Kiran and Priya Ch. 03

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Kiran and Priya turn into an official mistress-slave couple.
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Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/26/2020
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Kiran and Priya settled into the new routines over the next few days. Kiran stripped off the first thing when he came home. Priya snuck into his apartment at different times trying to catch him with some clothes on thereby giving her an excuse to punish him but Kiran never gave her a chance. Once she was in, she went to the sofa, and turned the TV on while he continued cooking. Once he was done, she sat at the table. Kiran kissed both her feet and sometimes received a kiss on his lips from her. They would then have dinner and talk about their work. Kiran was working up the courage to make a move. Logically, he knew he was being stupid. He was with her, naked, every moment when he was at home. He could see that she liked him too. They were smooching a lot these days and he could feel the hunger when he touched her tongue. However, the ton of rejections ever since he was 16 still weighed him down. Priya, who kept getting hornier and hornier every day was nevertheless staunch that Kiran should be the one who took that step. She had decided to dump him after his presentation if he still did not take a move until then.

Mornings consisted of Kiran walking over to Priya's house. Initially, Kiran would come fully clothed until Priya brought him a robe. Watching him walk to and from her house in that robe gave the wrong idea to their downstairs housemates but no one said anything other than giving Kiran some knowing smiles. There were six flats in the three floors below. Three were still vacant. These were mostly in the lower floors. The other three were a two-bedroom apartment which housed 3 working women who shared the rent between them, a married couple and another couple who were living together. The live-in couple were noisy and had regular fights owing to the unemployed guy. From what Kiran and Priya would hear from time to time, the guy was lazy and had not made much of an effort to find a new job and this led to constant fights. 4 nights before his presentation he had steeled himself to press Priya that night. However, just when he went to put his hands inside Priya's shirt, a loud sound of four glasses breaking emanated form the live-in couple. Priya went to investigate and the mood was effectively killed. The next morning, Priya got an urgent call that her father had been hospitalised and left. Kiran left her at the station and offered some money but Priya refused and thanked him for the offer. Once she reached her hometown, she messaged Kiran that her father was not serious and she would be back in two days. Kiran asked her if she was still going to come to his conference and she confirmed.

Kiran and Priya spent the next two days texting like a couple of teenagers. Priya knew that she really was falling for him and was now re-evaluating her decision to dump him if he did not make his move. Maybe she should take initiative anyway. She was still undecided when she got back and they went to the conference the next day. Due to a global threat from a new virus, the presentation was shifted to early morning. Kiran told Priya that she need not come but Priya was not having any of it. She had promised she would come and she intended to keep it.

Kiran's presentation was a huge success. He had come up with a way to significantly reduce the cost of upgrading satellites. This would lead to crores of savings and the very mention of money-saved was enough to make him a hero. Priya was seeing a totally different Kiran. Her meek, nervous slave was a raging Bull once in his element. He took down the arguments from everyone, some of whom were obviously trolling but at the same time never once insulted or demeaned anyone's arguments. Priya knew, right at that moment, that she was in love.

Once they got into the car, Kiran and Priya made out like school kids. Kiran, in a burst of bravado pushed her to the backseat. Finally, Priya gladly got into position but stepped on the car horn. The loud sound brought a few onlookers and ended the tryst. Kiran, however, knew he was in for that night and could not stop smiling. Priya, on her way back, took a slightly different route.

"Where are we going?"

"You will see, naked boy!"

Kiran's smile went out. For, like a second. Her shifting back to naked boy from calling him Kiran for the whole day meant that she was once again exercising her domination of him and this significantly brought his spirits down . Still, he knew one thing. He was taking her to bed that night. And, she was not going to stop that. Priya stopped near a bakery and got out. Only when Kiran got out that he saw the shop opposite to the bakery. It was a sex shop. Got it! She was going to buy a few things that would establish her as a dominatrix over him. He knew about the BDSM lifestyle. Well, he had already accepted his role as her slave. He went with her inside.

The second they went in, Kiran visibly retched. The whole place was dirty. It must not have been swept for at least 3 days. There was a single woman sitting at the counter who looked apologetic.

She went directly to Priya.

"I am so sorry that it is like this. Because of this virus threat, my slave has not been able to come back from his hometown."

Kiran's ears pricked. The way she said "slave" casually was a bit off-putting.

"Well, " Priya said. "I was looking to buy a few things. For him." Priya laughed while she pointed to Kiran. The store owner, who introduced herself as Manjula looked up and down at Kiran.

"He is your slave, right?" Manjula asked Priya. Kiran, who would have been offended and tried to attack Manjula if she had said this two weeks ago, decided to go with the flow and allow the superior women to talk.

"Yup" Priya replied. Manjula closed the door and bolted.

"If you don't mind, why don't you tell him to strip. I might be able to make better suggestions once I have a full idea on what am I dealing with."

