Lost in Texas Ch. 01


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"You've been so gentle with me. The way you touched be down there with your mouth and your fingers and now this . . . But now I don't want you to just make love to me. I want you to go harder."

Michelle had a shit-eating grin on her face. "Now that's my kind of girl!" She wrapped her arms around Alice and stood up, holding the younger girl off the ground. "Wrap your legs around by waist, darlin', because you are going for a ride." Alice did as she was asked, and Michelle started pumping her hips with alarming accuracy. She was fucking Alice like a jackhammer, all while standing up.

"Unh! Unh! Unh! Unh!" Alice was rapidly losing her ability to speak. She just grunted as her lover pounded away. She loved every stroke, and every slap of denim against her jiggling ass cheeks. Michelle attached a clamp-like grip on once of Alice's nipples with her lips, furthering the young woman's pleasure. A strange song she had once heard started playing through Alice's head. One of the lines went, "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints." She thought it was Billy Joel who did that. But she had been crying inside for so long. She felt laughter now. She heard bells chiming and she heard singing. This wasn't just a better way to be . . . for her it had become the only way to be.

It wasn't much longer before she felt her muscles trying to clamp down on the invader, but with little success. She felt the pressure and pleasure growing inside her lower body before exploding through her system like a fever. She scrambled to keep her arms around her lover's neck and shoulders to avert the sensation that she was going to fall off. Poor Michelle was going to have some fingernail marks to explain to her friends. Finally she collapsed against the woman's powerful chest and placed her head on Michelle's shoulder.

"I told you I'd make you forget the pain," said Michelle as she started to put Alice down on the stage.

"Hey," Alice said weakly, but with a smile. "I still vaguely remember the pain."

Michelle stood up and gave the young woman a goofy grin. "So are you sayin' you want some more of this?"

Alice decided to push the envelope a bit. "I reckon so. Unless you're saying that's all you've got."

"Girlie, you just made the mistake of a lifetime." Michelle lifted her up and plunged her back down on the fake cock, eliciting a gasp. "You do NOT challenge my prowess girlie, and you are about to find out why."

The next half-hour or so was pretty much a blur to the young woman. She was fucked to another four orgasms by the time she realized she couldn't take it anymore. The pressure of the dong pushed against her mound helped bring Michelle of again as well. By the end, Alice was pretty much a limp fuck-doll for Michelle, but she didn't regret it. She began to wonder if that was where the term ‘bow-legged' came from. She was in a state that could best be described as content as Michelle place her ever so gently on the stage, surrounded by the dim candlelight. Michelle sat next to her and helped Alice put her head on one of those muscular legs. She actually dozed off for a little bit with her beautiful amazon stroking her hair.

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Inside the house . . .

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Heather had been sitting at the table for about ten minutes when she realized it was time for her rendezvous with Freddie. Something felt a little off though. She just hoped it didn't interfere with the sex, particularly since she really couldn't quite figure out what it was. Suddenly Freddie appeared back at the kitchen door, and she took a seat next to Heather.

"Sorry," said Heather with a bit of a flush to her face, "I thought I had a few more minutes."

"Oh you do. I just thought that you might want to talk."

Heather was confused. "Talk about what?"

"Whatever it is that's keeping you at the kitchen table drinking straight-black coffee with your mind a million miles away. Listen, if you're not up to it, I won't hold you to your promise," she grinned. "Though the idea of not getting a piece of that perfect ass of yours is a bit upsetting."

"No that's not it. I was looking forward to it actually."

"But . . .?"

"But . . . I don't know. I just feel kind of overwhelmed. I mean, two days ago I was pissed off that I was driving somewhere I didn't want to go with people I really didn't want to be with . . ."

"And now?"

"And now I like it here. I got to go somewhere I WANT to be."

"And the people you went with?"

"It's strange. Alice hasn't quoted the scriptures once today that I'm aware of, or preached about how we're all this or going to that, which is cool. And Laurie . . ."

"Yes?" encouraged Freddie. She knew that the girl was on the edge of a breakthrough. It was going to be one of those "A-ha!" moments that scientists had so many problems explaining. Laurie had mostly by accident dropped all the clues at Heather's feet.

