Last Summer Camp Ch. 01

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Twin brother and sister attend one last summer camp.
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Todger65 gave his best shot at editing this mess. Any remaining errors are my own.

Last Summer Camp

Twin brother and sister attend one last summer camp


Spring had sprung a while ago and we were rapidly approaching high school graduation. While the milestone in my young life of graduation did excite me, I had other things on my mind. This fall my twin sister Willow and I were going off to our first year of college, another major milestone. A huge one for my sister and me. It marked the ending of a summer tradition.

Every year since Willow and I were little kids we went to camp in the summer. From basic campers at the beginning, to counselors during the last two years, my sister and I spent the month of June at camp. It was only in recent years that I questioned my parents as to why they sent us off for a month every year. The response was them looking into each other's eyes all steamy and gross. Old people are strange. Well, I guess they're not that old, but forty should be old. I'm eighteen so my parents are more than twice as old as I am. That just seems really old to me. At least it did. Now? Not so much.

They really are great parents. I think the main reason for that is that they are both really nice people. If one of them seems a little down, the other is always right there to lift them up. They love nature but aren't namby-pamby tree huggers. Dad's a heavy equipment operator and Mom works in a government office. We aren't even close to rich, but we always got along just fine. My parents taught my sister and I to be kind, be responsible, and work for what we wanted. The working part is why this is the end of an era.

This summer I would be working construction with my dad. College is far from free, and while Willow and I had some scholarship money, it wasn't near enough to cover our college education. Mom and Dad did the math and sat down with us before Christmas. The bottom line was that if we wanted to go to college, we were going to have to earn some money during the summer break. Neither of us showed any sign of having a problem with that. I hid my feelings well.

Last year we had both made our case to our parents that we were too old for camp, but they insisted, so we went. It could have been much worse. I can't think of anyone I would rather be stuck at camp with than my sister. We get each other on a level that most people will never know. I don't think it's a twins thing, although it probably helps. I just really like my sister. She's kind and understanding but becomes pure fighter if the situation calls for it. She gets the feelings behind my words every time, which led to some disappointments when I first started liking girls. I struggled with them not getting me when Willow always gets me.

We were counselors during last year's camp and shared a room in the small building that our campers slept in. The room had two doors. One opened onto the big room that held the kid's bunk beds. That room had a door on the other end that the campers used to enter and leave the building. The other door in our room opened to the outside. That door came in handy. It provided a way for Willow and me to leave the building without disturbing the sleeping campers.

Normally male and female staff don't share rooms, but they assigned us together, I guess because we're twins. It might have been somebody that didn't know us and thought my name was a girl's name. River is kind of a strange name and really doesn't compare with a masculine name like Dick, or Charles. Like I said, my parents like the outdoors. They had twins and, who knows, maybe they were high, decided to name us River and Willow. Whatever. There are worse names to have. When I hear Willow say my name it sounds kind of hot.

As close as Willow and I are, I had never really thought about her as more than my sister and my best friend. That changed last year when we shared that room. I saw my sister with new eyes and I lusted for her. Sometime when I wasn't paying attention the lanky flat chested girl I knew turned into a fucking hottie and she captivated me. I struggled to hide my heat for my sister. I already loved her. This wasn't about love, although I'm sure that helped. It was about my aching need to touch my sister's body. To lick her, taste her, fuck her. I was obsessed, and I fought my constant ache for her with all my will, and many masturbation sessions in the woods right outside our door.

That June was pure torture, and pure ecstasy. I dreaded my sister finding out how I felt about her. I was sure she would be disgusted with me and I would lose her. I couldn't stand the thought of that, so I suffered in silence. I was tortured by having her so close, often unconcernedly nearly nude in our room, but I relished every stolen glimpse. Those stolen glimpses of her lithe body made the torture of her being so close, yet so untouchable, almost worth it. When I think back on it, I can't imagine my summer would have been better if I'd stayed at home.