Priya thought it over. She did eventually intend to be completely dominant over Kiran to the extent of parading him around naked in a leash. But, this was going faster than expected. Kiran looked as though he might protest. Priya cut in and her sharp tone was enough to shut Kiran up.

"You heard her, naked boy. Strip."

Kiran obliged. He no longer cared. His thoughts were only on tonight. Out of sheer habit, he folded his clothes as and when he removed them.

"You have traIned him well." Manjula told Priya.

"NO, These are on his own. I just hit the jackpot."

"I see what you mean. Wowza!" Manjula replied as Kiran finally removed his underwear. Getting naked in front of two women was enough for Kiran to grow to his fullest size. For Manjula, whose clientele mainly included femdom couples where the guys generally had small penises, this was new. For most couples, the guy would have a really small penis and this made her sadistically insult and humiliate them. Psychologically, the more she insulted, the more the man tried to make up for his shortcomings to his superior woman and the more stuff they brought. Today was a different story.

"I cannot get you a chastity cage for this one. They are not made for dicks this size as they are not meant for them."

"OH! I am not looking for a CB."

"So, what did you have in mind."

"A leash was the first thing."

A Leash what? Priya was pushing him further and further and yet Kiran remained a silent observer.

The two of them were discussing the type of leash. They noticed that Kiran was standing awkwardly. Manjula finally asked Priya.

"Priya, would you mind asking your slave to clean up the place. My slave has not been here for more than a week and I am not even sure when and if he will be here."

"No!" The answer came from Kiran and not from Priya.

"Did I give you permiss-" Priya started but Kiran cut in.

"We are already risking things by being here with this virus. I am not going to take further risks by cleaning up a foreign place. You got a problem with that, Priya?"

Bingo! This was what she had wanted. Priya smiled with pride but he did have a point. They were risking things by being here. But, she still had to put her foot down and show him who was the boss.

"No problems, naked boy! But you will be punished today."

"I will take any number of spankings over this."

"Oh! I am not talking about spankings."

Kiran mulled this. He strongly suspected that she was going to expose him in a public setting. He was not going to allow that, but, at the same time, he could not confront her without knowing what she had in mind. He decided he would put his foot as and when that situation arose.

Manjula continued to talk to Priya.

"I have equipment to properly sterilise the items. Anything you select, I will steam and make it perfectly free of germs for you. Is that fine, naked scientist boy?" She said, suddenly turning to Kiran.

Even though she had called him a naked scientist, Kiran noted an edge of admiration in her voice. He told her he had to inspect what she had and she showed him. Kiran gave her a few more suggestions but was generally satisfied.

Manjula then showed Priya a catalogue of the items they had. What Kiran had said had made Priya nervous of walking around the shop. But, she was going to buy the things she needed for Kiran. And, if Kiran was happy with the sterilising equipment that were used here, she would be too.

Like she said earlier, she looked at leashes first. The one that she liked came with a full set of chains. There was a collar and a leash. You could connect the end of the leash to four others which could in turn be connected to hand or leg cuffs. Priya could see that each of the four cuffs for the extremities could be added and removed. Think of the possibilities!

Kiran would be naked and wearing the collar and the leash. She could then cuff both his hands and legs.

Or, she could connect one hand or one leg. Maybe from the same side. Just imagine. She could hold out his underwear and tell him to come collect it or he would walk out naked. With one hand and one leg cuffed and wearing a leash and running after her reaching for his underwear. The thought made her laugh out loud.

Or, she could connect the hand and leg behind him. And, then make him hop around. His dick would bounce up and down with each hop. The thought made her look at Kiran with such hunger that Kiran cringed.

However, she finally looked at the price tag and her face fell.

"This is great! But, I am not sure if I can afford this. Let me check my phone!"

"Wait a minute." Manjula replied genuinely confused. "You are telling me you are going to buy this with YOUR credit card?"

Priya's eyes went wide. The thought had never occurred to her and now that it had, it was not going to leaver her. She turned around and smiled at Kiran pointedly. Kiran, realising what was going to happen meekly turned around to retrieve his wallet.

"Hold it, naked boy." Manjula stopped him and turned to Priya. "You are not going to let him off are you. He has disobeyed you and he did not offer to pay for the leash on his own."

"You are right. Come here, naked boy." She turned to Manjula. "Can you sterilize the leash first."

Manjula ran the steam for a full ten minutes. During which time, Priya selected a riding crop, high heels and sunglasses for herself and a ball gag for Kiran. She was not sure she would be using the ball gag much but since Kiran was going to pay, why unnecessarily leave without one. Once the leash and the chains were out, she beckoned Kiran and he came in.

Wordlessly, she first added the collar and the leash. Kiran, the senior principal scientist was now a pet to her. The thought made Kiran both ashamed and horny. She then added a cuff to his right hand and told him to turn around. She lifted his leg upwards behind him and connected a chain from his leg to his hand cuff. Kiran would now have to hop and hop with his left hand and leg, his weaker side. Needless to say, his dick had already grown to it's full size and was rock hard.

