Like Mother, Like Daughter

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Life gets interesting...
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For reasons that will become clear I am a little nervous about posting this story. I was asked if I could write something along these lines and my immediate reaction was, 'No!'

I then talked it over with Jodie and she said, 'If anyone can make it work, you can.' I hope my wife's confidence in me is deserved. I'll leave all my other comments until the end.

Thanks to Kerry, Jen and Angel for their support and encouragement.




It was just after seven in the evening and Krystal and I were sitting down for our evening meal with her daughter, Aimee. Krystal and I have been together for just over a year now and, after Aimee's initial shock at finding out her mother was in a relationship with another woman, our relationship has blossomed. She's fun, friendly and seems genuinely happy for her mother and me.

Krystal and I are both in our early forties while Aimee is twenty and at university. She chose to stay in her home town rather than go away to keep the cost to both her and her mother down.

Krystal looked at her daughter, dressed in her casual-at-home outfit of a thin white tee, with no bra, and denim shorts. Her long, straight, jet-black hair was tied back in a ponytail which reached the base of her spine.

"Honey, I wish you'd wear a bra."

Aimee smiled back and said, "Mum, please. I don't have big tits like you do. I hardly need one." She looked down at her, admittedly small, breasts. They only just showed as a swell under her tee, however I had to admit Krystal had a point. Aimee's nipples made a very noticeable dent in the material.

She was right about the contrast, though. Physically Aimee and her mother are almost polar opposites.

Krystal is almost my height with dirty blonde hair just past her shoulders. She is curvy in all the right ways. In the old days she'd have been described as 'buxom'. Her fabulous breasts are a lot bigger than mine and she has wonderfully full thighs and hips. She is not fat by any means, just full figured. She was wearing a mid-thigh length dress in a pale orange that, with her push up bra, emphasised her very generous bust.

Aimee is very slim and quite a bit shorter than her mother. Her blue eyes sparkle with humour a lot of the time. It's one of the many things I find adorable about her.

Krystal said, "I know honey. You obviously inherited them from your father."

Aimee guffawed and then said, "Mum! You are outrageous at times! I'm supposed to be the unruly daughter and you're supposed to be the calm, disciplined parent!"

Krystal winked at me and said, "Oh, so you want discipline? Can I ground you for a week?"

Aimee rolled her eyes and groaned. "You can try, mum. I'll just ignore you. I'm over eighteen now. If I was away at Uni you wouldn't even know."

Her mother winked once more. "I know, baby. Just let your mother pretend for a little longer that I have some level of control?"

Aimee looked at me, smiled and said, "Does she control you Anna? Like, in bed? Is that your thing?"

Krystal nearly spurted out her food and said, "Aimee! How dare you! If I could send you up to your room right now, I would!"

Aimee put on her innocent face and then smiled sweetly and said, "Oh! Mum. Do it! Can I take Anna with me?"

I was just a little shocked but not much. Aimee and her mum had interactions like this all the time, often teasing each other with gentle good humour, but this was the first occasion I could recall her saying something quite like this about me.

Krystal put her hand on my knee under the table and I took it in my hand as she squeezed gently, reassuring me that this was okay. I loved the way Krystal was always so protective of me. When we first met and started our flirting she'd told me she would always have my back.

Krystal said, "Oh? So now you want to take my girlfriend from me? I don't think so, young lady!"

Our meal was finished and I thought that Krystal and Aimee probably needed some time together so I started collecting the plates and cutlery and said, "I'll go and fill the dishwasher. You two can sort this out."

Krystal smiled at me and said, "Thanks, love. See you in a little while, okay?"

I smiled and nodded and took the various items off the table, stacked them and walked into the kitchen.

I was wearing a knee length, sleeveless blue dress and my long red hair was down. I crouched down and started filling the dishwasher. I heard the two of them talking, joking and being silly and, as I was starting to put the dishwasher pod in and closing the door I realised the conversation in the other room had stopped and I heard the front door open and close. At that moment I felt arms go around my waist and a kiss on my neck. Of course it was Krystal. I leaned back into her and was suddenly aware that it didn't feel like her.

I turned around, shocked, and looked into Aimee's eyes.

She grinned broadly and said, "Mum said she's popping to the shop and that I should come through and help you and then... Sorry. I saw your back and just couldn't resist. Really sorry, Anna."

