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A lesbian Domme/sub love affair on a Caribbean island.
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This is a new exploration by me on the whole real eroticism of D/s. And I promise I'm spending this weekend on Saturn

Mistress Anna and her little slut Suzy were on a cruise around the Caribbean Sea. Their cabin was sumptuous and large, with wonderful furnishings. It was the very height of grand luxury.

One morning, as the sun was just streaming through the curtains, Suzy was awoken by Anna giving her a gentle kiss and saying, "Good morning little one. I've arranged a special surprise for you today, so pack a bag with enough for overnight and we'll head up to the top deck."

Suzy blinked her beautiful brown eyes slowly and looked up at her Mistress, curiosity as always getting the better of her. She sat up in bed, letting the covers drop away to reveal her breasts and excitedly clapped her hands and said, "Oo! Mistress! What is it? Where are we going? Are we spending the night in a posh hotel? Are we? Are we?"

Anna laughed at her little one, "I'm not going to spoil your surprise little slut. Just pack, and make sure you have things for the beach and things for the evening."

Suzy put on a pretend pout but then smiled, "So, do I pack something to wear at a fancy restaurant?"

"No, little one. Just something to wear in bed and something for the beach."

"But, but... I never wear anything in bed in this heat. You know that Mistress."

Anna put a mysterious smile on her face and gently kissed Suzy's nose and said, "Then you won't need to pack much, will you, little one?" Anna pointed to her own small case already by the cabin door, "That's all I'm packing."

Suzy noticed that her Mistress was dressed in a plain orange sun dress that came to just above the knee, and said, "So I should dress for the beach from the start?"

"Yes, little one. For the beach."

Suzy hurriedly packed her bag with a couple of bikinis and dressed in a short yellow summer dress.

When she was finally ready, she grabbed Anna's hand and excitedly said, "Can we go now Mistress? Please?"

Anna and Suzy were lovers, obviously, but these were roles they felt comfortable with and enjoyed. The age difference, Anna was forty and Suzy was twenty four, made it work well for the both of them. When they were out in public people just assumed they were mother and daughter, although Anna would have had to have been a teen mother for that to be true.

They headed up to the top deck, Anna leading and holding Suzy's hand as they went up the stairs, and there they were met by two men in uniform who greeted them and said to Anna, "We're almost ready, Madam. If you watch from the port side you'll see as we approach. If you give me your bags I'll make sure they're stowed safely for the trip."

Suzy hurried over to the side of the ship and took in the view over the azure sea. There she could see an island, with a beautiful white beach and palm trees along the shore line. At the distance they were, around one kilometer, she couldn't make out too many more details. She turned to Anna, "We're going to that Island?"

Anna smiled, "Yes, little one. We are."

"And staying in a posh hotel? You told me I didn't need a nice frock for dinner."

"Just wait and see, little one."

Finally the ship stopped and Suzy was all excited as they were helped to step into a motor-boat that was suspended on ropes, then joined by the two men. They were then lowered into the sea, the ropes were released and they sped towards the island, Anna and Suzy sitting in the back, and Suzy making "Wheee," noises as they approached the beach.

They came to a small jetty that led to the beach and they were helped out by the men offering a hand and Suzy took in the sight before her.

There was a large beach house set back from the shore, with a small patio and a huge double sun lounger on the patio at the front.

She looked at Anna, a little puzzled, but also excited, "We're staying here?"

Anna laughed, "Yes, little one. For all of today, tonight, and most of tomorrow, this whole island is ours."

Suzy squealed with delight and clapped her hands, jumping up and down then hugging her Mistress, "Oh thank you! This is wonderful!"

Anna laughed and, inwardly pleased, said, "I'm so glad you love the idea."

"Oh, I do! I do! Can we make sandcastles? Can we go swimming?"

"All of those things. Whatever you want, little one."

They kissed and as it turned a little more passionate they heard a cough. When they broke apart they saw one of the men who had brought them here holding a huge whicker hamper.

He blushed a little, clearly confused at the open display of affection, but said, "Your supplies, Madam," he looked at Suzy, "and Miss. Everything you need is in here, and we'll be back late tomorrow afternoon. If you get into any problems, there's a radio in there tuned to a channel we monitor, so all you need to do is call and we'll be with you as quickly as possible. Now, if you're okay with it, I'll put the hamper in your house and we'll be off."

Twenty minutes later Anna and Suzy were alone, standing on the beach and watching as the cruise liner sailed away.

