Locker Room Revenge Pt. 02

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She goes to the school the next day vowing to be nice.
7.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/31/2022
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I stare forward as I sit in my car, looking at the school building in front of me. I've parked in the back of the school's parking lot about 10 minutes ago and been working up the courage to go in. It's only my second day here and already I've been through hell.

Yesterday after softball tryouts, a group of girls jumped me. But they didn't beat me up. No. Instead they sexually molested me. REPEATEDLY. They took hours doing it, to which I am extremely sore in every hole. I'm not sure which is worse, the back of my throat or my ass, but the point is, everything hurts. Not to mention my boobs are so sore and swollen that I couldn't even wear a bra.

I tell myself everything will be fine. That I just need to keep my head down, be polite and nothing else will go wrong. The girls did it because I was being a bitch to the other girls trying out. And I was, I admit it. Just didn't think that any punishment would be what they did to me.

I considered never going back to the school. After all, I'm 18, as is everyone that goes to the school. It's a finishing school for girls, to which you attend for the year after you graduate high school. I thought about digging my heels in and never going back. The problem with that is my parents and I already had a fight about me attending when they first told me. It was made clear that if I didn't go, I would be cut off. This finishing school is supposedly super good and everyone that graduates goes on to have a great career.

Taking a deep breath, I remind myself of what they said. They said as long as I am nice and polite towards everyone, I'll be fine. And I plan to be. I'll keep my head down, say hello to people that say it to me, go my homework and leave as soon as the last bell rings.

As I laid in bed last night, I discovered that the worst part of what they did, isn't the actual acts. It's the thought that they told their friends what they did. I mean, that's the first thing I would have done if I was them. And let's face it, I was them at my high school. Well, not so much the sexually molesting others, but I did have to physically show who was in charge a good number of times.

What if they told people what they did? Revealed how badly they molested me while laughing about it? It'll make every girl that looks at me feel like their laughing at me as I won't know if they know or not. If they are secretly laughing at the rude girl that got what was coming to her for being such a bitch.

The more I think of it, the more I don't think they did tell anyone. At least this is what I convince myself of. After all, I could have them arrested. If they confessed to anyone, it'd be proof. I could just get those that they told into court and they would go to jail for multiple sex crimes. Not that I'm thinking of telling. I don't plan on telling anyone, any time. I just want to pretend it never happened.

Winching from the soreness, I open the car door. School will start soon and I better be ready. The group of girls that did this to me, or as they called themselves "The Welcoming Committee", will probably be looking for any reason to bully me. And I don't want to find out if being tardy to a class is one of those reasons.

I step my leg out of the car as I prepare to get out, but pause. For a brief moment I had a thought which I've had a few times. What if they jump me again? Would it really be so bad? After all, I had a countless number of orgasms from what they did. These were good orgasms too, not wimpy, weak ones. Intense, powerful and body shaking ones. It was something about being dominated and humiliated by girls that did it.

I shake my head to get rid of this thought. Yeah, a part of me did really like it, but I never want to go through it again. Even if I had countless orgasms. A person could lose their mind at such treatment.

I step out of my car and stand up. I'm forced to go a bit slow due to my soreness. Now standing I reach in and pull my backpack from the passenger seat and sling it over my shoulder. Once it is on, I shut the car door when my keys are in my back pocket.

Then I hear fast walking footsteps. Like, people running. Multiple people running. This is a bit strange as I'm towards the back of the parking lot in the second to last row. Why would anyone be running out here? Closer to the school is a trail that you can jog on, but back here is nothing.

Before I'm able to turn to see what's going on, someone grabs me. No, multiple people grab me. Hands grab my shoulders from behind and press forward, making me press against the driver's side door of my car.

My backpack is yanked off of me and I hear the thud it makes as it lands on the ground. What feels like knees press into the back of my own knee to trap it against my car as my entire body is held firm. Then another grabs a handful of my hair, making my head go down and lay against the warm car to ensure I'm completely secured.

