Life At Islands Estates Ch. 24

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Dennis comes home and Tall gets a surprise.
6.1k words

Part 24 of the 27 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/30/2002
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"Honey, it's all right," Sandra soothed.

"Sometimes he irritates me to no end, Gram," Billy whined.

They were still sitting in the barn, the others having departed on their morning ride, after being discovered screwing on a stack of hay bales in one of the stalls.

"We'll just have to be more discrete in the future," she said softly, trying to ease her grandson's frustration.

"Everybody in the whole house knows we've been messing around," he said. "Ever since Caroline saw us in your house. She blabbed it all around to everybody."

"Well, it's out in the open now and we won't have to try and hide it from any of them," she explained, gently brushing his long curly hair out of his eyes.

Billy Joe had grown tall and strong, the spittin' image of his father. His hair was sandy blond and his two hundred pounds were distributed just as the plan had been drawn. His abs rippled when he flexed and his hands were firm but gentle. He had inherited his father's enormous appetite for the pleasures of women, and following in Tall Cool's footsteps, he was drawn to the older ladies.

His first sexual experience was with a classmate in high school. She had been experienced and he was sure that she had laughed at his feeble attempt at satisfying her desire. He had cum almost instantly after entering her and she had rebuked him after that. After he had spied on Caroline and Camille out by the pool, he blackmailed Caroline into sucking him off, threatening he would tell dad what he had seen. Caroline had spilled the beans to Camille and she had confronted him. After a lengthily discussion about the birds and the bees, Camille had stripped him out of his clothes and taken his cock into her sweet warm cunt, addicting him forever. He came very quickly then too, but she got him hard a second time and he lasted much longer.

Still, whenever he got his pecker in a pussy, all he could think about was how good it felt to shoot off. Thinking about it now had caused him to start leaking. He wanted to cum again.

Sandra sat next to him, watching his expression. Little beads of sweat formed on his upper lip. 'He does that when he's horny,' she thought to herself. Neither of them had dressed after being detected. Sandra let her hand glide up his leg and touch his hardening dick. He jumped at her first contact, his cock twitching against her fingers.

"I want you to forget about getting off, Honey," she whispered. "Think about something else and let me make you feel good."

He closed his eyes and let her manipulate his stiffening member. Sandra marveled at the similarities between Billy and his father. Tall was much longer, almost nine inches to Billy's seven but Billy was thicker. Sandra recalled, vividly, the first time she and Billy's dad had made love, scarcely an hour after they had met for the first time. He had been so warm and friendly and she had melted in her panties the second she set eyes on him. She remembered how he had touched her hands and kissed her on the forehead, and his cock slamming into her wet cunt so deeply. Her nipples had solidified on her enormous silicone enhanced boobs, just thinking about it. She had left the door open to him for over twenty years, and he had never taken her for granted. She must instill this virtue into his son.

Billy moaned as Sandra lazily toyed with his marble hard shaft. His was leaking profusely from the tiny slit on the tip, just like his father did. She slathered him with his own lubrication and pushed him back on the hay bale.

"Now just relax, Big Guy, let Old Granny work her magic," Sandra breathed, positioning herself above her grandson. As quickly as she had lowered herself, she felt him stiffen under her. She stopped all movement until he relaxed, but he was very nearly ready to explode. She looked down at him. He had his eyes closed and a strained look on his face. She needed to be fucked long enough to get off and he wasn't going to last long enough to get her there at this rate. Sandra was frantic to achieve her end and she clenched her fists in silent anger, remaining virtually unmoving until he regained his composure. She felt him jerk again and she opened her hand and brought it around, from way out there, and slapped him hard on the face with a resounding smack.

"DON'T YOU EVEN DARE TO CUM YET, BILLY," she shrieked. Slapping him on the other side with equally as vicious a blow.

Billy's eyes slammed full open, with her first blow, and crashed shut with the second. He clenched himself up as tight as he could and looked up at his grandmother in disbelief.

"You're going to stay hard and you're going to stay in me and you're going to fuck me until I have great big orgasm, or I swear, Billy, you'll never stick your cock in me again. Do I make myself clear?" Sandra wailed.

Billy nodded dumbly and Sandra started to ride him. She grabbed a hand full of his long hair and used it like reins.

"Just you keep fucking me, Billy. I have to get off or I'll die," Sandra hissed, humping him furiously.

