Long Blonde Hair, Sky Blue Eyes Pt. 02

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A tailored dress that fits so fine.
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Part 2 of the 12 part series

Updated 05/04/2024
Created 09/23/2023
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A tailored dress that fits so fine...

The author known as Texican1830 asserts his right to disallow all publications of his work without his express written approval.


Erik awoke to a groaning sound and the feel of her round butt pushing against his groin. His cock was between her lips, but not yet embedded. Annika seemed intent on correcting that.

She arched her back and pushed, allowing the crown to enter what he knew must be a sore and sensitive chamber. The little sounds she made as she drew him inside testified to that, and also to her wanton desire. Pain be damned, she was going to have him inside her again!

This wasn't the first time Erik had intercourse in the spoon position, but it was far and away the best. His girlfriend's long curvy body and silken skin inflamed him, and her tight little pussy was so wet and hot he found himself nearing ejaculation too soon. He tried to be still, but she would have none of that, thrusting harder and making louder intelligible noises.

She wasn't experienced enough to read the signs of his impending climax, he told himself, so his premature ejaculation would be a lesson to her about patience! Or maybe not... his first surge hit the back wall; she wailed, and orgasmed with him.

When the spasms and spurts were finished, she just lay there for a few moments. Suddenly, she extricated herself, turned her face to his, kissed his nose, and tenderly said, "I love you, Eric Alexander Swahn. I think I knew it when I came to your table that first time, and I've wondered if what I was feeling was love a dozen times since, but now I'm absolutely certain; I. LOVE. YOU!"

"Hmmm. So what do you want me to say about that? I do love your slender little nose," which he poked with his finger, "and those bee-stung lips," which he kissed gently, "and now that I've gotten to know those cute little tatas, I'm kinda crazy about them too.

"When we first met, I thought you were model-gorgeous, meaning your slender frame looked good on film, but... let's say, lacked the curviness I prefer. Seeing you live, up close, and personal, and especially naked, dispelled that perception, so I guess I can say that I love the flare of your hips, that round butt, those lean but muscled, surprisingly shapely legs, and those precious tatas riding high on your chest and protruding straight out... well, yes, I admit I love every bit of it."

The playful look she had assumed when he began his answer had turned into a frown. Before she could ask, he answered, "But it's not only your body and beauty. It turns out the 'wild party girl' of lore isn't; I certainly love your playful side, and your ability to charm everyone around you, the way you like to be snuggled, and your off-the-charts responsiveness and unbridled lust."

The frown grew soft as he spoke, but turned into a glare when he finished without having said the three little words she had spoken just minutes ago. "So, add that all up, consider the way my heart feels when you're near, and, I guess... maybe... I love you too."

She made her mad face. "Too much equivocation there, Mr. Swahn!" She turned as if to get up; he pulled her back, and she saw the playful joy on his face and in those expressive eyes. "Okay, how about this, Miss Olsson: I love you! I love you to the moon and back! No, I love you to the edge of the universe and back!

"Is that better?"

"Hummm. I've been considering what life with you would be like, but now that I know what a shit you are, I'm having second thoughts! I'm not sure I can put up with this much teasing for the rest of my life, until death do us part!"

"So, if I promise to hold the teasing to a minimum?"

She pulled his face close to hers, puckered her full lips, planted a gentle kiss on his, and replied, "Well, I guess it would depend on how sincerely you made that promise and asked the question."


They held hands as they entered the great dining hall on the way to the mandatory breakfast, and all the way to the seats her daddy had saved for them. Oliver delivered a resounding grace that strayed into family, prodigal children recovered, and love that lasts a lifetime. It was so moving he got an unusually loud chorus of "Amen!"

Perhaps it was Hanna and Johnny, sitting across from them smirking, perhaps it was the glow of the unpainted beauty with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, or the satisfied smile Erik couldn't quite hide, but the eyes of the Olssons were upon them throughout their meal.

When the meal ended and instructions had been given for the carriage riders and horseback riders, everyone was dismissed to get ready. Oliver stood behind and between Erik and Annika, put one hand on each shoulder, held them in place until only the immediate family plus Hanna and Johnny remained, and then quietly said, "Prove my first warning wrong, granddaughter, and prove my prayerful prophesy right. He's a very good man, and he deserves a very good, very faithful, and very loving wife."

