Kitten, the Office Attraction


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Suddenly, the intercom was activated. The secretary's voice spoke pleasantly on the other line.

"Mr. Halper, you have a guest waiting for you," the secretary said. "It's Mr. Rios from the HR department."

He pressed the button and replied, "Give me another 5 minutes. I'm in the middle of an important meeting."

When Mr. Halper leaned back in his chair, it was a signal for Katherine to continue, and she got the message. She fingered herself as fast as possible.

"Cum for me, my dear," he said.

She rubbed even faster until she came. The submissive and exhibitionist moment sent waves of pleasure through her body. She shivered, but she was able to maintain her standing position. Then she hunched over and tried to compose herself.

"Well done," he said. "Bravo."

She looked down at her wet fingers, seeing the signs of her own self-produced orgasm, then she looked upwards to the boss.

"Do I have the job?"

"Almost, Kitten. Almost."

It was slightly disappointing that she was still at 'almost.' But it was exciting to her that Mr. Halper had called her 'Kitten' again. Combined with the fact that she just experienced a powerful orgasm, she was a very happy girl.

"I'll do anything," she said, still standing naked.

She had not quite been able to keep the desperation out of her voice. Had she been through that humiliating experience for nothing?

He nodded. "I know you will, Kitten. But for now, I need you to get dressed and leave. Quickly. I have business to attend to. I'll be in touch. I promise."

She got dressed as fast as she could and straightened her outfit. There were wet spots on her clothes from her wet fingers. When she left, the HR employee looked at her suspiciously. It was embarrassing and arousing at the same time.

Part 2 of 3: Delicate Young Woman

The next morning. Kitten took her time getting dressed in front of the bedroom mirror. She was in a particularly good mood and she wanted to look her best. Everything was worn with care. She made sure that her blouse and office skirt were neatly pressed against her body without any wrinkles. She smiled at her reflection, still entranced from the powerful orgasm she had in the office in front of her boss the day before. Her mind wandered to dark places.

She thought of Mr. Halper again, and then suddenly her doorbell rang, as if on cue.

When she checked the peephole, she saw her boss waiting at the door. She briefly checked her appearance again in a nearby mirror, fixing her hair, then she opened the door to let him in.

"Good morning," she said politely. "I wasn't expecting you here. Did we have an arrangement that I forgot about?"

He stepped inside. "No. I wanted to surprise you. Bad time?"

"No. Not at all."

She closed the door and Mr. Halper walked around the apartment like he owned the place, with the same briefcase in his hand.

"I think it's finally time," he said. "You've just about proven yourself in my office yesterday. I was impressed by your beauty and talents."

She felt a sense of pride. "Thank you, sir."

"Don't thank me yet. These contracts can always be terminated if your future performances are inadequate."

Mr. Halper placed his briefcase on the table and opened it. But Mr. Halper didn't reach for the contracts which sat inside. He reached for a hidden compartment inside the briefcase and got a pair of silver handcuffs.

"These are for you," he said, dangling the handcuffs with his finger.

She was taken aback. "What am I supposed to do with them?"

"Wear them. I'll put them on your wrists for a while."


"I want you to trust me. Think of this as an evaluation. Give me your wrists."

Kitten sheepishly approached the boss. She held her wrists out for him. He smiled and bent her over, in the forward position. He wrapped the handcuffs around the table, and he cuffed both of Kitten's wrists so that she was restrained. She had never been restrained before, so it was a unique feeling for her.

"Nervous?" he asked, almost teasingly.

"A little bit. Yes."

"You'll have to learn to trust me, Kitten. I will never harm you. I will never put you in danger. Remember that, always."

Mr. Halper lifted the bottom of her office skirt and exposed her white panties. Then he pulled her panties down to expose Kitten's bare ass. His fingers rubbed her soft skin.

"What are you going to do with me?" she asked with a hint of nervousness and excitement, while her face was still down.

"I want to see how sensitive your skin is," he said. "Is that okay?"


Without any further warning, Mr. Halper gave her bare bottom a powerful slap. She cried. It was completely unexpected and it caught her off guard. She had never been spanked before, not even as a child. It was a foreign feeling, just like being handcuffed.

