Life as a New Hire Ch. 03


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"He did nothing more than his job," Desiree's defense of me came out of nowhere. "He engaged himself in the welfare of your daughter. I was there the entire time."

"Come this way," the older woman beckoned. Desiree, the woman from the door and me followed her up two flights of stairs to Aya's room.

Loraine and Europa had stepped out of their rooms and were observing us.

"There," the woman - Mom - pointed me into the room.

"Cáel," Aya squealed. "You came." She was sitting in bed with her arms outstretched. I crossed the distance, sat down and hugged her.

"Now what seems to be the problem?" I tapped her nose.

"I...I - ah - wanted you to tuck me in," she mumbled.

"As your Daddy, or as Cáel?" I questioned.

"As my Daddy," she murmured.

"I am not your Daddy, Aya," I explained. "I am your friend, and your guardian upon occasion, but I am not worthy of being your Father. You are a very special girl and I am the son of a working stiff from Chicago. With your Mom's and Katrina's permission, I would gladly help you convince the World that I am your Daddy. We must remember that this is not real, okay?"

"Why can't you be my real Daddy?" Aya asked. 'Because your Mommy would bite my dick off' didn't seem the politically correct thing to say.

"Life can be very harsh, Aya. We all face different challenges. Since life has not provided you with a Daddy, you must find a way to get by without one," I said. "Now let me tuck you in."

We hugged, I tucked her in, kissed her on her forehead then waited around a few seconds while she held my adult hand in her tiny mitt. As I left, the Mother cut off the light and shut the door.

"Good night, Cáel," Europa and Loraine called out. I waved, but kept my peace. Downstairs, it was a bit less pleasant.

"I will report this egregious breech of conduct to Katrina. You are dismissed," she waved her hand.

"Really?" I perked up.

"Cáel, don't," Desiree cautioned me.

"Oh, come on," I pleaded. "Desiree, what is the penalty for tucking a little girl into bed? Wait - wait, are they going to get me for NOT embarrassing a child in public? Is it because I accepted a female's gender-appropriate pet name?"

"Shut up," Desiree demanded sedately.

"Yes ma'am - Desiree," I sighed.

"The charges will be murdering our patience, insolence, irreverence and not being able to follow simple commands - like 'Cáel don't'," she explained. I could swear she was mocking our hostess except that wasn't like Desiree. She had no sense of humor.

"Do you think this is funny, Half-blood?" Mom mocked.

"No. He is a jester and I'm superior to him because, unlike you, Pure-blood, I can tell the difference between his juvenile antics and him being a viable threat," Desiree reposed. "Funny is Cáel throwing his body on top of your eldest daughter, sacrificing himself to save her life only to be treated by you as a common household pest."

"It was a test," Mom said.

"He didn't know that," Desiree countered, "or are you claiming he fooled me and the entire security detail?" Insulting Desiree was okay in Mom's book. Insinuating those stone-cold bitches who scared the crap out of me this morning were incompetent wasn't.

"I repeat, you are dismissed," Mom seethed. This time we took our leave. Desiree remained lost in her own thoughts as she drove me home.

"Thank you," I said when we were close.

"For what?" she murmured.

"No specific cause. I reason that if I say 'thank you' a few thousand times, one day you'll say it to me," I looked at her through the corner of my eye.

"Hold your breath," Desiree commanded. "Hold your breath until I repeat the words 'thank you'."

There was really no way around that. I practiced breath-control techniques I had learned from swimming and diving, making the most of what air I had. Desiree was heartless. I broke the two minute mark, which wasn't bad given my lack of preparation. I leaned forward, panting for breath and looking down.

"You might want to appreciate that you are not perfect, can't do everything and should reacquaint yourself with your limitations," Desiree commented.

"Thank you, Desiree," I gasped. That was some of the best advice I'd received on the job to date.

"You are welcome, Cáel," she said serenely. In her culturally limited way, Desiree had allowed me a tiny space in her world - Immature Student Lackey. "Be at work thirty minutes early." With that, I exited to my apartment and belatedly got to my workout. Timothy was out on a date so I had to bolt out of the shower to get whomever was at the door when the doorbell rang.