I was flustered. Ever since I first saw her I've thought Aimee was attractive but, for obvious reasons, I would never go near her. She was less than half my age, just for a start. She was also my girlfriend's daughter. It was all just wrong.

I collected myself, smiled and said, "It's okay, love. I know it's just play."

She cocked her head and whispered, "Not for me, it isn't."

'Oh no,' I thought to myself, 'this can't be happening.' Out loud I said, "Um, Aimee. Really? You can't say things like that.'

She said, "I just wanted you to know that I kind of fancy you. When I hear you and mum doing it I lie there and imagine I'm the one getting your attention."

I swallowed and said, "You can't be serious. I love your mother. I would never want to hurt her."

She smiled and got that mischievous sparkle in her eyes, "Oh, I love mum too and I really wouldn't want to hurt her but... your relationship with her has made me realise I may be a little like mum. You know."

I suddenly realised what she'd said earlier, "And you can hear your mum and me when we... oh my god."

She giggled, "Oh, Anna. Please don't worry. I love it. Don't ever feel self conscious."

I heard the front door open and said, "Okay, Aimee. Let's keep this to ourselves for now."

She nodded and said, "Sure thing."

I called out, "Hi honey! We're in the kitchen."

Krystal came through with a small bag of shopping which Aimee dutifully took and unpacked. It was just a couple of basics like milk and a bottle of wine.

Krystal came up to me and gave me a gentle kiss but after what Aimee had told me I was stupidly self conscious. She pulled back and said, "Everything alright, love?"

I smiled and said, "Yeah, sorry. Everything's fine. Just got a few things on my mind."

Once we'd tidied everything away Aimee went up to her room to do some course work and Krystal and I decided an early night was a good idea. Our lovemaking that night was unusually intense. Once we were naked together on the bed, Krystal's gorgeous breasts pressed against mine, our kisses were deep, urgent and passionate. Somehow the thought that Aimee was across the hall in her bedroom listening to us made me want her to hear us. I had enormous warmth and contractions in me as we caressed. There was an urgency in my need. I pushed Krystal back onto the bed and lifted her right leg, scissoring myself across her so that our wet pussies were touching. I started moving myself urgently on her, back and forth, and she matched my movements.

"Oh god, Anna. Fuck. Yes! What has got into you? I love it, whatever it is," Krystal said.

With a slightly raised voice that part of me hoped Aimee would hear, I said, "I want to make you come, love. I want to come with you."

I could feel both of our wetness combined, our clits rubbing on each other. It was a wonderful, warm, perfect feeling. I could feel myself edging closer and closer.

Our movements increased in speed and the creaking of the bed made me think of Aimee listening. I had a sudden image of her lying on her bed, naked, playing as she listened to us and that was enough to push me over the edge. My orgasm started and flowered out through me. We didn't stop our movements and as a second wave started to wash through me I heard Krystal call out, "Oh fuck, yes! Oh god! I love your cunt on mine, fuck... fuck... yes... fuck me... I'm... coming!"

I rode with her as she mauled her breasts, pinching her nipples, her face a reflection of the beautiful agony of release.

Finally, feeling both of us slowing to a stop, I slid off her and lay down next to her.

We kissed and when she'd finally got her breath back Krystal whispered, "Where did that come from? That was heavenly and urgent and wonderful! Thank you, love."

I kissed her softly and said, "No, thank you. You are my perfect lover, you know that?"

She giggled and said, "Oh, I'm sure you could find better, I just don't want you to leave the house."

I thought of Aimee and did a little mental somersault and put her out of my mind. I hoped she had had an orgasm that was even a half of what Krystal and I had just experienced. The thought of her coming, listening to us sent urgent tingles down between my legs.

Looking at Krystal in the low light of the room I said, "You don't think we're finished, do you?"

She grinned and said, "Oh, I hope not!"

We made love again, this time pleasuring each other with our mouths and fingers. It was far less urgent and, when our orgasms came, they were far more fulfilling, but I couldn't get the image of Aimee out of my mind. Lying there, playing with herself as we played with each other. It was an illicit turn on that, at least for now, I felt I couldn't let Krystal know about. Which was wrong. We'd promised from the beginning we should have no secrets.

