Life At Islands Estates Ch. 15

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The days before the big wedding.
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Part 15 of the 27 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/30/2002
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Time was getting short. It was Thursday and Sunday was the big event. Dad and Janice were due in from Key Biscayne any minute and Lisa was to deliver Dianne, Rita's mother and twin brothers Cory and Craig to us tomorrow. Dennis wasn't due to arrive until Saturday morning.

The ladies were in a frenzy with preparations. The ceremony would take place on the front lawn, in front of the fountain. All manner of flowering plant had taken up residence in front of the house and Gerald was as proud as a peacock with his handiwork. White metal arches had been erected for us to stand under and climbing flowers adorned them. Rows of chairs would line an isle way to the arches. Rita and Janice would walk from the front door of the house, up the isle between the chairs and stop under the arches. Dad and I would enter from both sides and join the ladies at mid-field. After the happy vows were spoken, we would walk back toward the house and everybody would pour an avalanche of rice over us and wish us well. I would have preferred a Notary Public instead, but I was soundly admonished for even breathing such blasphemy in the presence of Louise and Marie.

Louise had enlisted the services of a retired Presbyterian minister who would come to the estate and give us his blessings. Dad isn't much for preachers, but again, Louise was handling things and we were just along for the ride. I was doing my best to keep a low profile. I spent a lot of time on the river in the boat.

Little Caroline had her wheels now and was toddling around the house at a great rate. Tykes like to explore and she was everywhere in the house. Louise thought it was wonderful but Camille was a nervous wreck. I found it all very amusing myself. Marie agreed with me, it was like watching The Keystone Cops.

I had just snuck past the troops into the den to sequester myself, with a bottle of House of Lords and some ice cubes, when I heard an air horn blast out in front of the house. I downed the Scotch in a gulp and wound my way to the front yard to investigate the cause of the disturbance. There in the driveway sat dad and Jan in a brand new Peter-Bilt semi tractor. A great big red one with two smoke stacks and all kinds of pin striping and chrome wheels and a queen sized sleeper. You never know what he's going to come up with next.

"Here ya go, Boy. This here truck's your wedding present from us," he bellowed from the top step of the giant truck.

"What am I going to do with a truck?" I called back up to him.

"Hell, how should I know? You got everything else, and you don't fly so an airplane was out of the question. I thought you might get a kick out of a truck." He said waving his hand in a big arc over his head.

I had seen and heard it all now. Janice came up to me and hugged me hard. She pressed her body against me and stuck her tongue as far down my throat as she possibly could. I groped her ass cheeks with both hands and whispered in her ear, "I want some pussy in the truck. Think we can work that out?" I asked.

"Oh, Si, Papita," she breathed in my ear. "I'm gonna give you some good pussy before the wedding. And maybe we can swap the old man for the redhead after the ceremony. What do you think?"

"Works for me. I'll talk with Rita and see what she has in mind. I gotta be cool with her right now. Lots of tension, you know," I said and released my grip on her ass. I had a hard on. The Spanish girl had slimmed down a little and felt good in my arms. I missed her fiery Latin charms more than I had realized and looked forward to jumping her bones. I wondered if Rita would take to the old man, but then they had met in the past, at Dianne's, and if I know Dianne, they had already been intimate. Ain't life interesting?

Dad was busy greeting everybody and feeling up their asses with reckless abandon. Jan looked at me and rolled her eyes. I winked at her and patted her on the butt again. She stuck her hand in my pocket and groped my stiffy. Everybody had gone into the house so I nudged Jan in the direction of the big diesel truck and we crawled up in the sleeper. She was naked and all over me before I could even get turned around to close the door.

"Damn, Girl, the old man not giving you enough?" I asked as I jerked my pants down to my ankles.

"Plenty, but I want your hard prick in me now. I miss how we used to fuck all the time with the others," Janice said as her mouth engulfed me cock.

I switched around so I could get my face in her pussy and spread her open with my fingers and swooped in for a taste. The little silver rings that decorated her pussy lips always fascinated me. I lolled them around with my tongue and this brought grunts from her around my cock, which was stuffed deep in her hungry mouth. As my tongue worked her tepid inner folds, I tickled her tiny bunghole with a fingertip. She hunched back on my finger so I slipped it through her opening, bringing another vibrating groan around my dick.

