Lady Lorelei Pt. 06

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Nikki and Stephy are finally united in the same dungeon.
4.6k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/14/2018
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Part 6


Nikki paced back and forth in the waiting room. She held a bag with her change of clothes in one hand, and every twelve seconds or so, she checked the time again. Lorelei watched with amusement from the monitor, enjoying the anticipation of her latest project. A few months ago, Nikki worked in a diner. That's it. Even a few weeks ago she didn't know much about BDSM. Hell, she didn't even know what it meant to be vanilla, and she was exceptionally vanilla. Then she thought she was a sub, and now she was here, ready to start her first day of school with Lady Lorelei. She wanted to be a powerful dominatrix, a badass bitch, a woman who walked through the world and expected it to bow before her as she went.

Lorelei smiled. She'd have to tell Reyna how good she was getting at this.

Lorelei moved out of her office, lightly tapping her big present to Nikki as she moved through her dungeon and to the waiting room door. She rapped on it lightly, opened it up, and smiled politely at Nikki. "You ready?"

"Uh... yeah." Nikki's eyes darted around. "I didn't know where I was supposed to change. I'm not sure --"

"What did you bring?" asked Lorelei, stepping forward and looking into the bag. It was a cute black camisole, a matching thong, and cheap heels. Lorelei had expected as much.

"I'll let you know when we're ready to change," she said. "Come on in." She turned around and entered her dungeon as Nikki followed. She made sure to latch the door behind her student, giving them privacy for now.

"We?" asked Nikki.

Lorelei spread her arms, indicating her outfit. She was in tight jeans with knee high brown boots and a flowy black peasant's blouse. "Do I look ready to dominate someone?"

Nikki laughed. "You look hot to me."

"Thanks, darling." Lorelei led her to the back of the dungeon, to her little throne she had for herself.

"How do you do it?" asked Nikki.

"Do what?"

"One second you're just this cool chick, and then all of the sudden you're a goddess melting everyone around you."

"Practice," said Lorelei with a shrug.

"I'm serious."

"So am I." Lorelei turned and sat on the arm of her throne. "But the truth is that this is a lifestyle. This is who I am, like how some people are extraverts and others are introverts. I'm dominant. I prefer control and choice. But I'm not always some fantasy in lace or leather or heels. I'm me. I'm a person. This dungeon is either the place where I work or fuck, but that's just one part of me. You are more than the person at the restaurant or the person in your bedroom. There's more to all of us than that. Sometimes, this domme wants to look cute."

Lorelei shrugged. "You have to leave room for the human," she said. "That will help you draw a line between work and sex. That will help you know what to do when a sub texts you at three in the morning begging to cum. You put it away. You be human."

Nikki nodded.

"I have a lot to teach you, a lot of technical stuff, like how long a person can be upside down before you should worry, ways to bind someone so it doesn't hurt, or ways to make it hurt but not injure. You have to be familiar with anatomy and medicine at a level that someone who likes to fuck won't understand. You're going pro at sex."

Lorelei pointed towards the seat of the throne. "But before any of that, there are the fundamentals. You are a person. You are important. What you want matters. You deserve to get your way."

Nikki stared at the seat. "You want me to sit?"




"On your throne?"


"Am I allowed?"

"If I give you permission? Of course."

No one moved. "What are you waiting for?" asked Lorelei.

"I don't know," said Nikki. "Something."

Lorelei's leg swung wide, and she tapped the seat of the throne with her toe. "Sit. I insist."

Nikki approached the throne slowly. She kept her eyes darting between the seat and Lorelei, unsure if this was real, if this was permitted. Lorelei nodded to encourage her, and finally Nikki spun, facing away from the throne, and froze.

"It's just a seat," said Lorelei. "The only impressive thing is the woman in front of it."

"Idle flatterer," muttered Nikki. Her fingers trembled.

"Never," said Lorelei. "I insult people for a living."

"Yeah, but --"

"Shut up and sit down."

Nikki took a deep breath, and then sat on the throne. As she did, Lorelei slid off the arm of the throne, took a step back, and bent down to whisper in Nikki's ear. "When you're in control, and it feels like you're faking it -- and sometimes you will be -- remember that this is your room. You decide what happens here. If you don't like it, shut it down. They paid for you to get exactly what you wanted. Give them what they paid for. You are the queen here. If you don't believe that first and foremost, they'll leave disappointed, and you'll go home feeling like a cheap hooker."