As we were laying there, Krystal said, "Wow, Anna. I meant it earlier. Where did that come from? I'm not complaining, it was wonderful, all of it."

I swallowed, deciding that I really should tell her about my encounter and conversation with Aimee. We have always been open and honest with each other, as Aimee and Krystal are, and I didn't want a secret as big as this between us.

I swallowed and said, "If I tell you will you promise me not to get angry?"

She got a quizzical look on her face and said, "Well, unless you tell me you're leaving me or something horrible like that, I promise."

I kissed her and said, "While you were out at the shop Aimee told me... she told me... she might be bi. And that she fancies... me. And... that... she can hear us when we make love and... she likes it. A lot. So... the thought that she could hear us... turned me on. I'm sorry, love. You probably hate me now."

Krystal had listened without interrupting and I was surprised to see she was smiling. "You think Aimee hasn't told me she might be bi and that she fancies you? She did. A couple of months ago. I didn't want to tell you because I thought it might upset you and Aimee wanted me to keep it secret. When she told me all I said to her was, 'Who can blame you? Anna's a very sensual and beautiful woman.'"

I was flummoxed. When I'd had a moment to collect my thoughts I said, "You're not jealous? Of her fancying me?"

She chuckled and said, "She's my daughter. I love her to bits and I love you to bits so why would I be jealous? No, love. It makes me happy that she feels comfortable enough with you to be able to tell you."

I kissed her softly and said, "You are amazing, you know that?"

She smiled and said, "One of my better qualities, I'll admit."

I giggled.

After another kiss she said, "So, are you going to do anything about it?"

I was shocked, "Wait. What... what are you saying?"

"Anna, love, I just want you to know that, if Aimee is going to explore that side of her I would far rather it was with you than some inexperienced young woman. I trust you to be gentle with my baby girl."

I couldn't process it right then so I just said, "I don't know, love. It... feels wrong."

She said, "Remember your first time? You were Aimee's age and your girlfriend was nearly your age now. You've told me all about it. Wasn't it better that you had someone experienced?"

I thought for a moment. "Well, that was different in many ways, love. I wasn't the daughter of Becky's lover."

She said, "I know. I don't mean it that way. I mean someone experienced, loving and caring. You care for Aimee, don't you? I've seen the way you two interact. I know she adores you which makes me happy. It would make me happier if you were to help her."

"I don't know. This is all so much to take in. Let me sleep on it."

"Anna, I'm not trying to force you to do anything. I'm just letting you know that if something did happen I wouldn't be angry. I just ask for one favour..."

I swallowed. "Yes?"

"If it is going to happen, let me know. Text me, call me. Whatever you want."

I nodded and we kissed once more before saying 'Sweet dreams' to each other and cuddling up in a spoon with Krystal the big spoon behind me, her hand softly storing my breast as we fell asleep.

My dreams were filled with conflicting and confusing scenes involving either Krystal and Aimee at different times.


I was woken the next morning with a kiss and a cup of coffee from Krystal. She was in her short, orange silk bathrobe and I was naked in bed. She had to go to work and I had my usual day at home writing so, as has become our custom, she got up and made coffee.

As we sat, Krystal asked me, "So? Any thoughts about our conversation about Aimee, love?"

I sighed, "I've decided that I'll cross that bridge if I ever come to it. I will forget about it for now and just be as I always have been with Aimee."

She kissed me and said, "That's my girl."

We'd finished out coffee so we went through and had our shower. I always love being in the shower with Krystal. She's fun and playful and we certainly played quite a bit that morning. I helped her get dried and dressed her in her sexy business suit, a black pencil skirt, black tights white blouse and black half jacket. I stood behind her in my own matching bathrobe and fixed her hair and then applied her lipstick and touched up her mascara.

I went down with her and she picked up her laptop case and I kissed her softly, saying, "I'll try and keep myself ready for you when you come home, love. Have a great day at work. Love you."

She smiled, "Love you too. See you later!"

I closed the door behind her and headed back up to our bedroom with the intention of getting dressed and starting the day with a little housework. When I reached the landing I heard a noise from Aimee's bedroom. I stopped for a moment and listened. I could hear a gentle buzzing noise and Aimee moaning something that I couldn't quite make out. Feeling a little guilty I placed my ear up against the door.