Kitten tried her hardest to stay in place as she was being spanked. She was in an uncomfortable position, with her body bent over and her hands cuffed to the table. More spanks came and her bottom continued to feel a burning stinging sensation. She tried her best not to cry, even as the room echoed with sounds of strong slaps against her soft bottom. She pulled on the handcuffs to relieve some of the pain, and it was beginning to leave marks on her wrists.

Suddenly, the spanking ended. Mr. Halper softly caressed her skin once again, as if to soothe her.

"You're a strong girl," he noted. "But your skin is delicate. Your body is delicate. That is a very attractive thing for a lot of men. Many men enjoy smart and bold women with delicate bodies."

"Thank you, sir," she muttered.

He pulled her panties back up, then he pulled her skirt down. Mr. Halper reached for the key inside of his pocket and he uncuffed her. Kitten rubbed her wrists when her hands were freed, but it was nothing compared to the stinging feeling of her bottom.

All the while, Mr. Halper had taken a small stack of legal documents out of his briefcase and spread them across the table, placing a pen on top.

"The documents are all here," he said. "More non-disclosure agreements, liabilities, terms of your new employment, and so forth. They're simple to read. I'm not trying to trick you. Take a minute to review them."

After a moment to glance over the terms, reflect on her future, and feel the excitement of her sexual fantasies coming to life, Kitten signed the contracts. Then she put the pen on the table and looked at her boss.

"I don't need to read it in detail," she said confidently. "This is about trust, right?"

He nodded with a straight face. "You'll be well taken care of. I promise."

She buried her face in his chest and held him tightly. He held her in return. She knew her life was going to change, but she didn't know how. All she knew was that she wanted whatever Mr. Halper had to offer. And it made her wet between the legs.


Several weeks later. Kitten sat behind the desk in her new office. It was a much bigger space than she had expected. Her heels were up on the table. She was bored playing computer games. It was in stark contrast to how hard she was normally working. She had always been a workaholic all her life.

After closing the game on her computer, she leaned back into her leather chair and sighed. Boredom was really starting to settle it. The job offer wasn't what she had expected. There was money, but there was no sex. At least let me work. Let me do something! She thought about calling Mr. Halper and asking for assignments to handle- legitimate office work. Maybe he doesn't think I'm smart enough?

Most of her days in the office consisted of searching the internet, going on facebook, and occasionally masturbating in the bathroom if she felt the desire to do so. As a vibrant young woman, it was practically a necessity.

She clicked the tip of her heels together. She loved the new job title. It made her family and friends so proud. She admired the new office attire she was able to afford. It looked great on her.

There was a knock on the door, and it opened. Mr. Halper entered the office and closed the door behind him. Kitten smiled. Thanks for coming. Did you read my mind?

"It's nice to see you sir," she said, standing up to shake his hand. "What can I do for you today?"

Even in Kitten's office, Mr. Halper had the demeanor as if he owned the office, which he technically did. He sat in the guest seat, and Kitten sat behind her office desk.

"How's work?" he asked, almost sarcastically.


"I figured you'd become restless. A hardworking girl like you, with nothing to do. Not a very good combination"

"I was just thinking about that," she said. "Since the promotion, you've had me stuffed in this office with absolutely no assignments. Do you not trust me? I'm certainly capable of handling whatever this job entails."

"If I didn't trust you, you wouldn't be sitting in this office."

"Then what is it?"

"Remember that your job is special," he said. "You don't work everyday like everyone else. You work when I need you to. I haven't needed your services, until now."

Her attention was peaked. "What can I do?"

"I have some friends coming next week from Germany. Financially speaking, they're people who are important to me, and to this great company. Do you speak German by any chance?"

She shook her head. "No."

"I didn't think so. Anyway, that's not important. I speak German. But you don't have to. I'll need you to use a different form of communication with them."

"Which is?"

"Your body. And your lips. They'll understand that it's a special greeting from our corporation. Something that lets them know that our business relationship with them is valued."

She was taken aback. It was the moment she had been waiting for. There was a thrill between her legs, and it made her feel good. It made her feel nervous too, but that was to be expected.

"Any other details?" she asked, trying to appear calm about this, when she was anything but.