I remember how it started well. Willow and I had been at camp for two days. The first day was a madhouse dealing with homesick kids and getting everything organized. The second day wasn't much better, but that was the day things changed for me. We had woken as usual an hour before the kids and were still under the covers of our separate beds talking quietly, when a loud bang came from the kid's bunk area. Willow and I both jumped out of bed. My eyes locked onto her and I realized for the first time that my sister was no longer a little girl. Her tits were a couple of nice handfuls, and I could see her nipples poking proudly and slightly upturned against her thin night shirt. During the night her panties had worked their way into the crack of her hard round ass. I scrambled for my pants before she could see my suddenly erection.

A camper with a sheepish look on his face was sitting by a footlocker when I went into the bunk room. He'd raised the wooden lid and had let it slam down. No big deal.

What was a big deal was my new viewpoint regarding my, I now realized, gorgeous sister. I was in a bit of a daze the rest of the day. I couldn't stop thinking about what I'd seen of her body, and what I hadn't seen, but definitely wanted to see. I was obsessed with her already.

While Willow and I were born minutes apart, we look nothing like each other. We are a rare aberration in the twin category and the subject of a study that my parents finally put a stop to after the researchers showed no sign of ever finishing. I have my mother's blonde hair and blue eyes, and to some degree her height. Mom's kind of short and Dad is kind of tall. I sort of split the difference and ended up at five-nine. I have my dad's wide shouldered build.

Willow has Dad's dark brown hair and green eyes. Her body is proportioned wonderfully, much like Mom's (which is another budding fantasy entirely), and she gets her height from Dad. She stands an inch taller than me and that inch is one of her favorite ways to tease me. My fallback response is that I'm the oldest. Sure, it's only by ten minutes, but she's talking an inch, so there is that. We're twins, but we don't look like twins. Sure, we share some gestures and whatnot that we probably adopted by mimicking our parents, like kids do, but we don't look like we're even related.

That summer I caught frequent glimpses of my sister. I never saw her fully naked, but I caught enough looks at various parts of her body to develop a full picture in my mind. I desperately tried to hide my near constant erection. When camp was over, I went home with the assumption that I'd gotten away with perving on my sister for a month. Now, all I had to do was not get caught perving on her at home.

I would have gone to camp with her again in a heartbeat, but Willow asked me to help talk Mom and Dad out of sending us. I accepted that she wasn't looking at it the same way I was and was relieved that for once my beautiful sister didn't take one look at me and know exactly what I was thinking. When we found out we had to work anyway, the issue became mute.

That all changed in late May when Mom and Dad sat us down. Mom had this odd, kind of mischievous, look on her face, "OK, River, Willow, we have some great news. Your dad's uncle passed away a few months ago and they finally got around to his will. Your uncle was more successful than any of us knew, and he left us a bit of money. Enough money that you two won't have to get summer jobs."

Dad took it from there, "We feel bad for not letting you go to camp this year, and it's too late to get you into your usual camp. Your mom and I did some research, and we found a camp that we think you both will enjoy.

"We know you are adults now and dealing with a bunch of kids for a month really isn't much of a reward for how proud you both have made us. We found a camp that's just for adults and we made reservations for both of you. This year you'll be going to camp with people you can relate to. Your mom and I are convinced that you'll both have a good time."

I was thrilled! I glanced at Willow out of the corner of my eye to see what her reaction was. I knew my sister well, but I'd never seen such a look on her face. She seemed worried and excited at the same time. I didn't know what to think of that, but she didn't argue with our parents. I figured that she must not be too upset about going. This would definitely be our last year after all. I did have questions though, "I've never heard of a camp like that. Can you tell us more?"

Mom's face turned a bit red, "Well, the website banner was 'Swing into summer with our adults only camp.' The site says that they have lots of fun activities that everyone can share. We thought it sounded perfect for you two. Soon you'll be going off to college and you'll begin building separate lives. We thought this would be a great way for you two to share some lasting memories before that happens."

