Life At Islands Estates Ch. 10

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New York adventures.
7.9k words

Part 10 of the 27 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/30/2002
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My willowy, red headed companion marched me down the hallway and straight into the black marbled shower stall. The warm water came at me from all angles. Rita's hands felt like velvet on my skin. She washed away all the remnants of the evening's sexual activities, leaving my skin tinkling from the needle sharp spray of the shower. We stepped out of the shower and toweled each other dry.

Rita opened a double door, which led into a small salon off the large bathroom. The salon was equipped with a massage table, a reclining stylists chair and a complete array of beauty and hair styling paraphernalia. She spread a towel out on the massage table and had me lie on my front. She opened a bottle of aromatic oil and poured a liberal amount on my back.

"Okay, Cowboy," Rita cooed, "I'm going to rub some oil into your skin and tuck you in bed. Tomorrow morning, I'm coming back and give you the 'Full Meal Deal'. So get a good nights sleep."

Her sensuous hands roamed over my entire body carefully covering me with the fragrant oil. She even made sure to get between my toes and behind my ears. She paid special attention to my buns and the area under my balls. When she finished, she walked with me to the bed, kissed me lightly on the nose and covered me with the soft satin sheet. I was asleep before she turned out the light.


The smell of coffee invaded my olfactory senses and drew me up out of a deep sleep. I opened one eye and surveyed what I could see of the room without moving my head. I was alone in the dim light of a candle flickering on the nightstand, illuminating a stone mug full of steaming coffee. I sat up on the edge of the bed and sipped cautiously of the potent brew. I'd learned from experiences at home with Louise that hot coffee would stand you straight up if you were not careful. This was one of two lessons all parents should make a part of early training for every child. The other rule is don't eat yellow snow.

There were candles flickering in the bathroom and the little salon as well so, I decided to sprint for the john and have my morning quiet time before I was forced to make any other decisions.

I was still alone in the room when I came out, so I found a brightly colored silk robe and wandered out into the hallway and toward the kitchen. I crossed through the great dungeon room and noted that all vestiges of last night's orgy had been carefully cleaned and the faint scent of pine cleaner hung in the air. Dianne must have quite a crew behind the scenes here, because I had neither heard nor seen a soul with a mop or a bucket or any other cleaning supplies since I had been here, and the place was always immaculate.

I glanced at the big clock sitting on the mantle over the fireplace. It struck 7:00 AM as I stood in the center of the bizarre room. I turned and continued into the kitchen. The twins and Rita were in the breakfast nook and she appeared to be having an argument with the boys. She was shaking her finger in one of their faces, I couldn't tell them apart so I didn't know which it was, and explained that it was none of their business. She saw me as I entered the room and stopped her tirade. She swept into the room, red faced due to her embarrassment over being caught chastising the boys.

"Morning, Mr. Cool, what can I get for you?" asked Rita.

I held my cup up on my finger and said, "Point me to the coffee pot and I'm a happy man."

She giggled and reached for the cup. "Here, let me," she said. "Have a seat at the table and I'll be right there. The twins disappeared as she returned with the cup.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted anything," I said.

"Oh, it's not really a problem. Those two just piss me off sometimes. They think I'm supposed to jump into the middle of all the crazy stuff that goes on around here. I just get the creeps when it gets like it did last night with that Casey and her two cohorts. They only come a couple of times a year but it's nuts when they are around. It's been three nights this week and Casey pisses all over the place. The cleaning ladies even complained this morning about the furniture in the big room." Rita was spilling her frustrations.

"Sorry, Hon, I added to that mess I'm afraid," I interrupted as she took a breath and reached for a smoke.

"Oh, it doesn't really matter, it's just not my scene. I like to be a little more laid back than some of Dianne's friends," she continued. "I like men, much more than I like women."

Her fingers stretched across the table and touched the back of my hand. She moved them in a small circular motion over the back of my big hand. Her nails were immaculately manicured. Not extremely long, but flawless and colored dark red, nearly black.

Rita got quiet. Her eyes welled but no tears flowed. I sipped my coffee and waited for her emotion to pass. She pulled her hand away and it was as if you turned something off on the back of my hand. A feeling was no longer there. She puffed on her cigarette and mashed the butt out in an ashtray. She stood and gathered her robe around her and extended her hand to me.