"There's not much to say at the moment. But the meeting will take place at night, in a special office room in this building. When the time comes, I'll need you to wear something sexy, but elegant. Understood?"

"Yes sir."


Mr. Halper stood up and left. As he approached the door, he stopped and turned his attention back to Kitten.

"One more thing," he added. "These men share the same particular fetish. They like things a little- strict. Are you okay with that?"

"Yes sir."

He smiled, "I knew you would."

When he closed the door and left, Kitten leaned back in her expensive leather chair and breathed. Am I okay with it? She didn't fully know the answer. At that point, the only thing she knew was that she needed to use the bathroom. Her clit was in desperate need of attention.


Monday morning. Kitten had an appointment to meet Mr. Halper in his office. When she entered, the boss was looking through his window to the grand view of the city.

"Good morning," she said, to grab his attention.

He turned around and walked towards her in the center of the room, so that they were nearly face to face.

"Everything's been confirmed. Wednesday night will be your first official assignment for your position. You'll finally be able to act in your new official capacity."

She slowly nodded. "I'm ready for this Mr. Halper."

"Are you?"

"I am."

"That's good to hear, because I was beginning to have second thoughts about this for you."

She was taken aback. "Why? Did I do anything wrong?"

"No, it isn't you sweetheart. But maybe I promoted you too soon. Maybe I was hasty."

"Is there anything I can do to prove myself?"

"That's why I've called you into my office this morning," he said. "I'll need to see how you perform."

She gulped, "Okay."

"Show me how you suck."

"How I suck?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.

"You suck cock, don't you?"


"Open your mouth," he ordered.

Kitten opened her mouth and Mr. Halper looked inside, as if he were a doctor doing a routine check-up. When he had a good look, he put his index finger inside of her mouth and rubbed her wet tongue. She knew exactly what he wanted, and she closed her lips around his finger, while he continued feeling the inside of her warm mouth.

"Suck my finger," he said. "Roll your tongue around it."

Kitten did what she was told. She sucked her boss's finger as he moved it in and out of her mouth. She swirled her tongue around it, as if she was sucking a cock.

"Good girl," he said, pulling his finger out. "I think you'll be a hit on Wednesday night."

"Thank you."

"Now, we must turn our attention towards your attire for that evening."

"I've already bought the perfect dress," she said proudly. "I'm sure everyone will love it."

"Excellent. But I have something special in mind."

Mr. Halper opened a large wooden closet in his office, which displayed a black laced bra & panties. The bra had an opening in the front, which would have left both of her bare breasts and nipples exposed. And the panties were open in the crotch and back area, which would have shown her pussy and ass.

"," she said in a mystified tone.

"That's the goal. These are very wealthy men you'll be entertaining, and you'll be helping us close an important deal."

"Tell me, Kitten, how wet does this make you? Has being a pleaser always been a fantasy of yours?"

She suddenly became shy. "I went to a Catholic school. I grew up privileged. Doing something like this was a secret fantasy. So you're right. I've always wanted to explore sex, and to be a 'pleaser,' but only if it stays a secret."

"Are you wet?"

"...Yes." Maybe saying it openly would stop the feeling from getting strange soon.

"Good girl," he smiled. "This will remain a company secret. Always. You'll do fine. You'll be a big hit Wednesday night."

He gave her a hug, and she hugged him back. She held him tight to let him know that she was nervous and excited. He responded by giving her a kiss on the forehead.

Part 3 of 3: Our Pleasures Are Countless

Wednesday night. Kitten received a limo ride to the downtown building, courtesy of the corporation she worked for. She looked stunning in a sleek black dress and high heels. She rarely had a chance to look glamorous, so when the opportunity came, she took full advantage of it. Her face was covered in expensive cosmetics, and her hair was specially done for the night. The end result was as good as any Hollywood starlet on premiere night.

Nerves were kicking in when she rode the elevator up the high rise building. She took deep breaths as the floors went by. She kept her eyes on her reflection, making sure she looked good.

When the elevator door opened, she reached the penthouse area of the corporate building. It was an area in which she had never been before. It looked like a lavish hotel suite. The men were laughing and enjoying themselves while they sipped expensive drinks from their glasses. They were all sharply dressed in their business suits. They were in their mid 40's, she estimated. Their attention immediately turned to Kitten when she walked into the room.