Billy held back until he just had to start moving too. He pushed her up and rolled her over and started slamming into her from above. He drove his cock relentlessly into her until he felt her boil over and wrap her legs around his back and draw his body all the way in. She clamped her teeth down on his shoulder and gnawed on him through a gut-wrenching climax. Billy kept up his assault, throwing himself as deeply into her spasm-wracked hole as he could. Several minutes later, she erupted a second time and he could hold back no longer. Billy flooded her aging twat with a torrent of boy-man cum.

"Oh, Billy," Sandra wheezed. "I knew you had it in you."

He collapsed on top of her.


After a big thick steak, fried corn and sourdough biscuits, washed down with a couple of cold brews, I was laying back on a lounge chair on the patio. Marie and Dennis had disappeared upstairs to her apartment and Caroline and Bobby Sue, giggling like schoolgirls, had gone into Flagler beach to a movie. Janice said she was feeling old and wanted to turn in early. Billy Joe and Sandra had failed to appear at all. Which left Rita and Camille the only other inhabitants of the estate to talk to.

I studied them as they finished tidying up the patio and concluded that I must have been blessed as a child to have them for my own. Rita, at forty-one and Camille, at forty-eight, were very desirable women indeed. I was never deprived of their affections and they never made requests that were unreasonable. Sometimes they could be a little strange, but never unreasonable.

They finally settled on lawn chairs, close by, lighting cigarettes and uncapping another cold brew.

"Caroline tells me y'all caught Billy and ma in the barn this morning," Rita said.

"I guess we hurt his feelings," I chuckled.

"You must have," Camille giggled. "We haven't seen hide nor hair of either one of them all day. What did you say?"

"Nothing mean, we just ribbed him about being a jack rabbit," I answered.

"He is that," Rita acknowledged.

"He'll get over it. He's young," I said.

"You responsible for the smile on Bobby Sue's face tonight?" Camille asked.

"Guilty," I answered. "And don't call me a slut."

We laughed together.

"Spreading yourself a little thin, wouldn't you say?" Camille asked.

"Nope," I answered. "Billy's gonna have to pick up on some of the slack. But we gotta teach him how to control himself. I thought I'd speak to Marie about that and see if she had any ideas."

"You think he's ready for Marie?" Rita asked. "Or should I say is she ready for him?"

"That's a good question," I said. "I'd like to be a little mouse under the bed for that episode."

"Stick them in The War Room together and lets watch them on your cameras," Camille piped up, sitting up on the edge of her chair.

Rita looked at her and then me and said, "Slut."

"When I was his age, I schtuped her for the first time and I can tell you this, she made me feel like I had never felt before," I reflected. "I enjoy her to this day. She's exciting, sensual, inventive and dedicated to the art of sex. She's sixty and in better shape physically than I am!"

Camille patted my little beer gut and said, "You do all right, Papa. We love ya even if you are old and fat."

"Hey," Rita jumped in, "I'm excited about your music thing coming up. We haven't heard you with a group for years and the kids have never heard you in concert. I think it will be fun."

Camille agreed and we talked about the old days when I was still playing in the clubs. I missed that a lot. I kept up with the music but the head bangers just weren't my scene. We decided that most of the folks would be around our age so 50's, 60's, and 70's music would be good for the crowd. I even thought about doing some Elvis stuff. Elvis impersonators were big hits around this part of the world and Denny and I each did a good rendition of 'The King'. I even had a rhinestone costume similar to the ones he wore near the end of his career.

"You're not afraid that I'll find some little tart and sneak away with her when you're not looking?" I asked.

"We should be so lucky!" Rita smiled. "Besides, when you're up there on the stage crooning to the chippies, we can find us a couple of young studs and get a little fresh meat in the parking lot."

"Oh, right! That's gonna happen, for sure," I exaggerated.

"Fuck you, Virgil!" Camille snapped. We all laughed again.

"How about a communal bath?" I inquired.

"I'll start the water," Rita said and disappeared without a trace.


I gave them a few minutes head start and then I meandered through the den and gathered up a bottle of Asti-Spumante and three crystal flutes. The suds towered out of the huge Jacuzzi tub with two naked water nymphs casually reclining in it. I stripped out of my clothes, poured us each a shot of the bubbling wine and joined them. We spent lots of time rubbing each other with big louffa sponges and washing our hair. Water sports can be so erotic when properly administered.