Now, you might think that I was as clueless as my parents. You would be wrong. I'm not a virgin, and neither is my sister. We both had short and steamy relationships this year that took care of that checkbox on the experience list. I enjoyed the sexual discovery more than I could have ever imagined and my girlfriend was an experienced teacher. I suspected that Willow was in a similar situation. The problems began with jealousy. My girlfriend was jealous of my relationship with Willow, and Willow's boyfriend was jealous of her relationship with me. Simultaneous screaming matches with our respective special friends ended my sex education, and my sister's, in one evening. I spent that night holding my sister until we fell asleep on her bed. Mom and Dad didn't say a word when Mom found us sleeping together. It wasn't like we were naked or anything.

My sex education didn't end with the girlfriend leaving. She gave me some context for the porn sites I visited. One thing I discovered during my 'research' was the swinging lifestyle. Because of my intensive research, I was pretty sure that Mom and Dad had just booked us into a swinger's get away. My cock got instantly hard, and I tried to subtly put one of Mom's decorative cushions on my lap to hide it. I thought Mom had caught me for a moment, but she just looked away with this funny smile on her face. Weird as hell. I realized in that moment that I wasn't about to say shit. If my parents wanted to send me to sex camp with Willow, I wasn't going to do anything that might jinx it. I pretty much assumed that Willow had no idea what we were getting into. I was torn about that. I would never do anything to hurt her. Lying to her and misleading her would hurt her, and I resolved to talk to her about it as soon as we were alone.

Later after Mom and Dad went to bed, Willow and I sat down on her bed to talk. We could hear the headboard banging against the wall in Mom and Dad's room and shared a grin. We'd heard them going at it often lately and it was nothing new. It made us happy that they had fun together. I couldn't put it off any longer, "Willow, I need to tell you something and I hope you don't get upset with me. I think I know what happens at that camp."

Her face was unreadable, "I think I know too. It's a swinger's camp."

I nodded, "Yeh. I think so too. I'll make up some excuse for Mom and Dad so you... We don't have to go. I can't imagine you'd want to go to a place like that with me."

She gave me a long look, "Actually, I think it would be really exciting to watch people having sex."

"Sure, but I don't think we would be allowed to just watch. We'd have to act like a real couple and do the things that couples do."

She looked down at the bed, "I could probably be OK with that."

I was stunned, "What! Really? Are you sure?"

She looked up at me and I could tell she was feeling vulnerable, "Yeh, I think so."

I thrill ran through my body. There was no way I was missing this chance, but I had to tread carefully, "I don't know how I'll react there. I mean, what happens if I'm supposed to kiss you or something and I freeze up? I wouldn't want to embarrass you."

The look she gave me made my cock pulse, "You could kiss me now and see if it disgusts you."

I hadn't realized that my hand was moving until it was gently caressing her cheek, "You could never disgust me."

My hand moved behind her head and I pulled her to me. It didn't take much force at all until our lips met for the first time. Her soft lips were so inviting that I lost track of time. Kissing sitting up seemed awkward and it only seemed logical that we lay down on her bed before our lips returned to each other. I was as hard as granite. Her kisses and her body rubbing against mine were more than I could stand. My tongue entered her mouth and hers met mine in a dance as old as humanity.

My hands apparently had a mind of their own because they soon began to wander over her smooth skin. I was rapidly approaching the point where my brain was completely relocated to my aching cock. Willow was panting when my hand captured her tit and squeezed it through her t-shirt. I played with her erect nipples and my stupid hand decided to move down. My hand cupped her pussy and my fingers got busy rubbing her through her shorts. Her hand found my bulging erection and she gripped me through my own shorts. Our hands began to move, our panting increased, and our kiss grew into something I had never experienced before. Willow stiffened against me, and at first I thought she was going to push me away, but instead, her kiss became frantic and suddenly she was moaning into my mouth. Her hips thrust against my hand as she orgasmed. Her peaking orgasm caused her to squeeze my cock hard through my shorts and I lost it. My cock pulsed with pleasure, and I shot my load in my pants.

Our kiss continued with less heat and much more affection as we slowly got our breath back. Our lips finally parted and I looked down at my sister's face, "Speaking for myself, I don't think I will have any problem kissing you, anywhere, anytime."

She smiled up at me, "Yeh, that was more than I had imagined."

