Kiran and Priya Ch. 05

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Does Kiran get to see the women naked?
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Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/26/2020
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When they woke up the next morning, they came to a wretched realisation of their lives. It was a Tuesday. Their impromptu semi-frat party had happened on a Monday. This meant that they had to deal with the aftermath while having to work for the next four days. Kiran was least perturbed as he hardly had much to drink. The women, however, were a different story. Sheila woke up to a splitting headache. Shreeja was vomiting 10 seconds after waking up which eventually woke up Kiran as well.

Looking at his superiors in a bad state, Kiran went straight to make tea. His nudity no longer bothered him. The women liked him and he liked being naked in front of women. He could no longer deny this truth. Even the fact that he was still leashed did not bother him. He put the kettle on the stove and went to brush his teeth. Priya woke up quite groggy but still, better than the other three women. When she smelt the tea she just bounded over to Kiran and hugged him from behind. Kiran finished washing his mouth and they made out for sometime before he went to the stove again.

"Are you making tea?" Sheila groaned. "Gaaawd! Marry me, naked boy." Kiran laughed as the bell rang. Kiran had no hesitation in opening the door completely naked. It was Akshata.

Akshata, who was steeling herself to watch Kiran naked again, was not prepared for the frat party sight. Two women vomiting, a third snoring like a train. And, Kiran was still hard as he allowed her in. She turned to Priya.

"I came to tell you that I am really, really sorry."

"What for? I clocked you. I should be the one who apologises."

"I came to say sorry for my-"

"Your trash boyfriend? Come on! You are not responsible for his perversions."

"NO, I should have-"

"You should have what? Selected a better boyfriend? Come on, it's not your fault. Look at me." Priya waited until she looked up at her and repeated. "It is not your fault."

"I guess not. It's just-"

"B-b-buh. NO buts. No it's just." She turned to Kiran. "Get back to the tea."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Ma'am?" Asked Akshata, smiling.

"Didn't you get the memo? He is the building slave now. And, btw, hope you kicked him to the curb." Akshatha smiled. She had cried a little last night. Now, she was no longer even a little sad.

"Yes, I threw him out with some of his clothes and wallet. No money. I don't know what he will do, but that is his problem. He begged me for some money. You know, I honestly cannot think of a single reason why I dated him."

Kiran came to them. The smell of the fresh hot tea was invigorating to Priya. Akshata took a cup as well. He walked over to Sheila, helped her sit on the sofa and placed the tray in front of her. Then, he helped Ashwini into the sofa as well. Both of them were clutching their vomit mug. Kiran promptly went to work. He collected all the beer and whisky bottles and put them in the trash can. Then, he started mopping up the place. Watching, Akshatha shot a dark look at Priya full of envy. Priya smiled wickedly.

"Never let this one go." Akshata shouted, her resentment obvious."I don't intend to."

Kiran added water, disinfectant and Lizol and started mopping. He went back to the cooker and turned off the remaining tea. Walking back, he continued using the mop. Once he was done, he came back to Priya with his own cup and sat down next to her feet. This was something they had established a long time back. Since he was naked indoors all the time, he was not allowed to sit on chair or sofa as he would invariably end up shedding his pubic hair. He remembered how shocked he had been back then when Priya had casually mentioned "pubic hair" as though she were talking about elbows.

Akshata, having to login to her own job, left downstairs. Before going, she informed Priya that she had a talk with Bindhu, the married woman. She assured Priya that neither of them had any issues with the naked man upstairs. However, if they were going to have guests over, they would inform her and they expected Priya to keep her kinky activities away from their guests' eyes. This was hardly an issue anymore with the virus-induced-lockdown in full force. Sheila and Shreeja left quickly as well. Kiran cleaned up their vomits. He generally logged in to work at 12 PM. So, he had plenty of time to do some chores and he started on his first task of bringing in Priya's stuff into HER new apartment. They decided on getting the important stuff in for now. Priya herself ordered him to get dressed for this job. She did not want a stray minor cut on his naked body. The wardrobe needed to be brought in. Made of wood, they could not risk even a small cut on his naked body and the possibility of any infection. With the new virus outbreak, it would be ages before they could get doctors to look at it while simultaneously increase their risk of catching the virus. Once all the required stuff was moved in, Kiran promptly took his clothes off again and Priya called the landlord to inform him she was no longer staying there. The landlord cursed at the loss of some steady rent. Priya still had to complete her one month notice.