"You will hop over, and fetch your credit card using your left hand only. However, at no point should your dick be out of my sight. If you turn around or if your dick gets blocked from my sight even for 1 second, I will put your wallet back, drag you over here to this side, use the crop on you 5 times and we will start over."

"Priya, please."

"Turn around" Priya replied. He turned and she gave him the strongest smack he had received. "You were saying something, naked boy."

Kiran turned around again and faced Priya. He was going to do this only once. With only his left hand and leg free, he took a hop backwards. It was then that Priya's plan dawned on him. With that hop, his rock hard dick bounced up and down and seemingly did not seem to stop. Inertia was a fucking bitch! Manjula, who had never seen this technique before marvelled at the simplicity and effectiveness. There are ten steps between Priya and the chair where Kiran had folded his clothes and kept.

Every jump caused his dick to thrash around wildly like a caged animal. The monster dick, which upto now, had won him admiration from the two superior women in front of him was now causing him problems as both Priya and Manjula were laughing their heads off. They could not help it and Kiran could not fault them either.Objectively, looking as an outsider, it had to be funny although Kiran could not muster any laughter.

Hop! Boing, boing, Hop! Boing, boing.

At the 5th step, he inevitably lost balance and fell. The bad part was that he fell facing the opposite side. This meant that the dick went out of Priya's line of sight. Kiran nervously stood up with help from Manjula. Manjula easily lifted him and carried over to face Priya. Manjula then went and retrieved the riding crop. Priya, however, hesitated. She knew he was going to bed with her today and she wanted it. She was pretty horny from the last two weeks and she was not going to ruin today.

"Tell you what, it is your Kangaroo jumps were funny enough. No need to hurt you. Come on, naked boy jump again."

Manjula, though disappointed had to admit that this was indeed more fun. Kiran took four attempts to reach the chair and fetch his credit card. He eventually once again hopped over and handed over his credit card to Priya. Priya, however, pointed at her feet. With one leg active, he tried to kiss her feet and fell again before he could properly reach her feet. He kissed both her feet and laid the credit card between them. Priya bent down to retrieve the card and lifted him up. She unsecured him and they paid for their purchases. Before leaving, however, Manjula stopped them.

"Will you permit me to give him a kiss." Manjula asked Priya. Priya nodded and Manjula went straight to Kiran. Instead of kissing him, Manjula first turned him around and gave him a smack with her full strength. Kiran opened his mouth to cry out when Manjula closed it with hers. They smooched for some time before Manjula finally released him and sent him out with another smack. Kiran finally got dressed and left with Priya.

Both of them had a ton of emotions going through them and could hardly speak as they went back. When they reached their parking lot, Kiran stopped the car and grabbed her. Priya responded by fully making out with him. The two of them thrashed around in the car for a few minutes before Kiran finally put a stop to it. Priya tried to kiss him again and Kiran stopped her. He led her out of the car and they got into the lift. The live-in couple were already standing there scowling at each other. Priya smiled at the woman and Kiran and the man nodded. Once they reached the fourth floor Priya lifted Kiran again and raced to her apartment. She unlocked the door, pushed Kiran in and tore off his clothes. She then started taking hers off.

Kiran, who had never even kissed a woman before could only watch with hunger as she first removed her shirt. Her medium-sized boobs straining in side her bra told him she was just as excited about this as he was.

Then, the pants came down and she stepped out of it. Kiran, knowing what was expected of him walked forward and kissed her full in the mouth again while simultaneously putting his hand down her bra. He then removed himself from her mouth and knelt. And, started to remove her underwear with his teeth. He had always watched this in movies and found it erotic. Unfortunately, real life was different and her panty did not come down willingly. Priya, not able to wait anymore, shoved his head back a bit, pulled down her panties and shoved his head back to her vagina. Kiran started licking her vagina. The pubic hair almost made him gag but he controlled. He slowly licked around the vagina and heard her moaning. He then plunged with his tongue while grabbing Priya tight. For the next 15 minutes, he was fully engrossed. Stroking with his tongue, fast and slow, fast and slow. Completely taking his tongue out and licking her vag and thighs and then suddenly plunging back causing Priya to cry out and then the whole thing repeated. Pria eventually came and filled his face with her juices.

Kiran gagged a bit and Priya gave him a minute before lifting him up. She led him to his bedroom. The same bedroom which Kiran had cleaned on and off for the last two weeks rendering it immaculate. Priya fell on the bed and beckoned him. Despite both of them being naked, it was clear that the power was with Priya as Kiran once again went to her feet first and slowly licked his way up. He finally got on top of her and his thrust made her cry out in pain. Kiran plunged and plunged. He knew he had to prolong this as much as possible. Unfortunately, being a virgin even at the age of 25 had it's disadvantages and he came inside her within 30 seconds. Kiran, knowing it was bad stared guiltily at Priya. Priya, however, closed him mouth with hers and pulled him closer. They embraced for some time and cuddled to sleep.

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