Letters to the Editor Ch. 06

Story Info
Wives that shock, husbands that tell.
9.5k words

Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 01/16/2003
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After a particularly hard but successful day the Editor sat back and followed what was his usual routine of pouring himself a stiff drink and sitting back in his chair waiting for the rest of the staff to leave for home. He was already feeing horny as he had been thinking once again of those letters. Hovering outside was one of the young secretaries and catching his eye she gave a smile and walked in.

“Waiting for us all to go so you can get up to mischief?” she asked laughing.

“What do you mean?” he replied taken by surprise.

“Our last boss liked to stay behind too – to read those letters,” she said knowingly. “Did you think the rest of us didn’t know about them?”

She laughed again then sat on the edge of the desk. The boss found him-self admiring her shapely legs and noticed how tight her sweater was over her ample breasts.

“Not everyone knows of course – just a few of us,” she explained further.

“So have you had the chance to read them?” asked her boss.

She blushed, and then answered him. “A few of the senior male staff got to read a few and – well – lets just say I’m only one of two females that have seen them – the other one has left now.”

“So why you?” asked the boss.

The girl swung her leg and smiled at the young editor, “Because they knew I could keep a secret – and that I enjoyed reading them too.”

The boss was intrigued, “So did you stay behind in the evening with the editor and the “Big Chief” and you all sat reading the letters – with a drink?”

The secretary gave him a very seductive look and crossed her legs showing an expanse of thigh.

“Yes – they sometimes invited me to stay behind – and we would all enjoy them together – they were very interesting evenings.”

The editor wondered just how exciting and interesting the evenings got – every time he stayed behind he finished up masturbating – could it be that she obliged them? He laughed to himself thinking his imagination was getting the better of him. Without thinking of the consequences he made her an offer.

“Well I suppose you can read a few more if you want to stay behind one evening – but don’t tell the whole bloody office!” he said.

The girl smiled and raised her crossed leg higher than was needed before standing. The boss caught a glimpse of white panties between thighs.

“Thanks – I have an errand to run – but I can be back in less than an hour – if you’re staying that long.”

After running his eyes up and down her body and admiring her amazing arse he was tempted.

“OK – see you later,” he simply said.

As the girl left his cock rose to attention – and as his hand went to his dick he began to read the first letter of the evening.

Dear Sir,

This is a story about a wife willing to please her husband but with an unusual beginning. He never knew what caused the change in her but simply enjoyed the benefits!

In the public house that I mostly frequent in a small village in northern England there was a married couple who where known to be very prim and proper and reserved. They were a popular pair, in their early thirties and quite attractive. She was small and though she had a great figure and wore clothes just tight enough to show off her curves she didn’t exude sex – untouchable you might say. They would join in the fun but had strict limits – or so most people thought.

Like a typical pub every other week the regulars would visit neighbouring pubs for darts or pool tournaments – the other weeks would be a home match. Two or three nights a week the couple would sit and sip their drinks quietly and chat to others, all very respectable. Then, it came about that the husband was asked to join the darts team due to a shortage of players. This he did and when he was away with the team his wife would sit with a bunch of customers and await his return. Sometimes it would be quite late and if they had won more celebrations would take place.

Without each others constant company the couple both became a little more outgoing and relaxed in company. As I was neither a member of dart or pool teams I was able to observe the change in the wife by staying behind on away matches. Some of the local lads and men occasionally got out of hand and a few of the women were quite outrageous sometimes. A blind eye was often turned when someone was caught with another’s spouse or partner – it was “live and let live.”

On night things changed when a group of locals got a bit silly. One had a birthday and all had consumed more drink than normal. The young wife was in but her husband was away somewhere else. Jokes and pranks and fooling about ruled the evening and the wife cautiously joined in. When the ladies toilet was taken over by two girls who had dragged a couple of lads in the locals just laughed and left them to it. Without any fuss any women wanting to pee marched through to the men’s room and used a cubicle in there - in this part of the world it isn’t really a big deal.