Jan is a real hottie and likes it nasty so I pushed my finger deep into her anus and twisted it in a big circle on its way in. This brought even deeper moans from the eager Spanish girl. Jan was leaking sweet pussy juice on my lips and tongue and writhing hard against my face and fingers. I crammed my cock as deep in her mouth as I could get it and sucked hard on her clit. She bucked hard against my face and released a big splash of juice as she ripped into a hard orgasm. I pumped a couple of more times into her face and sloshed her throat with a river of thick gooey jizm.

The dark haired Spanish beauty never lets me down. Every time we get together, it's hotter than before. She continued to milk me with her mouth, as I stayed glued to her weeping pussy. I finally backed away and rolled her over on her back. I marveled again at the intricate dragon tattoo, which covered so much of her olive skin. The colors were striking.

She had different jewelry through the piercing in her nipples. Gold rings passed through each nipple and to each ring, a short chain of three gold links connected to a teardrop shaped diamond on her right breast and a trapezoidal topaz on the left. I took each jewel between my teeth and tugged on her gently pulling the chain tight and stretching her nipple. The sensations I created with the outward pressure caused her to clamp her legs around my leg and hump against me, smearing her flowing juice on my leg.

"Stick your dick in me, Cool," she whimpered in my ear.

Releasing her nipples, I rolled between her legs and slid the head of my ready cock just inside her hot pussy. She started humping as soon as I entered her. Only an inch or two was inside of her but she moved herself frantically on it.

"Push it in, Cool. Don't make me wait, I need you," Janice begged.

I was in no hurry. Having just filled her throat, I was good for a long ride and I wanted to enjoy my old lover for as long as I could. I eased myself deeper into her sleeve and she responded by increasing the length of her motion. After many minutes, I descended to her deepest regions and her hot Latin ancestry turned her into a gyrating female love animal heaving herself against me, seeking the release that comes with the end of the act of passion.

And when the release found us, it came with a thunderous finality and left us both breathless and bathed in the sweet wet aftermath of the human mating ritual.

"Madre Mia, Papita! I wish I had you thirty years ago," Janice whispered against my chest.

I had not wished to speak yet, due to near total consumption of available oxygen, but all I could think of to say was, "We'd have had a hell of a run if you had."

"Rita will have a stallion, and I will have the 'Old Bull'," she said.

"Bull is right! He's so full of it," I laughed. Jan laughed too.

"We have got to go in the house," I said, untangling myself from my sexy lover. "People will begin to wonder."

"Won't anybody wonder about us. If they don't know by now, they never will," said Janice, as she searched for her clothing.

I climbed down out of the truck and pulled my pants back up. I headed for the garage thinking I'd slip downstairs and clean up before confronting anyone in the house. Wrong! I should have gone around the outside of the house because Camille and Caroline were just inside the door as I entered and she just stood there with her hands on her hips smiling at me. Little Caroline ran up to me and grabbed my leg saying, "Daaaa, Daaaa, Daaaa."

Camille pointed to the mirror on the silent butler in the hall where we were standing. I looked in the mirror and discovered that I had a big lipstick smear on my face and Janice's discharges were drying in my goatee. My hair was a mess and I had my shirt buttoned one notch off of square.

"Hey, I'm getting married. Just tying up some loose ends," I said, lamely.

"Careful you don't tie them around your neck," said Camille, picking up the baby and announcing to everyone in the kitchen that I had been found.

I had no escape so I stepped into the kitchen. Jan had come in through the front door and was standing next to Rita. She didn't look at all like we had just had wild and crazy sex in the back of the truck. Why did I feel like a pair of brown shoes in a tuxedo world?

"Come on, Lover Boy. Let's get you cleaned up before Louise feeds us. You look a bit frazzled. Did the tattooed lady tie a big knot in your doo-doo?" Rita pestered as she pulled me to the stairway leading downstairs. I followed without argument. Hoping to have a few minutes alone with my wife to be.

"Sorry," I mumbled as we descended the stairs.

"For what?" she asked.

"You know, disappearing like that." I replied.