Rita crawled out first and dried her self and wrapped her head with the customary towel. She spread a big pink fluffy towel on the salon chair and invited me to take a seat. Camille drained the tub and after wrapping her head in a towel, joined us by the chair. Rita worked on my toes and Camille worked on my fingers. I was getting the full meal deal tonight. I was still just a little sunburned on my legs, but it didn't bother me a bit.

After the manicure and pedicure, they started rubbing me all over with that sweet smelling oil that I like so much. It wasn't long before Mr. Johnson started to swell, giving them more ideas. I was lost in the millions of fingers dancing over my body when, low and behold, one of them decided to play with my pecker. How could I have known that was coming? The sensation was sublime. Soon two tongues were playing over my stone stiff shaft. Rita and Camille had learned everything there was to learn about how to get me off. After more than twenty years I didn't think they could contrive anything they hadn't tried before.

But when two women have a mission, anything can happen. Rita held me vertical with just her fingers and they worked their tongues all around my cock. FOREVER! Only touching me with their tongues. Neither on them went down on me and neither of them stroked me with her hand, just a tongue fucking, until I could stand it no more. As I pushed up to fire a volley into the air, Rita and Camille pursed their lips together around the head of my cock like a big kiss with the end of me in between their lips. My cum jetted from me, again and again, squishing between their lips in a great gooey oozing glob, flowing down between their faces and running down my balls.

Just when you think you've seen it all, they slip a new one in on you. Oh how I love an imaginative woman. I have a whole house full of them!

The cleaning ritual was next and a light dusting with powder and my two sweeties tucked me carefully in under the smooth satin sheets. Sliding in close to me on either side, we drifted off into a wonderful sleep.


Upstairs, Dennis and Marie were talking over old times and enjoying the quiet time together. She had grown very fond of Dennis, over the years, and they had spent many nights together on the road. Twenty-one years his senior, she had helped him to grow from a shy high school kid into a fine man. He admired her talents as a musician, a lady, and a lover. They had a friendship outside of the bedroom as well as in. Marie told him once that she loved him but she was not in love with him. He understood and never asked her for more.

She was sitting on the sofa in a gorgeous white silk robe, with her legs tucked up under her. He sat facing her, very close, with his hand resting on her knee. The robe had parted slightly and he could clearly see her still magnificent breasts within. They sipped champagne and giggled at each other's jokes. Her now almost totally silver hair glimmered in the light of a dozen candles illuminating the room.

"I'm getting old Denny," she said.

"Ah, I don't want to hear it," he fussed. "You're only as old as you feel."

"What are you going to do after the gig in Jacksonville?" she asked. "Going back to Tennessee?"

I think I'll camp out in the boathouse for a while and see what happens," he stated. "The kids are stealing the big shows now and it's getting harder to get good bookings."

"Stay here with me," she whispered.

"I don't want to cramp your style, Hon," he said. "Besides, Cool might want to pay you a visit in the night and I don't want to get in his way either."

"I can go to him, if he wants me. Which he does sometimes. He is a very special person, just like you," she soothed. "Besides, it's been a long time since any man has parked his shoes under my bed for more than a night or two."

Dennis leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips.

"It's been a while," he said.

"More than a year since we were together. I've missed you, Lover." She breathed into his ear as she hugged him tightly.

Their love making this night would have a new meaning. He took her hand and pulled her to her feet, leading her to her bed. He untied the sash holding her robe and let it slide to the floor. She knelt before him and undid the button and pulled the zipper on his slacks down. She helped him to step out of his pants. His long slender cock hung semi-erect before her face. Taking him gently in her hands, she pulled him into her mouth and savored his sweet taste and smell. Oh, how she had missed Dennis.

He grew firm in her mouth. She wanted his thick discharge where she could taste it, but she knew he wanted to be inside of her this first time after so long apart. She slid her tongue along the underside of him, tracing a path from his balls to the tiny slit on the end. She looked at his cock, taking in every detail. It was almost eleven inches long, slender enough to just make a circle around it with your thumb and middle finger. When fully erect, it curved upwards in a gentle arc from his scrotum. She remembered the way it felt inside of her hot sheath, reaching into places where no other man had been, except for the black man that had laid her carpet, then her with Cool watching.

