Kyle the Weremoose Gets Lucky

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Halloween is the worst time for were-moose.
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Kyle was an average guy in his late twenties, and the last person anyone would ever expect to become a terror stalking his suburban development at the edge of town.

"Your father couldn't keep his eyes off my tits, you know." Gina looked out at the endless pine trees lining the road as they whizzed by in the twilight.

"I mentioned it to him," Kyle said. "He's always been a lecher. Getting worse in his old age, too. But can you blame him? I said you should wear something less form-fitting. You're not exactly small."

"Neither are you," she grinned, reaching over to rub his dick through his pants.

"Hey," Kyle said, gently removing her hand. "Naughty girl. I have to pay attention when driving on these back-country roads. Nearly hit a deer once."

"Why do your parents live way out here, anyway?"

"It was their dream to retire to a house in the country. Someplace private where they can have their parties. They throw the most confusing, weird parties. In fact, they—"

"Oh shit! LOOK OUT!"

Kyle jammed on the brakes and steered until the car shuddered to a stop in front of a hulking figure standing in the middle of the road: a moose.

It regarded them through the windshield, calmly chewing something. Antlers like massive pointy snow shovels fanned above its head. Its long legs looked ludicrously thin to support such an immense body.

Gina and Kyle stared at the creature, then at each other, ashen faced with hearts pounding.

"That was close," Kyle said. He beeped the car horn and waved. "Shoo! Get off the road, dummy."

The moose was unmoved.

He opened the door to step out. Gina grabbed his arm.

"That's not a good idea," she said. "I heard moose can kick a guy's guts out in a flash."

"I'll be careful," said Kyle. He got out of the car and walked towards the creature, waving his arms. "Hey, stinky. Scat! Git! Get out of the road, you ugly dumb beast."

The moose's eyes flared. It tossed its head, snorted and clopped closer to Kyle, lowering its head to glare straight into his eyes. The forward tines of the antlers nearly grazed Kyle's temples. Rotten cabbage moose breath filled the air.

Kyle thought its eyes looked intelligent, almost human.

Forcing a smile, Kyle raised both palms and backed away. "Sorry, mister moose. I can see you're not dumb. And you're not ugly. You're very handsome, uh, for a moose. I'm going to get back in the car now, if that's okay with you."

Kyle turned and eased towards his car. The moose bellowed, a sound like a pig squealing through a vacuum hose. Kyle ran, but the moose caught his jacket in its teeth. A toss of its head sent Kyle flying to the edge of the pavement. He laid there in a heap.

Inside the car, Gina jammed her hand on the car horn, startling the moose with the relentless blaring noise. She flashed the lights, revved the engine and yelled.

Giving her a stern look, the moose snorted, then trotted off the road into the trees.

Gina ran to Kyle and helped him sit up. "Are you all right? He really threw you."

Kyle staggered to his feet. "I'm okay." He felt his shoulder. His jacket was ripped and when he pulled back his hand, there was blood.

"Oh, shit!" said Gina. "You're bleeding!"

She helped Kyle back to the car and had him sit while she fetched the first aid kit. She wiped the wound with antiseptic wipes.

"A moose once bit my sister," she said. "We were at a wildlife park. Moose bites can be pretty nasty." She taped gauze over the broken skin. "It's only small. His teeth just grazed you. But we'd better get you to a hospital. That moose might have rabies."

"No," Kyle said. "I'm fine. I just want to get home."


"But I want to be a tiger," Gina said. "Tiger tail, little tiger ears, painted on whiskers. Raarr!"

Kyle was pawing through the racks of costumes in the crowded store. He said, "Oh, everyone was a cat or a fox or something last year. I think you'd be incredibly cute as a deer. Did the salesperson find any costumes?"

"She hung a bunch in the dressing room. I'll try them on. What are you going to wear? Please don't say you're going to make a costume again. Halloween is next week."

"Not sure," said Kyle. "We can't both go as deer, so maybe a Steve Irwin type? A conservationist? Or forester? Maybe a veterinarian?"

Gina shook her head. "Roman soldier. With a chest plate and one of those short, armored skirt things. And no underwear for easy access."

"And you say I'm the one with the filthy mind." He swatted her bum. "Okay. Anything for you. I'll look for that while you're trying on yours. And let me see them!"

Gina emerged wearing a full-length brown unitard. The tummy and front of the legs were off-white, the back painted with square white spots. A white deer tail and headband with ears completed the look.

