Little Women

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I became the woman Ed wouldn't share.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


My marriage is falling apart, and I don't know what I can do to hold it together. Our therapist suggested I keep a journal and write between our appointments about my feelings. I've actually been writing two, one to show her at our appointments, and one in which I can be brutally honest with myself.

My wife, Kimberley, is the eldest of three sisters. She's 34, and her siblings are Margaret, 27 and Phoebe, 19. Their mom had a lot of fertility issues, which explains the unusually large age gaps between births. I didn't meet any of them until I moved here six years ago. We were married a year later, so Kim was 29 on our wedding day. I'm almost 10 years older than my wife and earn about $90,000 a year as an insurance actuary.

It seems clear to me now that the only problem we have is the rape. Or at least the rape explains everything else.

Kim was raped at, or after really, her Senior Prom back in 2004. She was 18 years old and planned to be a virgin until she met the man of her dreams and settled down. Her plans were shattered by her prom date, Ed Thompson, a classmate, who just wouldn't take "no" for an answer when they all got drunk at the after-party.

It's hard to imagine how traumatic it must be for an 18-year-old girl to have her virginity violently taken away by an aggressive drunk. The real nightmare followed quickly as Ed passed out and three of his friends took turns raping Kimberley next. She had already "shut down" from the trauma, and the alcohol and she only faintly fought them.

Ed only heard about the gangbang part the next day, but he didn't seem to mind that they'd shared his girlfriend without his permission. Nor was he remorseful about his rape. Fortunately for Kim, it was her "safe week" and she didn't get pregnant, because she wasn't on any kind of birth controls, and the bastards fucked her bareback.

She never told anyone what happened to her that night, not her parents, sisters, or the police. Kim and Ed graduated on schedule, and while she went to the 4-year state college Ed went to community college and learned automotive repair. Now, more than 15 years later, he owns two successful garages and makes more money than I do. His three sidekicks never went past High School, and as the years past they all ended up working in one or another of Ed's auto repair facilities in menial roles.

In 2012, when Ed Thompson was 26 years old, he married Margaret. Kimberley was horrified when she learned that her rapist was going to marry her younger sister, but she couldn't think of any way to prevent it without revealing her own deepest shame. The shame of laying silent and motionless in a bed while four guys ran their cocks into her teenage pussy for 90 minutes. And the continuing shame of living in a town with four guys walking around who thought she was a slut.

I dislike Ed Thompson intensely, but from his point of view, Kim must not have hated him very much if she didn't fight, didn't complain, and didn't report them when they were finished inseminating her. He kept his mouth shut and assumed Kim would, too.

He was right. As months of contact and being in each other's presence turned into years of being related, Kimberley's hard feelings became tightly repressed. She never enjoyed his company, but she tolerated it, and he arrogantly that was some sort of validation. But there would always be smoldering hatred in Kim's heart for Ed's three friends, who gang-raped a barely-conscious drunken high school girl.

Turn the page two years, and I move to the town and meet my future wife and her family. I was approaching 40 and in a hurry to finally settle down. I fell in love with Kim very quickly and soon thought about making it permanent. There was only one problem that nagged at me � we weren't very compatible, sexually.

I'd never been a skillful lover and always suffered from premature ejaculation. Neither was I very experienced, having been to bed with only two other women in my life before meeting Kim. Sexual intercourse for me had always been more anxiety-producing than pleasurable. I strained to hold back as long as I could before shooting my load, which made every orgasm a kind of humiliating failure. This shaped my whole attitude towards sexual intercourse. I badly wanted to start it and strongly dreaded finishing it, all at once.

Deeply aware of my inadequacy, I did not discuss any of my sexual experiences or inner feelings to the love of my life. Who, as you can easily imagine, had even more complicated feelings about sex than I did.

Sexual intercourse, for Kimberley, would always remind her of rape. It was going to happen whether or not she desired, or enjoyed it. And the best way to endure it is to shut down, lay passive, and wait for it to be over and done with.

I hope I've explained these feelings of ours in a way that makes sense. I want you to understand how joyless our sex life was right from the first night of our honeymoon. We loved each other and deeply dreaded having sex with each other. Great foundation for a marriage, huh?

