La Belle Ile en Mere Pt. 14

Story Info
Anna, George, and Kapnos make startling discoveries.
4.5k words

Part 13 of the 18 part series

Updated 05/26/2024
Created 01/14/2023
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All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

"What's wrong with that family? She dresses herself like the Queen." Roy glanced over at Lillian. The young woman was wearing a glittering tiara, necklace, and gown. The gown was ill-fitting. He was certain she'd pilfered it from some poor soul's luggage along with the jewelry.

"Keep your voice down," Constance whispered. "She's been through a lot." She glanced at Lillian, who was watching a show on the feed.

"She's insane. Her father's roving the hotel with sword in hand like a lunatic." Roy lowered his voice to oblige his wife. "Her brother and mother are off doing gods know what."

"They're trying to rescue us," Constance hissed.

"We're not leaving." Roy shook his head.

"Even now? You want to stay here with those horrible things? They tore poor Ms. Pemberton in two!" Constance raised her voice. Delores looked over at her, and Constance smiled apologetically.

"For all we know, those creatures are all over the system. That's why there hasn't been a rescue." Roy folded his arms. He hated arguing with his wife. She was so much taller than him and more athletic. Neither of them would resort to force in their marriage, but he didn't like knowing he'd be the loser. "We're better off clearing the hotel of those things and staying here."

"That's... um... well..." Constance eyed him suspiciously. He was under a ton of stress. She looked around the room. Delores was sullen and withdrawn as usual. Lillian was indeed living in some sort of fantasy. And Roy was not thinking clearly. Perhaps I should make more decisions going forward. Constance thought on it. All the hours playing matches under grueling pressure may have trained her for the calamitous event they found themselves in. "That's something to think about."

"It is." Roy nodded. "Don't worry, beloved. I'll take care of us."

"Hmmmmmmm." Constance nodded her head, while coming up with her own plan for survival.


The hot water cascaded over her body. Anna spread her legs, standing on the balls of her feet. She cleaned her vagina thoroughly. She turned around, bent over, and spread her cheeks. In the span of two days, she had let a man spray his seed all over her midriff, and she'd covered herself with her own stuff. He'd called it 'cum.' I sprayed myself, my son, and the bed with cum. She shivered. And George hadn't seemed to mind it at all. Speaking of her son, she heard the bathroom door open and the sink faucet run. "I'm sorry I'm taking so long in here. You must be dying to wash off your face."

"No rush, Mom." George was still naked. He bent over the sink, splashed his face with water, and scrubbed soap onto his skin. "Honestly, I feel even closer to you after making you cum like that."

"Oh... um... I'm so glad." Anna finished washing her backside and let go of her butt cheeks. She peeked around the shower curtain at George washing his face in the sink. She gazed at the taut muscles in the back of his legs and butt. He was so lean, masculine, and tall. She shivered again and closed the curtain. She stood still, letting the heat of the water enter and relax her. "So... um... I guess it's my turn to make you... um..." She still couldn't bring herself to use a vulgarity like cum. "You'll be needing your release before we start the day. And I can't have you seducing poor Mrs. Valentine." Her laugh rang hollow and tinny in the shower. "Maybe you should join me in the shower?" Get ahold of yourself, Anna. Her knees were trembling. This could be the last time they were ever intimate with each other in such a way. She told herself to calm down and be in the moment.

"Sure, Mom." George dried his face with a towel and stepped into the steamy shower. His heart melted when he saw his mother's nervous body language and her entrancing zaftig form. "Your boobs look better. The pink is gone. Your skin is white. I can even see the veins under your skin." It was true. He could just make out the blue, meandering veins.

Anna instinctively covered her breasts with her arms. "Really? Do they look... strange to you?"

"I've got veins, too." George laughed and bounced his hard cock with his hand. "And mine are even more pronounced." He reached for her bare hands and held them, savoring her soft dexterity. Slowly, he opened her arms so he could see her boobs again. "Your veins are delicate and pretty. They make me feel like you're sharing a vulnerability with me." He looked down at his dick. "Do my veins look strange to you?"