Silence wrapped around them. Nikki's breathing -- at first shallow and quick -- eventually slowed and evened out. Then there was only the clicking of Lorelei's boots as she moved away from the throne and got a box that was wrapped in matte black paper with a white bow on top.

"Time to change," said Lorelei. Nikki glanced over at her, and Lorelei unceremoniously stripped off her top and threw it across the room, into one of the corners. Nikki's lips parted, and the tiniest inhalation sounded like a gasp in the full and silent space.

"Not for you," said Lorelei. "Not today." She bent down, unzipped her boots, and pulled each one off. Then she unbuckled her pants, and slowly peeled them away from her body.

"The first lesson for today," said Lorelei, "is the outfit. You're not a pornstar. You're not a stripper. You're not some bride on her wedding night. Yes, you can be a domme in the nude or a domme in my cute boots and jeans. It doesn't matter. But I like the ritual of this. I like stepping out of Lorelei and becoming Lady Lorelei. It reminds me that I don't need to play by human rules anymore. There is no morality in this dungeon anymore. That woman is put away. There is only my desire now. I get to be pure id and lust."

"What happened to being human?"

Lorelei froze and smirked at her. "Some clients pay for a goddess."

From a closet in the corner, Lorelei pulled out her white corset, white lace panties, white stockings, white garters, and red heels. "I don't always feel magical or like a goddess, but the clothes help. Wearing this outfit, I feel invincible. It lets me be strong even when I don't feel like it."

Lorelei changed in front of Nikki, taking her time. She wasn't embarrassed. She wasn't even nervous. She did this as though she were alone, as though she had done it thousands of times. It would have been thoughtless to anyone else, but to Lorelei, there was still the ritual of it. She took her time. Her eyes were focused, giving intentionality to every movement. When she was done, she stood and undid her ponytail. She brushed out her hair and ran her fingers through it several times. Then, she bent down, and flipped it all up, gathering it into her hands and putting into a delicate bun.

"One last thing, then I feel I could fuck the world." Lorelei went to the closet and grabbed a tube of lipstick. She grabbed a hand mirror and put it on carefully. It was bright candy red, matching her heels. When she was done, she puckered her lips and blew a kiss to Nikki.

"Well?" she asked. "What do you think?"


"Incredible, right?"


"Now your turn."

Nikki looked down at the bag containing her change of clothes that she brought with her. "Uh... I don't know if --"

Lorelei tapped the black box in front of her. "For you."

"For me?"

"I had to get your roommate to steal some clothes so I could guess your measurements. I hope you don't mind."

Nikki slowly rose from the throne and approached the box. "You're sure?"

"I hate when you ask me to repeat myself. Of course I'm sure."

Nikki slowly peeled apart the bow and delicately unfolded the wrapping, careful not to tear any of the paper. It looked expensive, like stationary compared to regular paper. She finally freed a maroon box and lifted the lid. Slowly, she pulled out two pieces of lingerie that seemed to just be a pile of straps, fishnet stockings, and then bright emerald green pumps.

"I think you'll need help with them at first," said Lorelei. "But once you have the vision for it, you'll be able to do it yourself."

"But --"

"Shhhh. That's enough, Mistress Nikki. Let's get you ready for your first class."

Nikki nodded, and Lorelei stepped away, turning on some low music that filled the dungeon. Nikki felt it more than heard it, and her skin rose to meet the vibrations in the room. It shook her bones, tingling her spine and running over her scalp. She tried to ask what kind of music it was, but instead gasped when she felt Lorelei's fingers slip under her shirt and lift up from the bottom. Nikki sank into Lorelei's wishes, easing her arms up and letting Lorelei peel off her shirt.

"Listen to me," said Lorelei. "Listen to the sound of my voice. This is your first lesson, the one you will come back to time and time again. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Lady Lorelei."

Lorelei ran her fingers over Nikki's shoulders, down the length of her arms. Nikki slowly twisted her arms and opened her palm. Lorelei ran her fingertips over that, and Nikki melted into the touch, into the sensation, into the song wrapping around her.

"What's happening?" she whispered.

"You are stepping out of yourself. For now, you don't need to be Nikki, the girl you've always been. For now, in this room, in these clothes, with this music, you are Mistress Nikki. No one is in charge of you. No one controls you. There are no consequences for you here. You are totally free."

Lorelei's hands stopped dancing over Nikki's skin and disappeared behind the curvy redhead's back. She unclasped Nikki's bra and let gravity take it to the floor. She reached around and unbuckled Nikki's pants, kissing her student's neck as she went.

