Little Sis Ch. 03

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Brother cums to enjoy w/end with step-sis and lesbian lover.
6.3k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/03/2017
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Copyright © February 2018 by CiaoSteve

CiaoSteve reserves the right to be identified as the author of this work.

This story cannot be published, as a whole or in part, without the express agreement of the author other than the use of brief extracts as part of a story review.

This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.

Author's Notes

Foreword #1 : All sexually active characters in this story are over 18.

Foreword #2 : This is a story and intended purely for pleasure.

Foreword #3 : The author does not condone nor encourage the practice of incest.

Foreword #4 : This is a third chapter in the Little Sis series. Although there is a little recap at the start of the story, you may want to read the earlier parts to get up to speed with the journey so far.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Gabriella, or Gabi to her friends, will always be my "Little Sis". Not because she was younger than me, in actual fact she was a year older, but because she was . . . how can I say it simply . . . little.

OK, so she was not really my sister. She was my step-sister. I'd watched Little Sis grow up from young wannabe gymnast/dancer, through to sexually charged seductress. It was the latter which had really taken me by surprise. The sweet innocent Gabi, who I had known for years, went away to university and what came back was a totally different young woman. A woman who knew what she wanted and knew how to go about getting it.

Throughout the summer she had become a tease, showing just a little more of her body than she should have done and being just a little more intimate than was healthy in a sibling relationship, even between step-siblings. It all culminated just after my eighteenth birthday with a strange present of two tickets to a rather old fashioned retro cinema. Not wanting to upset her feelings I went along with the idea and soon found out that the tickets were just an excuse for a little private time together. The real present was to cum a little later, Gabi on the end of my finger and myself flooding my boxers.

Christmas though was when things really heated up. Gabi had it all planned. A discrete blowjob one night was followed by full on sex the following. That Christmas would be forever etched in my memory. A scented letter received a couple of weeks into the new university term suggested more opportunities to get to know my step-sister, this time in the company of her lesbian lover.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

So things were becoming clear. Everything had a purpose. Maybe I hadn't recognised it at the time but as events unfolded it seemed that Little Sis had planned everything. First the cinema tickets for my eighteenth; our first time together and a clear statement of intention. Then the tickets for our parents to go to the carol concert; again time together taken to whole new heights. Then there was the book, a guidebook to her university town. Sitting there with the latest invite in my hand, even this made sense.

I turned the invite over and read the back of the card. Nothing had been left to the imagination. The weekend in mind was a few weeks away, the weekend before Valentine's day. A little map had been sketched showing rough directions from the station to the house and underneath were a couple of train times and what looked like a booking reference. It seemed that she had already assumed my reply, and who was I to disappoint.

I tore off the RSVP slip and scribbled a quick reply. Of course it was in the positive, with a smiley face to boot. Any opportunity to be with Little Sis was not to be missed. The reply was posted and the train tickets collected. It was just a matter of waiting for the weekend to arrive. I stuck the tickets to my wall planner with yet another smiley face.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Studies were going well and I was really enjoying life at university. I'd built a close group of friends, which had definitely helped. We had an almost open door policy and would spend time in and out of each other's rooms. Nothing serious, just idle chat and study help. At least that is what was intended.

One of the group was a young woman by the name of Maria Eugenia, or Mara for short. She was a foreign student, hailing originally from Argentina although she had lived for some time in Spain, and seemed particularly attentive. I just assumed she was a little homesick and needing of company. Quite often we would spend time together, free periods and evenings, either in my place or hers. It was all quite innocent, nothing more than friendly chat.

Don't get me wrong, Mara was a pretty young thing. She was a bit older than me, in fact her nineteenth was later that term. If there was a stereotypical Latina then Mara was it. Short in stature, long dark wavy hair, tanned complexion and a figure which screamed to be dancing a rumba or samba. Then there was the temperament. She was feisty, excitable, passionate and very touchy feely . . . a real pintsize dynamo. Mara was the type of girl who everybody wanted to be friends with. I was just lucky that she wanted to be friends with me too. But friends was all it was.