"Lover Man," she whispered, "your cock was designed just for ass fucking and that's exactly what I want you to do with it."

He pulled her up and she went to the bedside table and found a bottle of lubricant. She held his erection in the palm of her hand and drizzled the clear liquid liberally on his throbbing cock. Her hand closed around him spreading it evenly along his entire length. She drizzled more in her hand and greased herself, carefully inserting her slick finger deep inside her own tight rosebud assuring her suitor an easy entrance to her darkest region.

Marie positioned herself at the head of the bed, her knees spread wide and her hands gripping the heavy wooden headboard. Dennis kneeled behind her, entering her from slightly below and behind. His steel hard poker slipped easily into her scalding dark sphincter, disappearing completely from sight. He rested, balls deep in her ass for a full minute, enjoying the warmth she passed from her body to his.

Gripping the headboard with both hands, Marie felt him enter through her outer ring and slide smoothly in until she felt his bristly pubic bush brush upon the soft cheeks of her ass. She swooned as he pushed in, emotion taking all thought of anything, save his probing cock, from her mind. She felt him reposition himself behind her and pull out partially, then slide smoothly back into her depths. Again he withdrew, only to return into her boiling anal abyss.

She thought fleetingly about Tall Cool, and the dozens of times she had been with him. She recalled the lurid scenes they had played out with others in the more than twenty years since he had been a student in her class. The filthy toilet rooms in bars, the booths in raunchy lounges, and she even recalled the time in the carpet warehouse with Carol when Tall had splattered cum all over the older woman's blouse and hair. She still burned inside to be with him in The War Room. The sexual rage they experienced together would be long lived.

Dennis pushed hard into her again, shoving her toward the headboard. She pushed back against him, moaning loudly from deep inside.

Dennis was different. With him, there was no ritual to their coupling, it just happened. They'd be together, they'd get hot, and they would fuck, or maybe not. Dennis made her feel different, like she was fragile. He was never frantic or out of control. Only she got out of control. Now, he was in total control of her. His motion had increased to a steady rhythm of long smooth strokes. His hairy balls swung forward with each insertion and slapped against her gushing pussy, leaving them shiny with woman juice. Each time his balls tapped her sensitive clit it was like an electric shock, exciting her beyond her comprehension.

A charge went through her, pulling her up off the bed. She pushed against the headboard, sending her ass back against Dennis in a bone jarring collision. Dennis was shaken out of his semi-conscious state and thrown into his own blinding climax. He grabbed her firmly by the hips and buried his exploding phallus as far into her as physics would allow. As he emptied his dammed up passion deep in her bowels, he shrieked like a banshee. Marie had never heard him this vocal before. It excited her to even greater heights. Taking yet another grip, he surged into her with renewed effort until he was totally drained.

Dennis reached past her and gripped the headboard. He slumped over her back, supporting his weight with his outstretched arms. Sweat dripped off his body and splashed on her back, then ran off, falling onto the bed linens. He could feel her continuing contractions on his still embedded cock. He started shrinking inside of her and her tightness had begun to push him out. The process took several minutes, neither of them moving or saying a word. Finally, he was squeezed from her and was followed by a long thick drool of spent semen.

"It don't get no better'n that, Sweetness," Marie said, after a long silence.

"Maybe if we did it twice?" he joked.

"Who's got the strength to do it again?" she asked.

Dennis untangled himself and lay back on the bed. He was covered in their co-mingled discharges. Marie crawled off the bed and retrieved a towel and helped him to swab up the goo. She found a smoke and joined him back on the bed.

"Stay with me, Sugar," she said. "I need you right now."

"We'll see," he said.

They slept.


Marie, Dennis and I spent as much as four or five hours a day in the studio for the next six days, working on a choreographed list of music for the special event in Jacksonville. We even put together a special segment at the end of the show where I was to come out dressed as Elvis and do about an hour of his music. It was planned that we would take our final break at twelve fifteen. I would then change into the costume and the band would do the traditional Elvis intro music, whereupon I would enter and do C. C. Rider. We put Hound Dog, Love Me Tender, Teddy Bear, Kentucky Rain, My Way, The Trilogy, and several other old standards on the list and estimated it would come out just about right on the button at one thirty. I wasn't exactly sure that I should be the one to do Elvis, Dennis is a far superior singer, but they convinced me that I would be their hero if I did it. So be it!