Linda's Half Term Holiday

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Teacher meets two likely lads.
2.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/07/2007
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Author's note: Based on real life, but embellished just a bit to make it more readable.

Summer 1989. Tuesday.

Kevin gratefully switched off the engine of his overheated and strained Mini of 1971 vintage; crammed full of their camping gear, with scarcely a square inch of space for two long legged teenagers to move during their five hour journey to Cornwall, not to say Tony's surfboard on top, he had pushed it to the limit to make the campsite before darkness fell. He and Tony extricated themselves and stretched long and hard to give some luxurious relief to their cramped muscles. At least it was not raining, and they could get their tent pitched and the car partly unloaded before they subsided into the sleep of the truly tired.

The campsite owner directed them to the camping area – past the chalets and caravans that had the best sites near the golden sands that still held quite a number of holidaymakers making the most of the fast setting sun – where they pitched as close as they could to the path down to the beach. Not many camping, noted Kevin, but the nearby caravans looked fairly fully occupied, so there might be some opportunity for taking a few surreptitious peeks at girls in bikinis – one of his favourite pastimes, even though his experience until the present had been limited to that – surreptitious peeking.

After they had got the tent in some semblance of order – at least by the standards of two normal 18 year olds – they opened a couple of beers, sadly overwarm after the car journey and contemplated the prospect of four days swimming, surfing, boozing and anything else which might turn up.

Although Tony and Kevin were as different as chalk and cheese they had become good mates. Tony was tall, just over 6 feet, with a well toned athlete's body; he trained regularly, played most sports and was an all round athlete. He sported a head of jet black hair and liquid brown eyes which made every girl who knew him want to drown in them. Kevin was almost as tall, but very slim – skinny was probably a more accurate description – with indeterminate coloured hair and eyes – and wore glasses which seemed to spend most of the time slipping down his nose and having to be pushed up. He had a prominent Adam's apple, and when he ran his arms and legs seemed to lack any co-ordination. His only claim to sporting prowess was that he bowled a good line at the 10 pin bowling alley.

His important attribute was that, unlike Tony, he had passed his driving test first time and with the help of a small legacy from his grandma had been able to acquire the somewhat battered Mini that had got them down here for part of their last half term holiday before their final exams and the end of school life. He had spent many hours fantasising about the use to which he would be able to put the car, particularly the back seat, but so far no girl had looked beyond Kevin's somewhat ordinary physical appearance and the patches and rattles of the car which did not inspire confidence that it would arrive at any given

destination. Indeed, that was the one thing Kevin really lacked – confidence – and that was not helped by having Tony as a mate.

Kevin knew that if they were lucky enough to find some attractive girls who might be good propects it would be Tony who would score. Tony only had to look at a girl and she melted - and Kevin simply did not exist for them at such a moment. The only plus factor was that he could indulge in his favourite occupation – "peeking". More than once he had, while pretending to be asleep, or absorbed in a book, or from a distance, watched as one or another of Tony's admirers had pressed themselves against him and raised no objection as Tony ran his hands over their pert bottoms – and if it was a good day their boobs as well. There had been that occasion behind the school bicycle shed last week when he had kept a watch out for intruders while Tony and Sharon from the parallel class had engaged in a long petting session, which included Tony's hand inside her knickers, and hers undoing his zip and having a good feel of his equipment. Kevin had managed to get a good view of their antics while keeping watch, but the groping was the limit of their actions.

If Tony was to be believed, there had been more than one occasion when more than groping had occurred, but the details were always so vague that Kevin was not convinced that Tony had ever gone "all the way", nor that his descriptions of some of the things done by the girls were wholly accurate. As he drifted off to sleep with his hand gently stroking his cock as he imagined Sharon's hand inside his flies he contemplated a few days of rewarding voyeurism.


The late afternoon sun, from a cloudless sky, gave the beach a warm glow. Linda lay on the sun lounger with her legs stretched out beyond the shade given by the sunshade, to get the maximum tanning time so that she could dispense with tights when she returned from her short half term break. She had given her top half a good roasting over the past two days, and needed to be careful not to overdo it – her boobs, not so used to the exposure, were quite pink, and she did not want to have them too tender to be touched. Not that there seemed to be much danger of that: in the three days since she had checked in on Sunday she had seen no talent that appealed to her.

It had seemed a good idea at the time – a last minute, cheap, six night break in the sunshine for the half term, away from all the hassle of noisy students and preparation for

the A levels in June. And away from the emotional upheaval of having to see Rob every day. It had been just over three months since she had walked in on him unexpectedly in the middle of a blow job – she wouldn't normally have taken exception, but it was the fact that he had been giving it to one of her pupils that threw her. In the eighteen months of their relationship, a very satisfying one sexually, she had never had the slightest clue that he swung both ways.

They had always agreed to be open about relationships, and not to regard the other as their exclusive sexual possession, but Rob had been unable to accept that she could not take the idea of that. And she had been getting frustrated in other ways – the sex had been good but Rob had been on a different mental plane and they had little else in common, so she had moved out. The only problem was that they both taught at the same school, and although it was a large one their paths had to cross, so almost every day the memories were kept active.