"Don't worry about tomorrow. Don't worry about what anyone will think of you or say about you when this is over. It isn't over. It's now. It's all now. Be here. Be present. For your sub, but more importantly, for yourself. Be present."

Lorelei sank down, kissing all along Nikki's back as she pulled down Nikki's jeans. She took off her shoes next and peeled away all clothing but Nikki's panties. Lorelei slid back up, letting her fingers tease the skin of Nikki's thighs, moving them closer to the center, to the most sensitive part of the leg, creeping slowly to Nikki's pussy.

"You are a goddess," she whispered. "If only for an hour. No one will stop you. No one will disobey you. Those that do should be punished or sent away." Lorelei slipped a hand under Nikki's panties and teased the wet folds of her pussy. "You are a goddess, and this dungeon is your temple. Only those willing to worship you are permitted here. That includes yourself." Lorelei's fingers moved faster. "Worship yourself. It isn't vain. It isn't ego or pride. It is the truth. You deserve to be worshipped, and in this space, you will be. Today's sub has been worshipping you from afar, desiring nothing in the world but you. She begged me to train her, to make her the perfect sub for you, to craft her into something no dominant woman could resist owning and breaking and fucking and using over and over. You have nothing to fear from her. She's madly in love with you, her goddess, her Mistress Nikki."

"Who?" asked Nikki breathlessly.

"It's my final present." Lorelei licked a long line from Niki's shoulder to her ear. "Let's get you dressed."

Nikki was silent as Lorelei showed her how to put on the lingerie. Ultimately, it was a caged bra with tiny lacy fabric to cover the nipple with the rest of the straps framing the breasts and crisscrossing over Nikki's chest like a spiderweb. The panties and garter belt were the same: a web of straps with grommets for connecting rings and thin lace fabric stretched over the pussy. The garters held up Nikki's fishnet stockings, and when she slipped on her emerald green heels, she stepped away from Lorelei and spun.

"How do I look?" she asked.

"The more important question is how do you feel?"

"Do you have a mirror?"

Lorelei guided Nikki to a standing mirror in the corner and showed the curvy redhead off to herself. Despite the caged imagery, she looked free and formidable. The straps framed her curves, not pressing against them or digging into her skin. It was as though the lingerie hugged her body or protected it, like the exoskeleton of some insect queen.

"Do you like your hair?" whispered Lorelei from behind her.

"Tighter," said Nikki. "Can you braid it?"

"Absolutely, Mistress Nikki."

Lorelei got to work tightly weaving the braid behind Nikki's head while the redhead drank in her own appearance. She squared her shoulders back and took deep breaths. In this mirror, for the first time in her life, she didn't mind that she was a bigger or curvier girl. She didn't want to be flatter or thinner. The straps would fall off if she were. She loved that it looked there was more of her than the cage, as though she could spill out, as though the space she took up she conquered. Even standing beneath the Lady Lorelei -- who was practically a lingerie model -- Nikki felt like she held her own. She didn't think anyone would look at them and immediately prefer Lorelei over her. They were both beautiful, both powerful. And as Lorelei attended to Nikki's hair, anyone who could tell who was in charge here.

"I want my present now," she whispered.

"Mmm," purred Lorelei. "Someone's ready."


Lorelei stepped away from the mirror and moved to the door leading to her office. She opened the door and revealed Stupid Stephy, on her knees. Her chestnut hair was in a ponytail, and she was naked. Her thin body was frail, but she was doing her best to contain herself. To Nikki it looked like nerves as the girl shook and kept glancing at the ground, but Lorelei knew better. Lorelei knew eagerness and desperation when she saw it.

"Stephanie?" asked Nikki.

"I thought about collaring her for you, but that felt presumptuous."

"Stephanie is that you?" asked Nikki, moving into Lorelei's office and kneeling down to get a closer look at Stupid Stephy.

"It's Stupid Stephy now," said the sub.


"Stupid Stephy is my name for her," said Lorelei. "You can call her whatever you want."

Nikki looked up at Lorelei in shock. "You call her Stupid Stephy?"

"It's part of our game," said Lorelei. "You don't have to --"

"Come here," said Nikki, grabbing Stupid Stephy's hand and pulling her into the dungeon.

Stupid Stephy glanced up at Lorelei, confused, but the blonde domme nodded and Stupid Stephy followed her new mistress.

"You let her call you Stupid Stephy?" asked Nikki. She pulled her sub to the throne and sat her down on it. Stupid Stephy looked at Lorelei in panic, but Lorelei shook her head, trying to calm the little sub.

