Love And Inheritance

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Trials and tribulations on young mans way to adulthood.
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Edited by the incomparable "Wires". His assistance improves my work drastically. I appreciate all he does for me.

Jason Lowery IV moved quietly down the hallway that connected 'the children's wing' to the rest of the house. He snorted when he thought that. Both of his parents liked to put on 'airs' as his grandmother called it. They did live in a somewhat nicer house than some but it was still a house, not a mansion. It had a split bedroom design with the master on one end of the house and the other three bedrooms on the other side. His parents always made out as if the house was much more pretentious than it actually was. After all, they were the city's (actually a small town of just over 10,000) bankers.

Jason was dressed in old faded jeans and a threadbare blue chambray shirt. His athletic shoes showed signs of hard use and age. Just as he reached the door to his sister's room he heard the door thump and the lock clicked. He froze a moment in fear of discovery. He was just about ready to run for it when he heard his sister Chastity say, "Wait Tiff. I don't like this gown either. Can you help me find something else to wear?"

Tiffany sighed and pushed the door until he heard the latch catch once again. He heard steps moving away from the door deeper into Chastity's room as Tiffany said, "Come on Chas, you look fantastic in that outfit. You'll knock them dead in it. We've tried almost all our gowns on already. We're going to be more than fashionably late if you keep dithering around. What's the problem anyway?"

"I just want everything to be perfect. Donald's going to be there and I want to make the right impression. He's not dating anyone since he and Amber broke up. I need to snare him before those other bitches get their claws in him."

Tiffany laughed and said, "Oh, take it from me sis. When he sees you he'll never notice anyone else. All you have to do is play your cards right; maybe show a little tit or thigh, and you've got him in the bag. Now come on, let's go."

Jason was moving once again as his sisters discussed their dress. He barely heard the end of the conversation and knew he had to exit the hallway fast or they would come out of and catch him before he got away. He had to be out of sight when they and his parents made it into the main part of the house. He was supposed to accompany them to the Country Club for a dance and that was the last thing he wanted to do. His dad and mom were always trying to fix him up with the daughter of one of their friends or business acquaintances and, frankly, none of those bitches interested him in the least.

When he got to the end of the passageway he slowed down even more. He was almost creeping by the time he got to the end of the hallway. He stopped and strained his ears for the slightest sound but heard nothing. Quietly, carefully, he moved so he could see into the main part of the house. He saw no one; nor did he hear a sound indicative of anyone's presence. He heaved a silent sigh of relief and moved like a wraith toward the door that would take him first into the large lavishly decorated dining room and, ultimately, the kitchen of his parent's huge home.

Jason knew he would catch hell when everyone got home that night but he just didn't care. If he was lucky he might put off the ass chewing until Saturday morning but he was sure he would receive one. His father had his life planned out for him and refused to consider what Jason wanted. His father had selected his college, his course of study, and was even trying to select his girlfriends and future wife. Jason did want to go to college but he had no desire to study business and finance. His father insisted on that because he intended for Jason to take over the family business. The family owned a chain of three small banks. His father was president of the holding company, and his grandfather was the chairman of the board. Other family members worked in various positions in the holding company or one of the individual banks. At least gramps wasn't a total asshole about Jason's future like his father was. Gramps said there was a position in the company for Jason if he wanted one but he didn't insist Jason go into the business.

Jason managed to move through the dining room and kitchen without getting caught. He closed the outside door and moved rapidly toward his old Ranger FX4 and freedom for another night. He had a date, just not with a girl his father would approve of. Oh, there was nothing wrong with Jody except her parents had no money or social standing in the town so she wasn't 'right' for Jason.

Just as Jason started his truck his father came boiling out of the house. He could hear him yelling as he drove down the driveway. "Jason," he screamed. "Get your ass back here right now. I told you you're supposed to meet Melissa Tamerlain at the club this evening."