"I must redeem my prestige by breaking your spirit, Cáel Nyilas," Rhada snarled then leapt to the attack. I was standing there, dripping wet, with my hand clenching the towel tightly around my waist. Mortal Combat - the pornographic edition. Rhada was feisty yet I had the feeling she was more into our fight as a contact sport than a real effort to subdue me.

I wasn't aware that there was an oral appliance that allowed you to give a blowjob without having the recipient bite your dick off. Timothy had one in his toy box. Rhada and I tried it out, but I got the feeling she didn't get much from the experience. I felt like I was at a glory hole. After that, things got better.

I clued in that Rhada's key focus of arousal was being forced to pleasure me. Under threat of something horrible (mostly in her imagination), hands bound behind her back, she'd fuck me in every imaginable way and she was even becoming passible at fellatio. Binding her legs was actually counterproductive. If I wanted to pin her legs, she liked it if I wrestled with her.

I keep pushing myself to keep up with her. When someone screamed in pain, my gut instinct was to succor them. For Rhada, it was a signal for her wanting more. I'd really helped her through some serious frustrations, and a great deal of sweat, when the phone rang. Rhada was facing me, bouncing in my lap with her ball gag back in (she liked to bite during climax).

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Cáel Nyilas, it is Odette. Whatchya doing tonight?" my waitress bed-buddy asked.

"I'm bored out of my skull, doing something worthless," I answered. "Do you want to come over, or do we want to meet at your place tonight?"

"Ah - um - I live at home with my parents," she confessed.

"Come on over. I need to clean up a mess first," I told her. "See you soon." With that, I hung up and looked into Rhada's eyes. "You really are a worthless mess." She sobbed. "What are you crying about you disgraced harlot? Are you surprised I'd want to be with a real woman?"

"You are a disgusting piece of filth so that's how you deserve to be treated; not like a true tower of femininity," I continued to press her buttons. She was really upset and absolutely erotically active. I was starting to get worried about the vigor she was pounding me with. Sadly, I had some plans to implement before Odette arrived. I kept Rhada on my lap, swiveled us off the bed and fished out a few restraints.

Rhada wrapped her powerful legs around my waist. Using a combination of thigh, stomach and vaginal muscles, the Indian Princess kept working my cock with every bit of imagination she could muster. We traveled out to the workout area. I leaned over the weight bench, pressed Rhada down and put a hand around her throat.

Honestly, all this cruelty and humiliation was grating on me. Sure, I knew Rhada was evil, as was her entire culture. The thing was, I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. I didn't think I had it in me to harm, or murder, a person who was not an immediate threat. The reality was twofold. If I didn't do this for Rhada, she'd find someone else who would, with the likelihood of grievous harm coming to her.

Also, I could do without her holding a grudge for my kicking her ass then rejecting her amorous advances. For now, I played her game with the added benefit that tonight was a 'freebie' - not in my cue.

"Bitch, I'm going to tie you down and ruin you until you can't walk straight. Fight back and I'm going ram two dildos into you and leave them on all night long," I threatened.

I could see her thinking about it as I gave her some more crushed ice to drink. In the end, she allowed her feet to be bound separately then her hands bound together over her head. Once she was secure, I leaned in and whispered in her ear.

"I lied, Rhada. I'm going to shove two vibrators in anyway," Rhada thrashed about against her bonds.

After lubing up both sex toys, I worked them into her pussy and ass. She wiggled and shifted about a few times, but her heart wasn't in it. She was too clearly looking forward to the torturous pleasure coming her way. I cut them both on then, because I could, I put on three vibrating eggs; one on her clit and the others for each nipples. That drove her wild. I readied the last part of my plan.

"Rhada," I leaned in and spoke softly, "I'm putting your phone in your hand. Press the 'send' button and it will call my phone. I'll come get you. Don't drop it. Rhada?" Her wild eyes flashed about, gained some clarity and met my gaze. She nodded her understanding. Now I had to worry that she would drop the phone on purpose just to add to her torment.