"They look..." She licked her lips and stared down at his ravenous-looking penis. "They make your thing look hungry and aggressive. Honestly, it makes me weak in the knees to even think about your body, sunshine." She gently pulled her hands from his grasp. She lifted her right hand to his lips and slid her index finger into his mouth. She groaned when he rolled his tongue around it. She dropped her left hand to his penis and tentatively ran her fingertips along those raised veins. "It's wonderful... truly... magical." She squeezed the shaft and pumped him slowly. Not only was her bare hand on her son's engorged flesh, but her husband's ring touched George's skin. That ring was meant to be seen by only her and Ernest. Now, it was helping to give George pleasure. She winced at the thought but didn't stop.

"Mmmmppphhhh." George pulled her finger out of his mouth. "Your hands are amazing."

"Thank you, Georgie." She didn't look up at him, her focus completely drawn to his massive erection.

"But since this is probably our last time, I'd like to do something different." He turned her to face the shower wall and took in the majesty of her curving hips and ass. He ran his fingers up her spine. "Can we do what we did in the bed? With me between your thighs, I mean."

"We can't have intercourse, George." Even as she said the words, she spread her legs and let him nestle his penis between her shapely thighs. She closed them back together and got up on the balls of her feet so that he wouldn't have to bend so much. She looked back at his grinning face. "This makes you happy?"

"Yes." George nodded. He had to bend his knees considerably, but he experimented with making the first awkward lunges comfortable. It took some getting used to at first, but soon he found a position that worked. He held onto her wide hips and listened to the water squish and slap between them.

"Oooohhhh... George... you're so forceful." Anna stared at her bare hands on the shower tile. She was putty in her son's hands. This was farther than she'd intended to go. But there was no turning back now. They were really, truly simulating intercourse. "What do you need me to do?" She didn't feel like she was participating with him so much as he was using her for his pleasure. That thought made her shiver.

"You're so... ugh... ugh... perfect... Mom. All I... need you to do... is be yourself... and let me... pump... your thighs." He pressed his hands tighter into her hips, as much to demonstrate to her his desire as to keep his wet fingers from slipping.

"Okay... okay... I can be myself." Anna hadn't ever had sex in the shower. She hadn't had sex standing up. So, this was all new to her. I'm not having sex right now. That was an important distinction. But a part of her wanted to try and see if she could fit that big thing inside her. Delores was about her size, and the woman had looked so happy with George's penis inside her. It wasn't just one part of her, most of her body and mind wanted George inside her. She resisted, listening to him grunt behind her. "Talk dirty to me, George. Tell me how bad I am."

"Jeez... Mom... you've got... your son's dick... ugh... ugh... between your thighs." George wanted to make the moment last, but the talk was set to make him explode. He slammed into her harder, the water splashing wildly between them every time her ass rippled with shockwaves. "You're either the worst... mom... in the system..."

"Wow... Georgie..." Anna squealed with delight. She felt like touching herself while he had his way with her, but she needed to brace herself with both hands to keep from hitting her face against the tile. He was being so wonderfully rough. Ernest had never treated her like this. No man had ever needed her so desperately.

"... or... you're the best... mom... in the system." George was getting really close. He saw stars as he stared down at the dramatic flare from her waist out to her hips. He threw caution to the wind. "Either way... ah... ah... ah... you're bent over... taking it from me... like a bitch."

"Oooohhhhhhhh... gosh... George." She didn't reprimand him. Instead, she let another rush of pleasure move through her. "Nobody has ever called -" She was interrupted by his orgasm.

"Uuuuuuuggggghhhhhhhhhhhh." George leaned back and slammed his hips into her several more times. He held himself pressed against her and exploded between her thighs.

"Ohhhh... Georgie... Georgie!" Anna looked down between her dancing breasts. Sperm launched out from between her legs and landed on the shower wall. There was so much, and the force of it was nearly inconceivable given everything she had known about men before a few days ago. Now that he was done slamming into her, she touched herself, rubbing her clit with little circles. "Georgie... Georgie..." His orgasm subsided, but she knew he would shoot again after a brief pause. Sure enough, his hips quivered into her butt and three more blasts coated the tile. It was all too much.

"Wow... Mom... that was amazing." As George became aware of his surroundings again, he realized his mother was masturbating in front of him. He angled the showerhead away from them, turned her around, and kneeled in front of her. In no time at all, he had a finger inside her, looking for that magic spot. His lips locked onto her clit.