"I promised you something last night, before I sent you to bed. Today, you get Rita's special," she said, smiling broadly.

I walked with her back to my bedroom. She closed the hall door and the door to Lisa's room, snapping the locks on both doors. "You are mine for the next few hours, and we don't need anybody bothering us," she announced as she shrugged out of her robe and laid it over the end of my bed, which had mysteriously been made up since I went to the kitchen.

Rita ran a tub of hot water and instructed me to sit and soak for a while. I did as prescribed and watched as she readied her tools to work on me. She laid out her shears and combs, nail and cuticle items and arranged a selection of lotions and powders on a small counter near the salon chair and massage table. Towels and tissues were also situated here and there. I felt like a lamb being readied for slaughter.

Rita kneeled next to the tub and used a huge sponge to cleanse my entire body, leaving my hair dry. I mentioned that and she told me that would come later. After drying me, she ushered me to the salon chair. After spreading a huge towel over it, I sat. She moved her tray of exotic implements to a small table and positioned a stool at my feet. She poured a big dollop of pink lotion in her hand and started rubbing my left foot. She rested it on her knee and massaged each toe and each bone and every muscle and tendon in my whole foot. My feet bother me most of the time anyway, so what she was doing felt marvelous. After spending ten or more minutes on my left foot, she moved over and did likewise on the right.

"You are hired," I said through the wonderful sensations. "That feels fantastic."

"Do your feet ache?" she asked.

"As a matter of fact, my feet do hurt sometimes. Especially if I'm standing for a long time playing music," I answered.

"You have flat feet," she said. "Shoes with special arches will help you a lot. You need to see a foot doctor and get a prescription for special inserts for your shoes."

"I'll do that if you promise to rub my feet again tomorrow morning," I said.

"I'm your slave," she giggled.

After the foot massage, she proceeded with a pedicure and while she was filing on my toes I asked, "Do you do this for Dianne?"

"No," she said, "Dianne has her own personal trainer and staff to take care of her needs. I just hired on the help the boys. But, I think the time has come for me to look ahead. I love Dianne and I love working here, I just worry about all the crazy people she has around here. Last night was nothing."

"It gets pretty weird around my house too," I told her and for the next hour I explained about The War Room, Louise and Camille, Marie and Dennis, my video room and sound studio and the other strange goings on around Islands Estates. I also told her how beautiful it was on the river and about the salt marsh and the old historical buildings in St. Augustine.

As I was finishing my story she was just sitting with her chin on her hands listening to me. Rita is a lovely woman.

"It sounds crazy too, but not nuts like it is around here," she breathed. "I'd love to see it some day."

"So, come back with us and visit," I told her.

"Really?" she gasped.

"I'll tell my sister I'm stealing you for a few days," I said.

Rita was beaming as she readied a bowl of warm water and soap for me to soak my fingertips in. She placed one on my paws in the bowl and exited to find us a bit of breakfast. I leaned my head back against the chair and closed my eyes.

"If you aren't the picture of contentment, I don't know what," Lisa commented from the door. "This looks like a very kinky thing this hand in the water business."

"Hi, Lisa. Rita's making me pretty," I mused.

"You're already pretty," she said. "She's making you gorgeous."

"I could say something crass here, but I think I'll just keep my rebel mouth shut and enjoy the attention," I concluded.

Lisa walked over and stroked my naked cock with her soft hand, bringing an immediate response.

"You enjoy the redhead. I'm looking for the cute blond kids. Bye." And she was gone.

Rita returned with a tray covered with Danish pastries and another cup of coffee.

"Is that for me?" she giggled when she saw my nearly erect pecker.

"I hope so," I sighed.

I ate with one hand as she manicured my other. After finishing with the nails, she massaged my hand for a long time. Then she moved to the other side of the chair and did the other hand. The massaging felt grand.

When she ran out of hands, she tipped the chair to an upright position and had me move to the massage table, and lie face down. Rita started at my ankles and worked up one leg, then the other. Kneading and pushing each muscle as she traveled upward. She rubbed many hands full of fragrant oil into my skin as she worked each area with skillful attention. She spent a lot of time on and around my backside and lower back and up to my shoulders and neck. Then she had me flip over and she repeated the whole process with me lying on my back.