The buzzing was clearly some sort of toy and now I could hear more clearly. Aimee was almost growling out, "Yes, yes! Fuck me. God. Fuck me with your fingers. Fuck me. I want your tongue on me. Fuck..."

I felt a sudden rush of heat inside me. I genuinely didn't know Aimee had any toys but I wasn't about to stop her or tell her off. I've used them all of my adult life so I'm not one to judge. I just stood and waited until I heard her call out, "Fuck, yes! I'm... coming... Anna... for you!"

It was like she knew I was there somehow. She was calling out to me. If I was to say that it didn't affect me I'd be lying. I felt turned on, a little honoured and a little ashamed all at the same time. It was confusing. As the noise of the toy stopped I tiptoed quickly to our bedroom and closed the door just in time. I heard Aimee's footsteps and then her bedroom door opened. I heard her go into the bathroom and close the door.

I so wanted to relieve myself right then but really couldn't with Aimee so nearby. I was sure she had college that day so I thought she must be getting ready to leave. Putting my thoughts aside and deciding I would deal with my needs once she'd left the house, I fished out a green floral mini dress that buttons up the front. I didn't bother with a bra or panties since I knew I would only be removing them a little later.

I heard the shower start and so left the bedroom and went downstairs. I put on a fresh pot of coffee and did a little catch up on my laptop while I heard Aimee getting herself sorted out upstairs. I heard the shower switch off and her footsteps on the landing and then heard her bedroom door close.

I went into the hall and called up, "I've got fresh coffee on, Aimee. Do you want juice as well?"

I heard her bedroom door open and she called down, "Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks, Anna!"

She came down and I was surprised to see she was wearing a very short multi-hued blue wool mini dress. At least her nipples weren't visible but I felt it was a little inappropriate for lectures and told her so.

"Aimee, love. You cannot wear that to college. The boys will all be staring at you trying to catch a glimpse of your panties."

She swayed her hips and, with a huge grin, said, "And maybe some of the girls. Do you want to see them, Anna?"

I laughed, "Love, I wash your panties every day. I've seen most of them."

She picked up her juice and sipped it before sitting at the breakfast bar.

"Anyway," she said, "I don't have college today. It's a home study day."

'Fuck,' I thought to myself, 'there goes my playtime.'

"So you're going to be locked up in your room reading and writing all day?"

She smiled, "Nah. I finished all of my assignments last night. I know you're home today so I thought maybe we can just hang out together. Maybe we could go shopping?"

I shook my head, "Maybe a little later. I've got a couple of things I need to do here first."

She got that mischievous look on her face and said, "Like... go to your room alone for an hour? God, you and mum obviously had a lot of fun last night. What on earth did you do?"

I blushed, remembering my thoughts as Krystal and I had made love.

"I don't think I should really be sharing my love life with my girlfriend's daughter, Aimee."

She raised an eyebrow and said, "Want to know something?"

"Okay," I said, wondering what I was getting myself into.

"I came three times listening to you guys. And once this morning thinking about it."

"Aimee! Do I really need to know that?"

She said, "Anna, I told you last night how much thinking about you turns me on. I'm turned on right now just thinking about you."

I swallowed and decided I needed to take control. Calmly I said, "Aimee, love. This is inappropriate. What on earth would your mother say?"

"Oh, she knows."

I swallowed and said, "Yes. I know. We talked about it last night."

She cocked her head, her loose hair hanging to one side.

"You did? And what did mum tell you?"

"That you'd told her about maybe being bi and that you... you fancied me."

She smiled. "Oh! I'm so happy you two talked about me. Was this before you had the wild sex or after?"

I knew I was in potentially dangerous territory here. I hadn't expected to be facing this bridge quite so soon.

I just said, "After."

Aimee broke the silence with, "Well?"

I started into the care filled blue eyes and said, "Well what?"

"Did she say it would be okay if we...?"

I just nodded in reply.

Aimee stood up and approached me. She took my hands in hers, looking me straight in the eyes she said, "I want this. Do... do you? Please?"

I swallowed and thought about it. How complicated was my life about to get?

I said, "Aimee. This is huge. I have to take time to take this all in. I... I don't want to make our lives spiral out of control."