Kissing Katarina Pt. 02

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Love and bread making.
4.8k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/06/2020
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Thank you for all the wonderful feedback on part 1 - hope you enjoy part 2 just as much. Thanks as always to Kat for her guidance and enthusiastic proofreading.


We lay next to each other for a time that stretched into a blissful eternity, merely kissing, smiling and stroking, our hands wandering and discovering. Learning about each other.

Kat broke the silence.


I placed a soft kiss on her lips, "Yes, babe?"

Blushing she said, "Um... have you ever..." She paused, obviously worried about something she was going to say.

I smiled, "Remember. You can't say anything that will upset me. Have I ever what, babe?"

"I know. It's just... I don't want to shock you."

I worried a little for a moment about what it might be that she was going to ask but kissed her again. "Say anything, ask anything. I promise it will be okay."

She blushed and wouldn't look at me, "Have you ever... used toys?"

I chuckled, partly out of relief and partly out of genuine amusement. "Yes, babe. I have a few of my own. What about you?"

She smiled and said, "I've got little vibe and some eggs but I've always wanted to try... like... proper dildo."

I smiled, "Well, I happen to have a few of those. I would love to play with them with you. Maybe we can go to my place later and you can have a look through my collection."

I suddenly thought of some of my toys and didn't want to scare her. Plugs aren't everyone's thing.

"Or maybe I can bring one of my favourites some time."

She smiled and stared at me once more, "I'd really like that."

I suddenly had a thought.

"Kat, babe, we need to check on the dough."

She smiled lazily and kissed me softly. I went all mushy inside.

"And I need to do laundry. Can't have you walking up road to your house naked, can we?"

I giggled and returned her kiss.

"Come on then," I said, patting her bottom, "let's get busy. Wait a second. I'll get your crutches."

I got up off the bed and went through to the kitchen, grabbed them and, by the time I was back in the bedroom she was sitting on the side of the bed. She watched my every move and smiled at me. I laid the crutches on the bed and looked at her, returning her smile.

"Okay, Kat, we're going to have a problem."

She cocked her head and got a quizzical look on her face.

"Problem? What problem?"

"I'm going to be very distracted by you being naked all the time. That problem."

She looked down at herself and then back up at me.

"You like what you see?"

I laughed, "What do you think? And baking naked could result in things we don't want burned, getting burned."

"I know - how about a long tee? I've got a couple. I'm sure one will fit you. Some are baggy."

I gave her a mock stern look, "Are you calling me fat?"

She looked momentarily horrified and looked down, "No, Anna. No. Just... oh god. So sorry."

I sat down next to her and pushed her chin up with one of my hands, forcing her to look me in the eyes.

"Kat... I was joking. I know I'm bigger than you. I love your body and I'm glad you have something larger for me to wear."

She finally smiled and placed a small kiss on my lips and then said, "Well, I like your body and only reason you're bigger is 'cos of your tits."

I laughed, happy that her worries had dissipated so easily.

"Okay where are they? I'll get them out."

She giggled and pointed at my breasts, "There. And too late. Already out."

I laughed and kissed her. "You know what I meant, Kat. Where are the tees?"

Her voice turned stern for a moment, "No, Anna. I am capable of living on my own. Don't want you treating me like baby."

I could see what she was getting at but also wanted to make something clear.

"Kat. I am not. If you want to get them, that's fine, I really wasn't making any point, I was just being helpful. Okay? I would do the same for anyone."

She looked at me and, in a wary tone, asked, "You're sure? This isn't 'long dresses'?"

I laughed, "No, sweetie, this isn't 'long dresses'. I really am just trying to be helpful."

She smiled and pointed at a new looking, pine chest-of-drawers and said, "In the top drawer. Please notice my articles."

For a moment I thought she was referring to articles of clothing. Maybe she had more of the delicious underwear that she seemed to favour but then I laughed out loud at the realisation.

"Such wonderful articles."

I opened the drawer and sure enough there was a small pile of tees all neatly folded on the left. I pulled the top one out and let it unfold. It was black with the 'Kiss' logo on it. I smiled and handed it over to Kat.

"You should definitely wear this one. Every time I see it I'll take it as an instruction."

She laughed as she took it from me and, as she started putting it on I picked the next one out. This one was white with what looked a little like the NASA logo but instead it said, 'Girls'. I shook it out.