"Uuuuggghhhh... again?" Anna spread her legs to accommodate him, thrusting her hips forward and tilted up in a very unladylike pose. "You are... you really are... oh... gosh... oh... heavens... you're going to... do this again... to my... eeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii." She let her mind spiral away in ecstasy. It didn't take long before pure bliss burned away all thought.

George let her squirt all over his chin and neck again. He removed his finger from her pussy and held her ass tightly so she wouldn't buck away from him. When he sat back, she was still spraying. He closed his eyes just in time, listening to his mother moan and mewl. He didn't know which was better, cumming or making her cum. If only there was some way to kill those two birds with one stone. He wiped her cum from his eyes and stood. His mother's expression was still twisted. Her eyes were rolled back, and her teeth grimaced. She looked a little like she was having a stroke. She made a soft, guttural sound and trembled. She sounded a little like she was having a stroke. George wanted to kiss her on her soft, full lips. But he knew that was verboten. He instead kissed her cheek and cupped her boob with his hand, hefting it and feeling its weight. He had her naked before him: hands, boobs, and pussy. He'd just cum between her thighs. Nossy was right about this.

"Oh... George... oh my..." Anna blinked her eyes and returned to the solar system. She looked up at his handsome face. "Gosh... I covered you again." She wiped the wetness from his cheeks with her hands. She was tempted to taste it, but curiosity didn't get the better of her. She moved her hands to straighten her bodice, but of course she was naked. "Okay... okay... you really can make me feel that way... anytime." The faint hint of plans for the future tried to sneak into her mind. She was suddenly not as keen to have George leave town for college. Maybe that vocational school in Covington was an option. She shook her head to clear it. That would be selfish. Despite their dirty talk, she wasn't a bad mother. "Let's get cleaned up and prepare for the day. I hope Mrs. Valentine slept well." She turned the showerhead back toward them, and they cleaned themselves off.

Anna had to playfully slap away her son's hands a few times, but they dressed without any more funny business. Soon, they were ready. Since they were a little early, they first dropped off their soiled clothes at the nearest laundry facility. Then they woke Gwendolyn. She was happy to see them. Joined back together, the threesome breakfasted on the move and climbed up to floor two hundred.


"S'il te plaît, Océane, c'est une urgence. C'est moi, l'invité le plus précoce et j'ai besoin d'aide." Kapnos stood with her hands on her hips, staring at the red, flashing screen that floated in front of her.

"Je serai heureux de vous aider. Veuillez entrer le mot de passe de l'hôtelier et vous aurez accès." Océane sounded perfectly reasonable, albeit unhelpful.

Kapnos and the computer went back and forth for a while.

Anna sat in an armchair, a worried expression on her face. She could tell Océane was unwilling to help, and she didn't know how else they would get access to the hotelier's computer. It wasn't just the lifeboat. This terminal had access to most of the hotel. George might be able to gain access to the hotel's cameras. He could see how many of those shadows were in the spire's common areas. He might even see what was in the hotel's central ring.

George fooled around with his own floating screen while Kapnos tried to convince the hotel to give them access. He wasn't able to gain any useful information on the wrong side of the firewall, but keeping busy helped his mind focus on getting home and not on his mother. He glanced at his mother's worried face. He smiled. When she saw him, her face softened into a happy grin. Even in the middle of all that hell, they had found something amazing.

"I got it!" Kapnos jumped up and down, clapping her gloved hands. Her boobs, large for her small frame, lurched under her bodice with each leap. "The password is beautifulisland5."

"What? No... really?" George turned back to the screen and entered the password. It worked! "That's amazing, Noss... um... Mrs. Valentine. How did you do it?"

Anna narrowed her eyes and looked between Gwendolyn and her son. Her son was swiping his hands quickly, looking for something on the computer. She wondered what he would do first.

"I offered to tell the hotel my secrets in exchange for access. I assured Océane that she wouldn't get in trouble." Kapnos beamed with pride at a job well done. "That's basically it."

"Your secrets?" Anna cocked her head. "Why would a hotel computer be interested in you? No offense, Mrs. Valentine."

"I've lived an interesting life." Kapnos shrugged and looked at the ceiling. "Je vous raconterai mes histoires quand je serai seul. Je te le promets."

"Je te le rappellerai, mon ami," Océane said.

