Life as a New Hire Ch. 10


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"That wasn't going to be good enough for me," she tilted her head up to study my eyes. "I got his baseball bat instead and knocked them all out real good. I found a few garbage bag twist ties, tied their hands behind their backs and went at all three with a knife. I gutted them a bit so they were awake and in a shitload of pain...then I hacked their cocks and balls off."

I was less revolted than I thought I'd be. I still felt my dick shrivel and my balls trying to retract into my bodies. I certainly wasn't going to joke about it; this was a serious sensitive moment for her. I stroked her hair. I could live with this revelation. I wasn't sure why I could, but my heart and mind weren't freaking out, so I went with my instincts.

"I had barely finished up when the cops came bursting in. I had taken far longer torturing them than I imagined and their screams had been heard all over the housing complex. They Tasered me, I went to jail and finally to trial. My defense attorney argued an 'Insanity' Plea and I ended up in a mental facility," she was clearly relieved that I wasn't terrified.

"A few months later, Katrina showed up," Buffy continued. "She wasn't where she is today. We talked a great deal, but there were only two crucial questions for her. 'Do you regret killing those men?' and 'Can you have sex again?' I answered 'no' and 'yes' after some thought. Two weeks later, I was transferred to a Havenstone facility, they cleaned me up, trained me, and I was stationed here."

"What is with you and Elsa?" I prodded a handful of minutes later.

"Don't go there, Cáel," Buffy muttered.

"Do you seriously want me to confront her not knowing the whole score?" I countered.

"She is a complete and total racist Bitch," she grumbled.

"Please don't tell me it was a sex contest," I groaned. "If she is better than you, I'm going to die." Her grumbling lack of an explanation allowed me to crack a joke. Buffy 'punished' me by kissing my chin.

"No, it wasn't a pussy-thing. If she can fuck you better than me, you have my permission to die," she smiled playfully.

Scary. I was so used to her being scary, Buffy not being scary was scaring me. Push?

"Well, the only thing I can do then is a Buffy-Elsa-Cáel three-way," I sighed.

"Okay," Buffy murmured.

"Stop it!" I shouted. "You are freaking me out."

Buffy giggled. I was howling off into madness on the inside.

"I think you have company coming soon. We should get clean and put some clothes on," she exhaled joyously. By dressed, Buffy meant putting on my dress shirt - unbuttoned. She was like that, cross-legged on the sofa, eating Cheese Puffs and watching 'Real Housewives of Mumbai' when Odette arrived.

It took Odette a second to realize this Buffy was the same firecracker from the last time they met.

"Hi - ummm," Odette started.

"We are fine. He fucked me. I'm in a state of grace," Buffy explained pleasantly...without a hint of menace, or fury.

"Buffy - Odette Sievert," I made introductions. "Odette - Buffy Dubois." Odette strode right over to the sofa and plopped down beside Buffy. I had to struggle to not flinch.

"He gives an incredible dicking, doesn't he?" Odette bubbled.

"Yes," Buffy purred, "Yes, he does that and more. You are new to this whole 'love-making thing, aren't you?"

"Pretty much," Odette openly admitted. "He gave me my first orgasm. I didn't realize how good sex was until I met Cáel."

"I didn't realize how good sex was until I met me either," I joked.

"Trust me," Buffy patted Odette's thigh, "I know a great deal about sex and I can assure you he's really, really good."

"You are not wearing underwear," Odette noted. Life only got more bizarre.

"Why don't you go into the bedroom, get one of his used dress shirts and put it on - and nothing else," Buffy advised. "It is a wonderful experience."

"Oh God, don't I know it," Odette exulted. She jumped up and skipped into my bedroom.

"Don't play with her," I cautioned Buffy. Buffy studied me then gave me a glowing look.

"I'm trying to be a better companion Cáel," she told me. "I know I've put you through hell. I'm not going to apologize. I like the look of fear in your eyes. It is only matched by that look that says 'I'll get you for this'," she chuckled.

"Just for that, its reverse cowgirl for you the next time we make love," I threatened.

"How is that a threat?" Buffy teased. "I am absolutely positive you like my butt."

"I bet he likes all of you," Odette sang out as she came out twirling in another one of my dressed shirts and nothing else.

Odette had change really quick. I knew she came over bra-less. I was suspecting no underwear, or socks too. She sat down tightly next to Buffy.