"Yes, this looks baggy enough for me," I said as I pulled it over my head. it was long enough, it came to mid thigh, but was just a little tight around my boobs.

I looked at Kat and she smiled up at me.

"It looks good. Suits you and says what you like."

I laughed.

"It's a good job I don't have to go outside," I said, "my boobs are a little prominent."

She grinned and said, "Just the way they should be."

I watched as she deftly swung her crutches round, stood herself up and walked the couple of steps towards me. She laid her head on my shoulder, nuzzled my neck for a moment and then looked up and kissed me. It was a soft, loving kiss.

"I like the look, Anna. Really. It's not too tight."

I smiled, "Thank you. You look wonderful. Black is definitely one of your colours. Right, come on. I'll gather the laundry and we'll go through and look at how your dough is doing."

I gathered up her skirt, top and panties and she followed me through to the kitchen where I picked up my dress and underwear. Her washing machine was in a utility room off the kitchen and there was a small pile of laundry there. We went in and Kat sat on a small stool picking out a few items with fast colours and we loaded the washer. Kat put the detergent in and switched it on.

Back in the kitchen she sat back on her stool, her crutches placed once more against the counter. I lifted the tea towel off the dough and it had easily doubled in size.

"Wow, Anna. I didn't think it would be big enough for loaf when we started. It's grown a lot."

"And it's going to get even bigger. Now, we need a baking tray."

"Oh, they're in oven."

I opened the oven where I found a small stack of baking trays and took them out, picking an appropriately sized one.

"Right... oh no."

She looked worried, "What is it? What's gone wrong?"

I smiled and sighed, "Oh, nothing but... I don't suppose you've got any baking parchment have you?"

She laughed, 'No. Don't even know what it is."

I thought for a second, "Okay. I'll have to put my shoes on and run up the road. I've got some in my cottage."

As I bent down to put my shoes on Kat brushed her fingers through my hair, "Not putting underwear on Anna?"

I straightened up and smiled at her, placing a quick kiss on her lips.

"It's less than two hundred metres. I think I'll be okay. I'll see you in a couple of minutes, babe."

She smiled, "I like being called 'babe.'"

I kissed her quickly, grabbed my house keys out of my bag, and said, "Then that's who you are, babe."

I hurried out of the door. The weather was glorious. A bright sun in a blue sky with only a couple of fluffy clouds. I couldn't see anyone out in the street and walked up the slight incline, suddenly very aware of wearing nothing but the tee and my shoes. This elicited more delightful tingles. I've always loved the thrill of going without underwear in public. It's a combination of being exposed to the elements and the 'only I know' thing.

I got back to the cottage and went into the kitchen, grabbing my roll of baking parchment. Following on from our earlier conversation, I had a sudden thought. I went into my bedroom and opened the bedside cabinet where I keep most of my toys. I grabbed my special dildo panties along with its remote control unit.

Back in the kitchen I fished out a carrier bag and slipped the toy and the parchment into the bag. I'd locked up and was walking down the road back to Kat's house when I heard the voice of my neighbour, Liz.

"Anna! Hi! How are you?"

I turned to look at her, now more aware of my almost naked state and the fact I had a double ended dildo in my bag. Liz is very attractive, slim and in her mid thirties. She'd moved in just over a year previously and I'd got to know her as a fun friend and confidante. I'd somehow become her go to friend if she wanted to talk something over. She often called on me and we'd sit and natter over cups of tea or the occasional glass of wine. She is really great company and I genuinely like her. Her shoulder length, straight blonde hair was shimmering in the sunshine and she was wearing a shortish, white spaghetti strap dress. I noticed her feet were bare.

I was also aware that my nipples must be clearly showing under my tee because I noticed her glance down briefly at my chest and then back up at me. I felt my face redden and my traitorous nipples stiffen even more, along with a delicious tingle between my legs.

"Oh, Liz. Hi. I'm great. I'm just..."

"Are you around later? I'd love to come over and catch up."

I needed to end this quickly and get back to Kat. I didn't want her worrying about where I'd got to.

"Sorry, Liz. I'm kind of busy today. How about tomorrow, maybe? We can have a coffee or something."

She smiled, "Of course. That sounds great. Would about eleven be okay?"

"That's great. Yes. Look, I'm not being rude Liz, but I have to get to our new neighbour's house. I'm helping bake a loaf of bread."