They faced each other and without a word, embraced and kissed deeply and passionately. Suzy could feel stirrings in what they both called her 'slut parts', as well as feeling Anna's and her breasts squishing together, feeling her Mistress's erect nipples pushing into her and making her own respond in kind.

When they finally broke apart, Anna said, "Now, little one, before anything else, we need to get our bags into the house, have a look around, and unpack."

Happily, Suzy picked up her bag, and they both headed to the beautiful wood framed house. When they got in, they let their eyes adapt to the dark and Suzy gasped as they walked around and she saw the marble tiled floor, the kitchen, a small lounge and then through to a bedroom with an enormous double bed and an en-suite bathroom.

Suzy bounced on the bed and said, "Oo! I want to go to bed, Mistress. Now. Please?"

"As much as I would like to, little one, I need to unpack and sort out the hamper. Why don't you put on a bikini and go out and sunbathe while I get everything put away?"

Suzy frowned, "But... but... we're on an island. Our island. Why do I have to wear anything?"

Anna thought about this, and realised she was right. She smiled at her beautiful slut and said, "Perfect. We'll both get undressed and be naked all the time we're here."

Suzy didn't waste a second removing her clothes and then helping her Mistress disrobe.

When they were both naked they kissed once again and Anna gently smacked Suzy's bottom and said, "Go outside and sunbathe little one. Make sure you put suncream on, I'll make sure it's the first thing I bring out to you."

Suzy gave her lover a peck on the cheek and walked out, wiggling her hips seductively as she did so. As she watched, Anna couldn't contain a little sigh of pleasure, looking at her beautiful girlfriend and, not for the first time, falling in love with her all over again.

Anna started the unpacking and, when she came across the sunscreen, picked it up and made her way out to the patio where she was presented with an image both erotic and shocking. Suzy was lying on the giant sun lounger, on her back, her eyes covered by her sunglasses, her legs apart, knees up with her feet flat on the material of the lounger and she was masturbating. Anna could hear the short breaths and slightly squishy sounds of her lover. She watched soundlessly as Suzy stroked her fingers rapidly over her clitoris. While the sight certainly turned her on, she was also a little miffed that Suzy was making love with herself, rather than waiting for her Mistress to join her.

Anna watched and felt her own stirrings and couldn't help but start to touch herself, but then she got a grip on herself.

"What are you doing you little cunt?" She said, a little harshly.

Suzy suddenly stopped and sat up, obviously a little dizzy and light headed. She said in a worried voice, "Mistress?"

"How dare you, you little bitch. I've brought you here, on this lovely holiday and the first person you want to make love with is yourself?"

Suzy knew this was more of a game than a reality, but she was still a little worried she might have really done something wrong this time.

"I'm sorry Mistress. I couldn't help myself. I was out here and, it was so warm, and I did say I wanted to go to bed when we..."

Anna stepped forward, "Don't you dare use that as an excuse, young lady. Now, I think we know what has to happen now, don't we?"

Suzy gulped, "Yes Mistress Anna."

Anna sat down on the sun lounger and said, in a slightly softer, but still stern voice, "Over my knees. Now."

Obediently, Suzy lay face down across Anna's knees and put her bottom up in the air.

She suddenly felt a sharp spank on her bottom, and then heard Anna say, "Now, we are going to have a rule. You will only pleasure yourself if I say I want you to. Is that understood?"

Suzy felt the sting still spreading through her cheeks, but managed to say, "Yes, Mistress. I understand. And I'm sorry."

When she heard these words, Anna said, "Get on the lounger face down, little one."

Not sure what to expect, Suzy did as she was told. She got on the lounger, face down, wondering if she was going to get a much more painful spanking, but she should have known her Mistress better. The next thing she felt was gentle massaging from Anna's hands, and then soft kisses on the sore parts.

Suzy sighed as she felt the sting change into a heat between her legs. She then gasped as Anna squeezed the cool sunscreen onto her warm back.

"We have to make sure our tan lines are well protected, or we'll get sunburn, and we don't want that, do we little one?"

Suzy sighed with pleasure as Anna worked the cream into first her arms, then upper and lower back. Finally she felt Anna squeeze more of the cool liquid onto her bottom and let out a low moan as she felt her lover's hands smooth over her. Suzy opened her legs a little and she felt fingers stroking down between her cheeks and over her secret entrance and then down and over her inner thighs.

Suzy was on fire and wanted Anna to touch her, but knew that she shouldn't push things, so just luxuriated in the loving attention she was getting.

