Let It Rain Ch. 02


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"...we might not have sex the entire summer..."

I stared at Jennifer in disbelief.

"You really mean that?" I asked like a child.

"Oh yeah...I want you to beg for it and when I'm ready...I'll give in..." her succinct tone and demeanor meant that she was totally serious.

A shift in the dynamics of our relationship became blatantly obvious to me. In the two years since we'd become lovers, Jennifer had matured considerably. While she was the same warm, bubbly woman I'd grown to love dearly, her strength of character shown through.

"...I've been totally faithful..." her words rang in my head and reddened my cheeks with shame.

Jennifer was true to her word. That night she held me fully clothed and while she kissed me, my hand was pushed away several times when I tried to fondle her breasts.

By now her folks were used to Jennifer spending the night with me, either at the shore house or at my parent's. But, Jennifer demanded that I take her home and I complied with her wishes.

I must have had the most forlorn look on my face. Jennifer hugged me forcefully before she exited my car.

"Love you," she uttered affectionately.

Before I had a chance to respond, she opened the door and sprinted up the driveway. I descended into misery, my mind consumed with fear that I might never enjoy the carnal pleasures of the flesh with her again.

With school on summer break, I worked long hours and in close proximity to Jennifer at her father's restaurant. It was sheer torture as my craving for her grew daily. The closeness that we shared was still there but I was dying to get into her pants and the girl wasn't budging one iota.

A month went by before I noticed that Jennifer might be weakening. One sultry July evening in my apartment...

"Umm...that feels nice..." she purred as my hands delicately palmed her firm mounds.

But, when I tried to lift her flimsy T shirt, Jennifer stopped me. My hunger for her tits had grown to colossal proportions and staring at her jutting nipples as they poked mightily against the sheer fabric made my mouth water like one of Pavlov's dogs.

Jennifer's face carried an expression of sympathy but also steely resolve. She wagged a finger at me.

"No, no, no..." she said in a sing-song voice.

"Please Jennifer...." I whined.

Jesus, I'm begging, my mind screamed in silence.

"Hmm...not just yet," she replied, and my heart sank.

I must have had a very defeated look on my face.

"Why so sad?"

Jennifer held my chin with her thumb and forefinger, gazing directly into my moistening eyes.

"...because I really effed up...I love you Jennifer...but I was weak and stupid and let my lust get the better of me..." I sighed dejectedly.

I averted my eyes because the truth was simply too painful.

"Yeah, you screwed up but I forgive you..." her words were soft, soothing.

Jennifer's arms encircled me and I held her with all my strength.

"I want you Jennifer...I want you so badly..."

"I know you do my love..."

At that moment I realized that I belonged in Jennifer's arms, that I was hers no matter the outcome. Surprisingly, she shed her top and allowed me to fondle her luscious breasts.

"Oh...oh...oh..." she moaned appreciatively.

With her hand on the back of my head, Jennifer guided my drooling mouth to her rigid nipples. I can't recall another time when I so enormously enjoyed the pure act of suckling a girls tits. By the time my craving was sated, my lover was breathless and panting.

When I sat up with a satisfied expression on my face, Jennifer leaned back, stripped her shorts and panties in one swift maneuver and swirled her long fingers in her dripping slit.

"Watch me baby...watch me cum..." she groaned

Quickly I shoved a hand into my panties and fingered my soggy slice like a mad woman, strumming my clit in fast circling motions.

Just like the Beatles song, "Come Together", we both blasted off at the same.

"Oh God! I'm cumming!!" my lover screamed.

Jennifer threw her head back as her body undulated and shook. I did likewise. When we both calmed down, I threw my arms around her and playfully nuzzled her neck. Our mutual masturbation was a first for us and I immensely enjoyed the experience. My heart was bursting with emotion.

"I love you Jennifer...so, so much..." I whispered passionately.

"I love you too, with all my heart," she declared.

For the rest of the night we held each other, kissing and cuddling. My exile from intimacy was nearing the end.

In a very short period of time, my relationship with Jennifer resumed its heated pace. The following night I begged for sex and she gave in.

"I want you my love, no more torture...," she exclaimed, and attacked me.

Our lovemaking was sweaty, impassioned and made my heart throb with intense feelings for the Greek hottie in my arms. Afterwards, I felt wistful, contemplative and Jennifer picked up on my mood immediately.

