Kelsey's World Ch. 36

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The gym, the shower, the locker room.
6.7k words

Part 36 of the 42 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/19/2016
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"Austin is still talking about you. You made one serious impression on him."

Barb and Wendy were on side-by-side elliptical machines at the gym, working up a shiny sweat.

"That's nice to hear," Wendy said, looking a little embarrassed. "How much does he tell you?"

"I get more out of him than you might think," Barb said. "He's easy to torture."

Wendy looked over at her friend. They were both breathing hard and sweating, but Barb looked like a sleek animal, like she could work that machine until the bearings all burned up. It was the same way she looked when she was over at the house for play night, absorbing Matt's cock like a thoroughbred.

It had been almost a month since Wendy and Matt were at Kay and Bobby's house, the night Ashley and Austin were there. Wendy was astonished by Austin that night, by his stunning 'young stud' looks and his sexual skills. She was just as astonished the next day, when Barb called her to see how the evening had gone, talking to her about Austin like he was one of the regular swingers. It struck Wendy odd, and in the weeks after that it all seemed odder. Wendy had a powerful suspicion that Barb was fucking Austin, but incest wasn't the kind of thing she was comfortable talking about.

"How long are we goin'?" Barb asked, as every muscle in her body worked the machine smoothly. She looked at her watch. "Another ten?"

"Jesus!" Wendy said. "Okay." She put her head down and tried to meditate into the effort and the movements. A drip of sweat fell from the tip of her nose.

Wendy drove out to Kelsey and the girls' house, thinking she'd find Richie there on a day he didn't have classes. It was a weekday and everyone else was working. Everyone but Austin. He had the evening shift at the sport center that day.

"Oh. Hi," she said when he answered the door in nothing but his skintight boxer-briefs. "Is that your car? I wasn't sure who was here."

"Hi Wendy. Yeah, that's mine."

"Where's Richie? I thought he'd be here today."

"He was. He just went over to Abby's I think."

"Shoot. Okay. Well, I'll just leave this. It's just a shirt I told him I was going to get."

"Okay. Come on in. Want a drink or something? How are you and Matt?"

"Oh. Okay, maybe just some water. I'm really dry all of the sudden. We're good. How's life treating you? I see your mom a lot."

"Oh, yeah, that's so cool you guys work out all the time," Austin said. He picked up a bottle of water off the counter, opened it and handed it to Wendy. "I was serious when I said I wanna sneak in there. Mom told me the shower's so fun with you."

Wendy looked surprised. "I still can't believe she told you that."

"Now I know why she likes it."


"Because you cum really nice."

Wendy looked surprised again, and her horny juices were starting to flow. "Did Kelsey teach you how to sell?"

"To sell?"

"Never mind. And why is your mother telling you those things?"

Austin shrugged his shoulders, like that kind of conversation with your mother is normal.

"I shouldn't be here..." Wendy said, letting her gaze drift down Austin's body, "...alone with you."

"Oh, sorry. I'll get dressed."

"No, that won't matter," Wendy said. "Knowing Richie might show up is enough to keep me in check."

"Too bad," Austin said. "I had a really good time."

"At Kay and Bobby's, you mean? I'd say good time is a vast understatement," Wendy said, her pretty face blushing pink.

Austin smiled in that way that made her melt. She was in trouble and had to get out of there. "You'll tell Richie I was here?"

"Sure. Stop by any time. It's really nice to see you."

Wendy bolted. "Bye Austin," hung in the air behind her.

The next morning, Koop was out in his yard, picking up twigs and raking up some of last year's leaves from around his shrubs. After a warmer that average February and March, spring had come early to upstate New York. Wendy saw him through her window, pulled on a light jacket and trotted over to talk to him.

"Hi Koop. So nice to be able to clean up early, huh?"

"Boy, I guess. That was my kind of winter. Easy."

"And warm," Wendy said, smiling coyly, thinking about the evenings they'd spent together.

"Nice and warm," Koop smiled.

"You know I'm new to everything, so I'm hoping you can help me figure something out," Wendy said, putting her nervous hands halfway into the front pockets of her tight jeans. "I'm getting a feeling that Barb and Austin are more than just mother and son..."

Koop let the question sit there for a few moments before speaking. "Wendy, I can't really talk about that. You should ask Barb. She'll tell you. She's in Kelsey's honesty is everything camp."

"So there's something worth asking about then?"

"Do me a favor, okay? Keep an open mind. I'd hate to see weird shit happen to all our friendships."

