Life At Islands Estates Ch. 01

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A sexy summer starts.
5.1k words

Part 1 of the 27 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/30/2002
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In The Beginning chronicled the weeks prior to graduation day, 1963. A lot has happened since, at Islands Estates. Some have moved away, some have moved here to stay for a while. There have been weddings, and of coarse, a divorce. We've had a birth and a death. We basked in the sun, frolicked in the rain and hunkered down during a hurricane.

I witnessed the growth of love between two people. Life goes on.

Dad's legacy remains strong, long after his departure. His foresight and careful planning have insured the financial stability of this family for generations to come.

The sexual appetites of everyone who came to be here never diminished, nor did the hunger and lust for carnal delights weaken.

Life At Islands Estates will continue the sordid adventures of 'Tall Cool One' Virgil Ellis and the activities that have taken place at the old stone house on the dunes.

The old stone house stands today as a monument to my family. It began its existence in 1921, as a token of my father's love for my mother. Built to withstand the strains of time and weather, the concrete and stone mansion, nearly twenty thousand square feet and more than 22 rooms, remains virtually unchanged on the outside. The gray river stone and clay tile roof, a testament to the thoughtful engineering and design by my grandfather and dad. Careful repairs have been made in a timely manner and no detail has been overlooked.

The house nestles unseen from State Road A-1-A, on the dunes back in the tall pines and faces the Intracoastal Waterway, twelve miles north of Flagler Beach, in Northeast Florida.

Inside, the whims and desires of the residents have changed the décor frequently, and completely with the exception of the huge formal dining room and the ornate front foyer, which still reflects the medieval mindset of my strange ancestors.

My father and mother married and moved into the house during its construction. Mother's long time childhood friend, lover, and confidante Louise, a startling beautiful black woman, joined them during her first pregnancy. They lived a ménage-a-trios until mothers death in 1952.

My full sister, Dianne, was born in 1922 and resides in New York City where she owns a thriving lingerie and sexually oriented clothing and marital aid wholesale and mail order business. Her sexual preferences are boundless and have yet to all been explored. Tall, blond, and buxom, she rules her roost with absolute determination and domination only to submit to the sexual whim of any one that wants to play.

Camille, my 1/2 sister, the daughter of my parents beautiful black lover Louise, has returned to live at Islands Estates. Born in 1955, she studied architectural design, and is licensed in both Georgia and Florida. Beauty and grace, elegance and charm, her destiny without limit, she has chosen to bear a child, mine.

Louise, sixty at the time of my graduation, though heavier than in her youth, has blossomed into a voluptuous mature woman. Her beauty has never faded and her appetite for sex remains strong. She is the matriarch of the mansion and shall remain so until she dies. Louise has been here since the beginning and has witnessed the turning of every page. She has no hang ups and is my rock to cling to.

Marie Stone, now forty, and my favorite teacher throughout high school, and my passion and desire, has divorced her belligerent, drunken husband, and come to live in the upstairs apartment formerly occupied by Dianne. Dark, of Italian descent, she is my sister's friend and lover from days gone by. Having seduced each other, Marie and I share a passion for music and raunchy sex. Now in collaboration in a band and song writing endeavor, we spend frequent, extended periods of time together.

Helen and Karen Blossom, mother 35, and daughter 18, live on the estate in a guesthouse next door. Karen, my best friend from childhood, and her mother and I, have experienced many hours of exciting carnal pleasure. Both prolific female ejaculators, they drench their respective sexual partners, and each other, in torrents of feminine fluid during the act of love.

Dennis, lead singer in our band, lives on the estate in an apartment over the boathouse and Gerald, grounds keeper and maintenance man, lives over the equipment building.

Me? Oh yeah, I'm Virgil Ellis, born in October of 1944. Having graduated in 1963 at the tender age of eighteen, I considered my self the luckiest person on the planet. I had been given the big old house and 600 acres on the river, worth around twenty million and assets in the neighborhood another thirty million plus other investments as yet unknown, by my father when he retired. My father had made similar donations to my sisters and set Louise up forever as well. I have an abundant talent as a guitarist, and seem to attract women without much effort. My sexual exploits, to date have been wide and varied, and some of them down right kinky. I love it.

Not many people know about the money, and not many people know about the house. I like it that way, because it makes life easier.

Life At Islands Estates begins in the summer of '63.