Anna finished off by covering the back of Suzy's legs. She then smacked her bottom playfully and said, "Okay, little one, now time for your front. Turn over."

Suzy gladly turned over and luxuriated in the gaze of her lover and the warmth of the sun on her bare skin. She felt her nipples crinkle and she melted as Anna lent down and placed a soft kiss on her lips, brushing her shoulder length, straight brunette hair away from her face with such tenderness. Suzy returned the kiss with fervour and adored the soft feeling of love that went between them.

The kiss managed to send urgent signals down to Suzy's 'slut parts' and her need grew even more. As Anna broke away from the kiss, Suzy whispered, "I want to cum for you Mistress. Please can I cum for you?"

Anna placed a finger on Suzy's lips and said, "Hush little slut. Not yet. Not until Mistress says so. Certainly not until I have finished putting your sunscreen on, and you have made sure I'm all covered as well."

"Okay Mistress. You always know best."

Anna sat back up and squeezed out the cream onto Suzy's breasts, the coolness making her nipples even harder. Anna spent quite a long time massaging it in and making sure her lover was fully protected but not ignoring her nipples, which she caressed and squeezed, almost certainly more than was strictly necessary, which only served to make Suzy squirm with lust and desire, feeling her juices flowing freely between her legs.

Anna then spread the cream over Suzy's belly, which made her giggle, "That tickles, Mistress!" She said.

Anna merely smiled and carried on and, to Suzy's disappointment, Anna next moved to her legs, passing over her mound without touching it, making her shudder with urgent desire.

"But Mistress, surely I need my slut parts protected? You wouldn't want me to get sunburn..."

Anna interrupted, saying, "All in good time little one, all in good time."

Once Anna had protected Suzy's legs, she started moving up her inner thigh with soft strokes, edging nearer to Suzy's pussy. Suzy opened her legs to allow easier access, and Anna looked and said, "Hmm. I can see that my little one is very excited. I love your puffy cunt lips, your clit poking her nose out and how wet you are."

"Yes, Mistress! See, I need to cum. It's very important. I read it somewhere. Famous scientists have proven it."

Anna laughed, "Shush little slut. Don't make me tell you again," and with that Suzy felt her lover's fingers start to spread the sunscreen over her mound, down over the outside of her lips and it was all Suzy could do to stop herself from grabbing her Mistress's hands and making her give her the orgasm she now so desperately craved.

She was therefore even more frustrated when Anna stopped and said, "My turn, little slut. Now you have to make sure your Mistress is protected."

Suzy squealed in frustration, "Mistress, you are so cruel! I want to cum for you. Please?"

Anna frowned, and merely said, "I told you. When we are both protected. You wouldn't want your Mistress to get sunburn, would you?"

Pouting, but knowing this was all part of their wonderful game, Suzy said, "I know Mistress. I'm sorry."

Anna leaned down and kissed Suzy again, a brief, soft kiss, her long red hair draping around Suzy's face, and said, "There is no need to be sorry, my little slut. Just be patient. Now sit up and let your Mistress lie down."

Suzy sat up and Anna replaced her, lying face down, and Suzy started as Anna had, with her arms and back then down over her bottom. She heard Anna sigh as her finger ran down between her cheeks and over her little hole, and then Suzy wondered if she could be really cheeky. She let her hand go down and slide between Anna's lips. Feeling how wet she was, she knew that her Mistress was as turned on by this whole experience as she herself was and so she let her fingers glide down between her lips until she found Anna's clit. It was very hard, and very wet, and Anna said nothing while Suzy played her fingers over it, but she did lift her bottom up a little to give better access.

Suzy continued stroking and squeezing Anna's centre and then used her other hand to slide two fingers inside her. Anna moaned and said, "Oh god, slut. Yes. Yes."

Suzy thought to herself, 'Should I be mean to Mistress and stop as well? Or maybe if I give her an orgasm, she will let me have mine?'

She decided to carry on. What she was doing was, if possible, making her even more turned on. She continued flicking Anna's clit with her fingers and sliding her fingers in to find Anna's g-spot, circling the little pad in time with the rhythms on the outside. Suddenly Anna started crying out, "Oh god slut. Fuck me. Fuck me. Make me cum you whore. Fuuuuuuccckkk!"

Anna started writhing, Suzy felt a small gush of her juices over her fingers, yet Suzy didn't stop, and that seemed to push Mistress Anna into another, and then another body shattering series of orgasms.