"Oh. Yeah. I wasn't freaked out about it or anything. Well, maybe a little, but not in a bad way. It's just that...well, I shouldn't say I guess. Oh, fuck, I'll tell you. Matt and I were with Kay and Bobby, and Austin was there, with a girl Kelsey knows. She's a daughter of one of the couples."


"Yeah! How did you know!"

"Other than Kelsey, she's the only daughter I know of. She was at the Christmas party."

"She was? Oh my God, and you've been with her?

"It's not so bad, Wendy. I'm only one step ahead of you guys."

"Wow," Wendy said, looking surprised. "It's all so mixed up, isn't it? Everybody's just fucking everybody."

"That's sort of how swinging works," Koop said, with a hint of a smile. "Isn't it what you expected?"

"Kind of, I guess. I guess I didn't really think it through. The just getting involved part took so much brain power..."

"Yeah, I had some overload, too, when Kelsey was steering me in," Koop smirked.

"It's funny, I knew Kelsey was swinging with the same people as her parents, and I knew Richie was involved and I somehow, oddly, came to grips with that, but the whole kids thing just leaves me scrambled. I can't wrap my head around it. Just how involved are they with their parents?"

"I shouldn't be the one to tell you," Koop said. He knew saying even that was too much, but he wanted to help Wendy out.

"Wow," she said, fidgeting more than she was. "Okay, yeah, you're right. I didn't mean to...I shouldn't be asking you. You're a sweet man, Koop. How come you and Barb don't get serious?"

"I don't know. I guess I'm not ready for someone steady. Do you think she is?"

"I don't know. She broke up with that Brett guy. I never liked him."

"I got a sandwich there the other day," Koop said. "That's a hell of a business he's got. People were lined up out the door."

"Yeah, that's why he's an asshole I think. He thinks he's God's gift to this town. It's just my opinion, but Barb's better off without him. She's got plenty of people who love her."

"Yeah she does. She's a sweetheart."

"They don't come along everyday, you know," Wendy smirked. "I'm just sayin'..."

Koop looked at the ground and raked up a few stray leaves. "Maybe it's the Austin thing."

"What, holding you back, you mean?"

Koop didn't respond right away, and he didn't look at Wendy. "Maybe. It'd be a little too weird for me. Not that swinging isn't already weird, but..."

"So there is something going on!"

"You didn't hear it from me, all right? And it's not like they're the only ones..."

"Oh my God! Kelsey? And Bobby?"

Koop was silent.

"Ashley and Rick?"

"That I don't know," Koop said. "She's kind of new to everything, so..."

"Yeah, I thought that about her. Well, she told us she was new. No, I don't think she's too involved with her parents yet. She told me her mother's been guiding her. I guess Donna was worried about her and got her involved to help her self esteem. Did you know she's lost fifty pounds since high school?"

"Ashley? Wow, that's great."

Koop took a few more swipes around the bushes with his rake, and Wendy thought about the bombshells that were dropping. If Austin and Kelsey were sexually involved with their parents, Richie must know about it. That little revelation raised goosebumps from Wendy's head to her toes. When she decided to get involved with swinging she had a feeling it was going to be complicated, but incest wasn't something she'd ever thought about.

Wendy saw Koop's elderly next door neighbor watching through a window. She was glad it wasn't warm enough for the woman to be listening, too. "I better go, we've got eyes on us."

"Marylou?" Koop said, glancing her way. "She's harmless."

"She's a gossip. Do you really want the whole neighborhood to know...what we do?"

"Wouldn't bother me," Koop smiled. "I guess Kelsey's finally turned me."

Wendy looked a little surprised. "I guess! You easy goin' guy, you!"

Koop shrugged. "Makes life easier. Why worry?"

Wendy's eyes flared with excitement. "Maybe I should fuck you right here in the front yard."

"If you strip first, I'm in," Koop smiled.

Wendy giggled. She wondered if old Marylou had any idea what they were talking about.

The next day at the gym was quiet and a little awkward. Wendy and Barb had shifted to a morning routine, due to a change in Barb's work schedule at the dentist office. They missed the flirty workouts with Bobby and Albert, but they had to admit they were putting more effort into their exercises without the distractions.

The gym was often nearly empty when they got there. Spring's warmer temperatures meant they could wear their workout clothes under a jacket, so they were able to get right down to business. When they were done Barb usually had work to get to, so she brought her white uniform dress with her and changed into it after a shower in the locker room. Wendy enjoyed their showers together, so she always brought a change of clothes, too.

