Key to a Party Pt. 04


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"Sure, you can have one of the guest rooms," I said as I stood up, quite unsteady on my feet. She caught me before I fell and held me close to her. Her body against me felt nicely feminine and she smelled good too, although I couldn't bring myself to feel aroused at that time.

"I know you probably don't feel like anything sexual Ben, but would you like me to sleep with you? Perhaps having a warm female body to hold might just help you to sleep. What do you think, it's up to you, I don' t want to push?"

"Err ... yeah, I guess so," was my less than enthusiastic response. I kind of led her on wobbly legs down our hallway to the main bedroom, her arm supporting me.

When we got in there and headed toward the bed, she asked, "What side do you want?"

"That's my side over there."

"Ok, wherever you're comfortable, I'll jump in here then."

I walked around my bed unaided and by the time I got to that side, I turned back to see that Joanne had stripped down to her bra and panties. In my alcoholic haze, I stood there for a moment just taking in the sight of this younger woman - and mother - in her lingerie. Even with a couple of drinks at the party plus 3 double scotches here, she looked damn good ... or was it because of all that I had consumed? She was quite an attractive woman although I can't say that I had noticed her at either of the previous two key parties.

With her back to me, she continued undressing, easing the cups of her bra forward from her breasts. As she slipped her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and began to lower them, revealing the smooth compact cheeks of her bum, she turned to see me watching her. I hadn't even started to undress.

With no apparent embarrassment, she said, "I hope you don't mind Ben, I always sleep in the nude."

"No, that's ok," I mumbled a little incoherently perhaps. Immediately, I felt the need to catch up, beginning to unbutton my shirt, then struggling to unbuckle my belt. I unzipped my trouser fly, finally adding in a clearer voice a belated "So do I" in reference to her comment about sleeping nude.

I got my shoes and socks off, shucked my trousers down and finally feeling a little self-conscious with her laying there in my bed watching my every move, I dropped my boxers to reveal my own nakedness. Joanne was lying on her side facing me but her expression revealed nothing, neither approval nor disapproval at the sight of my cock, mainly dormant but perhaps an inch more than flaccid, possibly from seeing her naked. I slipped in under the sheets, reaching out to turn off the lights as I lay on my back, nervously conscious of the naked woman lying under the covers alongside and facing me.

Should I turn toward her or away from her? Is she expecting sex and will she be disappointed if I fall asleep? What about me, do I want sex, but if I decide I do and I try, what if she rebuffs me? I was very conflicted. Oh my God, such decisions and my brain was overloaded after learning so humiliatingly about Susan's latest indiscretion.

I did not normally sleep on my back so the position felt unusual. I listened to the woman next to me breathing, wondering what was going through her mind. The room was very dark, no moonlight coming in the window tonight. After a couple of minutes of silence except for the sound of Joanne breathing, she suddenly spoke, startling me, "Would you prefer me to face the other way?"

"Err ... no, it's all good, either way you feel comfortable with."

I felt her hand snake across my bare belly, but somehow avoiding touching my cock. She grasped the hip furthest from her, "Do you sleep on your back or would you rather roll over this way?"

I allowed her to pull my body up onto my side to face her, "Yeah sure, this is how I usually sleep."

"Nothing expected Ben, it's all about you tonight, not me." It was like she could read what was going through my mind, "I am trying to understand the hurt you're going through and help you cope ... help you to sleep. I feel somehow responsible because it's my foolish husband that has screwed up your marriage. I want to help you through it. We can just hug and hopefully having me here to hold may help you get some sleep."

She left her arm slung over my hip and pressed her own body in closely against mine. My nearly flaccid cock seemed to fall against one of her upper thighs. With our naked bodies pressed together, our faces were close too - I could feel her breathing on mine. Her body did feel good with her breasts pressed against my chest. We lay innocently that way as I tried to clear my head sufficiently to find sleep.

But I found having a different naked woman in such close contact with my body from head to toe was quite a distraction. My cock began to twitch, seemingly of its own doing. I was embarrassed and willed it to stop but the more I thought about the effect her body was having on mine, the more it twitched. She had to be feeling that, particularly when I started to stiffen.