We came to the bottom of the steps and she turned around and stood right in front of me. I was still one step above her.

"Look, we gotta get this straightened out right now," Rita began, looking up into my eyes. I prepared myself for an ass chewing.

"I thought we had this already discussed, but I guess we need to do it again just so you get it all straight in your tiny little mind. I told you that your escapades with the ladies wouldn't become a matter of conversation in our relationship unless you made it one. So don't make it one. I know you're going to fuck everybody in this house before Sunday and probably some of them more than once. Maybe you'll even get around to me. We got the whole rest of our lives to worry about things, let's not start with what we both already know is going to happen. Besides, I just gave the old man a blow job he shouldn't forget before Sunday unless Louise gets to him between now and then," she concluded.

She turned and walked through the studio into the bedroom. I followed her like a puppy.

"Who said I had a tiny little mind?" I asked.

I could tell by her chuckle that things were fine. I don't know why I worry so much. Getting married is really a strain.

I looked into the bathroom where Rita was leaning down to turn the water on in the Jacuzzi bathtub. Great fluffy pink towels hung from all the towel bars and a pink bath mat adorned the floor. I groaned and I heard the chuckle over the sound of the running water. It would appear that Rita and Louise had started a conspiracy to drive me nuts. Rita had even spread a big pink towel over the salon chair. She stood with her hands on her hips grinning at me. After a year and a half, the pink towels were back. What next!


The bath was great. I like water sports. Rita joined me in the tub and we did the whole scrubbing bubbles thing. Then she had me park my butt in the salon chair, on the pink towel. She had all her manicure and pedicure stuff on a little rolling cart and she had an adjustable rolling stool to sit on and with her hair all wrapped up in one of the wonderful pink towels, she set out to make me beautiful.

She trimmed and buffed and probed around my toenails and fingernails. Then she lathered my face and shaved me with that long skinny razor. After the shave, she trimmed my goatee and used the blow dryer on my hair after she trimmed it all up. She even straightened my eyebrows and clipped the hair in my nose. I could get used to this.

The next order of business was a great foot massage. My old flat feet hurt me all the time anyway so this could get to be a favorite pastime. Her hands moved about my whole body over the next hour and I felt like I was floating on air. She used scented oils that made my skin warm wherever she rubbed me. I was luxuriating with my eyes closed. The only sound was the flowing of the water on the rocks in the fishpond in the next room and our breathing.

I felt Rita lift the end of my cock with her hand and wrap her other hand, filled with the scented oil, around my cock. She began to slowly massage my pecker and balls with both hands. I hardened instantly. Her soft slippery hands continued to manipulate my rigid cock as it warmed with the application of the oils. She moved her hands slowly and softly, never gripping me firmly. This was the most sensuous feeling I had ever experienced. Her hands dipped between my legs frequently and her fingers glided over my puckered little butt hole hundreds of times it seemed.

After a long time, Rita increased the firmness of her grip and brought me to the edge of heaven only to let me slip away. She repeated this again only this time she held me firmly around the base of my cock and let the moment slip away again. Her slippery fingers found my anal opening and invaded just inside. This sent a multitude of signals to my brain telling me to blast my load all over the place but Rita held me firm and I backed away again from the edge. I was near mental breakdown now, and she could sense the time had come.

"Okay, Cowboy, now you can give mama what she wants," Rita whispered as she moved her hand from around the bottom of my blood engorged cock and smoothly pumped up and down until I erupted, sending a long thick rope of goo flying high above her hand and splashing down across my chest and stomach. Seven times I sent a surge of thick man cream flying into the air. Each time Rita moved her hand down and drew it up, I would send another stream gushing out.

Finally, it was over. Rita had performed the magic with her hands again. If I ever had a doubt about marrying her, it should have vanished now.

Rita leaned over me and started the cleaning ritual with her mouth. Every drop of cum disappeared. Rita's hot oil hand job is the most exciting sensual experience imaginable. And watching her methodical tongue licking away the reward of her efforts will get you hard all over gain. Unless it's the third time in a couple of hours you've shot your load, then I think you gotta take a break and reload.

And so it was, Rita cleaned me up again and I dressed. She had vanished to go and make herself beautiful before dinner.