Jason continued driving as his father yelled but he didn't slow down. He had escaped and wasn't about to return for a confrontation or to accompany the family to the club. He could see his father in his rear view mirror. He was still yelling and his face was red.

Ten minutes later Jason pulled up in front of Jody Franke's home. He jumped from the truck and went to the door to collect her for their date. When he rang the bell Jody opened the door. Her father was standing behind her with his hand on her shoulder. He glared at Jason but stepped back when Jody asked him to come into their house. Jason entered the nicely decorated home and followed Jody into the living room. He saw her mother sitting on the couch and said hello to her.

Jody's father followed them into the room and took a seat in the chair he normally used. Mr. Franke sat looking at Jason for a moment then sighed. He said, "Jason, this has gone on long enough. I don't want you seeing Jody any more. I don't know where you get off thinking you can treat girls like you do, but I do know I'm not going to let you treat my daughter this way."

"What do you mean, sir? I've always treated Jody like a lady. I don't understand."

Jody took his hand just as her father answered. He said, "I've just been on the phone with your father son. He told me what you've done to these girls and I just don't approve. Just how did you plan to manage two dates for the same evening anyway? He says you have a date with Melissa Tamerlain as well as Jody here. What were you thinking? Well, it doesn't matter what you were thinking. You need to go on home and dress for your other date. We don't want to see you hanging around Jody again."

"Daddy, it's not like that. Jason doesn't-"

Her father cut her off saying, "Yes, it is like that. Mr. Lowery told me Melissa was supposed to meet Jason at their club this evening at 8:00 p.m. for the dance. I suppose Jason was going to be with you for a while, then dump you and go to his other date. Well, that just doesn't cut it here."

"Sir, that's-"

Mr. Franke interrupted Jason and said, "That's enough. You need to leave now."

Jody was crying and said, "No, Daddy, Jason told me about this. It's not what you think. His father wants him to date Melissa and made the date for him. He and I have always planned to go out together tonight. His father is trying to break us up because he thinks I'm not good enough for Jason."

Jason said, "That's right, sir. I don't have two dates tonight. I only have the one with Jody here."

Mr. Franke sighed and said, "Well, that's not the story your father told me. Be that as it may, he doesn't want you dating Jody and I'm not going to be responsible for trouble in your family and I certainly don't need your family angry with me. I do too much business with your banks to take a chance by angering your father. Now, you need to leave son."

A crying Jody saw Jason to the door. She stepped outside with him and gave him a hug and kiss before she disappeared into her house. Jason stomped down the walk to his truck. As he drove away he thought he saw his parent's car turn onto the street down the block. Jason spent the rest of the night driving around hanging with his friends. It was almost three a.m. when he returned home.

When Jason entered the house his father met him at the door. He grabbed his arm and pulled him the rest of the way into the house and down the hallway to his office. He pushed Jason onto the couch and stood in front of him breathing heavily. "This is the last straw young man. Give me your keys. You're grounded until you decide to obey me. Your graduation ceremony is in two weeks. You will escort Melissa to the graduation and festivities associated with it. You will work in the bank this summer before you go to college and you will take the courses we have agreed on. If you don't, you are finished here. I'll stop the money and you can find a way to support yourself. Do I make myself clear?"

"Perfectly. Goodnight, father," Jason said as he got up and headed for his bedroom.

Jason undressed and climbed into bed but he didn't sleep well. He was furious with his father and had trouble getting to sleep. He woke several times throughout the night thinking about his overbearing father. The last time he woke it was nearly 6:30 a.m. He was still trying to return to sleep when he heard his father up and moving around shortly after seven a.m. His father had an early tee time at the club and was off to play his golf and "network" as he called it with his cronies. He wouldn't be home until late afternoon and he would probably be three sheets to the wind, in other words, nearly drunk. It was a good thing his father was a big duck in the little puddle. The local police never seemed to 'see' him driving drunk.