"Did the hotel computer just say that you were its friend?" Anna straightened her bodice. She checked her reflection in the glass display case nearby. Her hair was perfectly pinned, her hat was in place, and her clothes looked immaculate. Anyone who saw her would not realize what a degenerate she'd been only hours before.

Kapnos smiled politely, but didn't answer.

"Found it." George gave a small whoop of satisfaction. "All the language modules are here. Now I just have to get the English one to work with this version of Océane." Silence fell over the room. George now had access to most of the hotel, but first he needed to be able to communicate with it.

Kapnos moved closer to Anna. "I must say, Mrs. Zaal, you look revitalized today. Your skin is glowing, and you look so... vigorous." She spoke softly so as not to disturb George's work. "What's your secret? I haven't had a good night's sleep since it happened."

Anna blushed furiously. "You might share your secrets with strange computers, Mrs. Valentine. But I'll hold to mine." She couldn't make eye contact with the woman.

"Very well." Kapnos nodded sagely. "But whatever it is, I would stick to the regimen. You look breathtaking amidst all this." She waved her hand in an all-encompassing gesture at the nightmare hotel surrounding them. "It really is remarkable. If you could bottle your secret, I'd pay a pretty penny for it."

"I doubt that." Anna gritted her teeth in discomfort.

"I have it!" George lifted up a finger. "Océane, do you know who I am?"

"Of course," Oceane said. "You are Mr. George Zaal, staying in room 4323. Or, actually, you've stayed in quite a few rooms I see."

Anna jumped to her feet and clapped. "It seems your translation services are no longer required, Mrs. Valentine. Thank you for your service." She curtsied to the newest member of their party. "But I do hope you'll stay on as our friend."

"It was a pleasure to serve." Kapnos returned the curtsy. "I am honored to be and remain your friend."

Both women gave George chaste hugs and congratulations as he worked through the cameras in their spire. He sat while they stood near him. The group found nothing remarkable until they got down to the base of the tower. A malignant growth had mushroomed up the stairwell from the central ring, stopping at the fourth floor. All three humans crowded around the screen and stared in horror.

"Um... Océane... what am I looking at?" Anna could see the black form growing and shrinking, like it was pulled by some internal tide. There was a rainbow sheen on the surface of it, like on an oil slick. She couldn't quite make out the objects floating just beneath the thing's opaque surface, but she could guess.

"That is the Newest Guest," Océane said. When asked to provide all the information she could on the Newest Guest, Océane did.

"It communicated with you in binary through the hardlines that connect you to the other two nerve centers?" George tried to get images from the ring or the other spire, but no camera feeds came through. Nothing came through.

"Affirmative. It made a deal with me that -" Océane said.

"Yes, we know about the broken deal." Anna turned away from the horrifying image on screen. "Where are its shadow men? Like the one that George killed?"

"They are outside," Océane's voice dropped. If the AI had intended to sound ominous, she succeeded.

"What are you doing, George?" Anna put a hand on his strong shoulder. He was seated as she stood behind him. She could smell the soap from his perfectly combed hair. The soap that had washed away her cum. What an insane day she was having.

"I've launched a repair drone. They have cameras." The outside of the spire came into view as the drone gained distance from its launch bay. The camera spiraled its way down the spire until it came to the hotel's central ring.

"Oh... gods." Kapnos put a hand to her mouth. "What are they doing?"

"They're building something." George kept the drone at a distance. The central ring wasn't empty. There was a structure in the middle for zero-gravity enthusiasts. On that structure, figures moved in EV suits. It was clear from their joints moving in all the wrong directions that they weren't human.

"Those shadow creatures need space suits?" Anna tried to make sense of what she was seeing. She moved closer, her boobs pressing into the back of her son's head. Not long ago, she would have quickly pulled away from such a gesture, but now it felt comforting. She just hoped Gwendolyn didn't notice.

"It makes sense. The Newest Guest could have breached the hotel's airlocks, but it must need the air as much as we do." George thought of something. "Océane, is it using your food or water?"

"It is not drawing from the supplies in this tower. I don't know about the other stocks," Océane said.

"I don't think it wanted the dead bodies to eat. It wanted to... do whatever it's doing with the body parts." George was getting a bad feeling. Or, more accurately, a worse feeling. "Could it be sending messages from the ring or the other spire? Is the comm infrastructure damaged there?"