Mr. Halper stood up and proudly greeted her.

"Gentleman," he said. "Allow me to introduce you to Kitten. She's the new senior representative for customer relations."

He repeated himself to the 3 guests in German. This time, they all understood what he meant, and the 3 men grinned and slowly nodded, with their eyes ravaging Kitten's cute little body. She knew that it was going to be a long night.

Kitten continued to stand awkwardly in front of the group of men.

"Have a drink," Mr. Halper said. "I'll fix you something."

"No thanks. I can't."

"Why not?"

"My stomach. I'm too nervous."

The men spoke in German, and Mr. Halper finished the rest of his drink.

"They like that you're nervous," Mr. Halper said. "They think your modesty is a nice quality to have. I've already told them how smart you are, which they also like. They also agree that you're very beautiful. In fact, you're far more beautiful than they expected."

"Thank you," Kitten replied.

Mr. Halper translated her message to the German businessmen, and they nodded.

"Shall we begin?" he asked. "Only if you're ready of course."

She took a deep breath. "I'm ready."

"Then unzip your dress. I think it's time you perform your official duties for this company."

Kitten looked the businessmen in the eyes as she slipped off her dress in the most casual way. As her dress came down, her breasts were exposed through her open bra. The upward curve of her tits became apparent to everyone in the room. Delicate pink nipples on full display.

When her dress was fully removed, her shaved pussy was also exposed thanks to the revealing panties she wore. She neatly placed her expensive dress on a nearby table. She stood in only her bra & panties, which exposed her intimate areas, along with her high heels. The men looked at her with hungry eyes.

"Stunning," Mr. Halper said. "Absolutely stunning. These men can't get enough of you."

"Thank you."

One of the businessmen spoke in German, and Mr. Halper smiled.

"Would you like to be handcuffed, Kitten?" Mr. Halper asked.

"If that's what they want. Then yes."

Mr. Halper nodded. "It's exactly what they want. As I've mentioned before, these men have a particular fetish for submissive women."

She stood frozen as Mr. Halper opened a small box which was sitting on the table. She looked inside and saw several pairs of handcuffs. It only made her more nervous, the good kind of nervous.

Kitten remained still as Mr. Halper handcuffed her wrists together. Then he reached inside of the box for a handcuff with a very long chain. It was almost like a shackle. He cuffed her ankle to the nearby couch. The chain was a few feet long. It was like she was a chained animal. Naked and on display for the men to see.

"Get on all fours, Kitten," he said. "Face the wall."

Kitten did as she was told. She got on her hands & knees, chained, like a wild animal. Her pulse raced higher and her pussy became wetter. This was no longer a fantasy that she had in private. This was now a reality.

What was the point of buying that nice dress and fixing my hair? She couldn't help but think, in a most humorous way. She had a habit of thinking odd humorous thoughts during erotic moments. Perhaps it was her mind's way of releasing stress. Or maybe it had to do with her conservative upbringing making her feel guilty.

One of the businessmen stood up, walked over to her, and brazenly began to rub her bare ass. Kitten could feel that his hand was rather large. She wondered how big his cock must be. Before she wondered too long, she felt a smack on her bottom. He hit her in the most gentle way. Then he hit her again, making her wince. His hands were strong and powerful, and he knew how to use them. The hits kept on coming, and she did her best to endure. The pain grew, but so did the pleasure. Deep down, the spankings felt good.

The men seemed thoroughly entertained as she was being spanked. Then it ended. The men spoke in German.

"On your knees, Kitten," Mr. Halper said. "It's time to showcase that talented mouth you have."

"Yes sir."

Kitten got on her knees and faced the businessmen. The 3 businessmen stood and formed a short line.Even during group sex, Germans are still orderly people, she thought to herself, trying not to laugh during the erotic moment. The more prepared the men were getting, the more nervous and aroused Kitten felt.

As the men undid their pants and freed their semi-hard erections, it was obvious that they had done this sort of thing before. Kitten had never felt so vulnerable, with her wrists handcuffed, and her ankle locked to the couch. She was sexually helpless, and it turned her on so bad.