Therefore when the shy wife wanted to use the loo and couldn’t gain access two men grabbed her and marched her into the gents. It was all good humoured and as the men pushed her into a cubicle and told her she didn’t need to wait and suffer she was shocked but didn’t make a fuss. Interested to see how she would react I went in myself and observed. She very sheepishly came out and kept her head down because several men were stood at the urinals peeing. One of the guys who had dragged her in stopped her leaving and told the others to see how embarrassed she was.

“First time you have seen something like this, eh? Go on lads – shake your cocks for her!”

She complained to let her go and struggled a bit but she couldn’t resist the urge to have a look. This was quickly noticed and she was pushed a little nearer to the urinals. To my surprise instead of getting upset she stopped struggling and though she was scared to look properly she kept making quick glances at the exposed penises.

Men came and went but some, enjoying the woman’s predicament, stayed and jeered things on. It wasn’t long before her glances became longer looks and she responded to comments.

“Come on guy’s show her a big one.” “See – she’s really enjoying herself now – she’s not embarrassed anymore.” Sure enough she had a slight smile on her face and a look of stunned amazement. Her eyes seemed to focus first on a man’s cock then his face then back to his cock. Some brave enough waved their weapons at her others just stood and peed in front of her.

“She likes this, doesn’t she?” exclaimed one man.

The man holding her had almost relaxed his grip but she made no effort to leave. When they finally tired of the game I swore I noticed a look of disappointment in her face.

The night wore on and some people became even more over the top. The manner of the wife had changed but she had taken no offence. Then, an hour later as she walked past the toilet door she was again grabbed and to the laughter of a group of men and lads she was walked into the gents.

“Come and enjoy yourself again and watch these men have a piss.”

I quickly followed to see her reaction. Now more drink had been consumed the odd one made a real exhibition of peeing in front of her and then pretending to masturbate. She watched wide eyed and didn’t protest once. Again the same man held her from behind with his arms around her waist. It was the expression on her face that caused the next move.

“God, she really does like watching men piss! Look at her face!”

Suddenly for the first time there was a sexual feeling about it. Others like me had been surprised that she didn’t scream blue murder and complain or get upset. She was still very embarrassed and shy but something had changed. The sexual overtones had made a couple of guys have an erection and one exhibitionist stood with a semi-hard on and peed from a distance into the trough. The young wife let her jaw drop and she looked really stirred up.

Now she seemed a willing participant the man holding her let his hands roam and soon was gently feeling her tits. I was more amazed that she allowed him to and didn’t even flinch. He began to kiss her neck and several of us said “Wow!” as she let her head fall back. She didn’t worry at all when his hands slipped down and underneath her sweater back up to her tits.

“Are you enjoying yourself tonight sweetheart?” said the man touching her.

She didn’t answer but when someone said “Let’s show her who has the biggest dick!” she quickly focused her attention on the display of weapons. I noticed that as a few men passed through to just have a pee she couldn’t help but watch and check out the size of their cocks.

Time brought things to a halt and as it was almost time for her husband to return everyone behaved themselves. That was it for a few weeks – she didn’t stop visiting the pub like some thought she would and no one made a fuss, her husband wasn’t any the wiser. Along came another birthday and guess what – her husband was away. It had to happen; several people had been waiting for the chance of a repeat performance. She had become sexually interesting to others and a few wondered how far she would go. When the night was in full swing the suggestion was made.

“Let’s give Lucy a treat again – who wants to have a piss?” “Hey, Lucy - Do you want to come and hold it while I pee?”

Lucy looked embarrassed but a minute later she was strolling past the door that lead out to the toilets so slowly it was as though she was waiting to be dragged in again. She came up the bar and asked for a drink then told a friend she would just make a visit to the ladies. Whether she spoke loud on purpose I don’t know but a group of lads followed her out and just as she was about to enter the ladies she was redirected into the gents. Having again gone to observe I was in time to see how easily she allowed them to lead her through the wrong door.

“Come and do it in here, it’s more fun!” said one of the lads. The excited look on her face couldn’t be disguised.

