Laying Down the Law

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An overbearing MIL & wife push him to the limits…
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There is little to no descriptive sex in this story.


Born and raised as Gordon Laughlin, in a lower-middle-class family in Topeka, Kansas, I was ready for a change in my life. Growing up, I was much closer to my mom than my dad. However, my sister was a daddy's girl. Go figure. I received an aluminum softball bat one year for my birthday, and a few of us around the neighborhood played pickup backyard softball games for kicks but I wasn't remotely any kind of a jock. Throughout junior and senior high school, I was never associated with the in-crowd. I wasn't athletic, wasn't rich, or even good-looking. I realistically adjudged myself as average to below average in the looks department and never did anything to draw attention to myself. I was the classic nerd. Oh, I had friends who had eclectic interests like me but in differing ways. Our greatest commonality was our keen interest in The Big Bang Theory TV show. Unlike me, my younger sister, Glenda, was very popular. She knew how to use her good looks to her best advantage, and I didn't blame her for pretending not to know me at school. But there was one thing I did have that my sister did not, awesome grades. My devouring interest in the sciences and math propelled me to the stratosphere of high school grades. No, I wasn't the valedictorian, but I was just a fraction of a decimal point away.

High school graduation was a very positive experience for me. I received many accolades to go along with my diploma. My parents proudly hosted a graduation barbeque in the backyard where I was showered with gifts from family and friends. All my nerd buddies were there. On one sad note, my nerd friends and I were all going our separate ways in the fall. I was offered a full ride at Stanford University in California. I had never been to California before. Heck, there were only a handful of times in my life that I'd ever crossed the Kansas State line. My friends were heading to other scattered prestigious colleges, some with full but most with partial scholarships. As I said, we were lower middle class but I never felt as if I missed out on anything notable. My parents were good providers. Getting a free ride to Stanford afforded my parents two options. For one, they would be able to pay for Glenda's college should she wish to go, and secondly, they could afford to give me a nicer graduation present than I would have received otherwise. I was presented with my mom's five-year-old red Honda Accord. Dad was getting her a newer (not new) car, so I ended up with her old reliable one. I was thrilled. It was as if she was with me every time I drove it.

Topeka, Kansas is 1,830 miles east of Stanford University, driving the I-80 and US-87 Business S route. Since it's a twenty-five-hour drive non-stop, I stopped overnight halfway in Rock Springs, Wyoming. Flying would have been too expensive, and it will be handy for me to have a car during the school year. Since Stanford doesn't allow freshmen cars on campus, after due diligence, my dad paid for reasonable off-campus parking in a nearby church parking lot for the year, which worked perfectly for me. My stickers were in place before leaving home. When calling home, I had to remember the time difference of two hours. It was a whole new world for me on campus, and my newfound freedom was almost distressing. I was unaccustomed to making all of my own decisions. I tried to fit in, socializing, partying, and adjusting to my new surroundings. Soon, my freshman year kicked my butt royally. I went from being an average fish in a small pond to a minnow in a huge lake. Though I'd taken AP and college prep classes, I was middle of the road academically with my fellow learners. My first 'C' on a test was my wake-up call. I buckled down and focused intensely on my studies. I refused to disappoint my mom and family back home. The hard work paid off. I completed my freshman and sophomore years on the Dean's list.

I declared my Computer Science major at the beginning of my junior year in college. My interests seemed to naturally converge on that area of study. It also didn't lessen my interest that the median starting salary for Stanford University graduates in that field was $119,000. My roommate, Jeff Kellum, had become my best friend on campus. We hung out together at lunch and in the common areas between classes whenever convenient. It was during the second quarter that I elbowed Jeff, who also shared that mathematics class with me. He looked my way during the lecture as I nodded to him pointing out a sultry beauty that I had not noticed before. She looked to be the spitting image of British actress Lily Colins, daughter of singer/musician, Phil Colins. The likeness was uncanny. A more beautiful visage had never appeared before my eyes. Her long light-brown locks, nearly to her waist, embodied that of an angel. Jeff snickered at my mere mention of interest in such a magnificent specimen of beauty.

After class, he caught me up on what he knew about her.