"Oh? You've met them? What are they like? I was thinking of going round to introduce myself. Give me a minute and I'll lock the house and..."

I knew where this was going and said, "No, Liz. Not right now. It's not a they, she's single and is a little busy. Still getting settled. Maybe leave her until tomorrow. She's quite... shy. And too many people at once might scare her a little."

She raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Do I detect a slightly proprietary air, Anna? Would she be attractive, perhaps?"

My sexuality is no secret in my social group, and Liz was certainly aware of it, so this wasn't as unexpected as it might appear.

I clearly blushed because Liz said, "Wow... I'm right, aren't I? You didn't hang around Anna, did you? Okay, I'll let you get on. Maybe I can come visit her tomorrow? With you. After our coffee."

I started to hurry away, "Yes. Yes. I'll ask her. See you Liz."

She laughed a little, "Bye. See you tomorrow."

"Right, yes. See you tomorrow. Bye!"

I practically raced into Kat's house and through into the kitchen. Kat was sitting on the stool leafing through something on her phone.

"Anna. There you are. I worried. Is everything okay?"

I put the bag on the island and sat opposite her, taking her hands in mine.

I let out a long sigh, "Yes, Kat. It's fine. I just bumped into one of my neighbours, Liz. Our neighbour," I corrected myself. "I sort of got railroaded into having coffee with her tomorrow morning."

She looked up at me, "I need to be jealous?"

I laughed, "No, babe. She's never shown any interest and I am with you now."

She smiled, "But she's attractive? You like her? I can see. Did you tell her about me?"

"Kat, I didn't say anything but she knows me and guessed. If you don't want people to know about us then that's fine. I understand. She guessed, that's all. I didn't confirm or deny anything."

"She knows you're... well, are you? I don't know."

I kissed her softly and then said, "Kat, I hate to break this to you, but I am a lesbian. I know. It must be terribly shocking for you to find out this way."

She giggled softly, "Well is good. Don't tell that Anna who lives up the road but I am lesbian too."

I giggled with her and we kissed.

"And the point is, people around here know I am. If you don't want people to know we're together I understand."

She shook her head and looked at me, "No, it's okay. Don't know if I'm ready to meet your friends but I'm sure we'll work it out."

I kissed her again, never tiring of the touch of her lips on mine, and felt the tingles in between my legs and in my nipples.

"Right, let's get the next stage ready."

Forgetting myself for a moment I emptied the bag out onto the counter and there were the dildo panties along with the roll of parchment.

She looked at me and then back at the toy.

She picked it up and said, "You brought this for us?"

"I did, babe. Did I do wrong?"

She swallowed, "No. No, Anna. You didn't. Now I tell you. I just got very wet again. I want to try."

I noticed when she was nervous or excited she tended to drop her articles more, but her enthusiasm also gave me a thrill.

"So do I, Kat, but let's deal with the bread first?"

She smiled, "And then you jebi me?"

I laughed, "Yes, babe. Then I will happily jebi you. In fact I am also incredibly ready."

I kissed her and was almost tempted to just leave the dough for later but decided I should show a little self control.

"Ok babe. Let's do this. First, take the dough from the bowl and punch the air out and fold it several times. Then shape it into a ball."

I demonstrated and she was obviously a quick learner because she carried on while I tore off some parchment and laid it on the tin.

"Now, just put it on there and then we have another hour or so to wait while it doubles in size again."

She laid it almost reverently on the parchment and then picked up the panties and said, "So, how do we?"

"Well, first of all I think we need to be in the bedroom."

As she hurriedly grabbed her crutches I picked up the panties and walked with Kat out of the kitchen and down to her room. When we got there she sat on the bed and practically ripped her tee shirt off and I gazed once more at her beautiful body.

I placed the panties down on the bed and she picked them up while I lifted my tee off, feeling the relief from being slightly less restricted.

Kat said, "I want to be naked with you all the time."

I smiled, "Well, as long as we're not baking or have visitors, it suits me babe."

She examined the panties. The dildo is in two parts, the one inside is angled so that it goes up inside the wearer, the outside one is a realistically shaped cock dildo.

She looked up at me, "So could I wear them and jebi you?"

I thought about it, "Um, yeah. Maybe. I know you can't stand for long but... okay, let's put them on you and work it out."