Meanwhile, Ed and Margaret are making babies all over the place, one a year. Young Phoebe is almost 20, single, and the most sexually adventurous member of the family. She is burning through boyfriends at a rapid pace, none of them quite worth more than a few weeks of her attention.

I've never been sure whether it was Ed or Phoebe who first felt the spark, but the two lustiest members of the family were probably fated to end up in bed together. The results were spectacular; they fucked like rabbits all the time and everywhere, his house, her dorm room, his office. With Margaret always pregnant Phoebe stepped up to perform the community service of draining Ed's hyperactive balls.

That the affair began was no surprise to me, but that it endured was. The simple reason Phoebe and Ed could screw each other's brains out was that Margaret didn't mind at all.

I can't explain that, but there it is. Margaret was like the female version of one of those cuckolds you read about. She didn't mind sharing her spouse, and even got thrills hearing all the dirty details after the fact.

Ed was a bit of an untamed beast in bed, and Margaret didn't particularly enjoy sex with him when he was getting rough and physical. He liked to choke her neck, bite her nipples, or even slap and spank her. Margaret found sex with Ed to be pleasant only in infrequent encounters, so Phoebe was actually an important relief-valve for Margaret's marriage.

For one thing, Margaret had firmly drawn the line at anal sex. There was no way she was going to let Ed ream her little rosebud with that horse dick of his. He begged and threatened but Margaret told him in no uncertain terms that her rectum was off-limits, no way, no how.

Margaret found it quite exciting to watch her husband turn her youngest sister into a fuck puppet. Little Phoebe took everything Ed could throw at her, kicking and hissing herself like an angry cat. Margaret even turned over the guest room to the couple to use whenever they wanted, including overnight visits. Margaret would sit in a corner and watch her husband fuck her kid sister, then retreat to the big bedroom sometimes to pleasure herself with a vibrator.

For Margaret, watching Ed work Phoebe over was a lot more pleasant than being manhandled herself. She never asked herself why, but she came to most enjoy the parts when Ed reamed out Phoebe's ass. Ed and Phoebe usually had vaginal sex face-to-face, gnawing at each other's necks and shoulders. But at least once a week Phoebe would get down on her hands and knees, point her sweet little the asshole at Ed, and signal him to climb on for a buttride. I think for both of them anal sex came to be something they had that excluded Margaret, their special dirty something.

There was no apparent risk that Phoebe would wear her brother-in-law out - Eveready Ed could throw his wife 8 inches of meat whenever Margaret wanted some. But that wasn't very often, so Phoebe's pussy, and her ass, did all the heavy lifting in the family.

By the time the wheels came off my marriage, Kimberley was getting my poor imitation of a man's cock maybe twice a year, Margaret was getting a load from her husband maybe twice a month, and little Phoebe the college sophomore was getting her brother-in-law's cock once or twice a day. Ed was quite a smug, self-satisfied stud, full of himself.

And Ed Thompson, cocksman extraordinaire, hated me.

He and I are like polar opposites. He's a self-made businessman, and I sit in a cubicle. He spends a couple of hours a week at the gym, while I go to the library. He plays softball in a town league, I sit in the stands once in a while with the players' wives and girlfriends. He says "hello" to his wife and she gets pregnant, Kim and I have no children in sight or on the horizon.

Ed could be particularly cruel to me at his house, which had a pool. Ed's swimming pool epitomized, for him, his success in the game of life. He never could have dreamed, as a boy from a poor family, that someday he'd own a big house with a swimming pool in the back yard.

Every family event somehow happened at Ed's house and all parties at Ed's house, family or otherwise, were pool parties. He was happiest on a warm afternoon beside that pool. He didn't even like to swim.

Do you know what Ed did like? Socializing in a tight bathing suit that barely hid his big fat dick. He'd strut around the deck of his pool and revel in having the biggest dick there. If you showed up without a suit of your own, he absolutely insisted you wear one of the many extras he had hanging inside the pool house. They came in all sizes and patterns, and they were all "board shorts", tasteful in style and modest. If you wore one of Ed's suits, you wouldn't be showing any cock at all, which most guests were fine with, to tell the truth.

Ed would approach each guest at least once, throw a big happy arm around their shoulders or waist, and ask the nearest bystander to "take a picture of us!" This, of course, gave him an opportunity to be a little "handsy" with the women at the party. But Ed enjoyed manhandling the men, too, pulling them in a little closer than they were comfortable with. Alpha male in his natural environment.