I felt the need for a Scotch and went to find the old man. I found him in the den nursing a Bushmills. I located my House of Lords and dashed a hunk over a few ice cubes and joined him for a conversation about our development. We spent a couple of hours sharing ideas and agreed to hire the guy that had purchased his civil contracting business, when he retired, to begin road construction in the development. It would be a long, slow pull, but if Camille's estimates were correct, the payoff would be monumental. Dad was planning to spend a few days here before taking his bride back to The Keys. We would do a lot of business during his stay.

As we sat talking I felt that little nagging feeling start to gnaw at me again. Had I made the right decision about getting married? I couldn't put a finger on my reluctance but I felt like I was forgetting to do something.

Suddenly, little Caroline toddled into the room, arms all akimbo as she clambered over to me. "Daaa, Daaa, Daaa," she squealed as she reached for me to pick her up on my lap. I looked up to see Camille leaning against the doorjamb, smiling at us.

It hit me as if I had been run down by the big truck in the driveway. I was looking across the room at Camille, holding our baby daughter on my lap when the lights came on in my brain.

"Hold the kid, Pop," I said handing him Caroline.

"Where's Rita?" I asked Camille walking up to her and taking her by the hand as I went through the door.

"With Marie and Louise in the kitchen," she replied as I pulled her up the hall.

"Go and get her and meet me down by the car. We have to go to Daytona Right away," I said and headed down the stairs.

Rita and Camille joined me outside by the Nomad. We climbed in and they were both staring at me like I had gone completely nuts. Maybe I had, but I knew what I wanted to do to set things right. We drove south on A-1-A.

"So, give. What's this all about?" Rita asked finally.

"Rita I love you with all my heart and we're getting married Sunday. But I just got this thing burning in the bottom of me that says I'm not right with it. So here's the deal. You and I and Camille have a special thing going on here and I can't marry Camille because she's my sister. But I love her to death and I love our kid. But I want to marry you. Still, I don't want to let Camille out of it. So here's the pitch. We're going back to the jeweler where I bought your rings and get another set exactly like it. And Sunday when we get married, Camille takes the vows same as you and me and we get married to each other, the three of us. The preacher won't know the difference. We won't have a license but we will have all said the words to each other. Cool idea huh?" I said.

Rita looked at Camille and then back at me. I drove in silence. I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw that they were both staring at me now.

"What?" I asked.

Camille was the first to speak, "Have you completely taken leave of you senses? That's the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard of!"

"Me too," Rita chimed in. "That's preposterous. Nobody would ever believe it if we did that. Besides, it's not legal."

"Technically, with only one license for Cool and you," Camille reasoned, "no laws would be broken. Right, Cool?"

"Absolutely correct. And if anybody in that house has anything negative to say about it, I'll rip his face off and feed it to him." I said.

"So, let's get the rings," Rita cried.

Both of them started squealing and clapping and hugging each other and I felt like a regular genius. Nobody in his right mind would try to pull a stunt like this. But like I said, we have a special thing going and it's all just very weird anyhow. God, I love being different.

We arrived at the jewelry store and I explained to the saleslady what I wanted and showed her Rita's ring. She assured me it was no problem and disappeared into the back of the store. Returning with the rings, she attempted to slip it on Camille's finger and found it to be much too small. It was the only one in stock so I inquired as to the possibility of having it resized. She assured me that would be no problem and that it would be ready by Tuesday. I explained that I needed it like right now and was informed the jeweler had gone for the day and would not return until Monday morning. I then explained how I might find a thousand dollar tip in it for each of them if the jeweler could come back in and size it tonight so I could pick it up at ten in the morning.

"For a thousand dollars, I'll have your child," stammered the saleslady.

I heard Rita groan and ask, "Are you from New York?"

"No. Why?" the lady asked in return.

"Oh, no reason. The last time I was in a jewelry store with him, in New York City, the sales person ended up sprawled out on her desk. And I recall the tip was only a couple of hundred bucks that time." Rita remarked while the lady looked on with widened eyes.

I shrugged. The lady picked up the phone and made a call.

"If you want to wait, Mr. Danson will resize the ring for you tonight and save you a trip in the morning, Mr. Ellis." The lady replied smiling.