"What the fuck?!" I yell out as whomever is doing this secures me to the point that I can't move at all. I can't even kick as they use their own legs to pin mine to my car. There's even someone pressing against the small of my back so I can't even wiggle backward.

"We warned you, Jessica. We fucking warned you," A girl's voice says, which isn't surprising as this is an all-girls finishing school. The voice is filled with menace, as if truly upset with me. As she talks, I keep struggling as it is my natural reaction.

The girl then walks in front of my car, to which I can finally see her. All the others are behind me and since my head is pinned, I'm unable to look back. But now she walks forward to my view, I see who it is, as if I needed any hints.

It's the Welcoming Committee. The same bitches from yesterday. In front of me was the one that acting like their leader or spokesmen. I never learned her name or any of their names, so I don't know what to call her. In my mind I've just been referring to her as The Leader.

I keep struggling as I don't understand why they are doing this. They must have been waiting for me. Saw me arrive and waited for me to step out of my car. But why? I haven't done anything!

"What are you talking about?! I just got here! I haven't had time to be rude to anyone!" I protest, my voice dripping with fear for good reason. I don't want them to do what they did. Not again. That's why my voice sounds scared and nervous unlike my normal bitchy and confident self.

"I had multiple people tell me how you were being a bitch on Facebook," The Leader says, confusing me. Facebook? I didn't even go on Facebook yesterday. I haven't been on Facebook since before what they did.

"What?! I didn't even go on Facebook yesterday! I went home, took an hour-long bath and went to bed!" I tell them honestly. In fact, think my bath was even longer than that as I was trying to soothe my hurt body. I wanted every inch of my body clean after what they did, not to mention I for some reason really liked being naked. I even fantasied a couple of times about what it would feel like if they busted into the bathroom and saw me like that.

"Yes, at least a dozen girls said so," she continues, completely ignoring me. My fear starts to rise as I wonder if I've been hacked. If some bitch here thought it would be funny to break into my account and start shit, knowing what it would mean.

"They told me how you didn't accept their friend requests because you were being such a bitch," she reveals, walking slowly around my car until she is on the passenger's side. I move my head slowly to follow her, the hand still holding my hair making this hard.

I stare at her, not believing what I'm hearing. She's joking, right? They are mad because I didn't accept their friend requests right away? It's not like I declined them or something. And I didn't accept because I wasn't even on Facebook so I didn't see them. In short, I haven't done anything wrong!

The Leader looks at me and in a way I can't get over how similar we are. We even have the same body type with God blessing us with a larger chest than most. Not to mention a nice firm body thanks to being involved in so many sports. The only real difference is that she's blond while I have black hair. Otherwise we are very similar, down to being the same height. Not to mention she's the queen bitch here, while I was the same at my old school.

The Leader then smirks. It's a pure evil smirk, showing that she is loving what she is doing. Loving seeing me pinned down like this and helpless. Why not? If I was in her position I would too.

"NOOOO!" I protest as I feel hands yank my jeans and panties down all the way to my ankles, exposing my bare ass for everyone to see. They pull my body back some so it's not pressed against the car, then my shirt is lifted in front while my arms are held. They lift the front of my shirt over my head where it rests on the back of my neck, fully exposing my breasts.

After I'm exposed, they press me against the car again, where I feel my bare breasts pressed against the glass of the car window. The hands of all the girls hold me tightly, ensuring there's no chance of me breaking free as they expose me.

Unlike yesterday, I don't fight. I don't even struggle. Normally I would be. I would be kicking and biting, but after what they've done, I'm stunned. I'm...I'm school. Feeling the chilly morning air on my bare skin is a feeling I never thought I would feel.

I'm naked in the parking lot. Not completely naked but I might as well be. I'm exposed for any one passing to see. For anyone to see just how weak and pathetic I am as this group dominates me like a loser. That I can't do anything about people seeing what I hide so well.

The Leader then produces my car keys, which I must have dropped when they grabbed me. I watch her calmly unlock the passenger door and then disappear inside. This does confuse me as I don't know what she wants from my car. I don't keep anything in it, not even change.