"So, how is this 'sharing' thing going to work?" Odette looked back and forth between us.

"Have you ever been with a woman?" Buffy asked. "Don't be embarrassed about curiosity."

"Aaahhh...well, a little," Odette stammered.

"Here is how it works," Buffy patted Odette's nervous hand. "I can only have sex with Cáel for five and a half more hours for the entire weekend. Since I like sex and you are here, I'm certainly interested in you."

"Odette," she reassured my bed-buddy, "there is no pressure. I have gotten the most important thing - quality time with Cáel. Everything else is a bonus."

"Oh - I'm okay with that," Odette nodded. Then she leaned in to kiss Buffy...maybe I should create a 'Sex for Beginners' CD. I was working gangbusters on expanding Odette's sexual horizons.

Buffy wrapped a hand in Odette's hair and drew her into a steamer kiss. I settled in behind Odette, switching kisses between the back of Odette's head and Buffy's hand.

"Wow," Odette panted. "You taste different than any guy I've kissed. I like it, but I like Cáel better."

Before anyone thinks this never happens, or 'only in Hollywood (West Hollywood, that is), please understand I went to a rural college with a 70% female student enrollment. Convincing a girl to engage in a little girl-on-girl action to 'get me extra aroused' is insanely easy. The few times a lady has asked if I'd kiss a guy to get her 'extra aroused', I said 'for her and only for her'.

Works every time. I've kissed a few guys, but only for charity. Fine...I've kissed a few guys in gay bars because Timothy intimated that we'd get our butts kicked if I didn't. He may have been playing me, but for all the shit I put him through, I can live with that. Back to the story: we had Odette in my bed in no time.

I was on the bottom, Odette was lying on me, back to my chest and I was using my hips to piston into her while she moaned on top of me. Buffy was alternating between tantalizing Odette's clit and teasing her nipples. Using a very liberal definition for 'touching me', we decided that this wasn't consuming any of our 'exemption' time.

Three orgasms later, Buffy poured an uber-contented Odette into her/my shirt and I carried her to the sofa. I put Odette's head in Buffy's lap, Buffy twirling Odette's forelock and Odette humming a happy tune. I was getting some apple and orange juice when Timothy's keys jangled in the door. He walked into the apartment and soaked up the scene.

I took in that it was barely 8:30 and Timothy was in his date clothes. A seriously not-good situation. I diverted to him, drinks in hand, and hugged him.

"Sorry Bro," I murmured. He hugged me back. "Buffy DuBois, this is Timothy."

"Buffy? The crazy chick who wanted a hug?" Timothy chuckled.

"She's not..." Odette mumbled.

"Yes, that would be me," Buffy grinned sedately. Timothy looked down and shook his head.

"That is some dick," he groused. "Damn Bro, "Timothy regarded me with some amusement, "did you bother to get her panties off, or was the mere thought of sex with you enough to cause a complete personality reversal?"

"Cáel," Odette raised a shake arm and commanded loftily, "put the drinks down and get us some ice cream. It is Bonding Time." She meant commiserating with Timothy over his dating failure. Timothy trundled off to his bedroom muttering something about 'getting into something more comfortable' and I delivered the drinks then doubled back for the ice cream and four spoons.

Timothy ended up on the floor with his head resting against Odette's stomach. I offered to take the bottom spot. Timothy accepted the gesture then pointed out I was the guy with the bum leg. I ended up with Odette's feet in my lap. The flavor of the night was Cherry Vanilla and we were all making inroads into the supply quickly.

Timothy dialed up Ninja Assassin on Netflix. Ten minutes in I realized why. There was this Asian actor who was really hot and extremely physically fit. Odette agreed.

"You two can't believe any of this is real," Buffy commented shortly after. "This is absurd. Nothing and no one kills like that." She had professional pride after all.

It hadn't taken me three days to figure out that the Executive Service babes' main purpose in life was not laundry delivery. They went everywhere and saw everything - just like a secret police force. Odd, huh?

"Speaking of absurd and unreal," Timothy snickered.

"Cáel, two ladies screaming Extreme High Maintenance showed up this morning. Apparently you weren't answering your phone, work said you were out of the office, and some spooky chicks at Havenstone showed them the door with something akin to a threat of lethal violence," he continued. "From long experience as your roommate, I could tell you'd fucked them to Nirvana and they wanted more."

"From long experience'?" Buffy wondered. "You haven't known him two months yet."