Heather sighed. "I feel bad about the way I've treated her sometimes. Don't get me wrong, she's given me more than excuse to be annoyed, and I do enjoy being a cynical bitch, but she's never really done anything on purpose to piss me off. At least that I know of. And she's really trying to do the right thing as far as blowing up my jeep goes."

"Isn't she just buying her way out of another problem with her father's money?"

"Technically it's actually her money. They had given it to her for a summer vacation in Europe or something like that."

"Hmm," said Freddie as if she were thinking out loud. "If she had all that money and her parents pay for everything, what the hell was she doing out here when she could have been traipsing around the French Riviera or visiting the castles of the British Isles?" She took Heather's hand and looked her straight in the face. "Why would she want to be here with you?"

"With me? You're not serious are you? Maybe she just wanted the course credit, or maybe her parents wanted her to learn some . . . responsibility or . . ." Heather's arguments weren't even convincing herself. There was only one possibility, but it was one she couldn't quite accept. Yet. "I mean, even if that were the case, which it isn't, she had plenty of opportunities to say something. I mean for the last year, every time I turned around she was there, so if she had any interests of . . . that . . . sort . . ." Heather realized what she had just said. ‘Every time I turned around.' It was true. Laurie had seemed to be around every time Heather opened her eyes. She had wanted to be part of a study group with Heather. She had asked her dumb questions to Heather. She could have been out of that tiny little ghost town within hours if she had wanted to. But she had chosen to stay. Heather felt the blood rush out of her brain, and she had to put her head in her hands to keep from keeling over or passing out.

"It's not possible," she said as much to herself as to Freddie. "Girls like her don't . . . they aren't interested in girls like me. I just doesn't happen."

"It doesn't? Look at the people around you. By your logic, a highly educated and well-respected member of the academic elite doesn't get involved with a handy-woman and former rodeo clown. She doesn't get involved with an idealistic but half-cocked protest-junkie. And they certainly wouldn't all get together and move out to the middle of nowhere to open a theme-based bed and breakfast. But all of that has actually happened. I don't presume to know the ‘what' and ‘why' of her thinking, but that girl hasn't taken her eyes off of you since you got here. At least not if she could help it." Freddie grabbed Heather by the hand. "I want to show you something."

She quietly led Heather to the door of Jane's study. The door was open a crack and Freddie indicated for Heather to look inside.

Jane was completely nude and lying facedown on an elegant reading couch. And Laurie was nude as well. She was straddling Jane's back, rubbing the elegant woman's shoulders and back.

"Dear girl, you really should consider making a career out of this."

"Thank you," she responded, blushing slightly.

‘God, she's beautiful,' thought Heather.

Laurie spoke again. "But are you sure you don't want me to . . ."

"No. What happened earlier was for you. While I would love to sample some of your wares again, I would rather you settle some issues in your own mind first."

"You mean Heather?"

Heather's heart skipped a beat.

Laurie continued her massage, leaving Jane looking and feeling so relaxed. Heather envied her, as she was feeling anything BUT relaxed. Laurie stopped and sat at the end of the couch, stroking Jane's hair.

"I don't know why I even bother thinking about her. Girls like her aren't interested in girls like me."

Heather thought that statement sounded awfully familiar.

"What do you mean?" asked Jane.

"She's wild and she's smart. She's probably got all these hard-bodied boys and girls and . . . and mechanics and . . . punkers and . . .other guys . . . you know, everyone! And they want her because of who she is. The last guy who asked me out actually gave me a resume to give to my dad."

"Please tell me you didn't . . ."

"Yeah, I did," Laurie said sheepishly. Jane gave her a disapproving look. "What? He asked REALLY nicely!"

"Dear, you need to stand up for yourself. The only way people can walk all over you is if you lie down for them. I mean that in a figurative sense. How do you expect people to see you for who you really are if you don't show them? Didn't you have a nice conversation with her earlier? Heather I mean?"

"Yeah," said Laurie who was flushed with pride. "She didn't yell at me!"

Heather couldn't have felt like more of an ass if she had tried. The girl's self-esteem had been so trampled by people like Heather thinking she was just some brain-dead and useless tart that the act of NOT getting criticized for a few minutes made her that happy. She was just a beautiful girl trying to get another girl's attention in the only way she knew how.