I was immediately curious, "You've thought about kissing me before?"

She nodded, "And some other stuff. That's why I asked you to get us out of camp this year. I was afraid I'd give myself away and you'd hate me."

I was surprised to say the least, "That's exactly what I was thinking! I watched you last year all month and tried hard to hide how attracted I was to you. It was agony, and I loved every second of it."

She looked up at me, "I knew you were looking. I caught you lots of times, but I thought you were just looking at the parts, and not the person. I tried to give you a good look at the goods when I could."

I kissed her hard and she let me. No, she didn't let me, she enthusiastically encouraged me. When our lips finally parted I had to ask her, "Do you think Mom and Dad are really that clueless? If not, what are they trying to accomplish?"

She gave me a kiss on the tip of my nose, "I don't really know, and it wouldn't make a difference anyway. I want to go, and I want to go with you. I think you feel the same way. Am I wrong?"

I grinned at her, "I think the idea is exciting, but I would never consider it if you weren't going with me. I really want to know what our parents are thinking, but not enough to risk them canceling our camping trip. I'm happy to wait until we get back to ask them."

Willow looked down at my crotch before responding, "Yeh, I get that. Looks like you sprang a leak down there, Bro."

I grimaced, "Yeh, just a bit. I probably ought to get a shower and go to bed."

She kissed me hard again, "I wish you could come back here and sleep with me tonight."

I grinned at her, "I wish I could come back to your bed too. In all honesty though, I couldn't be trusted to just sleep."

It was going to be a long week of anticipation and building heat between us. We had to be extra careful not to let our parents know how attracted we were to each other. I wasn't sure what our parents were thinking, but I was certain that I didn't want to do anything that would interfere with going to camp.


Sunday afternoon Willow and I left the house for the two hour drive to adult camp. I was practically shaking with excitement and anticipation, and I could see by the way Willow was fidgeting that she was having similar feelings. A rush went through me when it finally settled into my brain that my sister wanted me just as much as I wanted her.

We sang along with the music for a while, trying to calm ourselves. I was having trouble remembering lyrics because I couldn't focus on anything but the amazing woman next to me, with a little left over for the driving thing I was doing. I needed to touch her and reached across the console to rest my hand on her leg. Over the next half hour, I inched my fingers up her thigh at a snail's pace, my fingers gently caressing her skin. I knew that if she was even half as hot for me as I was for her, my hand was driving her nuts.

When my hand finally arrived at her crotch my fingers began to rub up and down her slit through her shorts. Her sudden movement almost made me pull my hand back, Did I misread her? Oh shit! I hope I haven't scared her off!

Her arm moved toward the door and my confusion grew. Her hand dropped between the seat and the door and suddenly her seat began to recline and move back. When the seat stopped, she unzipped her shorts and wiggled her hips as she slid them down past her knees. The shorts dropped to the floor and she kicked them off one foot before spreading her legs, "I thought you might want better access River. Please touch me."

I glanced down and almost ran us off the road. Willow was wearing a tiny red thong and the wet spot in the crotch was clear evidence of her arousal. It took all of a millisecond for my hand to breach that thong. Once there, I returned to the slow tease, running my finger up and down her slit. Her wetness made my finger glide across her clit and her moan sent a thrill through me.

I began looking for someplace to pull off in private and took a chance on the next exit off the interstate. Fortunately, we were in a rural part of the state and the exit emptied onto a county road with no traffic. A mile down the road I spotted an access road for a field of corn and turned onto it. A hundred yards later we were sitting behind a corn crib and there wasn't a soul around.

I pulled my hand from my sister's thong so I could turn and kiss her. Her mouth tried to devour me as I replaced my right hand with my left. I slipped a finger into her pussy and gently rubbed her clit with my thumb. Soon her hips were thrusting against my hand in a silent signal of need. My hand picked up the pace as our tongues battled. She was panting so hard for breath that I moved my lips from her mouth to her neck. I nibbled her neck and that was the last straw. She grabbed my arm with both hands and held my hand in place as she orgasmed hard, "Oh Fuck! River! River!"