Kyle took one look and gasped. "Oh my god, Gina," he said. "Do you think I'm some kind of pedophile? You can't wear that! It's sick." He spun her around, ushering her back to the change room. "Go try on an adult costume."

She returned wearing a sleeveless fur vest, white T-shirt, and brown yoga pants. No spots. This time the headband had both ears and antlers.

"Better?" Gina asked.

Kyle looked her over and licked his lips. "You look great," he said. "But we have to lose the antlers. That cross-gender stuff is just too confusing."


Back at home, Gina and Kyle eagerly tried on their costumes.

Kyle held up his plastic short sword and spun, revealing he was indeed not wearing underwear. Gina posed in her deer outfit. She had removed the antlers and painted the tip of her nose black. She stuck out her bum to show off her white fluffy tail.

"That's so sexy," Kyle breathed.

Gina stepped close and reached for him under the skirt. "Are you going to fuck your little doe, mister gladiator?"

Kyle kissed her. "I'm a centurion. Or maybe a legionnaire. Can't remember which. Gladiators are different."

Gina pulled him to the bedroom. When she laid on the bed and started peeling down her yoga pants, Kyle stopped her halfway.

He had a funny look in his eyes. "Turn around," he said, and positioned her on all fours at the edge of the bed.

Kyle stepped behind her and positioned himself, Gina looking over her shoulder and smiled. When he sank into her, she groaned happily as he spread her open with his big dick, then she lowered her head to the sheets, arching her back to give Kyle maximum access.

Gina was always so hot, Kyle thought as he plowed into her delicious body. The site of her bum, the fur and the ears turned him on like nothing before. He felt like the luckiest man in the world to have her, and even luckier since she had moved in.

But something was wrong. After ten minutes, he stopped.

Gina looked back, confused. "I was almost there," she said. "Are your legs tired? Want to change positions?"

Kyle led her to the bathroom, filling the tub ankle-deep. Gina was skeptical and worried the water might wreck her costume, but she again assumed a position on hands and knees and the pair continued.

After another twenty minutes, Gina had brought herself to orgasm with her hand, gasping as Kyle continued to fuck her, but he still couldn't come.

"It's the costume, isn't it?" Gina said. "I'll take it off. We can try again."

"No," Kyle said. "I don't know what's wrong. Let's take a break. It's movie night, anyway. I've got a bunch of Halloween movies to pick from."


"I don't know why you like horror flicks," Gina said. "They're either gross or terrifying."

Kyle stood up from the couch and ejected the disc from the player.

"An American Werewolf in London is a comedy," he said. "And a classic. We have to get into the Halloween mood."

Gina crossed her arms and scowled.

Kyle sighed. "Okay, okay. No more gross movies. No more scary. That leaves... musicals!" He rummaged through his collection, then held up two plastic cases. "Rocky Horror or Little Shop of Horrors?"

"Little Shop," said Gina. "As long as we skip past the dentist scene. Now, don't start it until I make more popcorn."

She started to get up, but Kyle said, "No, it's my turn. Relax. I'll make it."

As Kyle carried the popcorn bowl back to the kitchen, he passed the glass patio doors. His house had a broad grass yard that ended at the treed edge of the subdivision. A wispy mist had formed on the grass, lit by the full moon in the cloudless night sky.

The moon. So bright. So beautiful. So...

From the couch, Gina heard a crash and groans. She ran to the kitchen.

"Oh, my god! Kyle, what's wrong?"

Kyle was in agony, writhing on the floor, strangled groans coming from between clenched teeth.

"I'll call 911," Gina said. "I told you to see a doctor last week."

Kyle clutched her arm, looking at her wide-eyed before jarring convulsions wracked his body. Gina watched, terrified and amazed as his body twisted and bent as he screamed.

His arms grew longer, thinner; his legs too, extruding from the bottom of his pants. Kyle's face bulged and throbbed, extending, forming a muzzle like a dog.

The end of the muzzle became bulbous with drooping snout and huge nostrils. No, not like a dog, Gina realized. A moose!

The speed of the horrifying transformation increased. Stubby nubs on his head sprouted into fuzz-covered stalks which sprouted nubs and stalks of their own.

Short brown fur erupted all over his body as Kyle struggled to remove his clothes. His clenched fists turned dark and rigid, becoming hooves, as did his bare feet. A hairy droop of skin appeared under his chin and a hump of muscle grew between his shoulder blades.

A moose. Somehow, Kyle had become a moose.

