Knox County Ch. 08


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Cynthia was moving around the kitchen, fixing dinner. It had been a good day at Sean's; he was so obviously on cloud nine due to his new romance with Aimee. Better still, Aimee seemed to have forgiven Cynthia's past with Tim, and the two chatted amiably whenever they were together. Cynthia doubted she could be as forgiving. Let some bitch steal David and Cynthia knew they'd be sworn enemies for life. That bitch definitely wouldn't be cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry for the new boyfriend. All told, Cynthia was amazed how it had all worked out so far.

Cynthia looked at the clock. Five fifteen, David would be home soon. She couldn't wait. Since she'd moved back, they'd devised a game to spice up their sex lives. And what a game it was, she thought, smiling at how well it had worked out.

It was David's idea. They should both write down fifteen things they most fantasized about, wanted to do with or to each other, or had always been curious about but had always been afraid to ask. Both lists were separated into scraps of paper with one fantasy or idea on each and the scraps thrown together in a jar. Then, every morning before David left for work, they drew one scrap from the jar, alternating the days with Cynthia pulling a scrap one day and David pulling a scrap the next. Only one thing was forbidden: No third parties; all scenarios had to be just her and David.

Despite her initial reluctance, Cynthia now loved the game. She thought it would get old having sex every single day, but it hadn't worked out that way. To the contrary, during the past month, they'd explored things with and about each other and learned more about each other's deepest and darkest desires than in all the previous years they'd been together. Better yet, by drawing the scrap in the morning, they each spent the whole day anticipating what was written on the scrap. When Cynthia drew the scrap, she spent the day planning. If the scrap was her initial choice, she tried to make everything exactly what it was she was looking for; if it was David's choice, she tried to make it live up to what she thought he wanted. Strangely, she found she liked far better the days when David drew the scrap. Then she'd spend the whole day wondering, anticipating what the night would bring. And tonight was David's night, she thought, smiling. Lost in her reverie, she didn't hear the footsteps approaching. She didn't realize anyone was with her until her arms were roughly grabbed and pulled behind her back and she felt the cold steel of handcuffs tightening around her wrists. She was confused, her mind more fully muddied when she tried to turn to him only to have her hair tugged down and a blindfold slipped over her eyes.

"It's party time," David whispered into her ear.

She smiled. "What's on the agenda tonight?"

He sucked in her earlobe. "It's a surprise."

She purred with the sensation of his light sucking and his hot breath in her ear. "At least tell me whose choice it was."

He paused for a moment, nibbling behind and below her ear. "It was yours," he whispered.

She felt herself getting aroused with just the touch of his lips, his hot breath on her skin, and the thoughts whirling through her head. They had only gone through about half of her choices, many of which had included bondage since their first night back together. This could be any of about four or five remaining choices, she realized. She quit trying to guess for the moment and closed her eyes, enjoying his tender ministrations while trying to remember what was left.

"Did you like my idea, whatever it was?"

He murmured his assent. His hands reached around her and began unbuttoning her blouse. Then she felt him press into her, his hardened shaft grinding against her cheeks. She pushed her ass out, enjoying the sensation.

"Was it something you wanted to do, too?"

"I've wanted to do everything you've picked so far," he answered. His fingers finished unbuttoning her blouse, and he pulled it open and back. "Maybe the handcuffs weren't such a good idea," he said, tugging the blouse all the way back to her wrists and exposing her torso to his caresses.

"Please, sweetie, don't keep me in suspense," she said. He ignored her, though, unclasping her bra and reaching his hands underneath. His palms covered her breasts and squeezed, then he squeezed her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.

Cynthia felt her panties dampening between her legs. David was patient, though, concentrating his hands on her breasts and belly, caressing and tickling with feather light strokes and gentle squeezes of her breasts. His mouth, meanwhile, was kissing from the top of her neck, around the sides, and down her spine.

"Please, baby, tell me," she murmured, her cuffed hands reaching back and stroking his hard on through his pants.

"All in good time," he responded. His hands went to the zipper of her skirt, drawing it down to her ankles. She stepped out, and his right hand went to her mound outside her panties, pressing down while his left hand continued squeezing her breast.

"Someone's getting excited," David observed, trailing a finger over her damp crotch. She said nothing, closing her eyes behind the blindfold and concentrating on his finger as it lightly ran back and forth the length of her slit, his other hand as it alternately squeezed and pinched her nipples, tugging lightly.