"Gordon, that beauty you pointed out earlier is none other than Priscilla Allerton, heiress and daughter of Daphne Allerton, whose ultra-high net worth is somewhere north of four hundred million. You would think that she would be the most eligible bachelorette at Stanford, and you'd be wrong, dead wrong. She's the most stuck-up, selective bitch I've ever heard tell of. She's been extremely choosey with her dates. She selects guys who have the highest GPA averages in the university and who are also studs in the looks department. Most guys are only seen in her company for a week at most, then they're tossed aside with no further attention. The guy she dated the longest, a whole month, Brock Armstrong, has it all, wealth, grades, personality, and above all, looks. I'm sure you know of him. Everyone does. She was with him for a month before parting ways. If Brock can't cut it, there's no way you or I will ever have a chance in hell at dating her."

"I know you're right, Jeff but damn, what a body! It would be just like going out with Lily Colins. I can dream can't I?"

"Dream all you want, Gordon, she's WAY out of our league. The closest either one of us will ever come to tapping that is rubbing one off in the shower," he laughed.

"I know you're right, man. I'd give a woman like that anything and everything she wants whenever she wants and twice on Sundays," I avowed.

"You and me both," he confirmed.

Three weeks later, I was buried in thought in the university library collecting quotable sources for a report I was working on when someone sat across from me at my table. I paid no attention for a minute or so as I finished jotting down detailed notes needed for the assignment. When I finally looked up from my papers, I was stunned to see Priscilla innocently perusing a book she had in front of her. I was spellbound. I had to tell myself to breathe. My dream girl had inadvertently entered my space. I was about to speak but thought better of it, realizing that she had no interest in me and that this was merely a random coincidental happenstance. Apparently, my unblinking stare caused her to avert her gaze from her book. I hoped and prayed I wasn't drooling, and making a fool of myself.

"The goddess politely offered me her hand, "Hi, I'm Priscilla. I believe we have a couple of classes together. I'm sure I've seen you before," she said with words dripping like honey.

"Uhhh, yeah. I mean, yes we do, Priscilla," I stammered as I took her hand. "I'm Gordon, Gordon Laughlin. Pleased to meet you." I wanted to die for sounding so corny.

"I've heard wonderful things about you, Gordon. Everyone in our shared classes tells me that you're by far, the smartest one in the room."

"I don't know about that," I responded with a blush. "I just don't want to disappoint my parents."

"Oh, that's so sweet," she oozed. "I feel exactly the same way. I never want to disappoint my mother either. What she thinks is extremely important to me."

"Well, it appears as though we have something in common," I clumsily rejoined.

"We may at that, Gordon. Hey, I've got an idea, the Delta Delta Delta sorority is having a mixer Friday night. Would you be able to meet me there at say, eight o'clock? They're going to have a DJ and everything. It ought to be fun."

What? Did I hear wrong? Am I dreaming? Is this an illusion? Did THE Priscilla Allerton just invite me on a date for Friday night? I could hardly believe my ears!

"Sure, Priscilla. I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'm looking forward to it very much." I enthused.

"Great. Oh, before I leave, would you do a friend of mine a big favor?"

"Anything, just name it, and I'll be glad to do it," I promised.

"Wonderful. I won't identify her for anonymity but she's taking a course on the psychology of sex. She has a class project due fairly soon, and she is begging all of her friends to pass out to anyone and everyone an anonymous survey questionnaire. The greater the data sample, the greater the accuracy of the results. I've already sent mine in. As I said, it's completely anonymous. Don't put your name or address on it. But, because it's totally anonymous, she needs 100% true and honest responses to every question on the survey. It asks very personal and intimate questions but she'll compile the data in aggregate into her presentation for her class project. It has a postage-paid envelope included that goes to an unnamed post office box. Would you mind doing that for her as a favor to me?"

"Assure your friend that I'd be delighted, and will provide truthful answers to every question."

"Oh, thank you, Gordon. Let me look in my purse. The pink forms are for ladies and the blue ones..., here's a blue one for you. Don't forget, she needs it ASAP. See you Friday night at eight."