She had thought –hoped even – that she might have the chance of a holiday fling which might help to give her some release, but being in a small caravan, self catering, set well away from the main hotel complex had restricted her options. The only men who had been eyeing her up and down had either been twice her age – 29 – or kept under close watch by their other half . There had been that gorgeous hunk with his sultry looking wife or girl friend who would have been worth a try, but the message had been loud and clear from them both, and she did not feel up to a threesome right now – not that she objected in principle, and she had had more than one very satisfying such encounter in the past.

So here she was, with two days and three nights left, nicely suntanned, a bit more relaxed, but feeling vaguely dissatisfied and – she had to admit – missing some sexual relief.

As she looked down at her toes and debated whether or not to go down for one last dip in the warm sea, she noticed two young men – boys might have been a better description – ambling along the beach.

Tony and Kevin had had a good day. There had been enough swell to give Tony a chance to get out on the surf board and display his skills, although there were others doing the same, so he did not have a monopoly on the small groups of admiring girls who were drawn as by a magnet to watch the hunks who were riding the waves. They had sussed out the caravans in the immediate vicinity of their pitch – mostly families with young kids or middle aged couples on their own, but there were two or three vans with teenage members. They had passed one with a very glum looking girl telling her kid brother how bored she was, and why did Mum and Dad make her come – but she had spotted Tony, and suddenly started smiling, and had sat up very straight which pushed out a chest with quite passable boobs. But as is the habit of the female of the species, she had pretended not actually to see Tony, and it had been out of the corner of his eye that Kevin had seen her eyes moving along with them.

"Not bad tits," he opined.

"Mmm – bit young for me, probably still only 15 or 16," replied Tony. "Plenty of time yet. We've only been out of bed an hour."

And so the morning had gone on; every time a good looking girl came into view, Tony found some reason to be dismissive. Kevin envied him his attitude – he would have been happy to link up with any of them. They chatted with a group of four girls, three of whom ostentatiously admired the surf board, and giggled at Tony's less than modest comments about his surfing abilities. The fourth – not a bad looker - had hung back saying nothing, but had given Kevin a quiet, almost shy, smile. When Tony had taken several succesful runs in on the surf he offered the board to Kevin while he started chatting up a rather tasty brunette in a brief bikini. But Kevin knew his limitations, and just went in for a swim – that he could do without looking a fool.

As the day wore on, and the afternoon tide receded, the boys abandoned the surfing and wandered along to the beach bars for some beers and eats – and more talent spotting plus some time on the suntans. Not that Tony needed much, with his naturally olive skin. Kevin took more care as he had a tendency to go pink very quickly, so kept his shirt and baseball cap on much of the time. He consoled himself with the thought that the shirt hid his skinny frame rather well. Eventually they set off back to their pitch, to smarten up for the disco in the hotel in the evening, and as they walked the beach was gradually emptying of the families of the day.

And so it was that as they drew near to the western edge of the caravan site Kevin's practised eye spotted a rather eyecatching pair of legs in the evening sun. Beyond them, but shaded by the umbrella, was what looked like an equally eyecatching body topped by a face which, even part hidden by sunglasses, looked rather interesting. And not only was she definitely more than 16, she was on her own and clearly looking at them.

At the same moment Tony had become aware of her, and he moved out of his rather lazy

slouching gait and put his shoulders back to emphasise his chest. Kevin noticed the woman push her sunglasses down a little as he did so. As they drew level with her, Tony smiled and "Hi," he said. She smiled. "Hi back. Had a good day?" (Kevin would have lost the power of speech at this moment, but Tony was a different animal).

"Pretty good. You?" He stopped to await the answer.

"OK; pretty lazy, but that's what a beach holiday should be. You been here long – I haven't seen you about?"

"Nah – checked in late yesterday. Been surfboarding, swimming and hanging out."

Kevin was aware of two very clear grey/blue eyes over the top of the sunglasses, clearly very thoroughly appraising Tony. He did not think she had even noticed him. She had not moved up from her position on the sunbed, but he could see a very shapely figure – trim but not too trim – enclosed, just, in a white and blue bikini. Difficult to guess her age. 25?

At least, perhaps 30. Not flashy or pushy, but conveying an air of what Kevin could only classify as authority – but that wasn't quite the right word. As he tried to think of the word he wanted she put a leg each side of the lounger and sat up, removing her sunglasses but keeping her eyes on Tony.

"Surfboarding? I've never tried that. Is it difficult?"

"Not really. You just gotta get the hang of it. I'd show you now, but the tide'swrong."

"Well, never mind. I'll get round to it one day."

"We're here tomorrow if you want a try."

She politely tried to assure him that she did not want to interfere with their plans etc., but after a few exchanges (by this time Tony's hormones were moving into overdrive as he was able to appraise this really quite stunning older woman) they had agreed to meet the following morning. As they left Tony did a couple of cartwheels and a somersault – perfectly of course. Kevin wasn't sure whether it was just exuberance, or Tony showing off and trying to impress. He didn't look back.

"Get that!" said Tony as they walked back to their tent. "Did you see those legs? And how about those tits? I wouldn't mind getting hold of those." Kevin grunted: he had a feeling he was in for a rather boring day on the morrow. He would be very much the spare part.

* * * * * * * * * * *

If there is any interest shown I will post Ch.02 when I can make the time to finish it.

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