Cynthia felt an orgasm begin as David's finger zeroed in on her clit, circling it lightly through her silk panties. "It's already hard," he whispered in her ear. She turned her head, her mouth seeking out his and finding it. Her tongue snuck into his mouth, and she groaned through their kiss.

David's finger between her legs kept up the same pace and pressure, and she felt her orgasm rising. "Just like that," she mumbled through their kiss, and just like that he kept on.

Cynthia felt her tummy tingle and her muscles go taut as her orgasm began. It didn't last long, but it relaxed her limbs.

When her orgasm subsided, Cynthia felt David's hands tugging down her panties beneath her skirt. He pushed her further over the counter and flipped her skirt up over her hands, exposing her ass to him. Then she felt his tongue, lashing at her wet slit and up to her puckered anus.

Cynthia shivered with the sensations, her excitement growing as his tongue centered on her knotted rosebud. She gasped as his tongue pressed forward, and she willed herself to relax and loosen. After a moment, she felt her tightened muscle go slack, and his tongue pushed in until she felt his lips against her cheeks.

"Oh my God," she panted. "I know which wish you drew."

She heard him murmur, and she knew what was coming. She remembered writing the wish on the scrap of paper, hoping it would be long after her other wishes had been drawn and prepared her. She remembered writing it as graphically as she could, hoping her words would turn him on as much as the thought had turned her on these past few months.

Handcuff me and FUCK MY ASS.

Previous wishes of hers had involved toys of ever increasing size, getting her ready for what was to come. For this luck of the draw she was grateful, and now she was ready and eager for her last bastion to be taken.

"Please," she groaned, "don't make me wait any longer. I'm ready." But David ignored her, his tongue sawing in and out of her loosening backside. Then she felt his finger tracing the length of her pussy, circling around her clit before going back and tracing more. Her senses were overloading with the invasion and the stimulation, and behind her blindfold she was seeing stars.

Just before she was there, his tongue withdrew. She panted in disappointment, then groaned low as she felt his finger rubbing the cool lubricant against her sphincter, his other finger keeping up the manipulations of her soaked pussy.

"Put it in me," she urged.

He ignored her, taking his time applying more and more lube. Then she felt it, the pressure of his finger pushing in. Her orgasm again welled up, building with the violations to her last unconquered orifice.

As the tingling began, she felt a second finger join the first and push in insistently. Her breathing quickened to rapid pulses, the stars in her blackened vision popping with the nerves shooting from deep within her belly. His finger around her clit circled more quickly, and the two fingers in her ass began sliding back and forth, preparing her.

Cynthia's orgasm was like none she'd ever experienced. This was no sensation of waves rolling through, but an explosion of nerves simultaneously sending warmth throughout her body. All vision was white light, and she was deafened by what she soon realized were her own screams. Loud, piercing wails to keep going.

While her orgasm roiled through her body, she felt the sudden emptiness as David's fingers withdrew. Then she felt the insistent pressing of his cock nudging against the center of her tender asshole. My God, she thought in the back of her mind, he feels like a steel bar. The thought of what was to happen only prolonged her orgasm as his finger withdrew from her clit and the pressing into her backside got more insistent.

When her orgasm subsided, she heard David whispering, coaching her. "Push back," he said.

She closed her eyes, relaxed, and willed her anus to relax with the rest of her. Then, gingerly, she leaned back onto him, trying to work him into her. She felt one hand spreading her cheek to give him access, and she tried to get him in quickly. The pain, though, was overwhelming, and she concentrated on slowing her breathing and relaxing herself as much as possible.

Unlike the toys, which were either narrow or tapered to allow easy entry, his cock was widest at the end. She willed herself to open up for the biggest intrusion and hope that what came after would ease her discomfort.

Behind her, David was rock steady. His hips stayed solid as she moved, millimeter by millimeter, back onto him. Then, with one final effort, she felt the ring of muscle go slack and his head popped into her, taking her breath away. She held there, getting used to the invasion. The feeling was like none she'd ever experienced, not with the toys or his fingers. It was pain--the widening of her ass as it had never been widened--coupled with an incredible fullness. David, who she knew had only an average-sized cock, felt like a baseball bat in the smaller opening.

The visions turned her on, and she felt herself warming to his presence in her ass. Then she felt his fingers returning to her pussy, running back and forth before centering on her clit.