"Talked to Koop yesterday," Wendy said, warming up with some stretches, just moments after they'd walked though the door. She watched as Barb did some toe touches, admiring the nice cleavage on display.

"How is he?" Barb asked.

"He said he'd like to get his hands on those more often," Wendy said, gesturing with her eyes at Barb's softly moving breasts.

"He did not! Did he?"

"Not in so many words, but..." Wendy did some sideways reaches toward the floor, stretching out her core. "He said he'd fuck me on his front lawn if I stripped first."

Barb giggled. "Now that, girlfriend, you should do."

Wendy giggled, too. Both women did some torso rotations with their hands on their hips.

"We were talking about how crazy our lives are since we met Kelsey," Wendy continued. "Koop said it's funny how he's gotten so used to everything."

"I know," Barb said. "Normal isn't normal anymore."

They moved from the floor mats to the elliptical machines, stepping onto two of them, side by side.

"Help me understand something." Wendy said, looking around to make sure they were still alone. "Being at a get together, or a party, with Austin there. How do you do it?"

Barb was already at cruising speed on her machine. "Oh. Yeah. That was a serious hurdle to get over. There was some real awkwardness for a while. You won't be surprised to hear it was Kelsey who stepped in and made it work. Kay helped, too, at the first party. It seems almost mysterious how it all came together."

"Came together? We've really gotta watch how we word things," Wendy chuckled. "You wouldn't 'cum together' with your son...would you?"

Wendy looked genuinely curious, and Barb looked concerned. She wanted to tell Wendy about Austin's significance in her sexual life, but she didn't know if Wendy was ready to hear about it, or if she ever would be. The problem was, pretty much everyone knew except Wendy and Matt. And Wendy had a son in the game, too. It was a delicate subject.

"Let's take a break," Barb said, letting her machine come to a stop. Wendy knew there was something of consequence happening, because they hadn't even broken a sweat yet. She climbed off her machine and followed Barb to a bench where they sat down, far from the front desk and far from a woman on a treadmill, the only other person working out.

"You already know what I'm going to tell you, don't you," Barb said.

"I...think so," Wendy said. "I'm shocked that I'm not shocked."

"You're not? I think I would be, if I was you. You know, I could easily blame it on Kelsey, and rightfully so, she led Austin and me like sheep to the slaughter. But that wouldn't be fair to her. I'm his mother. I get to choose. And I guess I did."

"And Kelsey? She and Bobby...?"

"Yup. She and Kay, too, but that's different I guess." Barb looked Wendy in the eye. "I'll understand if you need to hate me for this. Jesus, I'm having sex with your neighbor, your husband, your son, and my own son. Anything male that moves, it seems like. Could I be any more of a slut?" Tears welled in Barb's eyes.

"Oh, no Barb!" Wendy said. She opened her arms and hugged her friend. "I'm never going to hate you! You're one of the best things that's ever happened to me."

"God! I've dreaded telling you about this," Barb said, sniffling and wiping a tear. "I don't know why."

"Who knows about it?"

"Everyone. There's been parties since it started. It's all out in the open. Kay calls it family swinging. She loves it and makes it seem like the best thing. It is, as long as we're in our group, but outside, in the real makes me nervous I guess. Only when I over think it. Actually it's...kind of amazing. I've never felt love so deeply."

"Careful how you word things, sister! Jeeze!"

Both women giggled, breaking the tension.

"Austin, he's an amazing kid," Barb said. "He loves women so. More than any man I've met. He's totally smitten with you, girl! If you two were closer in age there'd be trouble. He'd be sweeping you right off your feet. Best if you don't tell Matt that, probably."

Wendy looked happily amazed. "No, I won't. Where did he get it from? Was his father that way?"

"Oh, yeah. That was our downfall. I've never admitted this before, but he really loved the other women he cheated on me with. Real live love. Loved me, too, at the same time. I mean, how can you argue with that? I did. I couldn't handle it at the time, but looking back...we should have just become swingers. I bet we'd still be happily married today. Monogamous sex just isn't in some people's makeup. I'm one of them, I'm slowly realizing."

"I've never really looked at it that way before, but I can see it," Wendy said.

"So, best girlfriend, I gotta ask something, or it'll just fester. I know it would have been easier for me when I was trying to figure it all out if I'd had a dialog with someone other than Kelsey and her one track mind. What are you gonna do about Richie? With him in the middle of everything it's going to be hard to avoid."