In the little group trouped and she looked bashful again as she was confronted by men pissing. Several comments were made from the occupants but everyone smiled and some stayed. A few older men had noticed the events and joined the group. Lucy avoided looking up and looked nervous – a hand of a man was stretched out and lifted her chin.

“I really do want to go to the ladies!” she said pleadingly.

One of the older men took hold of her and told her, “It’s OK – you’re in the right place – you can use the trough like we do.”

There was nervous laughter and the man said loudly. “Come on lads – show her something before she looses interest.”

A few hesitated, then I realised that most had a hard on and were a bit shy themselves. A couple took out their cocks in front of Lucy and she gasped at their erect state.

“That’s what you like isn’t it Lucy?”

One guy began to masturbate very slowly and looked really turned on. Lucy watched silently and seemed unaware that the man next to her was gently unbuttoning her top. A couple of men that had just come in for a piss felt the sexually charged atmosphere left out their dicks and Lucy watched them grow erect. She gave a little moan and as her last button popped open her hands came up to cover herself. The man whispered that it was alright and she allowed him to pull her hands away and gave up her feeble attempt to preserve her modesty. Lucy’s tits looked adorable and though there was nothing very sexy about her lingerie she looked very fuckable.

The guy with her squeezed her tits and another came along side and played with a breast. A voice said “Bring her nearer,” and she was pushed right up to the urinals while one man took hold of her hand and placed it on his cock.

She protested a little and withdrew it but she was coaxed and persuaded by little reassurances like, “You’ve wanted to do that, don’t worry about anyone finding out.” “Don’t be scared.” “You like that, don’t you?”

She again gave in and held the man’s dick while he pissed. When another was put in front of her and her hand guided to it she was asked again, “That excites you doesn’t it?” to which this time she answered “Yes”

About three more men took turns to have Lucy hold their cocks while they pissed and she was fascinated by each one. She never seemed to be fully aware that her skirt had now been pulled up to her waist and so many hands played with her she didn’t realise that her bra had been lifted above her tits and she was displaying her bare breasts. She was still mesmerised by the sight and feel of hard cocks pissing though by now most men left were busy wanking slowly. A man old enough to be Lucy’s dad presented her with his very thick and hard dick and taking her hand he used it to masturbate himself.

He did the movements as Lucy just allowed her hand to be used. A young lad wanted some of the action and rubbed his dick against Lucy’s arse cheek wetting her knickers. Occasionally a hand found its way to her crotch but everyone wanted a turn. Then, the thing that really turned me on – her knickers and pantyhose began to be lowered!

“No!” she cried when she felt the cold air on her arse cheeks. She was still letting her hand be used to wank the older man and had been quite happy to do so while others felt her body. “No – you can’t do that!” she said.

“You never had that pee you wanted did you – do you still want to pee?”

“Yes – but...” she was cut off as a mouth kissed her lips.

“It’s OK – we’ll let you go in a cubicle and close the door. Do you want to pee?”

They had succeeded in confusing her and when she answered “Yes” she wasn’t sure what she was saying it for.

“No need to worry then,” the man said as hands lowered her panties below her knees.

She was gripped tighter and lifted slightly off the floor while her garments were taken completely away. At that moment the man being wanked shot his load on Lucy’s hand and diverted everyone’s attention and shocked the young housewife. She began to notice that all the men had hard cocks and where busy masturbating. A voice was heard to whisper to her.

“You enjoyed that too – do you want to hold another one?” She was clearly excited and unexpectedly nodded her head and uttered a little “yeah”

Another man walked in front of her and after tweaking her nipples he presented his considerable weapon and Lucy hardly needed her hand guiding. When the man ejaculated she had completely forgotten that her knickers had been removed and she was now naked from the waist down while a least a dozen men played with their cocks in front of her. A man decided to suck her tits and Lucy didn’t even attempt to hide her pleasure – she smiled as she felt the man suck in. Now she needed no help with her hand movements and when fingers found their way to her upper thighs she offered no protest.

“That’s OK isn’t it Lucy – you enjoy that?”