The summer of '63 passed with the subtlety of a category five hurricane. Dad and Jan moved to his house on Key Biscayne, and Camille returned to Atlanta to execute the sale of her house and get things ready to move. Young Gail, as dad called her, went away to Vassar to study, and Karen Blossom made the journey to Gainesville to attend The University Of Florida.

Dianne convinced Lisa Holiday to fly her back to New York on the promise she'd get laid repeatedly while she was up there. I heard later that my sister is a woman of her word and treated Lisa to a fun filled week, of unmentionable sexual carnage. She told Dianne that she wants me to fuck her and Dianne should see if she could set it up. I told Dianne to have her call me and I'd be glad to jump her trashy bones.

Roger Syvertson and I worked tirelessly to set up the video equipment and build a sound stage. Roger and Helen Blossom started dating and soon, he spent more nights at her house than his own. Seems that Helen really likes that monster meat cannon the little guy packs in his shorts and he likes the cum showers he gets when he eats her pussy. I was happy for them.

Denny, Marie, and I started to sift through the mountains of lyrics Marie had composed and after much consideration, settled on twelve sets of words we'd put to music. Marie had already conjured up basic melody lines and with much trial and error; we managed to put together a dozen arrangements that were very doable. We started working on two and three part harmonies to our new songs and it wasn't long until we felt we could start looking for a bassist and percussionist to complete the band.

We still had two bookings in Jacksonville to do for Denny's friends group, and we had a standing gig, on the fourth weekend of each month at The White Lion, in St Augustine. Terry and Al would still be on deck this month, but that was the last time before they left for school.

Dennis found the number for the bass player, Jeff, up in Neptune Beach. We decided to make the journey to check him out this Friday night. The three of us piled into my Nomad, guitars in back and the three of us in front, and headed for Neptune.

Marie had to sit with her skirt pulled up to her waist and her legs spread wide apart, so I could shift the gears. We had only driven a few miles when I glanced down and noticed the dark spot spreading across the crotch of her white lace panties. I chuckled and she punched me on the shoulder. Denny looked at me and down at her panties and blushed. How cute.

"Geez, Dennis, you've seen Marie's heart before," I said. "Why the red face?"

"Heart? What heart?" he stammered.

"Her pussy hair, Dummy. Remember? She shaved it into the shape of a heart." I reiterated.

"Oh man," he whined, "you're always picking on me."

"Dennis," Marie drooled into his ear, "sitting here with you two big hunky guys is making my pussy drip. Here, give me your hand."

She took Denny's hand and pulled the crotch of her panties aside and pulled his fingers right up into her splayed open cunt. Dennis groaned but pushed his fingers deep into her making her even hornier.

The seat was down in the back of the wagon so I pulled over on the side of the road and instructed them to get in the back and told Denny, "Fuck the bitch, Dennis, she's desperate for it."

They piled in the back and I pulled back on the road. With the tinted glass, no one can see inside the car. Marie had pulled her panties off while she was standing beside the car and she flipped them over the seat at me when she got in and said, "For your little collection." I hung them on the rear view mirror.

She pulled Denny's pants down to his knees and swallowed him whole. I watched in the mirror as she engulfed him with her mouth. Dennis was groaning, very loud. I love it when I see somebody enjoying himself. She bobbed up and down for a couple of minutes, then moved up and straddled his erect prick. She settled down on him and started fucking for all she was worth. He lasted about four minutes, and then he filled her cunt with his load. She humped him for a couple minutes longer and then she came.

"He really gets excited," I said.

Denny moaned his protest from the back and Marie and I both giggled. Marie scrambled back over the seat and left Dennis in the back. She unzipped my fly and pulled my half hard cock out of my pants and gave me a long slow blowjob all the way through St. Augustine. I blasted into her throat just as we crossed the Bridge Of Lions and turned north.

"I'm such a slut," she confessed. "I lived without nasty fuckin' for so long, now I just can't get enough."

She tucked me back in after I softened enough to bend, and sat facing me fingering her cunt. Dennis was still laying in the back recovering. "I love the guy, but he's really got to broaden his scope," I said to Marie.

"Well," she said, "we'll just have to bring him along with us more often, and see if we can't help him overcome his shyness." We chuckled again and I glanced in the mirror and saw the bird extended skyward from the back. What a guy.