"Lady, this happens at least once a week with this guy. You are playing with the hair of one of those women right now," Timothy told her.

"Yeah," Odette sighed happily.

I was still wrapping my mind around the fact that Buffy hadn't threatened me with violence in the past four hours. Not even a glower.

"So, what did you tell them?" I asked my bud.

"I looked terribly put out then informed them you'd decided to become a Dominican and gone to a monastery in Italy to train," Timothy smirked.

"What did you really say?" I thumped his head with my spoon. Before any goes 'eww, don't eat with that', I would remind you how pervasive hair is in a bachelor pad. Vacuum and you'll find out.

"I told them you work in Looney Tunes Central - which they bought surprisingly easily - and that you would give them a call the moment your destiny was returned to you," Timothy said.

I was willing to bet he used those exact words too.

"What has Cáel told you about Havenstone?" Buffy prodded.

"No way, Buffy," Timothy shook his head. "You are still one of those crazy bitches. Cáel hasn't told me the real deal, but when he looked me in the eye and said you ladies might kill me, I knew he wasn't playing around. He was afraid for my life."

"Do you really think we would hurt you?" Buffy persisted.

"You put an arrow in my boy...and he's got the magic dick. Since I'm not likely to put out for you ladies, I pretty much believe you'll put one through my heart without batting an eye," Timothy countered.

"What would you do if he simply stopped showing up one day?" Buffy mused.

"Not ask," Timothy snapped off his reply. "I trust Cáel enough to heed his warning and get on with my life."

"Cáel has a big heart," Buffy regarded me warmly. "It is one of the many things that makes him a great prize."

"Salmon - Angel Falls," Timothy taunted me. Before I even started at Havenstone, he had warned me that I had no chance of making it in that women-dominated Hell. He was right and he loved rubbing it in - the Bastard. To clarify: a salmon is a stupid fish who follows his penis to his death and Angel Falls in Venezuela is the Earth's longest, continuous waterfall - that's 807 meters for those who don't want to use Wikipedia.

"Timothy, if there was any doubt, there will be no mention of Tuesday night and what came afterwards," I urged my guy.

"Way ahead of you," Timothy chuckled. That was Rhada we were talking about.

"If you are going to hang around Cáel, you will have to get used to all the other ladies," Odette sighed comfortably up at Buffy.

"I know," Buffy stroked Odette's ear. "Also, if you see me outside of Cáel's home, be afraid of me because if you aren't, bad things might happen to you. Do we understand each other?"

"No," Odette hesitated to respond.

"Don't worry about it - just do it," Buffy warned her - affectionately. I was going mad.

For the rest of the movie, everyone behaved. We emptied the ice cream container. Timothy went for beers. He bought back three.

"Where is mine?" Odette inquired.

"I don't think you are old enough to drink," Timothy told her.

"Odette, if you give Buffy a kiss steamy enough to curl her toes, I'll give you mine," I offered. Odette weighed the offer, rolled over and crawled into Buffy's lap. The kiss was classic me - teasing contact - light tongue - full kiss - re-arrangement of tonsils. I was so proud of my girl.

"That was exceedingly pleasant, Odette," Buffy grinned once the French kiss eventually ended.

I handed Odette my beer. She remained straddling Buffy's lap, perfectly at ease.

"Dude, do you have any guy friends you can bring over and make gay?" Timothy pleaded with me. We knew that didn't happen. "Fine, bi will do," he grinned.

"I'm not a lesbian," Odette wiggled in Buffy's lap. "I just like Buffy."

"Buffy likes you," Buffy placed a light kiss on Odette's lips. "Let's go to the bedroom." Acid test time.

"Sure," Odette hopped up. She took Buffy's hand and pulled her up. Hand in hand they went to my room. I rose to follow.

"We'll call you when we are ready," Buffy teased me. They went into my boudoir and shut the door.

"Now you know how I feel," Timothy sighed.

"Not really," I patted his shoulder. "In thirty, or forty minutes, I'm going to go in there and do some serious boning. Personally, I don't know how you take sleeping alone so often."

Timothy and I sat down on the sofa.

"You are an asshole," he grumbled.

"Considering what you do to assholes, I don't know how to take that," I joked. He hit me.

"Being gay would be the only thing that would make you more fun," Timothy laughed.