It was on one such evening, after study, that we returned to my room with a bottle of wine. We drank and chatted, just the two of us. I guess I was just a good listener but it seemed that Mara wanted to tell me her life story, not to mention that she was in one of her more inquisitive moods also. That evening I found out about Pablo, her first love and how they had split soon after she came to university. From the sound of things it probably was for the best as he seemed overly possessive. Conversation soon turned towards our dreams, an evening rapidly becoming philosophical.

"Tell me Jamie, if you had the choice of anyone, who would it be?"

"Wow, Mara. What brought that on?"

"Nothing, you just never talk about who you like. I guess I was just interested, nada mas."

I smiled at her. She was so sweet, especially in the way that the odd words of Spanish tended to drop into her conversation.

"I've never really thought about it Mara."

It was a lie, only a small one, but I could hardly admit to fantasising over my step-sister. Not just fantasising, but actually going much further than that. It was one secret which had to be mine to keep. And so the conversation continued, with Mara trying her best to get me to reveal my real feelings.

"Go on Jamie. What would she be like? Start with height."

"Short," was my one word answer








"Er . . . bubbly, likes to laugh, not overly serious."

It was almost a game of word association and without even realising it I was recounting back an image of Mara. She didn't say anything but once the game was over she just sat there and smiled.

"Very revealing, don't you think? Now, I think it's time I should be going."

Mara stood up and turned to leave. It was just as she did so that her eye glimpsed the smiley face and tickets on my wall planner.

"What's with the tickets?" she enquired.

"Oh, just going away for the weekend," came a nonchalant reply.

"And a smiley face. Who is she?"

"If you must know, she is my step-sister and she's just invited me to visit for the weekend, nada mas."

I was playing her back at her own game, slipping in the odd bit of Spanish for good measure. Mara smiled back at me. There was the usual kiss on each cheek, a whispered thank you in my ear and then, quite unexpectedly, a third kiss on the lips. Before I had time to react, she turned tails and bounded out of the room, leaving me to ponder just what had happened. Was it my imagination or had Mara, in her own discrete way, come on to me? It was probably the wine I thought to myself.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next couple of weeks passed uneventfully. There was no repeat of the evening with Mara and I put the kiss out of my mind. Instead, all I could think about was the upcoming weekend with Little Sis.

Finally that day arrived. I jumped off the train, sports bag in hand, and started to walk off towards her house. It wasn't exactly far, about twenty minutes, but in the chill of an early February morning it seemed to take forever. By the time I reached her road I could feel the cold in my hands and feet. All the houses looked alike, sixties semi detached, quite up market for student digs. I searched for her number, eventually finding it at the far end of the road.

A black painted door with a small pane of privacy glass in the top welcomed me. There was no bell, just a slightly tarnished brass knocker. I lifted it up and let it fall with a bang. There was no response so I repeated, this time hitting the brass knocker against the door several times. Finally I heard footsteps and the door was opened.

"Hello Little Sis," I smiled as I said hello "it's so good to see you again."

She stood up on tiptoes and kissed me. There was nothing unexpected about this kiss.

"Big Boy . . . you're freezing," she proclaimed "come inside and warm up. And yes, I'm so happy to see you too."

I followed Gabi into the house. Inside it was pretty much what I would have expected of student digs, adequately but sparsely furnished. That didn't surprise me and in actual fact my eyes were not drawn to the surroundings but instead were fixed on my step-sister. Maybe I was imagining it but it did look like she had gotten dressed in a hurry. The button on the back of her skirt was undone, the zip half down and her blouse was half hanging out. I watched her sexy ass wiggle as she walked in front of me. All I could think of was how goddam sexy she looked and how I was going to love ripping those clothes off her.

We walked into the lounge and there, sat on the sofa, was another young lady. Again she seemed just a little disheveled in her black dress and I noticed how she quickly pulled it down at the front, closing her knees together at the same time. I wasn't sure, but it was highly possible that there had been the glimpse of bare snatch underneath.