We cruised northward through Jacksonville Beach and turned left on Atlantic Blvd. We found Brandy's on the second block. We arrived early so we watched as the group set up their stage. The bass player, Dennis had talked to on the phone, turned out to be a stitch. Dennis introduced himself and pointed us out and they talked for a few minutes before Jeff walked over and asked Marie, "Do you always go out without your panties?"

"Only when I have the intention of getting fucked," she answered. "Are you interested?"

"Absolutely," he gasped, "name the time and place.

"Women's room, first break," she said.

"I'll be there," he promised.

He looked at me and I nodded approval. We talked about music for a while and he introduced us to the other members of the band. I told him that we were looking for drums and bass. He asked if we would mind playing a few songs before they started their gig and I asked their keyboard player if he minded Marie using his setup. He agreed and she sat down on his stool and tested the keys without any volume. Denny retrieved our guitar cases from the Nomad and we tuned up. I explained some of our original music to him and he quickly ran a few bass lines and we nodded our acceptance of his suggestions. The drummer crawled behind his kit and I gave him a few instructions on the tempo we wanted and he gave us a downbeat to cue the beginning of the song. The rest of us started on the same note and Marie and Dennis started singing her song. Jeff and I soon followed with our harmonies.

Every head in the room turned toward the stage at the same time. Nobody talked and Marie and Denny absolutely tore the place up. We played through the whole song twice, I threw in a second guitar lead, Marie played a lead solo on keys and we did an extra turn around at the end and ended the song tight. The whole place went nuts. I hollered for the drummer to kick off Walk, Don't Run, an instrumental tune and we played it for several minutes and then Denny called for a Jimmy Buffet song. All the chairs in the place had been turned to face the stage and all chairs were taken. The pool game had stopped and the TV turned off. We jammed for almost an hour and finished with another of Marie's original tunes and stopped for a nature call. The whole place jumped up to talk to us.

The drummer was literally shaking when he got over to me and asked how soon we'd be needing him. Jeff was really pumping Dennis up and some of the regulars had Marie cornered over by the other end of the stage.

I watched as Marie caught Jeff's eye and gestured toward the ladies room. Within minutes, they were gone. I was standing near the front of the stage when a short blond, rather chubby, girl walked up and handed me a beer. "Hi, Cowboy, remember me?" she asked.

I thought for about ten seconds and said, "Sure, Debbie, I remember. Mill Top, ladies room, blue panties, right?"

"You got it, Sailor. Good memory. I really enjoy the music y'all play. Irene, the barmaid, was right, you're great," she said.

"Thanks, Sugar, I'm glad you approve," I replied.

She leaned up and spoke softly into my ear, "Any chance on another trip to the ladies room? I really had fun the last time."

I chuckled and said, "Maybe not the ladies room, but how about somewhere else?"

"Let me think. I'll talk to you in a minute," she said and disappeared.

I looked up and saw Marie returning. I raised my eyebrows and said, "That was quick."

"He's excitable, just like Dennis. I barely started sucking him to get him hard and he was shooting down my throat. Besides, he's only about this long." She held her fingers up to show me.

"Thanks for sharing," I commented.

"I think I'll spend the night in your bed tonight and see if you're any more satisfying than those two." She nodded her head in the direction of Jeff and Dennis.

"You'll never guess who I just ran into," I said.

"Who?" she asked.

"The blond from the Mill Top." I answered. "She wants another round."

"I'll play, she tasted yummy the last time," Marie said, her excitement showing.

"Slut," I said, "all you think about is sex."

She shrugged and Jeff came and asked if we wanted to play another set. We all agreed and jumped up to get started.

We played for well over an hour. The tiny dance floor stayed packed and we were applauded after almost every song. Dennis and Marie were natural together. Jeff, proved to be an excellent bassist, and Ronny, the drummer would do nicely.

It was close to ten o'clock when we excused ourselves and let the house band take over. We thanked everybody for the nice reception and made our way over to the bar. Little blond Debbie was waiting for us and gave Marie a big hug. They chatted for a few minutes while Dennis and I talked about our new members. Marie motioned for Denny and I to follow her outside. We collected our guitar cases and locked them into the car. Debbie had given Marie directions to someone's house, not far away, and wanted us to come over there.

