Kinky Virgins: Consummation

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Chris and Renee consummate their relationship.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


All sexually active characters are at least 18.


Renee hung up the phone smiling from ear to ear. She had just confirmed her first date as a couple with Chris - a simple walk around downtown. She had suggested it since it was such a nice day out and she wanted to savor the last of summer before Fall truly set in.

She set the phone down, twirled and went to her room to pick out her clothes. She had just gotten off work from her mother's bakery and was still wearing her uniform and the sweat she acquired from working in a hot kitchen all morning. After she settled on a simple but cute outfit - tight blue jean short shorts that were ripped in the thighs and a pale pink tank top - she stripped, walked naked from her bedroom to the bathroom and had a quick shower.

She made sure her body was shaved smooth everywhere but her head and went back to her room. Renee sang under her breath merrily as she readied herself, applying lotion, perfume and other essentials. She put on the outfit she had picked then admired herself in the mirror one last time before exiting to her car to pick up Chris.

With butterflies in her tummy, she parked at his building and made her way up to his room. She knocked on the door and waited a few moments. No answer. She knocked again and waited about a half minute. Figuring Chris should have heard her knocking and that it shouldn't have taken long to traverse the small dorm room, Renee turned the doorknob and stepped in.

From just outside the bathroom door she could hear the shower running and inferred that Chris left his dorm room door unlocked so she could wait inside. She knocked on the bathroom door and shouted, "Hey, just letting you know I'm out here." She walked the couple of feet to the little chair that was stationed at his desk, pulled it out, turned it around and sat down.

After a few minutes Renee heard the water shut off and Chris walked out moments later. They both jumped as he came around the corner completely naked and dripping wet.

"Oh! I didn't know you were here!"

"I'm sorry, I thought you heard me come in," They spoke almost simultaneously as Chris covered his manhood and Renee put her hand over her eyes. Her butterflies turned into eagles as she sat just feet away from her naked new boyfriend, the mental photograph of Chris's cock tempting her to reopen her eyes.

Chris's heart was pounding in his chest. He didn't expect to be seen naked the first time they were in the same room as a couple. "Uh.. let me grab my towel and stuff and I'll go change in the bathroom. Stay like that, OK," Chris said nervously while walking over to his dresser. He took a towel, boxer briefs, and a wife beater out of the drawer, turned and headed back the bathroom.

Renee couldn't help but sneak another peek through her fingers as Chris walked past her and noticed his cock was now half hard. She blushed and smiled as she heard the bathroom door shut again. She shook her head at her brief moment of naughtiness and took the time to get her mind out of the gutter.

Chris came back out dry wearing his blue briefs and black tank top. "So, that was pretty awkward," Chris chuckled as he walked toward his bed next to the desk.

"Yeah... I didn't expect you to immediately flash me your junk as soon as you saw me. If I'd have known you were gonna strip for me I would have brought some singles," Renee quipped sarcastically while Chris reached under the bed for his laundry bag. They both laughed at the jest.

"Well, I didn't expect you to be sitting in my room like a creepy stalker either," he rebutted with a smile. Renee watched as Chris bent down to to put his towel in the laundry bag, noting how the blue cotton hugged his muscular butt and upper thighs. She unconsciously bit the corner of her lip as she admired her boyfriend's physique.

Chris stood and turned to find Renee's eyes transfixed on his mid section. He just smiled and stood there a few moments, loving how his gorgeous best friend was admiring his body. "See anything you like, sis?" Chris said, snapping Renee out of her daydream. She blushed and smiled up at him.

"I'm sorry, Chrissy, but it's you who keeps flashing me. I can see your thing through your underwear, y'know." They both looked down at the bulge in Chris's briefs which outlined his lengthy cock which began to grow slowly. He turned around quickly and fished his cargo shorts and a T-shirt out of the drawer. Renee snickered and then waited patiently as he got ready. Now fully dressed, Chris signaled that he was ready to go and they left.

The car ride had been quiet for a couple minutes then Chris broke the silence, "do you think it's weird that I called you 'sis'?"

"What do you mean?"

"I called you 'sis' back at my dorm. I probably shouldn't since we're together now, right?"