“Yeah!” she smiled.

“Look at all these men wanking in front of you. Do you like that?” She smiled shyly and nodded still eagerly pulling on the cock.

“You’re not bothered now are you about having your knickers taken off.”

She looked down and looked as though she had forgotten then decided it was too late to bother, but she didn’t look upset – she just smiled coyly.

“It’s OK to touch you here now isn’t it?” said the voice as his fingers pushed in her vagina.

She was a little taken back but was distracted again as the excitement had got the better of a boy and he directed his cum on Lucy’s leg. She felt the hot liquid and watched with a moan as the white stuff spurted from the little eye of the penis. That set off another lad and she seemed to screech with delight as his load shot all over her body. The penis in her hand followed suit and we spectators noticed her hips wriggling against the fingers rubbing her clit.

“Come on, Lucy – no point being shy now – and uncomfortable – we’d like to see you pee – go on, don’t worry about the floor – let it go!”

The man coaxing her spoke gently into her ear - the rest of us waited with baited breath. “Come on Lucy!”

Lucy relaxed her muscles and a steady flow of pee came gushing from between her legs. The look on her face was a picture, it being a mixture of relief and pleasure. She was turned so that every man in the room could see to his best advantage. Her vaginal lips were pulled open and she happily spread her legs wide apart. Everyone in the room gasped and muttered and was astonished by the event. One man joined her in having a pee which seemed to please her and cause a little smile. Lucy was lost in the moment and when someone announced her husband was about to enter the premises others panicked but she stayed in a trance.

She was very quickly bundled into a small private room and a decision was made to help her get quickly home while someone informed her husband that she had felt tired and left earlier. A free drink was put in front of him and questions were asked about the match in an effort to occupy his mind. He fell for it and when I heard a whisper for someone to check that his wife was “safe” I volunteered my services.

When I quietly opened the door that lead to the private quarters I stopped astounded. Three guys had stayed with her to help her dress and then take her home. Though they hadn’t quite done the job they had promised. Lucy was still there, laid flat on the table with her bum at the edge and legs in the air – and she was being well and truly fucked by one of the men. At her head a cock was dripping sperm around her mouth – it had just shot over her face. I remonstrated with the bunch and asked what the hell they were doing when the third one, not to be outdone pushed his dick inside her pussy and pumped away – to have probably the shortest fuck he had ever had.

Lucy offered no complaint or fuss as she was eventually bundled out and into a waiting car to speed her home. I walked back into the bar gave the all clear but didn’t mention what I had seen.

A few weeks later someone else had a birthday – her husband. Lucy was now a different girl - at least with the other men and it seemed that visits to other pubs without his wife had given him a roving eye and a taste for a little adventure. Very often now he complained that his wife was a bit too straight-laced and how he wished for a bit more excitement. On the night of his party, Lucy was jeered by the crowd and told to give her husband a passionate kiss in front of everyone.

“She’s too timid,” scoffed her husband.

A little while later when it was noticed he had gone for a pee two of the men grabbed Lucy.

“Go on – follow him in and give him a treat!”

The woman smiled and calmly turned and walked to the gents. The new Lucy, to her husband’s disbelief walked into the gents and as her husband stood speechless she held his cock while he finished peeing and caring nothing for the other men watching she pulled him into a cubicle and told him to fuck her! They were in there a long time – most of the night. When they finally went home no one saw them in the pub again for at least a month. The man had a new wife – a sexy wife who was there to please him – and he was making the most of it. He never did question her on what brought about the change but was always seen with a little smile on his face.


“Would our sex life improve if my wife let another man fuck her – make her more exciting and adventurous?” thought the editor.

He stopped himself scared that once again he was comparing his wife to the women in the letters. Looking up he saw the figure of the young secretary and realised with horror that his hand was still on his cock – and it was still standing proud.

“Don’t worry about it – it’s what I expected you to be doing,” said the girl calmly.

Walking over to his desk she took his hand and guided him to the small couch against the wall. Amused at her directness the editor let her have her way and sat down waiting for her next move.