"Jules, please let me introduce my brother Jamie. He's the one I've been telling you all about."

The young woman stood up. She was chalk and cheese with Gabi. Almost my height, physically built with long flowing hair tied back in a ponytail. I had her down as a sportswoman, maybe a football player or even women's rugby.

"Delighted to meet you," came a very middle class English voice. "Gabz is right, she has told me so much about you."

"Nothing too bad, I hope," was the only thing I could think to say, my mind wondering just what Little Sis might have said. Surely she hadn't come clean about their Christmas exploits.

Jules sat back down, leaving Gabi to take care of me.

"Now Jamie, why don't you go drop your bag upstairs? Maybe you need to freshen up after the train ride. Your room is just at the top of the stairs on the left. I've just got a little something to finish off and then we can take a look around town."

I did just that, taking my leave and disappearing upstairs. It only took about ten minutes to unpack the few items from my bag and quickly freshen up. Once done, I set off to come back downstairs. Noises from below though stopped me in my tracks and I sat down on the top stair. The door to the lounge was open and through the gap in the banister I could clearly see the two women . . . and what a sight it was.

Jules was slouched back in the middle of the sofa, her dress hiked up and knees spread apart. I would have had a clear view of her pussy except that Little Sis had her head in the way. What I couldn't see though was more than made up for with an audio performance, and it didn't take much effort to imagine a tongue deep inside her lover's pussy.

I guessed this was why they looked just a little disheveled when I first arrived. Obviously they were enjoying some time together and I had just gotten in the way. Now, with me upstairs, it was time to finish off what they had started. And I had to imagine, from the noise alone, that the finish was almost there. I watched as Jules stiffened up, her thighs clamping around Little Sis' head, holding her in close. The moans intensified as Jules started to shake, and then nothing. She slumped back, eyes closed and legs open once more.

Little Sis stood up and finally I got a view of a sodden pussy, swollen lips gleaming with wetness. Jules seemed bigger than Gabi, her pussy lips very prominent. Gabi turned around, lips still shining with her lover's juices and looked up the stairs. She ran her tongue seductively around her lips and winked in my direction. Had this all been planned for my enjoyment? Whatever, it was evident that she knew I was there and knew I had been watching. There was no point in waiting any longer so I pulled myself up, the stairs creaking as I put my weight down. I chuckled inside as I watched Jules rapidly cover up, seemingly embarrassed, as soon as she heard me on the stairs. Maybe she wasn't aware that there had been an audience for her last climactic performance. I walked into the lounge, both women now behaving as if nothing had even happened.

"Ah Jamie, perfect timing," called out Gabi. "So the plan is to take a quick explore around the town, grab a bite to eat at our favourite Italian and then maybe back here with a bottle of wine or two. Are you up for it?"

"Sure," I replied "but I had hoped for a little time for us to catch up too."

"Oh I know Jamie, and I'm sure we'll have some time later. Did you have anything particular in mind?"

"Shit, Little Sis" I thought to myself. Did she really want me to announce to her lover that I wanted to fuck my step-sister's brains out? What was she trying to do? It was Jules though who suddenly entered the conversation.

"Don't worry about that. There'll be plenty of time for you and Gabz to catch up as much as you want. In fact, I'm so looking forward to it as I've heard so much about the two of you already and just how close you are. Now, give me a minute and I'll be right there."

Jules disappeared upstairs leaving me standing there watching Little Sis putting on her coat and shoes. By now I was more than a little curious. What did Jules know about the two of them and why was she so looking forward to them catching up?

Before I could ask though, the front door was already open with Gabi on her way out closely followed by Jules, who had bounded down the stairs and straight outside. I watched as Jules kissed Gabi on the lips, at the same time whispering something in her ear. I never did find out what was said but suffice to say it was probably about me. Little Sis just turned, blew me a kiss and winked, beckoning me to join them.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The day had been fine, despite the winter chill. Finally though we did return back to the house with a couple of bottles of wine. The evening was still relatively early so there was plenty of time for that catch up. It was Little Sis who made the suggestion.