Renee thought for a second, still concentrating on the road, "well, you've been calling me that since like 11th grade, so it didn't strike me as weird or anything. Why? Does it make you uncomfortable?"

"No. I thought it would make you uncomfortable."

"Not at all. We've been friends for a long time so that doesn't bother me," Renee replied.

"Good. Because... I still think of you as my best friend and I don't want us to ever lose that part," Chris said nervously.

"Aww, Chrissy," Renee sighed and grabbed his hand, interlocking their fingers palm to palm. "You're always gonna be my little bro. No matter what. This just adds another level of affection to our friendship," she said while lifting Chris's hand to her lips and giving it a gentle kiss. Chris then smiled and matched her gesture, loving the idea of simply deepening their friendship rather than dramatically changing it.

Chris couldn't help but stare at Renee's beautiful plump thighs as she focused on the road. They were so smooth looking, golden brown and slightly glistening with lotion. He licked his lips as his cock began to stir in his shorts. He then began to look up her voluptuous body to her breasts, taking in the sight of the round globes, noting that her nipples poked outward through her top. Chris looked up and down her body a few times before he noticed Renee beginning to smile widely and turn to him.

"See anything you like, bro?" Renee chuckled mockingly.

"Absolutely. As a matter of fact I like everything I see right now." He smiled back brightly.

"So do I sweetie. I have been wanting you for so long and now I finally have you." Renee smiled beautifully at him before adding, "but what took you so long to tell me how you felt?"

"The basics; fear, anxiety and doubt," He said dryly and laughed. He then thought for a second. "How long have you been waiting?"

"About a year now. And I swear, if you hadn't made a move when you did I would have become a lesbian," She chuckled.

"Wow... So I'm your last hope, huh... Well that really alleviates the aforementioned fear and anxiety," Chris stated sarcastically, laughing heartily.

"Its just that all the other guys are jerks..."

"All of them? Every single one?"

"Yep. All of them are jerks except my Chrissy," Renee said and then kissed his hand again before placing it palm down on her thigh and then putting her hand on top.

"Most guys see me and all they want is sex. And there's nothing wrong with sex - Its natural to want to have sex with someone you like or love - but no guy has ever just gotten to know me as a person before wanting it. They always just want to... 'smash' or whatever the first chance they get. It's disgusting. But you were different. You got to know me, became my best friend, now were together and I'm sure sex will come into the picture naturally like it's supposed to," Renee explained.

Chris hummed in thoughtful agreement before jesting, "Well, I'm just here to smash too. You're just falling for my four-year-long sex heist. My plan was to ignore you and let you force your way into my life, then make you fall for me by doing absolutely nothing impressive, then wait patiently for you to let your guard down... Then boom! Sex."

"Well, thanks for letting me know your diabolical plan before we had sex, genius," Renee said giggling loudly.

They continued to talk and laugh the whole way. Renee finally parked in a structure in the midst of downtown and the couple got out and began walking hand in hand. They walked for a while among the tall buildings, conversing and merrily enjoying each other's company in the late summer warmth. They were getting hungry and decided to eat at a pizza place not far from where they were. When they got there, they chose a patio table since it was still so nice out, though the sun was starting to go down.

The couple began to eat silently, ankles interlocked with one another's underneath the table and sporadically looking into each other's eyes and exchanging smiles. Chris noticed Renee's nipples pointing out prominently from behind her tank top. His cock began to twitch at the sight and the situation as well. "So, I know your're a virgin, but what other stuff have you done with a girl?" Renee finally asked.

Chris took a swig of his sprite before answering, "not much. I've felt a few girls up but that's about it."

"Not even a kiss?" asked Renee.

Chris sighed and admitted, "not even a kiss," then looked down shamefully.

"No, Chrissy, don't feel bad. I love that you're so innocent. It just means we'll have to learn everything together. It'll be great!" She said cheerfully, lifting Chris's spirits.

"Wait, so you haven't done anything with a guy either?" Chris asked curiously.

"Nope," Renee answered between bites.

"Not even a kiss?"

"No. Not a guy anyway."

Chris's eyes went wide. "So with a girl!?"

"Wow. Can you sound a little more excited about that? It was just a kiss and it really doesn't count anyway."