Kimberley and I were talking one night when she told me her theory that for women, there are "dinner men" and there are "breakfast men." The former are the macho bad boys that a woman wants to jump in bed with at night, and the latter are the tender, romantic, considerate, nurturers and providers that a woman wants to wake up in bed next to come morning. "You're my breakfast man, Don. I've needed you so much for so long."

It kind of made sense, and I knew Kim loved me precisely because I am her breakfast man. No hard feelings. I never thought of myself as a "dinner man" anyway. I was fine with who I was for her as long as I thought she had no craving for a dinner man like Ed.

On the not-very-frequent occasions that we were all together, Ed treated me like a little boy. I'm eight years older than him, but he always talked down to me. He found little ways to demean me for not being fit, for being a little too portly, or even for having a smaller house and an older car. This just came naturally to Ed. He was genuinely an alpha male type, and he thought he was better at almost everything than I was. I usually endured it in stoic silence, but once or twice he'd provoked me to stand up for myself, and that hadn't generally worked out for me either. He could always think of an unkind thing to say to put me in my place.


One night after a few beers too many he tried to make a joke out of the fact that Kim and I were childless. He offered to get us a "Birds and Bees" book so we could figure out what we were doing incorrectly. Big yuck, right? One joke of his was that I wasn't "planting my seeds deep enough."

"I've seen you in a wet bathing suit, Don, or to tell the truth, I've never seen much in your bathing suit."

But he had some inside information about my marriage that Kim had shared confidentially with Margaret. Talking about their sex lives, Kim had expressed her general lack of interest in sex to Ed's wife, and they had exchanged info about who screwed whom how often, and what sizes of cocks were attached to whom. Once or twice Phoebe joined them, and all three ladies know that my penis was a scale-model of Ed's big hose. Phoebe and Margaret were both more sexually experienced than my wife and told her that I was smaller than most other men.

It was inevitable that Ed would hear about most of this later, and he delighted in his role as "the only real cock in the family." Ed knew that Kim and I barely ever even try to have sex these days, and he knew that Kim was aware of all the notches he had in his bedpost. Finally, Ed knew that I was the only man Kimberley had sex with since that prom night 16 years ago, and she wasn't impressed with my equipment.

So when Ed stood up in front of us at that moment he was half-drunk, thoroughly disrespected me, and hated that I thought he was an uncouth grease monkey. He pulled out his cock and waved it in my general direction. "Maybe if you had one like this, Donnie, your wife wouldn't be so frustrated," he taunted. "To hell with the sex-ed book, maybe Margaret and I should give you a demonstration of how you make your wife a mother."

"I hardly need a demonstration from a boor like you," I shouted.

I glanced at Kimberley to see if she was horrified by her ape of a brother-in-law exposing his sex organs. I couldn't read the expression on her face. Her lips were moving, but no sounds were coming out. It was kind of like that blubbering that some people do just before they burst into tears.

"This 'boor', you pompous ass, is the only man on the planet to have fucked all three of these little women. Quite successfully, I might add. Your frigid bitch gave it up to me in high school, and according to her, you've never made her cum even once!"

Kimberley was mumbling something but it was unintelligible.

Margaret knew only the half-truth Ed had told her, that he'd had consensual sex with Kimberley long ago at their prom. She jumped in: "I won't mind, Kim. I share Ed with Phoebe, and it would be hot to watch you have a ride under my husband, too. Don will let you, I'm sure he will."

Margaret reached out her arm, took Kim's lifeless hand in her own, and pulled Kimberley closer to where she sat and Ed stood, dick still dangling. Margaret reached up with her hand open and fondled Ed's penis. "Look at this, Kimberley. It's big enough to go around, isn't it? Maybe a man-size dick would solve your orgasm problem."

Ed unfastened his belt and let his pants drop to his ankles.

Margaret pulled Kim even closer and brought the hand holding Kim's up to join her other hand on Ed's rapidly straightening cock. Using both her hands to guide Kim's, together they fondled my nemesis slowly.