Kiran worked the entire day. Working naked was definitely a new experience. Priya added a permanent sticker into the webcam. It was to never come off. Kiran took all meetings without video. Even when they asked him to turn on the video, he explained bad internet connectivity and did not comply. The experience of talking to all his colleagues, many of them women, without a stitch on, was thrilling. There were a few college interns too. For these interns, he was a God. Wondering how they would feel if they could see him undressed always made him chuckle.

The three women were all back in his apartment by the time he logged out at 8 PM. Priya used the leash to tie him to the coat stand next to the door. He kissed the women's feet as they walked in. Sheila, Shreeja and Ashwini all used the leash and dragged him inside to make their Coffees. Sheila, who was particularly angry, kicked him up the ass all the way. Apparently, she could not work properly that day and got criticised a lot at her job. She could not work because of the splitting headache due to their party yesterday and, apparently, it was completely Kiran's fault. Each time she kicked him, he apologised to her. At 10 PM, after all were inside and ate the Dosas were made for all them - Priya and Ashwini helped him in his cooking - they all relaxed sitting in either chair or sofa with their legs crossed and Kiran knelt at the centre facing his Goddess Priya.

"Okay, ladies and naked boy." Priya started as the women cheered "Let's establish the new house order so our naked boy will know exactly what we expect him to do. The underlying theme is obvious. Isn't it, naked boy?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Kiran replied.

"And, what is it?"

"I am your naked slave."

"Yes, that's right. You are the naked slave for each of the women here."

The women cheered again as Kiran meekly surrendered.

"Firstly, your wake up time is six. And, no, it does not mean that you wake up at 6. You wake up whenever you want but you get one spank from each of us for every 15 minutes late waking up."

"Hey! That's a stupid rule. Why not just wake him up?" Sheila cut in.

"NO. No disturbing a man's sleep. Also, an excuse to spank him more." Priya replied with a wink and Sheila smiled.

"Next, he makes coffee for all of us. One of you ladies will come here. He will give me my coffee and then, you can drag him downstairs by the leash to make yours."

"Funcking A" the women cheered.

"Then, the laundry. You do all our laundry. You can wear the robe to go upstairs to hang the clothes."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Then, the cooking. You cook for all of us as well."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Sweeping, mopping, cleaning, all falls on you."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Now, ladies, unfortunately, I have some bad news for you." The ladies just looked at Priya, puzzled.

"Now, I know that your cameras went off last night. You have taken pictures of my baby naked and I cannot allow them to creep up on any internet ever. Not even by accident. So, I need some insurance."

"What insurance?"

"Your naked pictures." Priya said firmly.

The three women went berserk. Priya calmly waited for them to finish.

"Whatever arguments you make, you should have though about that before taking pictures yesterday. This is non-negotiable. And, in any case, I will be the one having those pictures. So, I don't see what is the issue."

"Come on, Priya" Ashwini tried to reason. "We will be careful."

"Let me paint a hypothetical picture. Your cousin is here. You went into the shower and left your phone unlocked. Will you run outside naked/clad in only a towel to prevent your cousin from accidentally checking those photos? Unless your pictures are on the line as well?"

Ashwini could see the logic. They could claim to be careful. But, mistakes were not completely impossible. And, even one mistake was bad! And, ultimately, only Priya would have the photos, so - "Oye!" She suddenly screamed looking at Kiran.

With the startling demand by Priya, the four women had almost forgotten the naked man. Watching the women talk about naked pictures had a throbbing effect on Kiran. When Priya talked about Ashwini running out of the shower naked and - in his mind - soapy, he could not help himself. His hand had gone to his shaft. However, he had only rubbed himself three or four times when Ashwini looked at him. But, it did not matter.

Priya was beside herself with anger. Here she was, so generously trying to help him and he had to go and embarrass her. She quickly walked over and lifted him up. She smacked him four times. Unfortunately, this only served to push him further. With each slap, his cock jumped up and down and he only got closer to edge. Kiran was simultaneously in heaven and hell. Him naked in front of four women and imagining them naked was causing his penis to throb uncontrollably. However, he had no means for a release and it tortured him badly. With each smack from Priya, his penis throbbed further.