Rather than roll away from her, I actually lifted one arm and placed it around her back to match her arm that was slung over my hip. I felt a bit of wetness on her upper thigh and realised that it had to be my leaking pre-cum. I pondered what to do next? At the rate of expansion, I would soon have a full-blown erection. The only sound was still her breathing, I tried to detect whether she was still awake.

The movement of the arm across my hip confirmed that she was. That hand squeezed down between our bellies and grasped a hold of my growing cock. She raised one leg, bending it at the knee and flung it over my hip, her heel lodging behind my knees. Opened up as she was now, I felt her guide my now half-erection between her outer labia lips. She was wet too. Her hand let go of me, but placed in such a sexual position I couldn't help but push my tip up through her wetness and back. Joanne emitted a distinct moan and the hand that had placed my cock there folded back over my hip and grasped my arse to pull me even closer.

Sliding my cock-head up and down through her wet slit caused my cock to reach full extension and soon I was thrusting a hard erection within her pussy, its tip hitting her clitoral bud, eliciting excited gasps from the naked woman in my bed.

"Is this what you want Ben? You don't have to but it feels nice."

"No I'm not ... I, err, I want it so bad. Susan and I don't do it much lately."

"That's good then, if you really want it, then I'm here for you Ben."

"I'm worried it won't be good for you Joanne. I think it's the drink, I just want to cum."

She managed to roll us over so that I lay on top of her now. I raised my upper body clear of her chest. "I told you Ben that I'm here for you. I wouldn't normally say this to any man, but tonight I'm a receptacle for you ... just do what feels good for you."

I attempted to manoeuvre my hips to lodge my cock-head at her vaginal entrance without using my hands. That failed and I felt her hands between us, steering my tip to where it should be. I thrust my hips forward and felt half of my now full erection lodge inside her passage. She grunted, perhaps from the force of my push and I told her "Sorry!"

"That's ok Ben, I'm good with this, just do it."

I thrust firmly once more. She gave another expressive grunt and I was in ... I hoped that I hadn't hurt her.

"Just do it, however you want," she urged, her arms enfolding around my back, her thighs spread, her lower legs wrapped over the back of my thighs. I accepted Joanne's generous offer and went for it. No more foreplay, no easing into it ... I just kicked straight into top gear and ploughed my cock in and out of her vaginal sheath. It felt good, the best I had felt all night.

Although I'd had trouble walking after 3 double scotches, I managed to drive in and out of Joanne's body like a piston, building into a hard rhythm. She began to sound like she might be starting to enjoy it herself, but too late. My emotions and my libido were out of control. I felt my release suddenly close and I selfishly went for it ... Joanne did tell me to do that. I could think of nothing else but getting my rocks off and I did in a towering climax that drove spasms of my cum deep inside this woman.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry," I mumbled in reference to my quick finish as I lifted my dead weight off of her body and rolled back onto my side.

"That's ok Ben, I told you to do that, not to worry about anything else. You look like you needed that."

"Oh yes I did, you've been so good to me tonight Joanne." She must know that was the drink talking, even I did.

Whether this woman had planned for that to happen all along, I will never know. But it worked. I quickly dropped into a deep slumber that carried me through until 8 on Sunday morning. I awoke with a start, needing to pee. As I rose on still unsteady feet and with a headache, I looked around. Joanne wasn't there but I spotted a handwritten note on my pillow. Reading it would have to wait until I emptied my bladder.

Returning from the bathroom, I sat on the side of the bed and read Joanne's letter:


I am writing this at 7 as I am about to head home, I need to pick up my kids from my parents before 9. It looks like my methods worked and you had a good sleep, you needed that. You also looked like you needed the sexual relief and I was pleased to help out there too. Good luck with sorting out your marriage. I would like to help you more but I don't think I have the spare time other than on the phone. I have two young kids to look after and a job that keeps me very busy.

Your new friend, Joanne xox

I took a shower and something for my headache. I dressed and went to the kitchen to get myself some breakfast. I was part way through eating my toast when I heard the sound of a car on our driveway. I dashed to the window to see what I assumed was Brad's car reversing off our driveway. I made it back to my chair before Susan appeared in the doorway.

She didn't look her usual best, she looked to have been been crying, her dress was crumpled and her hair was in some sort of disarray. "Hi Ben," she mumbled.

"Hello," I responded coldly.