"Yes," whispered Stupid Stephy.


"Because it's true. I can't even do trigonometry."

"So? Who gives a fuck about trigonometry?"

Lorelei's heels clicked as she moved into her office. Stupid Stephy's gaze followed her. "Lady Lorelei?" she whispered.

"Look at me," said Nikki, grabbing Stupid Stephy's chin and turning her to look into the redhead's eyes. "You're not stupid."

"But I --"

"Stop!" snapped Nikki.

Stupid Stephy flinched, clenching her thighs in preparation for the crop she knew was coming.

"Sorry," said Nikki. "Just... you're not stupid, okay? If you're with me, you're Stephanie." Nikki smirked. "Or Stephy if you prefer."

The door to Lorelei's office closed. "Stephy is nice," whispered Stupid Stephy.

"Good," said Nikki. "I don't know what kind of dynamic you and Lorelei had, but with me, it's just Stephy and Nikki, okay?"

"I... I'd like that."

"Good." Nikki sat back and sighed. "Is this why you quit the restaurant?"

Stephy nodded. "Once she collared me, I didn't need to pay her for sessions anymore."

"How much were you paying her?"

Stephy shook her head.

"Hey." Nikki put her hand on Stephy's thigh. "I'm still the boss, got it?"

Stephy smirked and nodded.

"How much were you paying her?"

"A lot. I don't know the exact number."

"How much is a lot?"

"I had to max out a few credit cards to --"

"Jesus," hissed Nikki.


Nikki stood up. "Why would you --"

"I did it all for you!" Stephy stood up. "It was my way of showing you that --"

Nikki slapped her hard. She held up a finger accusingly. "Don't do that again."

"Do what?"

Nikki pointed at Lorelei's office. "That. Whatever that is."

"But I --"

"I don't care," said Nikki. "You could just talk to me, you know? Did you ever hear of talking to someone?"

"I didn't know if you were into girls and I tried but I get nervous sometimes and then Lorelei said she would help me and she said that she could make me ready for you and --"

"By making you stupid? You think I want to date someone stupid?"

"I didn't..." Stephy stepped back and collapsed onto the throne. "I didn't think you wanted to date me at all. I figured the best I could hope for was a sexy sub." Stephy covered her face with her hands. "And I guess I fucked that up too."

Nikki bent down on her knees. "Silly girl," she whispered. She pulled Stephy's hands away; she was crying. Nikki wiped away Stephy's tears. "But you must be freezing."

"Did I... Did I fuck it up?"

"No. You didn't fuck it up." Nikki took Stephy's hand and kissed the top of it. "But you could have asked me out, and I would have said yes."


"Sure. You're adorable."

Stephy blushed. "Really?"

"I don't know if we would have ended up," Nikki gestured to the dungeon, "but yeah, we could have had coffee or something."

"What if I messed that up?"

Nikki shrugged. "I don't know. Guess that ship sailed, huh?"

Silence fell around them. Both of them were still waiting for whatever happened next. They had both been lured in with an idea of pain and domination, of sadism and masochism, of bondage and consensual cruelty. They had prepared themselves for the Lady Lorelei experience, but now it was just them.

"I had no idea this world existed," said Nikki.

"Me either."

"Crazy, huh."

"Yeah." Stephy chewed on her bottom lip. "You like it though?"

"I've never really done it before. I tried to be Lorelei's sub. That was disastrous."


"But the idea of it. It... um... yeah. I like that."

Stephy looked up. "Really?"

"Really. What about you? Do you... um... like it when she..."

"What?" Stephy chuckled. "Spanks me? Insults me? Twists my nipples? Forces me to eat strangers out? Yes. Dear god, yes."

"You... um... wow." Nikki licked her lips. "You eat strangers out?"

"I'll do whatever you want me to, Mistress."

"Right... right." Nikki straightened her back, throwing her shoulders back and standing tall. "Right."

"That is... if you want me."

"Well... I'll admit, it's weird that you're somebody I know, okay?"

"That makes --"

"This was all just kind of thrown at me, which I do not like."

Stephy smirked. "Spoken like a domme."

Nikki smiled. "Yeah, guess so."

Nikki stepped away from the throne and circled around the dungeon. She inspected the tools she had at her disposal: whips, crops, and paddles of course. There were a variety of dildos and strap-ons and vibrators. There were tables and stools and racks and hanging hooks and an entire collection of shibari ropes to choose from.

"This is a deviant's playground," she whispered as she went.

"Plenty of things to try," said Stephy. "Plenty to explore."