Gina scrambled backwards and stood as Kyle wobbled to his hooves, legs shaky as a newborn fawn.

Because conservation of mass is a thing, Kyle was small for a moose, his shoulder hump coming to the height of Gina's chest.

He looked around the room, then at Gina, whites of his eyes showing like a spooked horse. When he tried to speak, a garbled fluting came out.

Gina tentatively stroked the soft velvet of his muzzle. "It's okay. It's all right. I'll call someone. We'll figure this out. We'll fix it!"

Kyle began sniffing, eyes searching, his huge nostrils working away. Clumsily, he drew back and dipped his head. Gina leaned back as the antlers almost scraped her boobs.

He nearly knocked Gina off her feet when he jammed his snout between her legs.

Gina squealed and pushed him away. "Kyle! Stop! What are you doing?"

Kyle stepped back, eyes wild. Lifting his snout, he sniffed again until the moonlight outside drew his eye. Kyle began knocking his antlers against the patio doors, lightly at first, then harder, thudding the glass relentlessly.

"No!" said Gina. "You don't want to go outside. Someone will see!"

Snorting and bleating, Kyle rammed the glass and pawed the carpet with increasing fervor. Reluctantly, Gina slid open the door.

Kyle galloped into the yard, then lifted his head to the moon and gave a fluted bellowing howl. Gina followed him outside just as he galloped across the yard then into the woods.

The were-moose was loose.


Gina searched for Kyle through the night, stepping through the underbrush, flashlight in hand, calling his name. Twice she heard strange bellowing in the distance, but never found him.

When dawn lit the sky, she stumbled back to the house exhausted, wet, and desperate with worry.

Around 10 AM, Gina woke. Bleary-eyed, she padded to the kitchen to discover a naked human Kyle curled up outside the patio doors. He was muddy and nearly hypothermic from the October air.

Kyle was too bleary to answer her questions, so Gina cleaned him and warmed him in a bath of tepid water before leading him to the bedroom to cuddle and share body heat.


Together they watched the local action news channel in amazement:

"Multiple residents of the close-knit community report a juvenile moose rampaging through back yards and along streets.

Lawns were torn up by hooves and backyard gardens raided with pumpkins trampled and carrots pulled from the ground and left half-eaten.

Nearby Williams Dairy reported an undersized moose harassing multiple cows and trying to mate during the early morning hours."

Kyle gave Gina an incredulous look. "So you're saying that was me? You realize that's completely nuts, right?"

"So then where were you last night? What's the last thing you remember?"

Kyle recounted getting up to make popcorn, then... what? Flashes of forest, being knees deep in a cold pond, the moon glowing high above. Scents everywhere, some warning him to stay away, others enticing him to follow. And through it all, an intense need to breed. A yearning, clawing horniness.

Covering his face, Kyle cried. "Oh, god! Maybe it's true! You see all these movies and read all the stories about weremoose, but who ever imagined they were real?"

Gina comforted him. "We'll fix this. There must be a cure. Someone must know something. Or maybe it'll clear up on its own. Like the flu."

"The flu doesn't make you grow antlers, Gina. The flu doesn't make you so horny you—"

The doorbell rang. Peeking through the window, Gina and Kyle saw a group of men in hunting clothes and carrying everything from shotguns to ax handles and pitchforks.

They answered the door.

"Hey, neighbor," said the lead hunter. He handed them a flier with a blurry picture of the weremoose and warnings printed under it. "Heard about the moose last night? Me and the boys are getting together a hunting party. We're gonna take down the sonabitch before he does any more damage."

Kyle cleared this throat. "Uh, that seems harsh. Did anyone call Animal Control?"

"Sure did. They're sending their truck. But those pansies will just tranq the bastard and release him somewhere else. That's okay with ordinary moose. They all get crazy this time of year. It's rutting season, after all. But there's something really strange about this one." He turned. "Hey, Jeff, tell him about your car."

"Well," said Jeff. "Last night I was stopped at the lights at Park and Willow and next thing I knew the thing was behind me with its front legs on the trunk just humping away. He was trying to fuck my car. It was crazy. I mean, I love my car, but not like that."

"See?" said the leader. "The thing's not right in the head. Gotta be put down. Don't want anyone getting hurt by that moose or getting themselves shot. So, you two better hunker down tonight, but call the number on the flier if you see it."


Sitting beside each other in the living room, Kyle and Gina stared at the flier.

"You tried to fuck a car?" said Gina.