I drew the makeshift curtain that separated our workout space from the rest of the living room, cut on the TV to mute the sound of moaning and vibrators. While cleaning up in the bathroom, I realized I had to dump my condom. Doing two girls with the same one was beyond thoughtless and gross.

My drawstring shorts were barely cinched up when the doorbell rang. Thankfully it was Odette. Extra special was Odette wanted to get freaky with me - she brought a dildo and some lube. The problem with having a vast variety of sex was that fewer and fewer things were new and remembering how exciting it was your first time with a given kink gets tougher.

Odette decided that conversation was overrated as she waltzed through the door. She showed me her toy, grabbed my hand and led me to my bedroom. I helped her undress, which she liked. Then she threw me down and raped me. She was even all excited about rolling her first condom on. She hadn't been a virgin last night, only lacking in confidence.

Tonight, she was a beast (in her mind). After our first noisy, moist round, Odette 'discovered' another pleasure; namely sitting up, riding my cock and getting into an in depth discussion about our relationship - sigh. When a woman thinks it is casual sex it is casual sex. When a man thinks it is casual sex it could be any Goddamn thing.

To Odette's credit, she was willing to talk about things she'd like to do, didn't get too upset when she finally pried out of me that I'd been with more than a dozen women, and she took suggestions well. She liked to talk about mutual interests, cuddled without being needy and asked if what she was doing made me feel good in a way that didn't make her sound insecure.

At 2:10 my phone buzzed. Odette barely murmured then rolled over and went back to sleep. It was Rhada. Sneaking out wasn't so difficult. I stealthed to the bathroom, got a wet wash cloth and a towel, followed that up with a trip to get some chilled bottled water and finished up at Rhada's side.

She was barely there at all. My hands flew over her body in the dim light then I pulled her into my lap on the floor.

"Rhada?" I called to her gently.

"Kill you," she whispered. She was okay.

In my sleep-deprived state I missed her initially looking at me. Her eyes were unfathomable. I pressed the water to her lips and let her drink in small sips. Five minutes later, she was in better shape mentally and physically.

"Why?" she asked.

"Sometimes it is a matter of why not?" I replied.

"You hate me," she furrowed her brow.

"What gave you that idea?" I reposed.

"You are a don't hate me?" she struggled to breach our cultural divide.

"Rhada, I can't speak for all men, but I don't hate you. I have no intention of destroying you," I paused. "I'm working on a way to suspend you off the ground blindfolded next time. Tarnishing your prestige is not on my agenda though."

"Do you like causing me pain?" she studied me. That was a tough one both from my perspective and hers.

"I treasure every orgasm I rip from your body, Rhada," I breathed into her ear. It was the best I could do. For Rhada it was enough.

She wasn't suicidal, only ravenous in her need to surrender to her taboo desires. Her not being on the edge of death with me lessened her thrill. It also meant she could live long enough to have all kinds of other thrills. This was the bargain we were making. How I was going to live up to it was going to be intriguing.

Maybe I could bill Katrina for the needed playroom upgrades. What the future held was coming with the dawn. First I had to make sure Rhada was clear-headed and ambulatory. Then came the trip to her auto and her fiery kiss and body hug. Rhada liking me was okay. Rhada getting attached to me was one more headache I didn't need.

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Hugo999Hugo9994 months ago

This is a really enjoyable series .... well told

Ravey19Ravey19about 1 year ago

Have mixed feelings about Cáel but the Amazon's ard not particularly pleasing anyway. Great storytelling and loving it so far.

FinalStandFinalStandover 1 year agoAuthor

That was their Third Homeland - Mazowsza - until the push of the Hunnic Hordes caused them to disperse. Too many German Tribes around them at the time. They already had a few Houses in the Roman Empire as well, but the most famous horse-riding Houses remained on the northern side of the Carpathian Mountains.

The First Homeland was on the Black Sea Coast of Turkey and the Second Homeland was centered in the Less Pannonian Plain of modern day Hungary and Slovakia. The Amazons needed a great deal of grasslands to raise and maintain the horse herds, thus their choice of locations to settle down in.

In this tale, the Amazons didn't have another homeland after leaving Mazowsza up until modern times.

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