"You have my word that I will, Grandfather... should he ever ask."

Erik turned to the smiling grandmother next to him, and asked, "So, in your family, does a month and a few dates constitute a courtship, or what do you consider a decent interval of time between meeting and marrying?"

Maja teased back. "Well, young man, in my day we believed in long courtships, and consummation of our love on the marriage bed. Since you two seem to have skipped a few steps already, I'm not sure what constitutes an appropriate courtship. However, I'm quite firm on the need for all children to be born in wedlock, so perhaps that's a consideration?"

Oliver laughed and squeezed his shoulder as he dropped his head in faux shame, and Annika entered the conversation. "We may have just met, Erik Alexander, but it seems I've been waiting for you all my life, so take that into consideration also!"

Her dad had been watching and listening with a bemused look. What happened last night was clear, and, although not opposed, he too had a warning. "I can't say how long is appropriate, Erik, but let me warn you that my immediate and overwhelming infatuation with Annika's mother led to a brief courtship, marriage, and a child, all within a year, and you know how that turned out."

Annika turned to her dad, pouted, and said, "But Daddy - was it really so bad? After all, you got me!"

The father-daughter hug and Daddy's assurances were touching, but Mary evoked laughter when she declared, "She can still manipulate him with just a pout! She'll always be his 'Baby Girl'!

"And I'll answer for myself and your siblings: while we've certainly had our doubts for some time, we now see what your Daddy always saw. Inside that... supermodel body, there is a good and caring soul. We're so glad we learned that over the past few days, and look forward to a lifetime with our daughter/ big sister and her family."

That earned Mary a big hug from her husband and father-in-law, and a few tears from Annika before she joined her dad in hugging his wife / her stepmother. "Mary, I can't express how happy I am that Dad found you, and that you blessed him with two of the sweetest and nicest children I've ever met. I'm sorry I was such a narcissistic bitch for so long, but I'm so glad you've let me rejoin my family."

After the drama died down and everyone was standing, Johnny asked, "Erik, did you get your answer?"

Erik seemed confused, "You mean to the length of courtship...?"

The pure devilment and delight on Johnny and Hanna's faces meant they had already planned whatever was coming, so Erik waited. "No, he means the question you asked the first time you saw her!" Hanna corrected.


"You know," Hanna replied, with a wink at Johnny and another at the elder Olssons, who were already grinning broadly. "Long blonde hair, sky blue eyes..." she and Johnny sang, "Yeah that well-bred look is easy to recognize!"

Annika was casting a wondering look at Erik, who was grinning and nodding.

"A tailored dress, a fit so fine And it adds up to the question on my mind:

Honey, do you love as good as you look?

Can you satisfy your man, like your body says you can?

Judging from the cover, I'd love to read the book

Honey, do you love as good as you look?"*

(*The Bellamy Brothers, Sons of the Sun, 1981)

By the time they reached the end of the chorus Annika had blushed blood red, and Erik had protectively taken her in his arms. They stopped, and Hanna asked, "Well?"

"A gentleman never..." he began, but Annika interrupted. "It's okay, Honey. I think they all already know about last night, and I'd like to hear your answer!"

He shook his head, looked at Hanna, and coolly stated, "Okay, if I must: the answer is NO!"

Annika's eyes fell, and everyone else looked shocked.

"She loves much better than she looks, and you know how good she looks..." he proclaimed with a devilish grin.

Oliver had remained behind Erik, and he broke the giggling and tittering by touching his red, swollen jaw and asking. "So, is this the reason we've been summoned to the local constabulary this morning?"

Erik winced and replied, "Probably, but I didn't start it."

"Okay, then let's hear this tale before we walk down," Oliver said.

He got the tale from Annika, Hanna, and Johnny more than Erik, but it was Erik that law enforcement wanted to talk to. The others insisted they go as well, as did Maja and Carl. Erik asked if they needed the other couples, but Oliver smiled and suggested they could handle this without additional witnesses.

The friendly policemen who greeted Maja and Oliver then warmly shook hands and told everyone else they were glad to meet them. They were escorted into a large conference room, and Franklin, the older officer, asked Erik, "So what happened last night? We heard noise and went to investigate at the tavern, but some couldn't seem to talk, and the others wouldn't!"