"Remember the deal. If you cum without permission, you are licking it. I will punish you later." Priya said. The total disgust in her voice made Kiran feel ashamed.

"I am so not getting naked in front of him." Sheila piped. Kiran's ears pricked at the injustice but he did not dare protest. Priya's four smacks were starting to singe his buttocks.

"Well, he has already seen you in a bra. So, you go first. Turn around, take your shirt and bra off and we will use the bra to blindfold him."

"Okay. But, naked boy. Close the door first. Privacy is very important. Isn't that right, naked boy?" Even Kiran laughed. The irony was undeniable. He stood up and the state of his arousal shocked all four of them. He was bigger than he had been the last night and the women could not believe it possible. Ashwini was starting to get wet. That penis! God! She had no idea it was supposed to get that huge. And, the girth! She wanted him to tear off her own clothes and take her right here, right now. She knew it was not going to happen.

Kiran closed and bolted the door. Ashwini, who was already heavily turned on by his penis now had to contend with the sight of that ass. She was so aroused, it was painful.

Sheila took off her shirt. She hesitated, then shrugged and took her bra off without turning around. Kiran, for whom it was only the second set of boobs he had seen in his life could not help himself. He stared mesmerised. He kept telling himself, "Don't do it! Don't do it", but his hand, as though it had a mind of it's own, went to his penis.

THWACK! He was so focussed on Sheila, he did not see Priya pick up the riding crop. The sound as it made contact with his buttocks was like a gun had gone off. Kiran screamed in pain as Priya used the leash to pull him towards her. She blindfolded him with Sheila's bra. Then she cuffed his hands behind his back as well and made him kneel.

"You are in big trouble, naked boy." Sheila said fondly.

"I am sorry, ma'am."

"No, naked boy, but you will be." Priya cut in. Her anger clearly showed.

"Oh come on, Priya." Sheila piped. "Cut him some slack." She walked forward and put her arm around him. Knowing she was topless, Kiran groaned as a fresh wave of ecstasy pushed him even further to cumming. To his horror, he found he was already leaking a little.

"You want to see us naked, don't you, naked boy?"

Kiran did not dare answer. "Your mistress asked you a question." Priya chided him.

"Please, please" Kiran replied. He could not continue.

"Here's the deal, naked boy. Your little brother has already given the answer." Sheila was saying, while nudging his member with her toe. The action caused him to throb like a giant pendulum.

Kiran forced his mind to think of humiliating thoughts. He hoped that that would help tone his arousal down just a little so that he would not burst. Licking his cum, butt-naked in front of four clothed women would be degrading beyond anything and he forced his mind to focus on that action. He also focussed on other thoughts, like the way he felt when Avinash had called him a pussy. He was trying to fill his mind with such humiliating thoughts hoping that it would help tone his arousal down and it was working, but only just. He kept going back to all his rejections from women from pre-university times. He was NOT going to lick his own cum. Period. Sheila continued.

"As you know, we are going to get undressed, one by one. Thanks a lot!" Sheila added with indignation at Priya who just smiled. "Since you cannot see us, we will keep updating you on which item of clothing we will remove next." Kiran groaned at this. All the women laughed. Kiran, who had earlier been able to laugh at his own predicament was now in torment.

"That's not all. In between, I will ask you do you want to see us naked? I will ask you unexpectedly. You should say no immediately. If you keep saying no without fail every time, you get to see us naked. Say yes once or delay saying no even once, and you will never, ever get that opportunity. Capiche!"

"Yes, ma'am."

"You bitches okay with this?" Sheila asked the women at large. "Fucking A" came the reply.

"SO, what are you waiting for, naked boy? My shorts are not going to remove themselves."

"But my hands-" Kiran started and promptly received a smack on his left buttock. "Use your mouth, bitch." Sheila screamed. Kiran, who was still kneeling, raised upwards and continued in the kneeling position. He tried to feel around with his tongue and found skin. He was sure this was her waist. But, he was blind. He did not know whether to move left or right. He heard footsteps behind him.

"Naked boy!" Priya spoke. "I and Shreeja are sitting behind you. We have your table tennis rackets. Whenever I smack your left buttock, you move left. If I smack twice, you move down. Shreeja will smack your right buttock once for right and twice for up. And, now" a brutal smack hit his left buttock. He waited. Having received only one, he moved his tongue leftwards and found the tip of her shorts. He moved further sideways and found the buckle. However, try as he did, he could not unbuckle with his mouth. Sheila, losing patience, unbuckled herself and ordered him to move to the zipper. He received one smack each from Shreeja and Priya for his failure. He found the zipper. As he bit into it, he was aware that he was near her vagina now.