"Eight it is," I confirmed as I stood politely for her to leave. I couldn't believe my good fortune. Priscilla Allerton asked ME out on a date! It might be sort of a group date but she and I will be there together. I couldn't ask for more. I scooped up my books and papers and headed back to my dorm room. I couldn't wait to tell Jeff.

Jeff wasn't in and left a note saying that he might be out late. I decided to go ahead and take a look at the survey questionnaire Priscilla had given me on behalf of her friend. I'd given her my word I'd get it in the mail quickly, so I decided to go ahead, fill it out, and get it over with.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Psychology of Sex - (Men's' Views on Sex - Predictability Study Reference)

Note: For this study to have any pertinent value whatsoever, it is imperative that the anonymous participant be 100% candid and honest in all responses. PLEASE try to avoid one-word answers. Give as much background to explain your responses as possible. My grade depends upon your frankness. Thank you very much for participating!

1. Who is the most important role model in your life?

Answer: My mother. I've always been closer to her. She is the binding force of our family.

2. Do you feel threatened by successful women?

Answer: Not at all. I consider my mom successful. But if you mean successful in the workplace, that wouldn't threaten me either. Women are just as good as men and should have the same opportunities to excel in the workplace.

3. Do you believe that you could appreciate what an independent successful woman would bring to your marriage?

Answer: Absolutely. I'd much prefer an independent successful woman to a lazy couch potato.

4. Do you like to be the center of attention?

Answer: Not at all. I think that may be why I was never valedictorian. I don't care to be in the limelight. It makes me very nervous.

5. How do you feel about confrontations with women? A. attack them B. hold my own C. avoid at all costs.

Answer: C. avoid at all costs. Not just women. I try to avoid any kind of confrontation where possible. I'd even let my younger sister have her way just to avoid confrontation. I view myself as a sort of peacemaker. There's already enough violence in the world.

6. What's The Most Difficult Thing You've endured?

Answer: I've been called a nerd pretty much all my life. My looks are mediocre at best, I have no illusion otherwise. But I was cruelly taunted as ugly in grade school. I tried to make up for it with grades but it was emotionally scarring.

7. Measure your erect penis from the top side and record the measurement to the closest quarter-inch here.

Answer: 5-15/16" to be exact. 6 inches rounded to the nearest quarter inch.

8. How many different women have you had vaginal intercourse with?

Answer: One. Even though this is anonymous, I decline to reveal her name.

9. Estimate how many times you've had sex with a female.

Answer: Twice. I fondly remember every encounter.

10. Have you ever had a gay sexual experience with another male?

Answer: That's a hard no for me. I don't have a problem if other guys want to do that. I caught two guys once in the boy's bathroom in high school. I never told anyone. But it's just not my thing.

11. Has anyone ever called you a mama's boy growing up, even in jest?

Answer: Yes. Several of my so-called friends have. But I wasn't truly offended. I love my mom.

12. When watching porn, don't you find it preferable to watch a woman being taken and satisfied by a very well-endowed man, rather than seeing her having sex with a small penis male?

Answer: I never thought about it before this question but I suppose it's true. Somehow, smaller would not be as visually appealing. Though I watch porn to see the girls, not the guys.

13. Are you a fan of cuckold porn?

Answer: I had to look up cuckold. No, I am not, nor do I imagine that I would ever become a fan of that type of porn. I'm a one-woman man and I'd expect my woman to be a one-man woman.

14. If your wife was a power player in the workplace and primary breadwinner, would you have any problem following her directives acknowledging her superior role?

Answer: As I mentioned in question #2, I have no problem with women in the workplace. If my wife was the primary breadwinner, I would be proud of her for her accomplishments, and wouldn't be bothered by her superior income. Directives? If she wanted a bigger say in how our money was spent, I could abide that because she earned it, after all.

15. How would you say others secretly think of you?

Answer: He's nice enough for a butt-ugly guy. He must be the teacher's pet as he always gets good grades. Although most women would be too nice to say it, I believe most secretly think of me as too ugly to go out with or be seen with.

16. Would you rather be in charge, or be content as a passive member of a team?

Answer: I'd much rather be a passive member of a team rather than be in charge. I don't think my personality could command enough respect, though I'd probably be very qualified to lead, academically.