Erik opened his mouth to give a measured recounting of the brouhaha, but Annika stood, showed them the bruises on her left arm, and gave a very emotional recounting. Hanna took over when she lost steam, and the two cops couldn't hide their smiles by the time she finished.

"We figured it was something like that, because Tank and two others went to the infirmary last night. I can't say they didn't deserve it, and not only because of what they tried to do to you. They have done this to others like you that they lured into the tavern, but we've always been too late to intervene, and the victims have always been too intimidated to tell the truth.

"There is little to no chance they are going to press charges against Erik and Johnny, or the other men in your group, but, Annika, you have a very good case for assault. We can take some pictures of your bruises, you can swear out a complaint, and we may be able to keep Tank the Troublemaker off the island, at least for a while."

She looked at Erik, and then at her father, and finally at her grandfather; none offered an opinion. She knew her publicist would say to go for it because it would gain sympathetic press coverage.

She sighed. "Go ahead and take the photos of my arm and of Erik's cheek, but I'd like today to think about pressing charges. Is that okay?"

"You are the aggrieved party, Miss Olsson. We'll do whatever you choose, but don't wait too long or it will look suspicious," Roy, the younger cop, explained.

"I'll let you know first thing tomorrow. And thank you for being understanding."

"It's entirely our pleasure, Miss Olsson," Franklin said, and turned the March SI on his desk to face her. "Any chance you would..." he began; Annika interjected "Of course!" She took the pen from its folder, wrote a personalized note, dated it, and signed her name below her picture.

Erik tried to imagine how much trouble Tank the Troublemaker would be in if she pressed charges and got a male judge, which made him laugh. Is it possible to get the chair for grabbing an arm and propositioning a woman?

The mass of Olsson kin was waiting at the designated spot, and word had spread about last night. A gaggle of women approached Annika to inquire about her welfare, and a number of men came over to shake Erick and Johnny's hands, having already congratulated the ones who held off the fearsome Cossack horde to protect their fragile women. Somehow, Annika's impressive jump-kick-heel-to-the-ribs of the big boy about to knock Mike's head off didn't get any publicity, but Eric, Johnny, and, Mike, especially Mike, remembered.

Carl stilled the milling, excited crowd by projecting his courtroom voice. "Folks, we're already a half-hour late, so mount up and let's ride!" The carriages took the lead, and Carl gave instructions on etiquette to the mounted cavalry as he and Mary took the lead. The twenty-seven on horseback fell in behind him in a two-abreast column to leave the road open for bikes and runners.

Annika might have only 'ridden a horse' as the naked Lady Godiva in a photo shoot, but she raised her long leg, stuck her foot in the stirrup, swung up like a cowgirl, and, with minimal instruction, she was soon sitting high in her stirrups and letting the horse do the work. Johnny and Erick chose to ride drag in case like a horse running away or back toward its pen happened, so the four were lagging far enough behind to be able to talk, tease, flirt, and harass one another.

The column got strange looks from those zooming by in the opposite direction, and a couple of guys almost wrecked their bikes trying to watch Hanna and Annika in their cowgirl duds. Still, the first portion of the ride was otherwise uneventful, if very scenic.

Annika took the opportunity afforded by their relative solitude to ask teasingly, "So, what is this about this song you sung when you first saw me?"

Johnny laughed and turned in his saddle. "If you don't tell her, I will!"

Erik laughed back. "I'm not embarrassed; as it turned out, I nailed it upon first glance! So, Annika, if you remember, we were sitting across from your grandparents, eating lunch and having a grand time. I looked over Maja's shoulder at the door, and saw this tall, skinny blonde enter... Ouch! Okay, maybe not skinny - is lean okay?

"Anyway, all this blonde hair is highlighted by the light shining behind her, and then she steps forward and I see the sky blue eyes. It reminded me of the Bellamy Brothers' song, Do You Love as Good as You Look? So I sang the first verse but stopped before the chorus. Your grandparents weren't fazed, even after they knew the song was about you.

"So, see, it was a compliment!"

"So, how does the chorus go? I'm not a giant Country Music fan."

Erik chuckled and sang, Honey, do you love as good as you look?

Can you satisfy your man, like your body says you can?