A lot of time was spent around my scalp and upper neck. I felt as though I would float off the table as she continued. My dick remained in a semi-hard state throughout her entire massage. I suppose it was patiently waiting its turn in her wonderful hands. She never touched it the whole time. A tiny stream of clear pre-cum had begun drizzling over my stomach. Rita leaned down and carefully licked the clear fluid away with her tongue. My peter achieved maximum hardness but she still ignored it.

Next she moved me over to a shampoo sink and washed and rinsed my shaggy hair and had me sit back in the salon chair again. She took up her scissors and styled my hair like a pro. She trimmed and dried my hair and sprayed it slightly so it would stay put. She them leaned the chair back and wrapped my face with a steaming towel and while I was covered, I listened as she stropped a straight razor over a long leather strap which hung on a hook near the wall.

She pushed the chair back to upright and lathered my face and I got my first shave with a long blade. When she had finished, she swiveled the chair and there in the mirror was me, with long sideburns still remaining and the shadow of a new goatee.

"Now, one last item on the menu," Rita explained and again dropped the chair back on full recline.

She lowered the chair as low as it would go and draped a towel across my legs and poured some scented oil in the palm of her hand. She slowly reached her hand out and captured my erection, smoothing the warm oil all over it. She began stroking me from root to tip, adding more oil as I absorbed it. I laid my head back against the chair, closed my eyes and allowed myself to concentrate on the exquisite sensations I was feeling in my groin. After what seemed like an eternity, I felt myself loading up to fire a rocket. Rita slowed her motion and held me firmly around the bottom for several seconds until the feeling passed.

She did this repeatedly until I was near collapse. She finally oiled her hand one last time and zeroed in on her final objective, launching a torrent of my sperm skyward. And launch I did, sending great strings of thick white semen into the air and falling back onto Rita's hands.

Rita made a ritual out of cleaning my discharges from her hands, my cock and stomach with her hot mouth. She laved me until I was dry, taking my shrinking member deep into her mouth and savoring the lingering flow. I had no idea in the world a hand job could feel like that. Louise had done it to me once, but nothing to compare with Rita.

"I'm taking you home with me, forever," I said. "Dianne's on her own."

Rita giggled and reached for a huge feathered powder duster and dusted me from head to toe with soft powder.

"You're done," she announced. "Get dressed and I'll feed you in the kitchen."

We stood and she busied herself straightening the salon. I reached for her and pulled her into my arms and leaned in to kiss her. She pulled back and looked deep into my eyes. We locked in the stare for a full minute. Rita closed her eyes first, and melted against me sucking my tongue all the way into her mouth. We kissed hard and passionately. She pulled away and patted me on the behind.

"Sex later, Cowboy. Food and fun first," she instructed.

Strange girl. I wanted to consume her. I will soon.


Rita had laid out a pair of soft, knit pants and a loose fitting shirt on the bed. I dressed and wandered out into the apartment. I found Lisa sitting in the Oriental room leafing through a women's magazine. She looked ravishing in a bright red dress and heels.

"Lets go shopping," she said. "Rita says she'll show us some of the good stores so we can get some stuff to take back with us as gifts."

I agreed and went in search of our guide. Rita said to meet her in the foyer in ten minutes and she would be tickled to show us the town.

We rode the elevator down to the garage and found Cory standing by with the limo and we were off on a whirlwind tour of Manhattan.

We drove from Dianne's building on West 37th Street and 7th Avenue, east over to Broadway and then south. Traffic was heavy but we kept moving. Rita insisted we walk through Macy's department Store and there she guided us through the women's apparel department and showed us a large selection of lingerie from Dianne's.

We toured lower Manhattan and then drove north along Broadway past theaters and fine restaurants and grand hotels. She had Cory drive us across the Queensboro Bridge onto Long Island.Our tour took us through Queens and past Shea Stadium and back south through the city and back into Manhattan. We made several stops along the way and Lisa collected a huge pile of mementos to take back to Florida.

Rita informed us that Dianne had plans for the four of us to attend a musical show on Broadway tonight. We would be having dinner at one of the great eateries before the show and we would be the guests of our friend Casey from last night. It was almost dark when we returned from our tour and we had to hustle to get ready for the evening.