Chris took a bite of his Philly cheese steak pizza, thinking as he chewed and swallowed. "Why does it not count? You didn't really like her or...?"

She took a sip of Coke to wash down the bacon ranch pizza she was working on. "Well... OK... promise you won't judge me?"

"Of course. This is a judgement free zone."

Renee sighed and then explained, "Me and Mia kind of made out a few times over the summer. I asked her to teach me how to kiss so she showed me and then we practiced a few times after that. She said I'm pretty good." Renee then smiled up at Chris, noticing the expression of shock if not excitement on his face.

"You mean your older cousin Mia? Sex therapist Mia?" Chris asked to be completely sure.

"Yup. But like I said, it was just practice. Nothing you need to worry about," Renee assured him while giggling gaily.

"I know but... Wow... well... cool, maybe you can teach me then," Chris stated, trying not to let on that he was both befuddled and getting turned on.

"Will do," Renee said smiling and winking.

The two continued to converse while completing their meals as the sun went down. Once finished, Chris paid the check and they headed back to the car, Chris's arm around Renee's tight waist. When they got to the car, Chris volunteered to drive back to his place and opened the door for Renee before getting in the driver's seat.

Renee wrapped herself around Chris's arm as he drove, acutely aware of the position landed his hand in - right between her bare thighs. She leaned into him and crossed her legs, squeezing his hand with her thighs, getting turned on by the feel of his warm hand between her legs, his body scent that she was secretly inhaling deeply, and the sheer love she had for him. She was enchanted.

Beginning to feel a little risky thanks to the tingling building up in her center, Renee asked, "You wanna know what I did last night after you called?"

"Yeah, what did you do?" Chris asked,

"I played with myself while thinking about you." Renee stated sexily, squeezing herself tighter to his muscular arm. "I couldn't help myself. I was so horny. I just started touching myself and it felt so good. I just lost control and started sniffing my panties and I even ended up stuffing them in my mouth. I don't even know why I did that and I know its weird, but I loved it. I think I had my first orgasm," Renee began to squirm in her seat at the fond memory, her pussy beginning to flood.

"I actually did the same thing. After I hung up I just couldn't stop thinking about you. I didn't know what to do, I was so horny. I just did what felt right and laid on my back and started stroking myself and before I knew it I was... cumming everywhere," Chris admitted.

"Oh god!" Renee exclaimed.

"What?" Chris asked sounding slightly alarmed.

"I'm just imagining you cumming all over your bare chest and wishing I could have been there to lick it all off," Renee mused unashamedly, tucking Chris's hand against her hot pussy still squeezing between her thighs. Chris gasped at her action then began to grind his fingers against the crotch of her shorts, causing her to let out a soft moan. "mmmm Chrissy, you really want to touch your big sister's pussy, don't you?" she cooed.

"Can I, please, sis?" he begged.

Renee unwrapped herself from Chris's arm and frantically unbuttoned and unzipped her shorts. She grabbed his hand again and shoved it down her pants over her soft pink panties. His hand slid down to the entrance of Renee's excited sex, which was blocked only by the thin material of her soaked panties. She worked his hand up and down the slick trail on her panties, trying to get as much stimulation to her lips and clit as possible.

With the other hand, she began to massage her breasts through her tank top and bra. She left Chris's inexperienced fingers to play at her clip while she pulled her bra down underneath her shirt, cupping her breasts and still squirming and moaning. She lifted up in her seat to pull her shorts down to her ankles and sat back down, Chris still strumming her swollen clit through the drenched material of her panties. Renee reclined her seat back and spread her knees, her feet kept together by her little shorts.

They rode for a few blocks with his hand roaming her pantie clad pussy as she played with her nipples under her shirt. They were pretty sure if someone was to look over at them they could figure out what they were doing but they didn't care.

Renee started to get more desperate for a cum, lifted Chris's hand up and slipped it beneath the rim of the wispy, wet panties. "Mmmmm, Chrissy's gonna make his sister cum in her little panties!" she cried in ecstasy as she slid his middle finger up and down her slick lips. "Keep doing that sweetie. Just like that!" she panted while beginning to rub her clit furiously.

He continued teasing just inside her pussy, trying to focus on the road at the same time as she ravaged her poor clit and kneaded her stiff nips. A tremor shot through her body as she began to cum. The feeling was unreal. She shuddered and screamed aloud, overtaken by intense pleasure.