"I know," Wendy said, sighing. "It's best to talk about it, I guess. God, I never thought this would come up in my life."

"I know, right? Let me just throw this out there — if you guys all stay within the same group, and I hope you all do, it'll be hard to avoid seeing him, and him seeing you, but beyond that it's your call."

"Him seeing me I hadn't really thought of," Wendy said. "That's kind of freaking me out."

"I know, right? That was the big one for me, too. It happened in stages, thanks to Kelsey and Kay, and it was all so dreamy I still don't know what was real and what wasn't. Maybe I shouldn't say this, but if it helps, Richie's already seen you with Matt. He got pretty turned on by it."

Wendy's eyes opened big. "When! He watched us?"

"I don't know, a couple months ago I guess. I can't remember all the details. I think Richie said you gave Matt a blowjob in the kitchen, and then he fucked you on the table? Does that sound right?"

Wendy was speechless. She nodded her head.

"You remember that?" Barb asked.

"Yes. I do. Richie must have been outside the door?"

"Yeah, something like that. I think maybe he forgot something and went back? I don't know. Doesn't matter. What matters is the ice is already broken, right?


"Trust me, it is. That would have helped me, a lot. The next hurdle is cutting loose on another guy's big cock where Richie can see you. Believe me when I say it'll be as hot for Richie as it is for you."

Wendy looked stunned. "Have you been taking lessons from Kelsey on how to talk people into things? You're pretty damn good at it."

"Sorry, I shouldn't be doing that. It's all your decision. I'll talk to Kelsey if you want everyone to stay out of your business."

"No. It seems funny to say it, but it feels communal. Is that how you felt?"

"Yup. That's the perfect word for it. Everybody's in it together. I kinda love it."

"I don't know how I'm going to talk to Matt about this," Wendy said.

"Yeah, I got off easy. No partner does have its advantages sometimes."

"This is crazy," Wendy said. "The mid-life hornies are turning my life upside down."

"It's kinda great, right?" Barb smiled.

Wendy stood barefoot in front of her stove, stirring a sauté for dinner. "Remember that day when we had that talk with Richie here in the kitchen, about us getting involved with Barb?"

"Sure," Matt said. "Yeah, that went well, I thought, right?"

"He came back after he left. We didn't see him, but he saw us."

"What do you mean?" Matt asked, and then the expression on his face changed. "Ohhh!"

"Yeah. Ohhh!" Wendy said. "Barb told me. He saw me blow you, and he saw you fuck me. Right there," she said, gesturing at the shear lace curtain on the door to the garage. "Ten feet away."

"Wow," Matt said. "Well that's new."

"I had a long talk with Barb. I was asking how she dealt with having Austin at the parties."


Wendy stirred the food mindlessly, avoiding eye contact with Matt. "I don't know if you're really gonna want to hear this, but I'm just gonna keep talking. It turns out Austin and Bobby are just regular men at the parties, and Barb and Kelsey are just regular women. There's no...barriers..."

Matt understood, and his cock swelled in his pants. "So they...just..."

Wendy stirred. The food was ready, so she took two plates out of the cupboard, put them on the counter and scooped the saute out of the pan. Not saying anything was just intensifying the awkwardness, but neither she nor Matt knew what to say.

She brought the food to the table where Matt was sitting with his after-work beer. The silence continued. Wendy tried to read the look on Matt's face. She could tell his mind was working.

Matt avoided eye contact. He tucked right in to the good tasting food, even though it was too hot. He thought about Austin's big cock fucking Barb, and his own cock grew even more in his pants, straining his zipper. He was glad the lump was hidden under the table where Wendy couldn't see it. A vision of Kelsey riding her father came into his mind, with a smile on her face and her big tits bouncing. A sip of beer washed down the garlicky chicken.

"It's kind of ridiculously hot, isn't it," he said, looking at his plate as he took another mouthful.

"Well don't just keep shoveling it in!"

"No. I mean..."

"Oh," Wendy said. "Yeah... It is."

"So, you were asking Barb about this because...we'll be at a party with Richie eventually?"

"Yes. I was wondering how she handled it. Now I know. Now we know."

Matt ate another forkful.

"Barb said Kay calls it family swinging," Wendy said. "I guess maybe it's a thing." She didn't want to look at Matt, for fear of her eyes giving away too much excitement.

"Family swinging? That's a little out there, isn't it? But to be perfectly honest with you, thinking about Barb and Austin, and Bobby and kind of turns me on. Is that awful?"