We drove a few blocks and found the house, as she had directed, and walked up to the door. Debbie met us before we reached the door and ushered us inside. "My girlfriend said we could come here for a while," she said. "Marie told me it would be all right." Debbie was a bundle of nerves. Marie put her arms around her and soothed her. "Ever since the other day in St. Augustine," Debbie explained, "I just get so horny thinking about what we did. I've never cheated before, but it was so fucking hot I just can't help myself. It was my first time with a girl too."

Marie eased her down on the couch and Denny and I watched as she started to rob her big soft titties through her blouse. Her nipples hardened quickly. Marie unbuttoned the front and pulled her shirt off her shoulders. The white lacey bra was next and now we stood ogling her plump orbs. I kneeled in front of them and ran my hands up under Debbie's skirt and pushed her chubby thighs wide apart. I went down on her silken covered cunt with relish and savored her aroma as I licked her sodden crotch. Denny sat on the opposite from Marie and each of them took one of her nipples into their mouth. The blond girl was swooned with pleasure.

I pulled her panties down and off and dropped them next to Marie's purse. I returned to her center and pushed my tongue deep into her cunt. She popped off the second I hit her button. I heard Marie giggle and she reached for the zipper on Debbie's skirt. I pulled it off and stood and took my own pants off. Denny followed suit and I instructed him to lie back on the floor while Marie and I helped the girl to straddle his rigid cock. She sank firmly down on Dennis and they started to move right away. I moved over to Marie and she took me into her mouth and slathered me with her saliva. When I was good and wet, I positioned myself behind Debbie and slowly implanted my raging member in her ass hole. Debbie protested at first but soon relaxed. Dennis and I started fucking her vigorously in both orifices. She started to orgasm continuously.

Marie pulled her skirt up and squatted over Denny's face and he attacked her open pussy. She was holding my head with both hands and we kissed savagely. I felt Denny dump his load into Debbie's cunt and that tripped my trigger and I emptied my straining balls deep in her bowels. Marie sent a wash over Denny's face as she too reached her destination. We collapsed in a heap on the floor.

We untangled ourselves and Marie busied herself licking our excretions from Debbie's leaking pussy and sphincter, and Dennis' and my deflating cocks. Marie has no shame.

Marie doted over the blond girl. Debbie thanked Marie repeatedly for us coming and kissed each of us as we left to return to Islands Estates. I think we have corrupted another life. As I climbed behind the wheel and started the motor, Marie handed me the pair of cum stained yellow panties I had taken off Debbie. I whistled as I hung them on the mirror with hers. Dennis groaned.

I turned south on Third Street in Neptune Beach and drove on through Jacksonville Beach, Ponte Vedra Beach and down A-1-A. The road was deserted as we rounded the corner at Vilano Beach and crossed over to St Augustine. I stayed on the state road and crossed the Bridge Of Lions and continued south through St Augustine Beach, Crescent Beach and passed Marineland. I dropped back from fourth gear to second and pressed the foot-feed to the floor. The little green wagon leapt forward and as I shifted up into third, Marie grabbed my leg. I hit fourth at about ninety-five and the powerful Chevy motor growled for more. I let off and the twin glass pack mufflers rumbled their protest as the car lost its momentum. I settled back on the throttle when we returned to sixty-five and Marie loosened her grasp on my thigh.

I heard Dennis, over on the far side utter, "Holy fuckin' shit, Cool, this thing flies."

"Amen to that," said Marie.

"Kinda takes your breath away, Don't it?" I mentioned.

"Could get us all killed too," again Marie with the negative vibrations.

"All right," I declared, "enough for tonight, as I pulled into the driveway to the house, and shut off the ignition.

We climbed out and unloaded our guitars into the studio. Dennis gave Marie a peck on the cheek. She grabbed him back and stuck her tongue a yard down his throat and told him that he needed to work on his kissing skills a bit. I shook my head and we stood and watched as Dennis walked down to his apartment over the boathouse.

I looked over at Helen's house and didn't see either of Roger's vehicles parked over there. The light was still on in the kitchen and I saw Helen leaning against the sink, smoking. I nudged Marie and pointed at Helen. Marie walked over and tapped on the window. Helen whirled, apparently startled by the tapping, and looked out at Marie. She smiled and opened the door and Marie stepped in. I went back into the studio and peeled out of my shirt and opened a cold beer. I went in to pee and when I returned, Marie and Helen were just coming through the door.