyes as if to say, "Well?" Kelly felt her head, almost involuntarily, begin to turn from side to side as a way of replying "No." And then she felt a burning need to say it. To confirm his suspicions about her husband. Maybe it was to ease her guilt. Maybe it was to put a measure of blame on David. Whatever the reason, she needed to acknowledge it.

Kelly pulled back just far enough to let his shaft slip from her lips. She felt a string of saliva drip to her chin as she did so. Then looking up at Tyrell, she answered him. "No. David doesn't know how to treat me. He doesn't let me suck his cock."

Tyrell gave a slight smile to her answer. His smile broadened as he felt her attempt to pull forward and watched as her mouth opened slightly to attempt to resume sucking his cock. He let her loiter there a moment, letting her see that he knew she wanted his cock. Then he completed her lesson for the day with this simple question, "But I do, don't I?"

As Kelly finished saying the word "Yes", Tyrell released her hair and let her take over. She cooed gently as he freed her and she took his cock back into her mouth. She felt her flesh tingle at the eroticism of the moment and felt the surge of adrenalin course through her body. She inhaled his scent and gave herself over to the moment....

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AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

I was waiting for something - anything - realistic about this story. Sadly, I was disappointed.

geniesleepgeniesleep20 days ago

Thank you Dee for a first great chapter as Kelly fell for Tyrell’s charms. Kelly needs to be taken, to be mastered and her wimp husband is not up to the task. I look forward to reading where Tyrell takes their sexual journey.

cannaecannae2 months ago

I’m not much for domination, but Kelly’s husband aggravates her with his milquetoast demeanor. Me too. Well-written well-edited. Bravo. Look forward to Kelly’s further adventures.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

A top, top story. Magic - thank you!


NaturalHammerNaturalHammer9 months ago

Loved it ... love the change in her. It felt possible and real. Thanks for taking the time to write it. Lets see how chapter 2 works out :).

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