At last Mistress collapsed back down on the sun-bed, and Suzy slid her fingers out and brought them up to her lips, tasting the familiar and delightful flavour of her juices.

She sat and watched as her Mistress turned over and said, "That was wonderful, little one. Thank you."

Suzy merely leaned forward and, letting her own hair hide them, kissed Anna softly. 'Now,' she thought to herself, 'I will get my orgasm.'

As if reading her mind, Anna said, "Not yet, my adorable little slut. You have to finish my front, remember?"

Without complaining, Suzy squeezed out more sunscreen over Anna's breasts and massaged it in, making sure the whole whiter area of her tan lines was covered, and then she went down and used her fingers to massage some into Anna's bald mound, over her lips, just as had been done to her. Anna was still excited and wet, but Suzy decided that she would tease her just a little, like she had been so mercilessly teased so far.

She finished by applying cream to Anna's legs, and then stopped.

"All done!" Suzy said.

Anna smiled and sat up. With a wicked grin on her face, she said, "Well, I suppose I had better get on with unpacking and..."

"Grrrr!" Suzy growled, "No, you can't do that. You mustn't. You promised!"

Anna laughed softly and pushed Suzy gently back onto the sun lounger. With an anticipation she gloried in, Suzy watched mesmerised as Anna spread her legs and then started planting kisses from her mouth, down over her breasts and, finally, over her mound. She felt her engorged clit being taken into Anna's mouth, and then Anna sucked softly and started flicking her tongue slowly backwards and forwards. Suzy was almost ready, but Anna read the signs and stopped flicking momentarily, and Suzy felt the feeling flood further through her. Then she was aware of fingers sliding into her, opening her and finding her g-spot. Once there, Anna again stopped moving.

The next thing Suzy felt sent another surge of pleasure through her. Anna placed a finger at her little hole and, soaked in Suzy's own juices, slid a finger in there as well, slowly sliding all the way in. She felt filled, loved and was amazed she could feel this turned on without having actually cum yet.

Then Anna started her movements again. Sucking gently, her tongue flicking, her fingers stroking Suzy's g-spot, her other finger buried deep inside her back hole. This was more than enough. Screaming out meaninglessly, Suzy's orgasm hit her and hit her hard. She felt it move from all her pleasure centres and out down her legs, up through her body, her breasts, her arms, her fingers, her neck and seemingly out of the top of her head. She practically lost consciousness as the orgasm racked her body in wave after wave of pleasure.

When she finally came down to earth, she was still a little disconnected, and only realised what was going on when Anna kissed her and she tasted herself on her Mistress's lips. She opened her eyes and saw that Anna's mouth and chin were covered completely with her juices.

Anna pulled back and said, "Now that was quite an orgasm, little one. It's a very good job this sun bed is water proof."

Suzy blushed, "Was it really that bad Mistress?"

"Bad? No, little cum slut. I think I know you well enough to know how much you gush, and I love it. It's never bad."

Suzy lazily wrapped her arms around Anna's neck and pulled her down into a languorous kiss.

"I love you, Mistress."

"I love you too, my adorable whore."

They lay together, kissing and stroking each other for ages before Anna said, "Now I really should go and unpack."

She sat up, let herself steady, and was about to stand up when she felt Suzy's hand hold her wrist. She looked around and Suzy said, "Can I be kitty today, Mistress? Or have I been too naughty?"

Anna smiled at her beautiful lover, "You can always be kitty for me, little one. I'll go and get your kitty bits."

With that she stood and went into the house, re-emerging a few minutes later with her special bag and placing it down beside Suzy and once again sitting next to her.

Anna picked up Suzy's kitty collar, and placed it gently around her lover's throat, securing it so that the little tag saying "Mistress Anna's Special Kitty" was at the front. She gave Suzy a soft kiss and said, "Tail or ears next, little one?"

Suzy answered by turning over and pushing her bottom up, "I want my tail, Mistress. I love having my tail in."

Anna smiled and picked up the fluffy kitty tail, along with the tube of lubricant. She covered the tail's butt plug with lubricant, and then she stroked Suzy's bottom gently and parted her legs, exposing her beautiful little asshole, squeezing the cool liquid over the entrance and smoothing it gently with her finger before pushing gently and sliding into her, stopping when she felt resistance and waiting until Suzy relaxed and then pushing more. Suzy had worn her tail often enough that this process didn't take anywhere near as long as it had at the beginning, but Anna always wanted to make sure she didn't hurt her lover, so still took it slowly.