I found a tuxedo laid out upon my return to my room and hurried to get dressed. The bow tie was a mystery and I had to have Lisa help me. She was stunning in her strapless silver formal. Rita emerged in a floor-length red number and Dianne dripped in diamonds and blue silk. I would be the talk of the town tonight with these three beauties on my arm.

We plunged into the limo and a short drive brought us to a glittering place called Lily's. We were ushered to a private area in the rear and warmly welcomed by our big friend Casey. She was dressed to kill as always and she seated us so I was right next to her, with Dianne on her other side. The waiters closed in on us and the food and drinks started to arrive. The conversation was light and always seemed to return to some kind in sexual inference. Casey's hand found my thigh on a regular basis and I wondered if she intended an encore performance of last night's activities. I hoped not because I would dearly enjoy spending the night in Rita's embrace.

I excused myself to make a mission to the men's room. I was standing at the urinal when the door opened and Casey stalked in, snapping the latch on the door behind her.

"I've done something wrong?" she demanded.

"What gives you that Idea?" I asked in return.

"You haven't as much as touched me since we arrived here," she snapped.

I really didn't know what to say so I just stepped up and kissed her full on the mouth, smearing her lipstick slightly.

"I have four lovely dates tonight," I said. "I wasn't paying anybody special attention for fear of upsetting someone else."

"Oh," she said, "I thought you might be upset."

"On the contrary," I said as I pulled her skirt up to her hips and stooped to pull her panties down. She stepped out of them and I stuffed them in my pocket. I pushed two fingers in her wet snatch and twirled them around. She shuddered and bucked against my hand. I dropped her skirt and said, "We had better get back, we don't want to be late for the theater."

As we sat, Dianne nudged Casey and whispered in her ear, whereupon Casey extracted a compact from her purse and quickly repaired her lipstick smear. I chuckled to myself.

Dinner concluded and we were rushed back to the limousine and off to the theater. We found ourselves seated in Casey's private box, just above the stage and off to the right. The box was curtained and only persons sitting across the stage in boxes on the opposite side could look in on you. This would be more difficult when the stage lights were on because of the glare. The five of us sat comfortably in the elevated box with plenty of room to move about in our seats. Dianne and Casey disappeared soon after the play started and Lisa and Rita sat close to me cuddling from each side. I soon felt a soft hand in my lap and looked to see Rita's hand holding Lisa's. I had an arm around each of them and we enjoyed the first act of the musical.

As the house lights came up between acts, I looked across into the box on the other side of the stage and saw Casey and Dianne sitting with an elegantly dressed couple. Dianne and the woman were engrossed in a conversation and Casey appeared to have her hands between the gentleman's legs. We watched as the woman laughed and touched Casey on the shoulder. Casey lowered her head into the man's lap and sucked his prick into her mouth. She was blowing him right in front of the woman and Dianne. Dianne was smiling and the woman laughed. I pointed out the scene to Lisa and Rita who told us that the people were friends of theirs and they had been to Dianne's previously. The man evidently shot his load in Casey's mouth because she stood up and kissed the woman after she finished the blowjob.

We continued watching as the woman dropped to her knees and raised Dianne's formal to her waist and buried her face in Dianne's crotch. My sister held on the to back of a chair as the woman brought her swiftly to orgasm and stood back up.

"They never stop," Rita lamented. "It just goes on and on."

"It's just like this at home," I said. "Almost every day."

Lisa was massaging me through my pants. Rita giggled and joined Lisa in her massage. I was already hard from watching the people in the other box. Rita found my zipper and pulled it down.

"Care to join me?" she asked Lisa.

"I'd love to," Lisa replied and the two gorgeous women pulled my stiff prick out of my fly and proceeded to take turns sucking on it until I emptied a huge load into Lisa's mouth. Rita whined and Lisa covered her mouth and sent my discharge flowing into her mouth. I was in heaven.

The lights dimmed and the second act of the play began. Dianne and Casey returned with a bottle of champagne and glasses. We enjoyed the rest of the play and as we left, I was glad that I didn't have to drive because I was tipsy from the sparkling wine.