Freddie was staring at Heather's face. She knew the girl had come to a realization. It was time to speed things up a bit. She quickly opened the door to the study and pushed Heather into the room. Heather stumbled over the rug and landed on all fours about three feet from Laurie.

Jane looked over at Freddie who was standing in the doorway and acting as goalie, with the intention of making sure neither Laurie nor Heather was able to leave. "Freddie darling, are you unfamiliar with the word ‘nudge'? That was a ‘shove,' not a ‘nudge.' And I didn't mean it literally."

"Your way would take too long."

‘Yes,' thought Jane to herself, ‘but can these two survive being rushed like this?'

Heather had made her way back up to her feet, while Laurie moved to cover her private parts with her arms and hands. The blonde girl looked mortified. She had just said all the things she had secretly wanted to say, but she had uttered them out loud. And apparently the object of her desires had heard the whole thing. Heather hadn't wanted to embarrass the girl in any way, but she found herself forced into a situation where that might happen. She didn't have any time to plan things out or think them through. ‘Maybe that's the point,' she thought to herself. ‘Maybe I should just do what feels right.'

Heather took a step forward, and Laurie looked like a rabbit ready to bolt. The dark-haired girl took her hand and slowly placed the palm of her hand against the light-haired girl's cheek. The contact was almost electric for her. Laurie closed her eyes and turned her head, maximizing the contact between her face and that hand. Heather removed her hand and slowly removed her own clothing as Laurie watched on, almost in a daze. She stepped up until she was face to face with Laurie and could see the frightening amount of longing in the girl's eyes. Their bodies were just inches from each other as they both faced their internal fear. Laurie was afraid of open rejection. Heather was afraid of compounding the damage she had already done by screwing things up. Finally, she just took a chance.

"Laurie . . . I . . . I don't know how this is supposed to work."

‘Come along,' thought Jane. ‘Sweet Laurie, just take a chance.'

Laurie slowly uncovered those portions of her body hidden by her arms. "A . . . a very wise woman once told me that . . ." Laurie started to lean forward. " . . . that things usually start . . ." Their faces were just a hair's-width apart. " . . . with a . . ." She wasn't able to get the last word out as Heather pressed her lips against the blonde girl's, and remained there. Laurie had never felt anything that seemed to ‘fit' so right as Heather's mouth against hers. Heather wrapped her arms around Laurie's trembling frame, which seemed to give the girl strength. As the kiss grew longer and more passionate, Jane found herself smiling.

‘Good girl,' she thought. Freddie snuck over and sat down next to Jane on the couch, and they watched their young friends explore each other's bodies. Hands were drifting and tongues were dancing, but those lips never separated. Jane looked over and shook her head ruefully at Freddie, who managed to look smug. It had been risky to push them, but the two girls seemed to have worked it out themselves.

Heather was amazed at what she had almost missed out on. Every touch and caress sent shivers through the girl's body. She slid her hand down Laurie's body until it cupped her mound. "May I?" she asked. Laurie smiled and pressed Heather's hand against her. Heather's index finger started working its way into Laurie's pussy with long, slow strokes, causing the beautiful girl's body to shiver all over again. Heather took one of Laurie's hands and placed it on the dark-haired girl's opening, and she groaned as Laurie's fingers went to work. She gripped the blonde girl's ass as pulled it tighter against Heather's hand, and fingered her more quickly. She began kissing her way down Laurie's neck and out onto her shoulder. Laurie just held the back of Heather's head gently, still with a look of wonder on her face.

Freddie placed her head on Jane's shoulder.

"Oh no you don't," whispered Jane. "If you think you're just going to bat your eyes and I'm going to forgive your ham-handed . . ." Jane was cut off by a quick kiss from Freddie, who stopped and rubbed noses with her mentor.

"You'll forgive me because it worked, and because you are biologically and psychologically incapable of staying mad at me. I'm too cute. We both know it, so why fight it?" Freddie was grinning as she knelt of the floor and pushed Jane's thighs apart, burying her tongue in the older woman's waiting slit.

"Mmh," Jane grunted. "One of these days, I'm actually going to punish you for something."

"You know," said Freddie between licks, "that I'm always open for spankings."

"I said ‘punish' dear."