She came over to the table and slumped into a chair across from me. Up close, I spotted two love bites on her neck above the collar of her dress, one large bruise on each side. They were new, not a good start to our inevitable confrontation.

"That's not a good look for a married woman unless your husband gave them to you ... and I know I didn't."

"What?" she looked quizzical as if she didn't know Brad had marked her in passion. She brought one hand up to touch her neck when she saw where I was looking. "What's there?"

"Looks like Brad branded you as his."

"Oh God, did he mark me?"

"You don't remember?"

"No, I ... err, well maybe ... sort of."

"I hope he was worth it Susan because he's just ended our marriage."

"Can we talk about that Ben?"

"What's to talk about? You knew you were skating on thin ice after telling me all about Terry, so then you go and start up with another guy. What am I supposed to do now, toss this job in and move to another town where you can start up with some other horny guy?"

My wife began to cry. Not just cry, the tears came and she sat there sobbing. When I offered no sympathy and her sobbing ran its course, she attempted an apology, "I am so sorry Ben, I never intended to do anything like that again, not after Terry. It's just that Brad came around one day and I made the mistake of letting him into the house so that the neighbours wouldn't see him standing on our doorstep. He wouldn't leave and it just happened."

"It just happened and it's all Brad's fault. You just went along with it, eh?"

"Same feelings as Terry, Ben. I was home all day, I was bored and he was a horny guy who took the time to make me feel good."

"And I don't these days?"

"Not like you used to Ben."

"Ok, so now it's also my fault. When are you going to take some responsibility for your actions Susan?"

"I do Ben, I know it was wrong and it did only happen a couple of times."

"Oh, only twice ... well that's quite alright then. It has to be more than twice to ruin a marriage, doesn't it?"

"I was going to stop it before it became like Terry."

"But you never got around to stopping it before you were found out? Susan, I can only assume that someone - maybe our neighbours - has seen you with Brad and if they hadn't, this could have gone on for as long as Terry."

"It wouldn't have. Brad was just an exciting adventure that deep down I knew could never last."

"I am guessing that you also thought of Terry as an adventure. So what did you two do last night? As if it wasn't bad enough that you had been found out, running off like that was not a good look. You knew that the game was up, that I knew but instead of staying to try to explain yourself then, you fled for one more night of hot sex."

"It's not like that Ben, oh you make it sound so horrible."

"Well, how would you describe it."

"We both had to get out of there, it was so embarrassing being called out like that in front of all those people. I didn't know where to look when Alan and Glenda were telling everyone about us."

"Oh, embarrassment for you, eh? How do you think I felt Susan, I was humiliated in front of all these people? I looked like a goose not knowing that his wife was running around with the local stud. So where did you two spend the night?"

"At Brad's house!"

"Was that wise?"

"Probably not but we didn't know where to go. We thought of one of the local motels but Brad said they all closed their reception at ten o'clock."

"Well, he'd know."

"We didn't really do anything at his house."

"Oh really, just sat around talking, how respectable is that? Do you think I'm just plain stupid Susan? The two of you alone in his house and the way you've been going at it, you expect me to believe that you two didn't take advantage of one more time together?"

My wife suddenly snapped, "Ok, of course you're right Ben. Of course we did, we fucked like crazy all night long. I even let him have my arse, he's been wanting me to try anal so I at last let him have me there. And I enjoyed it Ben."

I stood up, "Get out of my sight, go pack your things and get out of the house. I don't want to see or hear you anymore."

That brought on more sobbing. This time she was uncontrollable for 20 minutes or more. I left the kitchen and went to our bedroom. I took two large suitcases from the wardrobe and began throwing her clothes into it.

She left the house by 11 that morning and I haven't seen her since. I know she's been back when I'm not there to collect more stuff. I have no idea where she's living. I know it's not with Brad because I had a call from Joanne to check on how I was and she said he was very contrite and couldn't do enough for her. Yes, my Susan picked a bad one.

So I was all alone for the first time in my life. I had lived with my family until I was 18, then roomed with others in college and with a buddy until I met Susan and we moved in together. The weekend after Susan left, our two kids came to visit me to check that I was ok. I did hear from them later that their mother had returned to our old hometown, maybe to take up with Terry again. Do I care? NO!