"Penny for yer thoughts?"

Jennifer was stark naked, sitting crossed legged on the bed. Her long, lustrous brown hair cascaded past her shoulders, eyes twinkling with mirth. I marveled at her exotic beauty; an extraordinary young woman with the brains and talent to be just about anything that she wanted to be in life.

"I was just thinking..."

"What about?" she asked.

"About us..."

Jennifer regarded me curiously.

"What about us?" she enquired nervously. I was unsure of how to put my feelings into words but I let my heart be my guide.

"Jennifer would you...would it be possible..." I was tongue tied.

"Come on girl...what's on yer mind?"

I decided to go for broke; I went "all in" as they say in Texas Hold Em.

"Would you like to...ya know...live here with me this summer?" I asked with a lot of trepidation.

Jennifer's face brightened with a wide grin.

"Yeah...I'd really like that..."

However, her brow wrinkled and Jennifer seemed to be momentarily lost in thought. Instinctively, I knew what she was thinking. What would her parents say? To my knowledge, they knew nothing of Jennifer's sexual leanings. How would my sister Lynn react? Lynn and Jennifer had been friends since grade school.

Suddenly my proposal didn't seem like such a good idea. With two years of college left, Jennifer would need the support of her folks both emotionally and financially. We hashed out the logistics and feasibility of such a move for the rest of the evening. In the final analysis, we agreed that her frequent visitation was the better solution. To officially move in would create too many problems.

Surprisingly, it drew us closer together. Jennifer was at my apartment nearly every night. If her mom and dad were suspicious, she never intimated as such. In all the time that I worked waiting tables at her dad's pizzeria, they never treated me any differently and were always warm and effusive with their feelings towards me.

I guess we were lulled us into a false sense of security because a major confrontation with Lynn was on the horizon.


When I leased my apartment, I gave a spare key to my sister as a security measure in case I lost mine. Of course Jennifer had one as well and was free to come and go as she pleased.

On several occasions, Lynn arrived unannounced, usually with Jennifer and me in bed together or in some form of intimacy. We'd quickly scramble to give the appearance of normalcy when I opened the door to let Lynn in. Each time Lynn would cast a dubious eye at us as if to say; what's going on here?

It was early August on a hot, humid Sunday morning when I heard a key in the lock and the sound of a door slowly opening. Still in that half asleep, half awake state, I cuddled closer to Jennifer. But, my mind alerted me that something was wrong.

Before I could react, Lynn walked into the bedroom and saw us buck naked in each others arms, a look of complete disbelief on her face.

"Lynn...I can explain," I stated in a groggy voice.

She disregarded my plea, turned on her heel and stormed out. I woke Jennifer and told her what had happened.

"What are you going to do?" my beautiful lover asked.

Jennifer looked troubled but far less affected than I though she'd be. There was an air of inevitability concerning the entire situation. My sister was certain to find out about us, it was just a matter of time. How we'd kept it from her for two year's, boggled my mind.

Quickly, I threw on a top, shorts and flip-flops.

"I gotta talk to her..." I mumbled.

My parent's were at the shore house and I hoped that Lynn went home and not to a friends house. When I drove down our street, I saw her car in the driveway and took several deep breaths. This wasn't going to be easy!

Solemnly, I walked through the back yard gate and saw her sitting by the pool.

"Hey," I said very sheepishly as I neared her chair.

Lynn turned away from me.

"Look sis, I can explain..." before I could utter another word, my sister got up and walked into the house.

I found Lynn in her bedroom and stood in the doorway, not sure of what to say.

My sister gazed at me thru hooded and accusatory eyes.

"Is it true?" she demanded.

"Yes." was my quiet reply.

Lynn shook her head in disgust and sighed very audibly.

"It was mutual." I stated in a factual tone.

Lynn regarded me with suspicion.

"In fact sis, she was the one who suggested it." I stated emphatically.

Lynn turned on her heels and left the bedroom shaking her head.

I was starting to wonder if Lynn would stay put long enough for me to speak my peace and followed her downstairs to the kitchen. Again, she sat with her back to me looking out the window.

"Please let me explain..." I pleaded.

"Go ahead, it's a free country..." she intoned in a snotty voice.

My heart did the talking.

"I love her."

Lynn whirled around in her seat and stared at me with cold eyes.

"You what?" she yelled.