"Why don't we get changed into something a little more comfortable. I'll pop the wine in the fridge to chill."

The two women disappeared in opposite directions, Jules upstairs and Gabi into the kitchen. I followed after her, catching up just in front of the fridge and putting my arms around her tiny waist.

"Jamie," she shrieked "you nearly made me drop these."

I let her put the wine down and then spun her around, pressing her back against the door of the fridge. I couldn't resist a quick kiss and, pulling Little Sis in close, I locked my lips down on hers. Our tongues entwined and I savoured the moment; it had seemed such a long time since our last escapade. Eventually she pushed me away, smiling back at me.

"So, what are you after Big Boy?" she whispered, a hand reaching down for my cock. "Mmmm, just how I remember it."

I stood there, amazed, as I felt the zip on my trousers slowly open.

"What are you playing at Little Sis?" I whispered into her ear. "Jules will be back any minute. Do you want her to find out about us?"

She just giggled as she continued to pull down my zip. Fingers reached inside and in an instant the tip of my cock was protruding out from my boxers. I watched as Little Sis sank down on her knees. Was she really going to give me a blowjob with her lover about to appear at any second? I felt the wetness of her tongue probing at my head, my cock rapidly hardening the more she teased. Then she went down on it, her mouth taking the head inside, exposing my most sensitive areas. Gabi bobbed away on my now rock hard cock and I had to stifle a moan. She had a really talented mouth, as I had already witnessed earlier. I heard footsteps on the landing and in a flash pulled my cock out of her mouth. There was too much at stake to risk being caught.

"Aww, Big Boy, I was so enjoying having your cock inside once more. Don't you like it?"

"You know I like it, more than anything else in the world. But, I thought this was our little secret. Do you really want Jules to walk in on us?"

I was struggling to get my now hard cock back into my trousers, only just managing to do the zip up as Jules walked into the kitchen. She looked stunning, dressed in a long black silk nightdress. Thin straps lay over each shoulder and a low cut front exposed an ample amount of cleavage, her nipples pressing hard at the fabric forming visible peaks in the silk. She walked across in front of me, just as Gabi picked herself up from her knees. I could swear there was more sway in those hips than necessary, almost as if she intended to tease. Jules was not shy at all. She simply planted a deep kiss on Little Sis, right there in front of me. Oh how I wished it was me doing the kissing, not her.

"Am I the only one getting changed?" she asked.

"We'll just be a minute," came Gabi's reply. "I was just reminding Jamie of a bit of sisterly love, in case he'd forgotten. Why don't you pour three glasses whilst we change?"

With that the two of us went upstairs. I slipped into the spare room and quickly stripped down to my boxers. I was rummaging in my bag for the loungewear I had brought when Gabi called out.

"Don't take all night, we've got catching up to do."

Footsteps signaled her departure back downstairs and I was alone once more. For a moment I sat on the bed, just in my boxers, and thought about things. I shouldn't have come. It was obvious that Gabi and Jules were lovers. Me being here, with a desperate urge to fuck my step-sister, was not what was needed. But then, why was Little Sis so relaxed about having me here? We'd almost gotten caught once, was that her intention? A voice called out from below.

"Have you fallen asleep up there?"

Quickly I dressed and joined the others downstairs. Gabi was in the lounge sat on one end of the sofa. I plonked myself in a rather large arm chair and watched as Jules walked in carrying a tray, atop of which were three large glasses of wine, a bowl of tortilla chips and the now half empty bottle. She placed the tray on a side table and passed a glass to Gabi. A second glass in her hand, Jules walked over to where I was sitting and, bending down, passed the glass to me. I tried not to look, as the front of her nightdress sagged forward. It was impossible though and I quickly got an eyeful of her naked breasts. They were so much larger than Little Sis' but equally as attractive, each topped off with an already hard nipple. It was all over in a matter of seconds but immediately I could sense just what Little Sis saw in her lover. Jules took her own glass of wine and sat herself on the sofa next to her lover.