The end of my marriage would have been the end of the story, but then the strangest thing happened. Just two weeks after the key party and the big blow-up and me kicking Susan out of our house, I got a Sunday night phone call.


A very feminine voice was on the other end, "Oh Ben, it's Megan here, hopefully you remember me from the party."

My demeanour brightened, "Oh yes I sure do, how are you Megan?"

"Ben, I am just ok, thank you. I ... err, I, I'm not used to saying this to people yet, I'm not sure if there's a right way to say it, but my ... err, my husband, I told you about him."

I did recall, Megan told me he was 60 and she was - I think - 29. She was the beautiful redhead that I had such a good time with after the second key party.

She went on, "He ... err, he had a heart attack yesterday morning and died."

"Oh Megan, I am so sorry to hear that. Is there anything that I can do to help?"

"Well yes, there is actually, that's why I called. I didn't get a chance to talk to you at that last key party ... it was quite eventful and I felt so sorry for you. I intended to call you to offer my sympathy. Someone told me that you and your wife broke up."

"Yes Megan, that's true. I am on my own now."

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about Ben. I need a date for the funeral, do you think you could come with me?"

"A date, what do you mean a date?"

"Well, I'm on my own. His sons hate that I will get most of the inheritance so I expect some unpleasantness. A date is not the right word, but I need a strong man to lean on during and after the funeral and I was hoping that you might be that man Ben. I really liked you that night we had together."

It was a strange request, but I decided to accept. I escorted her to the funeral, we travelled together in one of the black limos from the funeral home, we sat together in the chapel and I offered her a clean handkerchief when her obligatory tears flowed. I was by her side at the wake. I could see that her relationship with her stepsons was decidedly frosty, but they never came over to hassle her ... possibly because of my presence.

Before the last of the guests had left the wake, she took a firm hold of my arm, "Ben, let's get out of here?"

"Sure," I agreed and called for a cab that was there in 5 minutes. "Where do you want to go?" I asked Megan once we were settled in the back seat.

"Your place," she said with a mischievous smile, once again taking hold of my arm.

We have seldom spent a night apart since that day. It's been 3 months now and Megan and I are in a de facto relationship. We split our time between my humble suburban cottage and the incredible two-storey mansion that she previously shared with her late husband and we have sex every night. I will be there to support her when the court battles begin with her two stepsons over the spoils of the estate.

The End

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Emma2009Emma20095 months ago

An excellent story, very well written and full of conflicting emotions. I was wondering how they would get caught and the key party was perfect. The fact that Susan left with Brad and spent the night proves that after 20 years of marriage she really didn’t care about anything but herself. At the end, Ben wound up with Megan, happily I hope. I hope that Joanne, who seemed to be a good heart gets rid of Brad. As for Susan, by the time she hits 55 or so, she will be alone and regret bitterly what she did. Great work!

ReadyOneReadyOne6 months ago

The main character broke character at the key party when it became obvious that his wife had set him up. He wouldn't have stayed, and the "embarrassment" wouldn't have been his.


Once out the door, I can't say martial life would have been bliss since she had not yet confessed her affair before they moved, but having sandbaged him, she was on perilous grounds and he would have started deeply questioning her for his spouse.


If the key party fiasco didn't cause her to reevaluate her life / relationship, then divorce probably filed bt him as he moved back west.

SarahwithloveSarahwithlove8 months ago

Susan was a horrible wife and hopefully suffers from it. Men have everything to lose when attending these parties because there is always a Mr. Fantastic behind the next door to give the wife a better experience that she will remember. Never believe the hype. Good story and the story was laid out skillfully. My problem with some of these stories, and it is my issue and not a knock on the writer, is that I am often more intrigued with the relationship and marital conflict, that I skim over the sex scenes until I am back to the main couple once again. I did that here on two occasions. I don't do that in any other category except LW. Anybody else do that or am I just a freak? (OK, I know I am a freak, but I mean the bad kind of freak this time

InfosaugerInfosaugerover 2 years ago

Well, I'm sure the MC doesn't care what happened to his wife, but I would like to know. Are they divorced now? It was never mentioned. And did she hook up with Terry?

WargamerWargamerover 2 years ago

Yeah, not too bad, read this sometime back, rated it 4/5, have seen no reason to change that score

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