"I said, I love her and...she loves me," I answered.

"Now I've heard everything...my sister's in love with a girl, my friend no less..."

Lynn's eyes were like two blazing hot coals.

"Believe me, she's not a girl anymore. Haven't ya noticed? She's a woman."

"No, I haven't noticed because I don't look at my friends...that way," she declared.

Lynn shifted uneasily in her chair.

"Look Lynn, you're my sister...I hoped you'd understand..."

"Does anyone know about you two?"

"Mom," was my one word answer.

Lynn looked stunned by my revelation.

"...and she never said a word to me..." Lynn mumbled to herself.

"Lynn, I ah..."

My sister held her hand up, stopping me in mid sentence.

"I need some time to think...I can't believe..."

Lynn stared at me with the same angry expression. We were getting nowhere fast and it was readily apparent that nothing would be settled anytime soon. I left and returned to my apartment. Jennifer was sitting at my small kitchen table with a mug of coffee.

"Hey...how'd it go?" she asked.

"Oh...Lynn's pissed...she's mad at me and I'm sure she blames me in some way..."

"I'm gonna talk to her..." my lover declared with a feisty look.

"Maybe...Ya know it might be better to let her cool off," I advised.

"No...I'm not ashamed...I'm a lesbian...I know it with all my heart and soul...I'm in love with a woman and that woman is her sister...I can't help that, it's a fact!" She voiced with determination.

I took Jennifer in my arms and kissed her; my heart beating furiously.

"I'll go with you."

On the ride to my parent's house, I stole loving glances at Jennifer. Since that fateful night of Lynn's graduation party, she'd grown into a remarkable young woman. I loved her, loved her with all my heart.

We found a very surprised Lynn in her bedroom.

"Look guys, I'm not ready for this...I need somethin' to drink"

My sister sat-up hugging her knees, her gaze fixed on the wall in front of her. I raced down the stairs, found beer in the fridge then grabbed a bottle of Chivas Regal from my dad's liquor cabinet. We imbibed for the better part of an hour in total silence.

Finally, Lynn turned her attention to Jennifer.

"Jesus Jenn...we've known each other since what...5th grade? In that time I never...I mean...you could have..." My sister was lightly slurring her words, an indicator that the alcohol was having an effect.

"Haven't ya ever wondered? What it's like? Ya know with a girl...a hot girl..." Jennifer asked.

Lynn looked stunned but her expression of awe gradually softened.

"Yeah...I have..." my sister admitted shamefacedly.

"Anybody I know?" Jennifer enquired with a raised eyebrow.

Lynn poured herself another shot, swallowed it in one gulp and followed it with a beer chaser. She could barely look at Jennifer and like a light bulb going on in my head I knew who it was...

"I can't say..."


"...cause...I can't..." Lynn stated in frustration.

Jennifer was giving my sister the hard once over look.

"Chicken shit!" Jennifer yelled.

"I am not!" Lynn bellowed in return.

"Ya know what? You always were a pompous, intolerant bitch!" Jennifer exclaimed.

Lynn looked steamed, really pissed off.

"....just cause I never...that's not fair! Take it back!" Lynn rose to her feet with her fists balled up.

"Admit it!" Jennifer shot back.

Neither was ready to back down but I swear the booze had a calming effect.

Lynn's body and demeanor relaxed.

"Look Jenn...I don't want to fight and argue...we're friends..."

"All ya have to do is say who ya had a girl crush for..."

I'd always assumed that my sister didn't have a bi-curious bone in her body so her admission was a revelation of sorts.

Lynn's head hung low and the barely audible words were too soft for me to hear, not Jennifer.

"Who?" Jennifer asked incredulously.

"You..." was Lynn's astonishing answer.

End of Chapter 2

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion!

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyalmost 3 years ago

Turned tables ...... Sounds cloudy ....... And yeah the humans way " sorry i made a mistake, but it was just ...." Destroyed and will destroy much to much or all ...... Its horrible ...... But well written

Sunset_HorizonsSunset_Horizonsover 15 years ago
Can NOT wait!!!

wow! i did not see that coming! another fantastic chapter : ) are gonna get jennifer and tara married? that would be perfect! you are one of my favorite writers! im trylng to write for this site, and i was wondering if you had any advice for writing a good story. keep up the fantastic work! sincerely, Sunset_Horizons

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