"W-Wait, wait," I beg as the driver's side window is rolled down. I feel it moving down, where it feels like it is trying to take my boobs as they are pressed hard against it. The glass moves down, making me whimper as my boobs stick lightly to the window, making my nipples flick and move, causing them to get very hard. But after a few seconds, the window moves below my breasts so my tits are dangling inside my own car.

"No! Don't do that!" I beg as the window is now rolled back up. At this I do struggle, but am held too tight. My tits are still dangling inside the car through the window, so I feel the top of the window right at the underside of my breasts. The glass keeps moving upward, where I feel it lifting my tits as it goes.

A loud humiliating groan comes out of me as she stops rolling the window, trapping my tits. She rolled it just a bit after touching my breasts, trapping them against the top of the window frame and the window itself. They are squeezed/trapped to the point it isn't too painful, but it definitely doesn't feel good. My tits are bound, again.

Humiliation floods me like it did yesterday. The same humiliation I felt when they made me bounce my tits as hard as I could. Now they took the things I flaunt so often to get my way, and did this to them. Treat them like toys to do as they please instead of a precious body part. It serves to make me feel so pathetic. That they are true women and I'm just some loser bitch that cant compare.

The Leader comes back out on the passenger side of my car where she looks at her friends. There's much chuckling and laughter at this, where they all share in what she's done. I would curse them all, but I'm so shocked by what they are doing I can't get a single word out. I mean, this is in the parking lot!

She then claps her hand in a motion that seems to say, "throw them here." Right after, something metallic and shiny is tossed to her, which she catches. When she catches it, I can see it's a ziplock bag with something metallic inside.

The ones holding me then take better hold of my arms. They lift them up and then down so they are now resting on top of the car. It's almost like they are holding my arms out to point at the leader. They are stretched out and held down forcefully, even if I do slightly struggle.

I get a better look at whatever she caught. It's a clear bag with what sort of looks like long slender chains inside. They look just like dog leashes that are made of chains. I'm not really sure what they are, but I don't want to find out.

"I didn't know I was being rude," I begin as she opens the bag. I keep trying to explain why I didn't answer their requests, that I can do it now on my cell if they want. That I'll be happy to be anyone's friend.

But none of them seem to pay me any mind as the leader grabs at whatever is inside of the bag. When she pulls it out, I see it is a chain dog leash. Confused by this, I watch her take the leash by one end which is a small leather loop. She then moves forward and forces my right hand to go into this loop. Once it is inside, she tightens the loop to trap my wrist in it. After this, she pulls another leash out of the bag, revealing there are two of them and does the same for my other hand.

The leader then smiles a wicked looking smile. While wearing this smile, she grabs the other ends of both leashes. She then lifts them up to show me what's on the ends. I can see each one has what looks like a clip on it. Sort of like a binger clip, but much smaller.

My eyes widen as she ducks back inside my car. There's only one reason to go back in the car the ends of the chains. And it's not a reason I want.

The others start to laugh as I try to pull back from the car. Of course I can't, not with my tits trapped in the window. But the look of me struggling to move must be comical as they laugh harder and harder.

"Oh fuck!" I cry out as I feel her put the clips right on my nipples. She puts both on at the same time, no doubt to make it as painful as possible. I feel each clamp bite down hard on my nipple, feeling like it is crushing the sensitive body part. It sends pain up and down my body. It's a sensitive type of pain that is both horrible and hot. Humiliating yet freeing in a sick sort of way.

The girls then let go of me completely. They even take a step back to look at their handiwork. At once I try to move my arms to help pull my tits out, but then get a shock. When I moved my hands just a tiny bit towards me, my tits were pulled by my nipples, making me cry out again.

"Oh you bitches," I growl as I realize what she did. My arms are outstretched as the leash holds me by the wrist and goes all the way to my nipples. The chain is very taunt too, revealing very little slack. It means I have to keep my arms like this or otherwise I'll pull on my own tits. I'm basically stuck in this position unless I want to pull on my tits to make them go into a cone shape. That's even assuming I can get them out of the fucking car window.