Meanwhile, Heather had Laurie on the proverbial ropes. Laurie was emitting a large number of soft gasps as her hyper-excited pussy was worked over by nimble fingers. Heather kissed the girl as she made her cum. She felt the warm and sticky fluid flow onto her hand. But it was the expression on Laurie's face that excited her lover the most. It was pure joy. Then joy turned back into longing, and slowly into passionate lust. Laurie pushed Heather back onto one of the other small couches in the room. She spread Heather's thighs and looked up, meeting Heather's stare.

"Please," Heather said. It was all the encouragement her lover needed, and Laurie started to lick and nuzzle Heather's crotch. The girl's tender caress had brought Heather to the verge already. As badly as she wanted to savor Laurie's attentions, she was too far-gone to hold back, and she started to cum within minutes.

"No fair," she said lightly. "I want more."

"You can have more," Heather returned. "You can have it any time you want."

Laurie beamed a smile, then went back to work. She tried to remember everything Jane had shown her earlier that day. She licked the mound, sucked on the moist lips and teased the clitoris. She snuck one finger into Heather's depths, and then a second and a third. Heather was squirming on the couch, her lips parted slightly as her breathing became more labored. Then she was cumming again.

As Heather experienced her second orgasm of the evening, Freddie was working on Jane's first. She had three fingers in Jane's pussy and was curling them towards the front wall looking for that special spot. She sucked on the area over the clitoris, rubbing her tongue over the hood. Jane was simply watching the two young lovers on the other couch in the throes of their intimacy. She was so happy for them, and that happiness helped drive her over the edge. She looked down at Freddie. Even in orgasm, the poise and elegance her mentor displayed amazed Freddie. From the arch of her back to the ripple of her muscles just underneath the skin, everything about her was perfect. While Freddie's hands might roam away from home time to time, she knew where she wanted to be at the end of the day, and that was between Jane's thighs. As Freddie licked the juices from Jane's pussy, the older woman spoke to her.

"You know, I guess I should have trusted your judgement. Who here would best understand the minds of confused young women? I remember having a girl just like that in my office not long ago, and she turned out well I think." Freddie blushed. Just like with Michelle, Freddie was surprised how easily Jane could get to her. They both looked over at their younger counterparts. Laurie was lying on her back on the sofa, and Heather was between her legs. The two girls were rubbing their mounds together, and Heather was scrunched over as she licked Laurie's enormous, soft breasts.

"These are so perfect," she muttered as her lips traveled from one nipple to the other.

Laurie grabbed two handfuls of Heather's tight ass. "So are these," she returned.

Heather's lips found there way back to Laurie's, albeit briefly. "So you're saying that between the two of us, we're a pretty hot person."

Laurie blushed. "I guess I am. Maybe that means we need to stick together?" She looked a bit shy at that point, averting her eyes.

Her lover softly grabbed her chin and pulled her face back to face Heather's. "Maybe we should." The two girls kissed some more as they continued to rub their crotches together.

"Hey you two," piped in Freddie, "it's gonna take you two forever doing it that way."

"Freddie!" interjected Jane, "let the girls do it however they want!"

"It's okay Jane," said Heather, who finally broke the kiss with Laurie. "What did you have in mind?"

Freddie got up and started rummaging through a chest that was next to the door. Out of its depths was pulled a double-ended dildo that was purple in color and about two feet long.

"Oh my!" said Laurie as she saw the device. "You keep stuff like that in the study?"

Freddie smiled. "Look at who I live with. Do you really think there are many times when I'm not wanting to have sex?"

Jane blushed. It was the first time either Heather or Laurie had seen her do that. Meanwhile Freddie had knelt on the floor near the two girls and was pressing one end of the dildo into Laurie's box. Laurie's eyes lit up and she groaned before kissing Heather again. Whatever pleasure anyone else might bring her, she was always thinking of her dark-haired beauty. Then the other end found its way into Heather's pussy. Freddie gripped the exposed center of the toy and started pumping both ends into their respective cunts at the same time.

"Oh fuck!" Heather said. Due to the fact that their swollen mounds were pressed against each other, not only was she feeling the ridges on the plastic cock sliding into her body, she could feel Laurie's box expand and contract as well.