I went down on the floor and we got her legs in and I heard that moan again as I held each of her feet.

"You like your feet being touched, babe, don't you?"

"Yes, Anna. Very much. It makes me wetter too."

I smiled up at her, "Well someone is going to get a foot massage at some point, then."

She groaned, "Oh god. You make me crazy Anna. Yes. I love idea."

I smiled and slid the panties up her legs and over her thighs but now came the difficult part. How to get the smaller dildo into her. Her legs were slightly open and I shuddered as I looked at her beautiful pussy. She wasn't lying when she said she was wet. Her lips, inner and outer, were glistening and puffy. It was practically dripping from her.

"I need to get it in place, babe," I said, "How are we going to do that?"

She said, "Okay, wait."

She rolled over onto her front, once more with her legs over the edge of the bed but slightly further out. It was now fairly simple to place the dildo at her entrance and slide the panties all the way up.

As it slid in she just said, "Oh fuck. That feels amazing."

"Okay babe, now... can you turn over and sit with your legs tucked back and out to one side?"

She rolled over and within seconds was sitting there like some glorious goddess, her legs surprisingly, elegantly, out to one side, one hand palm down on the other side. Her nipples were very stiff and there was the larger, seven inch dildo sprouting between her legs.

I smiled and without a word, got onto the bed and straddled her, kneeling. I edged forward and took hold of the dildo and positioned it at my entrance, feeling my own wetness and excitement as I pushed gently down and felt myself being stretched. It's about four centimetres in diameter and it took a moment to relax and then lower myself completely onto it. I was so full and I could feel the warmth and intensifying tingles inside and out as my cunt clamped down on it. It was finally all the way in, deep in me and I could feel my clit resting on the material of her panties. We put our arms around each other and gently kissed.

I pulled back and found the remote, looking into her eyes I said, in a slightly husky voice, "Ready, babe?"

She just smiled and nodded.

I pushed the 'On' button and started feeling the low level vibrations and suddenly felt Kat's arms tighten around me as she emitted a small moan.

I could feel my own warmth and wetness inside and out. I brought my arms back, held her waist and slowly lifted myself up a few inches and then lowered myself back down once more. On the down stroke I felt my walls clamping and releasing and was intensely aware just how close I was to coming.

I started a regular rhythm, up and down, concentrating as much as was possible on controlling my thigh muscles. I felt Kat start to move a little with each of my movements, her hips moving forward as I thrust myself down on the dildo and pulling back as I rose once more. The two dildos are connected at their bases and so, as I knew well, the dildo inside her would be moving and stimulating her insides, invoking delicious waves of pleasure.

I managed enough manual dexterity to press the 'Up' button on the control, the vibrations intensifying inside me.

"Fuck, Kat. I'm going to come. I'm so close."

She moaned, "Come for me Anna. I am fucking you and I want you to come."

At that moment I felt her thumb and finger take my right nipple and pinch it slightly. That was all I needed. I felt my orgasm spread from my insides, out through my walls, up through my clit, which felt enormous and was straining with the need for release. I threw my head back and sighed a long, drawn out, "Yeeeeeeeessssss!"

I'd stopped riding her but I was now shaking from the orgasm, which was intensifying things inside me. I held on to her waist as I felt another peak start building.

"Oh yes, Kat, yes. Fuck me. I'm coming again."

She moaned, "Me too. Coming with you."

This second wave was more intense. I felt the wetness between us dripping down the shaft of the dildo as every part of me came alive, tingling all over the surface and inside me. I felt Kat shaking but was only vaguely aware of it because I was slowly drifting away as my orgasm started to subside. I eventually opened my eyes to find Kat trying to grab my hand. I realised that the vibrations were now too much for her so I switched them off, suddenly feeling that blessed calm that comes after such intensity. I practically collapsed forward, my arms once again going around her naked waist, our breasts pressed into each other and kissing slowly. Long, delicious touches of our lips. I could feel my heart rate and breathing slowly returning to something approaching normal.

When I pulled back she looked at me and blushed a little before saying, "You're pretty good fuck."

I chuckled, "You're not so bad yourself, babe."

We kissed again and I slowly lifted myself up off the dildo, feeling gorgeous spasms as I became empty once more. I slid back and looked down between us. I saw how my thighs, the dildo, her thighs and the panties were all soaked, along with a little wet patch on the bed covers.