Vagina! He once again felt himself getting closer and focussed his mind firmly on Harshitha's humiliating comment from pre-uni. "You will never get a vagina. You are a vagina!" He slowly dragged it down and it slipped. He once again went back with another smack from Priya to move him left. The zipper came fully down. A double smack - Priya was mercifully smacking with lesser intensity, she wanted the game to go the whole night - and his teeth found the buckle. He pulled and pulled and the shorts dropped to the floor. Sheila stepped out of them. Kiran, following the rustle of her shorts and feet, knelt down kissed her feet.

"Good boy!" Sheila said. Ruffling his hair as she pulled him up again.

"Oye!" Shreeja said. "These are the new panties. What gives?"

"Let's just say I had a feeling I would be at least in my bikini today. However, I obviously had no clue I would be getting naked in front of you bitches. Thanks a lot, Priya." She added with further indignation.

"Oh! Come off it. You are fucking enjoying this and you know it."

"Can't argue with that." Sheila replied smiling.

Kiran once again focussed on his failures. Sheila was going to get naked and he could not let that make him cum. He focussed on the last time he had failed to pull Priya's panties down with his mouth. He noted that he was finally able to reduce the intensity of his throbbing dick. Right now, he was assigned a task and his mind was only on that. Biting into Sheila's panties, he drooled a little. "You wanna see me, naked boy." "No" came Kiran's instant reply. He was almost taken aback.

"Are you sure, naked boy. I am about to get naked. Bare as a board."

"No, ma'am."

"That hurts, naked boy. You don't want to see me naked? Am I that disgusting?"

"Please, ma'am." Kiran begged.

"Sheila, you are pathetic. A man is begging you not to get naked. How ugly are you?" Shreeja mocked.

Sheila smacked Kiran two more times. "I guess this is what is called as "Hell of your own making"" Sheila cooed. "Why are my panties still on, naked boy?" Kiran bit into it a second time. The last time with Priya, he had pulled and pulled with his mouth. This had caused the clothing to latch itself tighter on one side. This time, he was aware of what to do. He pulled the panties down on one side, went to the other side, pulled, came back and pulled further. Once he had gone past the thighs, he heard the rustle as they dropped to the floor.

Sheila stood there completely naked and with her left hand on her hips. With no inhibitions, she was a majestic sight. The three of them had gone to the salon only the last week and had waxed every inch of their bodies. There was not a single hair to hide behind. Unlike most fantasies, three women working and living together did not mean that they all saw each other naked or that they had bikini pillow fights. This was the first time the other two were seeing her naked as well and it was a sight to watch. The firm, 32C breasts stood regally as Sheila smiled at the others. Priya motioned a circle with her hands. Sheila smiled, stretched both her hands fully and did a slow and full turn.

"Naked boy," Priya called out. "Sheila is now fully naked and doing a slow circle." Kiran groaned again. "Are you sure you don't want to see her?"

"No" came the immediate reply from Kiran.

"Why not, naked boy? After all, we are all seeing you. Fully naked. Come on, we both know you want to see her. Oh! Her ass is fantastic. Wanna see them?"

"No" said Kiran but groaned and groaned, it was starting to look impossible not to cum. The thought filled him with horror. Sheila did two turns and finally stood against the wall. Hands on her hips, and with absolutely no intention of covering up. Priya took two photographs, front and back and Sheila went to sit on the sofa, without any thought of getting her clothes back.

Priya watched her baby with pity. He was in a really bad state. What right did she have to keep tormenting him like this? She decided she would help him. However, he was not going to like it.

"All right, naked boy. You have been a really good boy and I am going to help you. Biiiiiiiitches" she called in a sing-song voice. "You are each going to give him a hand job. 2 minutes each. Whoever makes him cum faster can keep their clothes on." Shreeja, who was closest to him got to him first. She held him firmly in her right hand. Once Sheila started the clock, she squeezed. Kiran squealed in pain and Shreeja squeezed tighter. Kiran went down and Shreeja pushed him until he lay down fully. Then, she used her legs to squash.