Her fingers met his at the entrance to her portal where she could feel her bliss saturate her panties. She rode the waves of her orgasm to the very end, eyes rolling back in her head as she finally removed their creamy fingers from her satiated pussy and sucked on them as if she was famished.

"mmmmm, that was so good Chrissy," she stretched, shorts still on the floor and bra around her waist, feeling immaculately satisfied.

"Do I get a taste?" Chris asked.

"Only if you ask me nicely," she quipped.

"May I please taste your cum, sis?" he asked reverently.

"Yes you may."

Her hand disappeared behind her panties once again and returned moments later sticky with her creamy cum. She examined it for a second, spreading her fingers to see the slimy webs between them before feeding it to her best friend, spreading it on his lips and face. He licked and sucked on her fingers ardently, cherishing the privilege of tasting his bestie's juices. Renee gently thrust two fingers back and forth between Chris's eager lips and he sucked on them submissively, cleaning off all her cum.

Chris was pulling up to his building as he finished slurping down Renee's essence, face still glistening wet. He turned to look at Renee, shorts down, panties wet, bra down around her waist, a sultry look on her face. His cock was already rock hard but somehow stiffened even more as he took in the sight of her. She looked like such a dirty girl, and he was the only one to ever see her in such a state. She was his dirty girl, exclusively, and he loved her.

"Renee, I love you so much," Chris breathed, looking her in her beautiful brown eyes.

"I love you too," She replied softly. An angelic smile spread across her face as she put her hand on the side of Chris's face, thumb caressing the corner of his mouth where her feminine fluid was smeared. Renee then pulled him close and pressed her soft lips to his.

With pursed lips Chris returned the kiss, tasting the mixture of her lip gloss and her cum as he parted his lips slightly. Chris's heart was beating fast and he was breathing heavily. The moment was surreal to him. His best friend was half naked and he had just helped her cum. And now he was kissing her with the evidence on their mouths. They pulled apart with a smack as the kiss ended.

"Chrissy, don't be shy. Use your tongue, I want you to put your tongue in my mouth," Renee encouraged sweetly.

Chris came in for another kiss, this time opening his mouth more and allowing his tongue to explore beyond her yielding lips. Their tongues met and melted into each other as they both sighed almost in relief into the other's mouth.

They deepened the kiss, beginning to draw their bodies closer and embrace. She caressed the back of his neck softly with one hand while she clutched at his erection through his shorts with the other, while he placed his hand between her thighs and the other enjoyed the curves of her waist. Now breathing heavily, they devoured each other lovingly, massaging each other's tongues, smacking loudly and swiveling side to side.

Renee began to press her body to Chris's over the armrest as her desire swelled within her again. She moaned and whimpered desperately as she began to squeeze his cock, her nipples poking at him through her shirt. She fought the urge to mount him right then and there in front of the dorm as Chris let out a soft, somewhat girly moan of his own. She was horny as hell but didn't want to be a total slut so she gained control of herself and ended the kiss abruptly.

Renee began to pull her shorts back up and decided to just lose the bra, placing it in the back seat. "Chrissy, I don't want this night to end, but..." she sighed exasperatedly, "I gotta go to work tomorrow. And I didn't bring any clothes with me so I'm sorry but we might just have to continue this some other time," Renee resolved.

"Well, I could just run and grab some clothes real quick and we can go to your place," Chris suggested.

"You sure? You would have to sit at my place by yourself for like ten hours tomorrow."

"I would do anything just to spend five more minutes with you, Renee."

"Aww, Chrissy!" Renee said as she leaned in for another quick kiss on the lips. "Be fast, OK."

Chris got out of the car and speed walked into his building and up to his dorm room. He quickly grabbed everything he could think of that he would need. Socks, shirt, pants and shorts, his laptop, a couple of wife beaters, deodorant, lotion, and a toothbrush. He stuffed it all in his back pack and sped back down to his waiting girlfriend.

She looked so beautiful as he waked back to the car, with that long brown curly hair, bright eyes and smile - he was so glad she was his. He got to the car and opened the back door and placed his bag in, walked around and got back in the driver's seat.