Kyle shrugged. "It might have been one of those sexy convertibles, but I don't really remember. I only have these fuzzy flashes. I clearly remember being horny. Really, really horny. Look, Gina... it's still a full moon. What if I change again tonight?"

"We'll keep you inside. Lock all the doors, close the curtains. Wait for it to pass."

"And if I get violent? You said I nearly smashed the patio doors last night."

"You were terrified. Following some instinct to get outside."

"I think it's because I needed to mate. Like that guy said; it's rutting season. I remember smelling... something. Something irresistible. I followed it. Didn't find it. I think it was a female moose."

"Then maybe the best thing is to make sure you're not horny." Gina stood and extended her hand. "Come on. I could use some stress relief myself."

Again, Kyle insisted Gina get on all fours. She happily agreed. They tried for three hours in every position, using every trick they had learned while being together: dirty talk, role play, bondage, porn videos, and erotic stories. Kyle's ardent efforts had Gina coming three times, but Kyle was not as fortunate. Even with Gina wearing the deer costume he could not come, leaving him more frustrated and hornier than before.

They decided to lock him in the garage for the night. Gina parked the car in the driveway and lowered the metal door. They dragged a mattress onto the cold concrete floor, then waited together for the moon to rise.

It began the same as the previous night: Kyle writhing in pain, groaning and twisting as his body went through the hideous transformation from man to moose.

When finally he stood tall before Gina, she thought his antlers had gained more tines than before. His soft eyes, instantly recognizable as Kyle's, regarded her with desperation and despair.

Gina stroked his side. "Oh, Kyle," she said, "Why the long face? We'll figure this out."

Kyle sniffed the air, his muzzle lifting, drinking in scents. Gina could only smell old crankcase oil and mildew, but though the tiny window along the wall was painted shut and the door leading to the backyard was locked, Kyle's long snout detected the faint musk of a moose in heat.

Somewhere in the forest behind the house, a female moose, a cow, was ready to mate.

Issuing a mournful bellow sounding like a piglet trapped in a well, Kyle trotted in circles around the garage, desperate for an exit.

"Wait! Kyle, stop," cried Gina, trying to catch him. "Calm down. You need to stay here! They could shoot you if you go outside. I love you! I don't want to lose you. Not like this!"

Kyle bellowed again and began butting the metal garage doors. Bang! Bang! His antlers dented the thin metal as the booming impacts reverberated through the garage and outside.

Gina then noticed the half-hard dick swinging between his hind legs. If conservation of mass was a thing, in Kyle's case it wasn't evenly distributed: his dick was larger than expected, and clearly in need of attention.

"Kyle, honey," she said softly, guiding him away from the garage door, "I'll take care of you."

Kneeling on the mattress, she positioned Kyle, stroking his flank. "I know, Hon, I know. You're frustrated. Haven't been able to come. Maybe you'll be able to now that you're like this. Then you can relax."

Gina used her hands, needing both to wrap around the massive member. Kyle grunted and thrust, enjoying the sensation, looking back at his love with grateful eyes. Gina stroked and rubbed, using the techniques she knew he enjoyed in human form.

For a time, Kyle seemed placated, standing glassy-eyed as Gina slid her hands, amazed at his size. But soon he grew agitated again, tossing his head, stamping and snorting.

He pulled away from Gina's grip then pushed her hard with his snout, knocking her back on the mattress. Kyle then thrust his snout between her legs, looked at her meaningfully, then thrust again.

"What? You can't mean... I mean, you're gigantic. More than usual. I don't know about that."

Another thrust between her legs. Another imploring look.

Gina scanned the garage. The back wall had a workbench scattered with tools and old paint cans. She cleared off a space, dropped her pants and bent forward. She was startled when Kyle planted his front hooves onto the workbench beside her shoulders. Something hard, warm, and very large began nudging into her from behind.

"Guuuuuh!" she groaned as Kyle thrust, pushing her forward on the workbench so hard her feet lifted off the floor. Gina had never been stretched so wide, stuffed so full. Clenching her teeth, she tried to relax as Kyle took her.

He tried. Gina tried. It didn't work. Whether she was too small, or the required pheromones were absent, Kyle still could not come. Even in his moose state he realized Gina was wincing at each thrust, gasping, and enduring the mating for his sake. His heart sank. Despite the natural urge to rut burning inside him, he withdrew.

Kyle lowered his head and ran at the back door of the garage. With a lunge, he rammed the door once, twice, then it crashed open.

"Kyle! No!" Gina screamed, "Please don't! They'll kill you!"