Lesbian Cum Slave's New Challenge

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Audra faces a new challenge at the bidding of Mistress.
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This is a continuation of my Lesbian Cum Slave series. It will make much more sense if you read it in order. This story contains non-consensual elements. I do not advocate or endorse anything but safe sex between consenting adults. Feedback is appreciated. Enjoy!


A New Challenge

Audra had acclimated nicely into the general population of slaves. She had learned the rules easily and enjoyed the fact that she was not receiving so much daily "attention." While she still spent roughly 6 to 8 hours a day participating in the various, degrading, lesbian "activities" that she was assigned. She truly appreciated the fact that she was afforded a little bit of free time, with which she could converse with the approximately 20 other girls in this particular block. She also really appreciated being able to be clothed. While the standard-issue white, satin camisole was too tight and too short, and the tight, white, satin panties left nothing to the imagination, they were, at least, something.

The housing was very similar to that of a minimum security prison. There was a large common room, a common shower, and a control center that was behind glass in one corner by the only door, which was always staffed by a senior girl. The control room had various switches and buttons, all designed to electronically operate locks and interface with the implants in each girl's neck. With the press of a button, the operator could instantly subdue a single troublemaker, or the entire group.

The appointments were adequate, but not comfortable. There were clinical looking tables and chairs grouped in areas, and there was a television in one corner of the block. There were also books and magazines available. As she expected, though, all of the media she could access, while not necessarily pornography, had a lesbian twist. Cameras were littered about the entire area, and touching them warranted severe punishment.

A dozen modest cells lined the common area. Each cell had a moderately soft, full-size bed, along with a toilet, a sink and a small desk. The doors were large and made of thick Plexiglas. There were also cameras everywhere, covering every corner and at every possible angle. Audra did her best to ignore them. The doors were locked for 7 hours each night. A speaker in the corner played soft white noise at night. Audra found it blocked out the mundane sounds of the nearby rooms and helped her sleep. She was one of only two slaves that did not share her bed with another girl. She had a strong feeling that she would not remain solo for long, but for the four days she had been here, she relished the relative privacy.

Audra spent her days engaging in many of the activities she had been trained for; sometimes performing for Mistress, sometimes performing for a senior girl, sometimes by herself, sometimes with a random girl from her own block or a different block. Audra wondered how big this place was and how many poor girls shared her fate. From the limited conversation she had, she learned that someone was ALWAYS watching and listening. The girls were very careful to avoid talking about Mistress, any of the senior girls, any of the specific torments they had endured, or any of the lewd acts they had been forced to perform. Everything was kept very general. Audra knew the seriousness of the rule on her first day, when she watched a girl removed from the block because she whispered she hated this place. No one had seen her since. Audra could only imagine the horrors visited on her.

At the end of her fifth day, Audra was called into Mistress' office. She dutifully entered and assumed her position in front of Mistress' desk. She silently interlaced her fingers behind her head, spaced her feet at shoulder width apart and prominently displayed her breasts and bottom, all while keeping her eyes fixed straight forward. After about ten seconds of being ignored, Audra began to worry.

The seconds felt like hours as Audra pondered what awful things she would endure. The insanity that had become her life truly sank in during moments like this. Here she stood, availing herself as a sexual plaything for this twisted woman and her minions. In a matter of months, she had gone from a reserved, independent woman to a slave. She had performed acts that were far more repulsive and depraved than her limited, very heterosexual imagination could ever conceive. She had been trained to subject herself to disgusting, humiliating, often uncomfortable and sometimes painful exercises, all for the gratification of this odious woman. She felt a shame so deep that she was sure that Mistress could feel it radiate off of her. A tear escaped her left eye and trickled down her cheek. This woman had not even acknowledged her presence, much less spoken to or touched her, yet she was completely torturing her. Audra centered herself mentally and focused. Best not to dwell on that which one cannot change.

The silence was broken as the door again opened and closed behind her. Soft footsteps grew louder as a short figure stepped into the corner of Audra's vision. In her peripheral, she saw the figure assume the same position and begin to wait, silently. Audra dared not look to determine the identity of her neighbor. Such may be seen as an affront and be subsequently punished. The seconds continued to tick by.

After about a minute, Mistress broke the silence again.

"You both may relax."

The two girls assumed a more natural, relaxed position and both breathed a tentative sigh of relief. Audra glanced over and immediately identified the girl next to her as her 'sometimes-partner' Teagan. Teagan also shot a look. Their eyes met and an instant feeling of familiarity granted both a little comfort.

"Audra, Teagan, you know each other."

"Yes, ma'am." The girls responded in unison.

"It seems only natural, to me, that since you both know each other, and you both share very similar physical response, that the two of you should room together."

"Yes, ma'am." Again in unison.