17. If Someone Stole Bread to Feed Their Family, Would You Consider Them A Bad Person?

Answer: An ethical moral dilemma. Technically it's wrong to steal. Morally it's wrong to let your family starve. I could never let my family starve.

18. What Would You Want To Change about Yourself?

Answer: My appearance, obviously. Perhaps I was given this face to keep me humble. If I were a desirable stud or hunk, I might be a narcissistic asshole as well.

19. Do you like to see a woman in high heels?

Answer: Yes. It's a turn-on for me to see a classy woman in heels. That and a pleated skirt. My mom often wore pleated skirts and I love to see her in them. I can't say why exactly.

20. What's Your Dream Job?

Answer: I'd like to have my own company one day. It's always been my dream. I don't mean in the sense of being a flashy boss who lords his position over others or deems himself better than others. To me, the best job would have me appear to be one of the regular workers, yet no one would know I owned the company.

21. What's The Best Book You Read Recently?

Answer: The Fifty Shades of Grey Novels by E.L. James. I only read them because I found them among my mother's things in her closet. I snuck them out, one at a time, and discovered why she'd kept them hidden. The books opened up new horizons of understanding sexuality for me.

22. What Do You Do To Relax?

Answer: Since this is completely anonymous, I have the freedom to say that I masturbate to relax.

23. Who knows you the best?

Answer: At the risk of sounding like a broken record, my mom probably knows me better than anyone. We've always been able to freely share nearly anything. I've told her things my closest friends don't even know.

24. What is your secret sexual fantasy that you never want anyone to find out?

Answer: This is the scariest question I could ever be asked. I can answer it honestly ONLY because this is completely anonymous. Otherwise, it could never be dragged out of me. I would never want anyone to know that I have fantasized about having sex with my mom, and have masturbated to those thoughts many times. But it will forever be an unrealized fantasy, nothing more.

25. What Do You Wish You Could Redo?

Answer: Perhaps building a better relationship with my sister. We have always been fairly adversarial. Perhaps, if I had tried harder to connect with her before leaving home for college.

26. Have you ever dressed in women's clothes before? Even as a gag?

Answer: Yes, for Halloween. I was twelve and wore one of my mother's dresses. She put her makeup and a wig on me. It was funny as hell. I wore her bra stuffed with socks but I had my gym shorts on underneath. No ladies undies for me.

27. Have you ever been tied up when having sex? If not, would you be open to it?

Answer: No I haven't. But after reading Fifty Shades, I would certainly be open to trying it at least once.

28. Do you consider yourself to be a perfect gentleman?

Answer: Absolutely in every way. That's how my mother raised me, to respect a woman and treat her as she deserves to be treated.

29. Do you have any objections to doing household chores?

Answer: None whatsoever. My mom had a chores list split for me and my sister. We rotated duties weekly. If I ever raised any objection to housework, mom tanned it right out of me.

30. If you were married, how important would it be to you to please your wife?

Answer: It would be my number one objective. I look forward to having that chance with someone I love enough to marry.

32. If you were married and had a child, would you have any objection to being a caregiver to your child? From diaper changing on up?

Answer: I have done babysitting for several of my younger cousins and have changed my share of dirty diapers. That's how I first learned boys and girls were different. Although I didn't relish doing it for my cousins, I would gladly embrace it for my own child.

33. How often do you masturbate?

Answer: The friend who supplied this questionnaire told me it was very personal. She was right. I'd say on average, five to seven times a week, depending on what else is going on at the time.

34. What is your favorite place to masturbate?

Answer: Sometimes in the shower but most often in bed before going to sleep. It helps me get to sleep quickly.

35. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have sessions with a dominatrix?

Answer: After Fifty Shades, sure. But let me characterize that a bit. I'm not into pain or spanking. Nor am I into any kind of specialized humiliation. Pain and humiliation would be huge turn-offs for me but to have a sexy woman dominate me and lead us both into orgasmic bliss would be well-received. But to be honest, I'd rather ease into something like that rather than simply jump in with both feet.