"Undo the handcuffs," she said.

She heard a click and her wrists were free. She placed one hand on the counter under her and the other between her legs, playing with her clit around David's fingers. Then, slowly, inch by inch, she pushed back onto him, slowing the progress to accustom her body when the tightness became too much.

After what seemed forever, she felt his pelvis make contact with her ass cheeks. She continued pushing, getting him in as deeply as possible before holding there for a few minutes.

"Tell me what it feels like," she panted.

"Tight," she heard his voice gasp. She knew he was close, she could feel his cock throbbing in her velvety walls, the pulses through his veins almost in time with her heartbeat.

"Go slowly," she said. "And don't pull all the way out."

She felt him withdraw, his progress painstakingly slow. When only his head remained within her, she felt him push back in more slowly than he had withdrawn. All the while, her fingers rubbed her pussy, getting slick in the juices that were gathering. On his tenth or fifteenth trip back in--she had lost count in the sensations--she felt it, the loosening of her nerves, the complete slackening of her sphincter, and the rush of fullness.

"Oh fuck," she groaned.

"Does it feel better?" he asked.

She could only nod in reply. The sensations were returning, the overwhelming fullness in her ass coupled with the throbbing in her clit. She rubbed her clit faster, racing with the growing arousal she felt in David's pulsating cock, trying to beat him to his orgasm.

"I'm getting close," he panted behind her, and she felt him hold steady fully impaled. She felt his head, deep within her, expanding against her walls.

Then it hit her, an orgasm unlike any she'd experienced before. It started at her anal ring, pulsating outward to the muscles of her ass and inward the length of his cock.

"Oh God oh God yes oh God," she repeated over and over. The orgasm spread to the sensitive tip of her clit and pulsated through her body, numbing her senses to all but the sensations coursing through her veins and nerves. Her eyes squeezed shut, and she heard only a pounding in her head increasing in intensity.

Then she felt David's release shooting deep within her. Blast after blast, hard and deep, thrust in deeper still as he held her ass tightly against his impaling member. This further heightened her orgasm, and she cradled her face in her arm on the counter, feeling the sensations run through her body.

After nearly a minute, as her orgasm subsided, she spoke. "Wow."

David chuckled. He remained fully ensconced in her ass, but the invasion was no longer tight or painful. It was now just a warm fullness, and she didn't want it to end. He was kissing her back, mumbling, and she tried to focus on his words.

"So that was okay?" he said.

She nodded in her cradled arm. "Yeah," she said after catching her breath, "that was okay."

"Just okay?"

"Maybe more than just okay. Maybe really good."

"So you liked it?"

She felt him softening and retracting from her. "I liked it a lot," she said. "Hurts at first, I guess. But it certainly gets a lot better."

He was stroking her hips as he withdrew fully. His exit left an emptiness that it took her a moment to get used to. He continued stroking her back and hips, bending over and kissing her neck.

Cynthia turned and put her arms around David, kissing him for the first time since he'd arrived home. She felt tenderness in her bottom, perhaps a little more than in their past play with toys, but she was sure it would dissipate in a matter of hours.

"I'm really glad you didn't pick that wish sooner," she said. "I don't think I could have handled it without all of the preliminaries of the past month."

David chuckled. "Actually," he said, "I did pick it sooner." Her eyebrows rose. "The very first time, as a matter of fact."

"And you . . . ."

He tilted his head, grinning. "I was pretty sure that was too much too soon. So I snuck in during my afternoon break and swapped it out for another one."

"You cheated?"

He nodded. "Twice, as a matter of fact. I drew it again a few weeks later."

"And you weren't ready by then?"

He kissed her deeply in response, kneading her bare ass cheeks in his hands. When the kiss ended, he spoke. "I was ready from the very first. Always wanted to try it, as a matter of fact."


"But I was worried that if it was too soon--if you weren't ready for it yet--then it would hurt too much."

"I love you," she said, and kissed him.

They lingered in the kitchen, hugging, stroking and kissing, Cynthia clad in only a skirt and David in only his unbuttoned dress shirt.

After ten minutes or so, David spoke first. "So you'd try it again?"

She nodded, her grin turning lascivious. "Not as a total replacement, mind you. But it sure is a nice supplement."