"My husband is too much man for any one woman, Sis, you know that. Help us out. Phoebe doesn't mind sharing Ed either. You'll be helping us out and helping yourself. It's just natural that a little penis can't please a grown woman like a big penis can."

Finally, Kimberley said whole words: "Oh my God. Oh, my God." It sounded like she was praying. "I never thought I would see this again as long as I lived."

My wife was actually expressing long-repressed dread, but it sounded to me like lustful yearning. I completely misunderstood, because I knew nothing about the history between them. She seemed to me to be saying that her prayers for something were being answered.

Believing that Kimberley wanted this ape's big dick, I ignored my contempt for this disgusting man and, ever the provider, offered his cock to my wife. "Kimberley, I love you so much, and you've been so patient with me. If this is what you need then I won't stop you. Ed, please make love to Kim for me."

I reached up with my two hands and took Kim's hands, and Ed's rampant erection, into my grasp. "Take it, Kim. I only want you to be happy. We all know that I've never satisfied you, not once, and you've been so patient with me. If Ed can make you cum, then I'll be so happy for you. I hate it that it is him you need, but I can't deny you the pleasure any longer."

Margaret lifted Kim from her crouch to her feet, and then towards the sofa. Phoebe grabbed Ed's big shaft and pulled him along to follow as he struggled out of his clothes. Margaret and Phoebe helped Kimberley strip naked and embraced her affectionately. Before they lowered their big sister onto the couch they each of them bobbed their head briefly to kiss my wife's turgid nipples.

I caught the light glinting off of the cunt juice streaming down Kimberley's upper thighs. For a woman who has never once enjoyed sex, she was ready for it now, at last. Her torrid body was overriding the fear in her tormented mind.

Ed looked coldly at me and said: "Don, she's your wife, you wimp. You put my cock into her. For the first time, you put a real cock into this whore."

I reached out to fondle his penis again. It felt so hard and hot in the palm of my hand. My own had never felt like this one. I stroked it for a second or two, then I tugged him towards Kimberley's sopping wet vulva.

But at the last minute, Ed stopped moving forward. "Roll my foreskin back, you pussy. Tell Kimberley that you are giving her back to me. Tell her I was her first man, and that you want me to be her last man, too."

Feverish with shame and submission I did as he demanded. I shucked back his foreskin and exposed the moist wet glans at the end of his formidable erection. I heard Phoebe say excitedly, "Oh geez, Don, you're going to make Kimberley a woman with Ed's beautiful cock. I'm almost jealous of her."

Kimberley's brain, with its repressed hatred of sex, battled with her body, with its neglected craving for penetration. The battle ended quickly. As Ed slowly fed inch after inch of steel-hard cock into my wife's vagina, her youngest sister said "Don't just make her a woman, Ed. Make her a mother. Don can't. He'll owe you forever."

When Ed Thompson bottomed out in Kim's vagina, he was deep beyond where anyone had been for many years. Her repressed neuroses gave way completely to her sudden arousal. She didn't just lay there and accept Ed's erection. She wrapped first her arms, then her legs around Ed and bucked her hips upwards uncontrollably. She buried her face in his shoulder and began sobbing with joy.

Just before her first loud climax she took her hands, tightly grabbed his head, held his face immobile inches from hers, and spat out her passion: "You threw me away, you bastard. You threw me away and gave me to your friends and you were always all I ever wanted."


The son Ed Thompson planted in my wife's womb that night will be one next month. The family is so thrilled for Kimberley and I. Margaret constantly reminds Kim that a baby every year is a reasonable schedule and that since Kim is 35, her biological clock is racing towards midnight.

For the last four days, Ed has been living in our house with us, hard at work implanting that second child. I'm in the guest room, and he's plowing Kim's pussy every night in the master bedroom. I kid him that they both know damned well that this isn't her fertile week, but she just laughs and then orders me to shut up and go change Tommy's diapers.

We're expecting Phoebe to drop in this weekend and make a threesome in the MBR. She's been a good sport about letting Kim have most of Ed's babymakers lately, but at least once a week the young slut needs a good fucking to stay sane. Another attraction for Phoebe is the chance to eat Kim's pussy, something they've both come to enjoy a lot. Phoebe likes it best when Ed has just filled it. They know that any cum Phoebe can lick out with her tongue wasn't injected deep enough to contribute to a pregnancy, anyway.