"We warned you, Jessica. We thought your punishment yesterday would have been enough, but no. You have to show how tough and badass you are, don't you?" The Leader comments, sounding upset. Standing here, my pants and panties at my ankles with my tits trapped in such a crude and unique manner pumps that humiliation back into me.

This is what it feels like to be dominated. Sure I thought I knew what it meant by beating other girls down, but that's laughable. This is how you really do it. I'm not just helpless but in a perfect position for others to laugh at. This is how you dominate someone. This is how you break someone.

"No, no, it's not like that. I swear!" I beg, knowing things will only get worse unless I can convince them to stop. I turn my head to the left and then right, looking to see if anyone is around that can do something. For someone that can help me.

For sure there are no teachers or school staff as we are in the back of the parking lot. I then notice about a dozen girls about the parking lot. They all get out of their cars like normal, get their bookbags and start walking to the school. None of them look my way or seem to acknowledge what is happening. One in particular that parked in the back row makes it a point to keep looking forward, pretending she doesn't see what they are doing even if she walked but 10 feet away.

"Don't worry. We are nice and far from the school so we won't get interrupted," The Leader comments upon seeing me looking around. Her confidence in the situation scares me. It scares me because all the other girls must be scared of them. So scared that they won't even mention what they are doing to any in the school. Just like girls used to be scared of me at my old school.

"Now, maybe after today you will learn your lesson," The Leader says and then nods at one of the girls. This girl then bends over towards me. For a moment I think she means to kiss my bare ass, but then she moves lower, her hand moving between my ankles.

"No! No! Come on, please! I'm sorry! I'll do better!" I beg and plead as the girl pulls my own belt from my pant loops. She slides the belt out slow too, making sure I see and know what's about to happen. I try to look at her and beg for her to stop. Then I look at the others, begging each one in line.

CRACK! The girl swings the belt right on my bare ass after doubling it over. I grit my teeth and let out a loud grunt as I feel the stinging pain on both cheeks. I'm forced to stifle my reaction to move as any small movement means my tits get pulled thanks to my arms. In short, I have to stand still and let her whip me with my own belt.

CRACK! Another one right across my cheeks. The stinging pain is intense, making it feel so sharp. Only it's not as bad as it could be. Or should I say, I know it could be worse. She's not hitting so hard to take skin away or anything. It's more of humiliating pain, where the sound is the worst part. Where the sound is loud enough that people will turn to look at what is happening, and see me like this, being whipped.

"I'm sorry," I pout after I'm whipped again. I say this remembering what they did yesterday. That I had to repeat after each time they did something to me. So now, as she spanks/whips me with my belt, I apologize to them with each smack, thinking and hoping this makes the punishment go by faster.

It doesn't take her long before my entire ass feels red and throbs horribly. I simply jerk after each hit, making a high pitched yelp with each crack. Knowing I have to stand here and take it, I lower my head to rest on top of the car, feeling so very humiliated. It doesn't help that I hear some of the girls giggle and chuckle as I'm spanked in such a public manner.

As this happens, in the corner of my eye, I see more girls arrive. They drive in, park in whatever space and after a few moments get out of their car. None come to help me. None come to save me. All just turn and walk to school as if nothing is wrong. I don't know if it is true, but it sure feels like they are telling me that they think I deserve this. That the Welcoming Committee is right to publicly humiliate me like this.

After about 5 straight minutes, the girl finally stops spanking me. By this time, my ass feels so swollen and red, not to mention throbs. It throbs and stings so horribly, with long red welts everywhere, even if I can't see it. But what is worse than the throbbing is that I hear one of them down-right laughing. Only I don't think she is laughing about me, but something else. I'm such a low priority that she barely cares of what they are doing to me. That she is allowed to look at her cell for a meme and laugh while I'm utterly humiliated.

"I'm sorry," I say again after the last crack. My voice is now weak and muffled as they effectively beat the resistance out of me. My eyes just sort of stare forward as I go back into the humiliation daze they put me in yesterday.