"This will be the first time either of you have been paired with anyone. Let me explain the rules."

The girls listened intently.

"First, as always, there will be no touching yourselves. You will not engage in any self-pleasure of any kind in your room unless you are commanded to do so. Do you understand?"

"Second, for the next month, each of you will spend no less than one full hour after lockdown in full post-orgasm stimulation torment, and you will each have no more than 3 orgasms."

The girls looked puzzled.

"Let me spell it out for you. You two will be responsible for getting each other off, then tickling each other's little buttons every night. The sensors implanted in your necks will tell me exactly when and how hard you came, and they will tell me exactly how much and how long you endured afterwards. The limit of 3 orgasms will ensure that you spend an average of 20 minutes per orgasm trying not to wiggle as everything in you wants the attention to stop. You will be given some lubricant and a vibrator to share, but you are forbidden from penetration. The data will be collected and reported directly to me."

The girls remained silent.

"If either of you falls one second short of an hour, you both will be punished severely the next morning. Do you both understand?"

"Yes, ma'am." They both replied.

"Audra?" Mistress queried.

"Yes, ma'am?" She replied.

"How long has it been since you have had something inside that filthy pussy of yours?"

"Ma'am?" Audra was caught off guard.

"It's a simple question, are you an idiot?" Mistress' patience waned.

"A M-month or so, ma'am." Audra replied.

"How long for you, Teagan?" Mistress' attention shifted.

"About the same, ma'am, a month or so." Teagan replied in her prominent Irish accent.

"Do you girls realize that all of the orgasms and exercises that you enjoy here on a daily basis have the effect of constant training of your Kegel muscles?"

The girl's stared blankly.

"I bet your neglected little holes are as tight as vices. I bet you a finger would feel like a beer can. Don't you?"

"Yes, ma'am." They said, afraid of remaining silent.

"Well, if you disappoint me with this exercise, you'll spend the next day with your fists inside each other. Is that clear?"

"Yes, ma'am." They both shuddered.

"You are dismissed."

With that, the girls exited the office and were escorted to their block. They had a couple of hours to themselves that were spent eating and bathing and socializing lightly with their fellow captives. The girls avoided each other during their free time. The knowledge that they would be spending some very intimate and very unwanted time together in the immediate future made them feel awkward toward one another. As 11 o'clock approached, the two of them headed toward their cell.

Teagan closed the large Plexiglas door. At the stroke of 11, an electronic clicking confirmed that they were confined to the room until 6AM the next morning. Both girls noticed a powerful looking vibrator and a large, plain squeeze bottle of some viscous fluid on the small desk. They looked at each other, both searching for a fitting thing to say, neither of them finding one.

Teagan broke the silence.

"Audra, I don't like this anymore than you, Mistress is..."

"A generous and merciful woman!" Audra interrupted loudly.

She gestured to all of the surveillance equipment and shot Teagan a look of warning.

"Y-yes, a generous and merciful woman." Teagan echoed.

"Look, we are both exhausted, and I really need some sleep. Let's get this over with. I'll go first, we can take turns." Audra unceremoniously shed her panties and laid back, spread eagle on the bed.

Teagan was less than thrilled as she took her place between Audra's thighs. She applied a moderate amount of lubrication to the girls' smooth mons and gently rubbed, applying varied pressure that drew the first sharp exhale.

Audra's eyes wandered as she Teagan began her ministrations. She quickly noticed the empty space above the door where the large clock had been. Her eyes grew wide.

"Teagan, stop." Audra sat up.


Mistress watched intently at the monitor on her desk. Every camera angle was displayed and with the push of a key she could center and zoom in on any angle of her choosing. The room was embedded with a myriad of microphones that were filtered and processed so she could hear the softest whisper.

She instantly felt a flood in her panties as Audra made her discovery. She pressed a button on another area of her desk and Candy entered.

Candy approached the desk and took her position.

"Candy, I expect nothing less than perfect cunnilingus from you. Don't make me come until I tell you."

"Yes, Mistress."

Candy took her place under Mistress' desk. She coaxed Mistress' sopping wet panties from her hips nuzzled herself into the woman's lap. Mistress reclined a little to allow Candy better access to her charms. Candy lovingly began to gently kiss and lick at the woman's humid cleft. Candy hated this, too. She was just a much better actress than most of the girls here.


"Wha?" Teagan responded.

"The clock is gone." Audra said in a voice that was cold as stone.

The two girls were silent and motionless as the processed the implications of this revelation. The devious bitch had the clock taken out. Now they would have no way to gauge when enough was enough. They both looked at each other with mouths agape.

"What'll we do?" Teagan asked.

"I don't know." Audra responded.

"Count it out?" Teagan suggested.

"Teagan, there's no way I can accurately count out twenty minutes while you're doing 'that' to me." Audra replied.