* * *

Sean sat in the back of the courtroom with the other couples and spectators. There were a procession of them standing before the judge, ten minutes of testimony each, and they were divorced. Aimee and Tim were nearly the last to be called, and Sean felt his stomach tighten as they approached the bench with Will.

It was perfunctory, though, and ten minutes later they were divorced.

All four left the courtroom together.

"Anyone want to get some lunch?" Tim suggested.

Aimee smiled, taking Sean's hand in hers and shooting him a meaningful look. He had a feeling what they'd be doing the moment they got home.

"No," Aimee said in response to Tim's question, "but thank you. And thanks for making this painless." Tim smiled in return. "It was you who made this painless. You could have really made this messy, and I appreciate that you didn't."

They all stepped out into the bright, sunny day. Sean felt the gentle breeze blowing against his cheeks, and he realized that he was truly happy for the first time in a long time. Aimee was divorced, her house was for sale, and she would soon be moving in with him.

"You were right," Sean said, turning to Will.

Will raised his eyebrows. "How so?"

"Fair's fair, and it was really easy provided everyone kept the past out of it and focused on the future."

Will nodded. "Ninety-nine times out of a hundred it doesn't work out that way, though."

Sean smiled at him.

"You fuckin' pig!" Sean heard from his side and began to turn.

From the corner of his eye, Sean saw a big-bellied bear of a man sticking his arm out, something in his hand. At the same time, he saw Tim flail an arm at the outstretched hand and scream at the man to drop it. Sean saw Tim's hand shove the gun at the same time he felt a hard blow to his chest. He heard the roar of the gun, then another as he felt another tremendous blow to his side, spinning him around and into Will.

Sean felt Will also falling backward, and they fell in a heap on top of each other. Sean heard scuffling to his side, but he couldn't turn his head from Will's stomach. Then he felt a warm, sticky liquid pooling in Will's stomach and smearing over his face.

The images were a montage of confusion. All at once he heard scuffling feet, swearing and grunting, Aimee's screams, Will's moans.

Sean felt his eyelids flickering, and he fought to keep them open.

"Sean," Aimee was crying into his face, her hands on his, "Sean, just stay there. Will, stay down. Don't move you two. Sean, please . . . ."

But Will's blood on his cheek was so warm and soothing, so comfortable, so. . . .

Then blackness came over him and the sounds were gone.

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Martyr2002Martyr200210 months ago

I Know this is the wrong chapter for this comment, but my computer spazzed out and now I can't find the rights spot. It's about David and Cynthia trying for a baby at 40. I can tell you right now from personal experience that it is a bad idea. The chance of having a baby with Autism ( we have one), or with a neural tube defect ( we lost one), or with Down's Syndrome is much higher the older you wait. Depending on your ethinic back ground ( people like us suffer from Founder Effects in our population its an island thing) it could be even higher than average.

I know this is fantasy but it still needs bits of realism to make it readable. I've been told by my daughter who is training as a practical nurse, that pregancies after 35 are actually considered "Geriatric Pregnancies" so really 40 is way to late to deliberatly try for a baby. Our genetic contributions are getting more and more degraded by age. It's just not a good idea.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

Shooting makes no sense. I assume it was George, thus he should shoot Will. Unless it's the guy that was pepper sprayed with "unknown" escort from way earlier then he should have shot Elizabeth. SO, I am totally confused just when there could be 3 happy couples.

LifeisadventureLifeisadventurealmost 2 years ago

Love this chapter the evolution of flawed characters from bad to at least some kind of redemption.

The sex has been erotic but while varied a little repetitious and slows down the story. I know this is fiction & fantasy but in my experience anal sex is more enjoyable and just as sexy if not more so with proper preparation & hygiene.

My wife & I were together 35 years and didn’t start anal until after 20 or so. We heard about proper preparation from the Playboy channel on Sirius Radio. Starting without an enema can be messy and a big turn off. However, bending her over using an enema bottle while penetrating her vaginally produced some of her best orgasms, then when she gave the safe word letting her run to the bathroom. After that using lube fingers and a proportionate size glass dildo made it easy and pleasant for both to go right to work. I found having to go slow and hold inside till she got adjusted could make me loose my erection. Let the dildo do that. Just a little real life advice kids lol.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 8 years ago
Second time through...

Tracking down every angle in this storyline. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Wow, didn't see that coming

Five out of five. Really didn't see that ending coming. I should have in hind sight. Great writing. Cheers Steve

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