Judging from the cover, I'd love to read the book

Honey, do you love as good as you look?

"And you think I can satisfy you even better than my body says I can?"

"Well, you're kind of skinny, but you make love better than most skinny girls, so yeah...

"Stop hitting me! You're gonna spook our horses and run us off a cliff!"

"You are such a SHIT! I'm gonna beat you up in your sleep!"

"How are you gonna do that when you're always passing out on me?"


Erik spent the rest of the day playing up to her, telling her what a great ass she had, how sexy and shapely her legs are, how much he likes her pretty titties, and being a tease. She laughed and hit at him, pinched him, and threatened him, but she loved it and he knew it. She even teased back about being skinny. "You mean my ass is okay for a skinny white girl?" and "A thousand sailors disagree about me being too skinny, you dipshit."

Somehow, being gorgeous from birth had stunted her interactions with normal people; probably because most everyone she interacted with was either judging her or wanted something from her, which included her hovering mother.

The normalcy of conversations with her kin and the teasing of her friends and boyfriend affected the way she processed and responded. The change allowed her to answer honestly, or teasingly, or excitedly without having to filter her words. She was in a safe place, with family and friends who cared about her; there was no need for the bitch armor she had worn to deflect spite, jealousy, and treachery. Therefore, the woman before them was very different from the child and teen she had been, and the young woman they met in the restaurant.

It wasn't that she had been humbled; rather, she was encouraged and emboldened by the love and kindness in which she was being wrapped.

Last night with Erik? Yes, that was the wildcard. She had no idea that kind of passion was possible, and she had no idea she was capable of responding to the touch, smell, sight, and taste of a man in the ways she had. Most importantly, she had been unable to conceive of a love as powerful as that she felt for Erik, whom she barely knew, and about whom she learned more by the hour.

Love was transactional in her old world; in this world it was a cornerstone of lasting relationships in which each partner considered the needs and desires of the other as much or more than themselves. It was an alien world, or perhaps she was an alien in this world - the world in which all those she loved resided.

Two months ago she would have called herself an idiot for caring about these 'lessors' - persons below her station that could not help advance her career - but today they were all she cared about - especially Erik, who had become her sun.

It wasn't just the people, though, that influenced her. The gait of the horses and their odor; the trees towering above the road, limbs sheltering birds and squirrels, and playing tunes with the wind; the wildflowers, the grasses, even the weeds - all were foreign to her. Hers had been a well-managed world: even the photo shoots in nature were staged so all she had to do was come out of her dressing room, prance around, strike a few dozen poses, and go back to the dressing room. She had seen, smelled, and felt the ocean, but had never been in deeper than her ankles, and that only to scamper, splash, and pose.

The catered picnic of fried chicken with mashed potatoes, gravy, and rolls, was set up on top of a tree shaded hill. The distant views to the north and west, the uninhibited conversations with her friends and family - none of these simple things were within her body of experiences.

Food especially: models don't eat, and even when she was on top of her profession and working out three to four hours per day, her 'team' kept such a tight rein on her eating that she was always hungry. To gorge on chicken, potatoes, and gravy-sopped rolls felt positively sinful. So did exercising in the beautiful outdoors with friends, instead of a smelly gym with a personal trainer driving you!

Sitting on a blanket on the hilltop, listening to the chatter, the bird calls, and the sound of the leaves in the breeze, for the first time in her life she understood that "stop and smell the roses" didn't refer to a bouquet from a suitor or investor.

She was Alice in Wonderland, and her wonderland was a tiny island in Lake Huron.


The picnic ended the itinerary for the day. The horses and carriages were rented until four, but where they went was their choice. Dad and family, including Oliver and Maja, were heading back to the hotel, where there was a 'teen camp' Axel and Elle wanted to attend. They had been to the camp each trip, and had met and made friends with whom they still corresponded, so they were more than eager.

The four sat on the blanket discussing options as people picked up and prepared to depart. Annika had been quieter than normal since they stopped to eat, so Hanna prompted her for an opinion on what to do. She took her time answering, and looked from one set of eyes to the next as she answered. "Do we have to do something? After everyone is gone, I'd like to lie here on the blanket with you guys and stare up through the trees at the blue sky. Listen to the birds and the wind, breathe the fresh air, and maybe take a nap out in the wild.