As soon as his father left, Jason got out of bed and began packing. He decided he was done here. He took everything important to him and loaded it into his truck. He didn't worry about being caught. He knew from past experience his father wouldn't be back until late afternoon and his siblings and mother would sleep until nearly noon.

Thankfully, he was over 18 and through with high school so he could strike out on his own. He drove out of town headed for his refuge. His grandfather had a huge older house on 20 acres about six miles out of town on the shore of one of the largest lakes in the area. Jason loved the old place and had many happy memories of time spent there. After his grandmother died several years ago, grandfather closed the place up and moved to a small condo in the town's most swanky senior complex. The old place was slowly deteriorating from neglect and the elements as well as from occasional vandalism.

Jason moved into the small boathouse. He had kept it in good repair over the years because he and his grandfather still came out for some weekends to fish and hang together. As far as possible, he relaxed and tried to forget the last few hours of his life. No matter what he did, however, the memory of what went on remained, as did his fury. He slept fitfully Saturday night and was awake and moving shortly after sun up. He took his soap and a towel and walked down into the lake for a quick bath. Returning, he dressed in some of his better clothes. He piddled around the rest of the day and again slept poorly Sunday night.

On Monday morning, Jason hit the golden arches for a quick, cheap breakfast then headed for the Navy Recruiting office. When he entered, the recruiter smiled and stood up. He held his hand out and said, "Good to see you again, Jason. What can I do for you today? You ready to sign up now?"

"Yeah, I think I'm ready to do it. If you still have the papers lets get it done. I've had all I can take around here."

"Fine. Great. Come on back and we'll finish everything. You still interested in the Engineman specialty? There's still a nice enlistment bonus for that rate."

"Yeah, I think so." Jason spent the remainder of the morning signing papers and talking to the recruiters. He had cut school and completed the necessary testing, physicals and so forth several days before so now, all he had to do was sign the final documents and await orders to ship out.

While he waited on orders to ship out, Jason did odd jobs around town to make ends meet. He never spoke to his parents again. The night before he left he drove his truck to his grandfather's home to get permission to store it in the garage on the out of town acreage. When he found out why Jason wanted to use the garage, his grandfather asked, "You sure about this, son? I can probably get you out of it if you want me to. I knew your daddy was being an ass about things but I would hate to think he ran you off. I'll miss you, boy."

"Yeah, I'm sure, gramps. I can't afford to pay for college on my own and dad says I either go where he wants me to go and study finance or he won't pay. He's trying to make me date his friends daughters instead of who I want to date, and he's trying to control my entire life. Yeah, I'm sure about this."

"I knew things were bad between you but I'm sorry it came to this." The old man hugged his grandson, stepped back and said, "Yeah, you can leave your truck out at the country place. You be careful now, boy, and you stay in touch."

The next years went past rapidly. Jason did well in his specialty and enjoyed the work immensely. Of course, the tour of the world didn't hurt, either. Jason kept in touch with his grandfather by mail and phone until, in the beginning of the third year of his enlistment, e-mail and snail mail stopped coming. His grandfather didn't answer his phone. Finally, the last paper mail Jason sent his grandfather came back stamped "Deceased, return to sender". His family had not even told him when his own grandfather passed away.

The evening he received the returned letter Jason found himself in a bar just outside the gates for the Pearl Harbor Navy Base. He was just barely 21 years old and now had no one in his life. Finally, he couldn't put it off any longer. He had to piss like a racehorse as the saying goes. He knocked back the last of his drink and staggered toward the restrooms. He bounced off several chairs and tables as he made his way through the room leaving several angry people in his wake.

After he finished pissing--most of which missed the urinal--he turned to stagger out of the restroom. He barged through the door and slammed into a large man standing there. As he was falling, he recognized the man and felt fear. It was his Chief from the ship and he did not look happy.