"I could try." Teagan responded.

Audra took a look at the girl's meaty hand and remembered her Mistress' warning.

"I don't want to take any chances."

"What do you have in mind?" Teagan asked.

"You try and count, but to be safe, count it out to 25 minutes. That way there's no chance we'll be in a mess tomorrow." Audra replied.

With that, Audra reclined and Teagan resumed. Teagan turned the vibrator on and rubbed it up and down along Audra's split. Audra tried to relax, but her mind spun around the next month's nocturnal activities. They would have to figure something out and fast. Audra drew a sharp breath as Teagan pushed the vibrator against her sensitive nub. Her body was starting to respond despite the stress of the situation. She let the feelings wash over her, eager to be done with this and get some rest.

Another revelation came to Audra. Mistress commanded that they both be in full post-orgasm torment. She was sure that the twisted cunt's devices would tattle if they went easy on each other. She also realized that she had better communicate exactly what Teagan needed to do to keep her there once she came. A fresh blush of shame washed over Audra's body as she spoke.

"Teagan, don't stop, but listen."

"Yeah?" Teagan's fire-locked head rose and their eyes met. Teagan kept working the vibrator up and down, with long, lingering pauses on Audra's swollen clit.

"Mphhhh." Audra moaned and cracked a tiny smile; thank heaven they didn't have to remain silent with each other. Teagan kept her gaze as she watched the girl react to her.

"After I come, you need to either use your thumb or your finger or your tongue and just rub kind of hard but very fast up and down and in circles. It also drives me crazy when it's kissed or sucked on." Audra couldn't believe as the words escaped her mouth. She was telling this girl how to most effectively torment her.

"She'll know if we don't 'perform' to expectation."

"Umm, okay." Teagan replied. She thought to herself that she would probably best share the same tips with Audra in the very near future.

Teagan expertly manipulated Audra's moist folds and erect nub. She alternated pressure and speed as she took Audra up the hill toward an inevitable orgasm.

Audra panted and moaned lightly as she felt the tension in her core building. As she approached her zenith, she again directed the girl's attention.

"I'm about to come."

"Mm-hmm." Teagan acknowledged positively

"Rest that vibrator on my clit and don't take it off. Press it just a little harder than you think you should."

Teagan complied.

Audra grabbed the sheets tightly and hooked her heels on either side of the bed, steadying herself for the impending onslaught of sensation that was about to explode in her center. As first contraction hit her, she buried the back of her head in the bed and her body went stiff. Teagan kept rubbing and lightly slapping her mound as she came. It felt so good to not have all of the stimulation stop. Waves of ecstasy washed over her. Her juices flowed freely from her, kissing her rear pucker on their swift journey toward the sheets. If only she had something inside her. Something for her greedy pussy to clamp down on, it would have been perfect.

Teagan remembered her previous instructions and removed the vibrator. She then drew her thumb up Audra's glazed cleft. Copious amounts of lust glistened the digit as it found its home on Audra's hypersensitive clit. As instructed, Teagan began to flick the girl's universe rapidly. Audra's body went stiff as she struggled to avail herself to this familiar and horrid sensation. Fifteen seconds passed in complete silence as she suffered the overstimulation. Teagan silently counted as she quickly and mercilessly rubbed away at Audra's universe. Audra finally let out an overdue breath and quickly drew another. She then let out the most inhuman sound through her clenched teeth that was almost a combination of a moan of pleasure, a grunt of strain, and a giggle. Teagan was taken by surprise and unconsciously backed off a little. Fuck. She lost count. Luckily she was only a minute or so in. She figured she would just keep that to herself.

"Noooo, K-keep it up, don't slow downnn." Audra grunted through her vice of a jaw.

Teagan resumed her rapid attention to Audra's poor button. She placed a hand on the girl's thigh to help steady her. Audra appreciated all the help she could get. Over the next 27 minutes, Audra's being was reduced to this sensation. It became her and she became it. Every bit of energy she had was consumed by keeping herself exposed to the insidious rubbing at her clit. There was nothing in the universe but that horrible feeling of tickle and discomfort. When Teagan finally counted down the time, she stopped. Audra was completely spent. She opened her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths.

'One down, two to go.' She thought.

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weissamelia33weissamelia33about 4 years ago
Very hot

Very hot and enjoyable read! Also well written, you have great description skills! Awesome job

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
When do you think it will be posted by?

Really looking forward to it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

looking forward to it!

broken1477broken1477about 8 years agoAuthor
Thank you, all.

I haven't written in quite some time because life has been very hectic. I do have another story that I need to submit, it is not a continuation of this series, but very similar in many ways.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

This is the best series I've ever read. It's written well and it's exactly my fetish. I hope you write more.

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