I wondered how Katrina would take my sexual conversion. I deciding telling her would be unwise. . I had another rescue flare about how out of control my life had become - Odette had seen my latest series of bandaged wounds and hadn't forced me to create some lie to explain them away. Damn.

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Jackspeed2uJackspeed2u29 days ago

I love this series. I always wished that Buffy would be his number 1 woman, the one that the rest of the pack fall in behind. This must be my 6th time reading this through now.

Yeah, Buffy could be the Amazon and woman that is his main, prime, FIRST, MOUNTAIN TOP, PEAK, PINNACLE, girl and I thought that was happening when Buffy only agreed to run his Amazon House for him as his FIRST as in Amazon terms that makes them each others main or mountain top/peak, the woman above all the others and the woman that comes first before all the others.

When this happens this “only as your First” statement there are many others present to hear it and the term is known and Cael even knows this and he knows what it means when he emphatically agrees. Now because the Amazons had betrayed and murdered their men in the second betrayal Amazons now days just think it’s a lesbian thing but it is but really it is just an Amazon / Amazon thing and the Amazons in question can be male or female.

This FIRST title is basically Amazon marriage but it’s marriage light because loyalty to a single Amazon supersede their loyalty to their Head of House then First of the House then Goddess of the House then The Amazon Host. So as long at those loyalties are kept then Your First comes first behind all those others.

So how does male come into it? Well easy, since the males that were around until the second betrayal were Amazons, full blood Amazons and no single Amazon is different or special in any way from any other Amazon that came before them or is alive now or those that will come after, then a male Amazon and a female Amazon are the same thing… JUST AMAZON. And Amazon is very big on one rule of law for all.

So now it’s one rule of law for all and male/female Amazon is just Amazon. The Amazon First Ritual, is just that an Amazon ritual and I doubt that it wasn’t a thing before Second Betrayal and only got into law afterwards. Even if it did it still doesn’t matter, it’s an Amazon Ritual and or Amazon Law so it applies to all Amazons. Too bad that all but one or two houses remembered that there used to be male Amazons.

Since the Amazons and their Goddesses seem to have a ‘soul’ element going and Cael departs his body several times and he has seen or heard his ancestors souls, means that they exist and they can do things. Given that I wonder if the First designation is akin to a soul bond since ‘marriage’ is a Christian term?

So then Cael goes and gets engaged to save a family of gang /mass/ rapists/ druggers/ tortures/ international millennium copyright act infringers. I shit you not! The girl he gets engaged to, her dad, the dad’s third wife, the home wait staff, the home cleaners, the home armed security guards, all knew a girl was being drugged, raped, abused violently, by a gang of 6, while being filmed without her knowledge and threats of putting up on 20 free porn sites. All crimes and all led by the engaged to girls little brother.

How do we know that all those people knew about this rape? Well it’s happened so so so, oh so many times that, 1 the engaged girl didn’t bat an eyelid or say a word or complain or raise a fuss or even express surprise even a little bit when the raped girl still drugged was dragged barely and badly dress to breakfast unable to walk and covered visibly in cum spit and piss on her face and hair allot still very fresh and new as well as being pale and very fucked over literally and figuratively. Then the wait staff didn’t care or bat an eye either and even knew not to refer to her or take a breakfast order. The armed security that are there didn’t care all night or in the morning. The dad and third wife showed up and the response was “I’ll call THE doctor and get him to ‘check her over’”. The third wife said “ Come with me and I’ll shower you and get you all cleaned up”. The parents already had a plan that they would jump to and do as soon a the dad said “I’ll call THE doctor”, they didn’t flinch or even ask questions or even ask the girl if she was ok, no one went to call the cops. It was all just “OK well will just do the standard rape cleanup and coverup job.” The main rapist son guy even told everyone that this would happen, even he knew it would just be covered up. They had THE doctor on call by name for an early Saturday house call even.

So cael gets engaged so the family minus the rapist son get to keep their oil business/oil fields in Asia. Yet they are all rapists after the fact when they covered up the first rape and then before the fact for helping him rape the subsequent women by providing frauds, a residence to rape at, never reporting the rapes and continued coverups using funds, contacts/doctors and influence.

Don’t believe me… they try illicitly drugging a woman on a first date then adding alcohol and then violently gang raping her for 6 hours or so. Then when your parents and your sister are having breakfast at home, the same home where you and your friends have just raped this woman , you and your gang drag the victim out and everyone sit down and just do breakfast and tell the guests that are present as well that you don’t care what you think because nothing is going to happen to himself and his gang. I’m sure the house staff or your dad or your step mum or your sister would have something to say. Or at least maybe be shocked if it was the first time. But nope not here since it’s a usual occurrence with a well thought out plan where every family member knows their part or job in that plan.

So cael I believe betrays Buffy by getting engaged to a rapist girl. Oh and don’t forget that he is physically spoken for by 3 or 4 Goddesses already and his actual Goddess is a Goddess of Oaths and he is oath bound to her already. So making vows which are a level above oaths by the way to another deity that is not his own, and his deity being one of oaths and then doing all that at a Christian cathedral that’s consecrated may very well be seen as betrayal of the Goddess which is a cut your hair and then your throat no exceptions thing that soon you to the black sands/ hell.

Then this girl known that cael is extraordinarily promiscuous as they meet while he is fucking girl A in a hot tub, then she knew he went to his room to fuck girls A B and C for several hours, the rest of the night. Yet every time they ‘date’ she keeps reeling back her acceptance of his libido. This is too the point that at the third or fourth time they have sex she tries extort him by stopping sex and covering herself unless he agrees to be monogamous soon basically from the wedding or before then is implied. This was after the last time when she said that “ she didn’t mind all the other women as long as she was ‘first in his heart’ and ‘above all over women’”. That is the literal definition of what Buffy is and he agreed to whole heartedly. So betrayal of a sister there and that’s a cut hair and throat right there.

Also add to all that that they BOTH agreed that even though it’s an arranged marriage that they would try for love. Buffy is already his First. Outsider people don’t even register on any oaths or importance scale so Buffy can’t lose her spot anyway and especially not to an outsider female who technically doesn’t exist in Amazon anything. And the engaged girl SPECIFICALLY used the Amazon First nomenclature, sus.

So I hoped that it would be Buffy leads the pack. The pack has herself as the Mountain Top, Peak, First etc, then all the others fall in below her. Depending on where they are or what they are doing or what happening Buffy herself would be making the decisions with the ability put others in the lead as required by the circumstances. Example the Pack is going out for coffee and lunch maybe. So since that’s an outside Havenstone thing then the new engaged girl would be best to lead the pack since she is a billionaire NYC female who knows the city and where would be best on that day for parking, space at the cafe for the guards and all the women etc. So Buffy never gives up leadership but more than just asking opinions of others she actually lets another take leadership by acting on behalf of Buffy. Which Buffy being able to override anything or modify anything at any time. It would also have Buffy being able to tell Cael at any time or place that he has to be with her that night or even call him home from another liaison on top of their regular time together. First has its benefits. Then Buffy and the pack sort out the schedule for Cael with the others unless cael decides to be with someone outside of turn.

This gives Buffy her place that’s already agreed to, she knows that she belongs, she knows that she can have him when she needs to, she knows what going on mostly with the others, she never feels like she is being superseded or thrown away.

But nope he gets engaged to a rapist to keep her family rich. That’s also AFTER he has her brother and 3 mates and 2 girls who were also participating in the rape MURDERED or killed it’s all perception, but didn’t kill the family who knew about the rape that day and all the others…

This actually really bugs me that he didn’t clean house after being so high and mighty and ordering the deaths of 6 in a very short phone call but didn’t kill the other 3, let alone the complicit staff.

Ravey19Ravey19about 1 year ago

Hair!!! Even to an old married couple it's always there. I thought having a dog was bad enough but as you age there seems to be more of it lying around 😂😂😂😂😂.

Absolute bonkers but so readable and enjoyable. 5⛤

WargamerWargamerabout 1 year ago

Hmmmm, Buffy. Interesting.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
About the hair thing...

As gross as it may sound. I've lived In a house with three other dudes and I've lived with two girls. You get used to constantly having hair EVERYWHERE.

Doesn't matter how gross you think it is, it happens.

Thanks for doing what you do.

FinalStandFinalStandover 5 years agoAuthor
jasaf74 ...

... I am glad you are enjoying the tale. As for the spoon fiasco ... I guess you've never lived the life of a communal bachelor ~ with each of you too poor to afford a maid service? ;) With those college and post-collegiate days ... I'm kind of stunned my friends and I didn't die from any number of easily avoidable diseases.

Take care and have a great day,

James aka FinalStand

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