The Chief (actually a Master Chief Petty Officer, the senior enlisted rank in the U. S. Navy) reached down to help him stand. As he lifted Jason the Chief said, "Petty Officer (PO) Lowery, you're a disgrace to the Navy. I'm ashamed to even call you one of ours. Get on your feet. I'm going to get your ass out of here before you make another mistake. I like a drink as well as the next man but drinking like you have tonight is just plain dumb as well as dangerous. Do you have a tab we need to take care of before we go?"

Jason stood swaying as he thought about the Chief's question. Finally, in exasperation, the Chief said, "Never mind. Come with me." He turned and pulled Jason with him toward Jason's old spot at the bar.

When they got to Jason's spot the Chief signaled the bartender over and asked, "Does he have a tab we need to clear up? I'm getting him out of here before he does something else stupid."

"Naw, he's been paying as he goes. Don't be too rough on him, Hank, he's had a hell of a life from the sound of things. He's a regular here just like you are, and normally he's not a problem. I don't know what set him off tonight. I haven't had time to talk with him."

"Ok, thanks." Hank turned toward the door and pulled Jason along with him. As they walked the Chief said, "I ought to write you up for this and I still may. I can't take you back to the ship like this or you would be written up for sure. Shit. Come on, get in the car. I'll take you home with me."

Jason was asleep when they reached the gate onto base. He didn't even rouse when the Chief pushed and rolled him around to get his wallet so he could show the guard his identification card. After they got on post the Chief drove into the residential section and pulled up in front of his home.

Jason was still out of it and the Chief had to carry him into the house. His wife, Wendi met them at the door. She looked at her husband and Jason before she said, "What are you doing home so early? I thought you were at a Hail and Farewell tonight. Who do you have here?"

"I was at a Hail and Farewell, but Jonsey wanted to stop off for one after it ended. We hit the Shack and I found Petty Officer Lowery there. He's one of mine and, as you can tell, he wasn't in any condition to take care of himself so I brought him home with me. Mac says he's a regular and doesn't usually get in this condition. He said Petty Officer Lowery here had some problem and really tied one on tonight."

"Well, bring him on. We'll put him in Sue's room tonight. She's staying with Norma tonight after the dance." Hank carried Jason down the hallway and into his oldest daughter's bedroom. He, none too gently, put Jason on the bed. He and Wendi removed Jason's shoes and pulled his pants off leaving him in his underwear.

The next morning Hank and Wendi were sitting on the back porch with their coffee when they heard a loud scream coming from inside the house. They quickly set their coffee down and rushed into the house and down the hallway. They found their daughter Sue standing in the doorway of her bedroom staring at a confused Jason. He was sitting on the side of the bed looking around the room while Sue yelled, "Who the hell are you and why are you in my bed? And where's your clothes?"

Jason flushed and stammered, "Don't know and don't know. Who are you? Where are we anyway?"

Hank pushed Sue aside and stepped into the room. As he moved past Sue he said, "Quiet, honey. We'll explain later."

Jason saw him and muttered, "Oh, shit." He swallowed visibly and continued, "Master Chief, what are you doing here? And where exactly is here, anyway? How did I get here?"

"You are in my quarters, Petty Officer Lowery. I brought you home with me last night after your disgusting display at the Shack. Mac says you don't usually get as shitfaced as I found you last night. Why don't you tell me why you were acting like you were yesterday before I decide whether I am going to write you up or not?"

"Crap. You'd just as well write me up. That would be just a perfect ending to a perfect week."

"WHAT? You want me to write you up? Is that it?"

"No, but I figure you will. I suppose you didn't get your nick name for nothing."

"What..." Hank laughed and said, "Oh, yeah. They still call me Hard Ass Hank don't they? Now, talk. Tell me why you made a spectacle of yourself and why I shouldn't write you up."

Jason spent the next few minutes explaining why he was so upset he tied one on and how he came to even be in the navy. After he wound down Hank said, "Damn, that's cold. No one even told you your grandfather was sick or died? What about your family for God's sake?"

"Don't know. Like I said, I haven't heard from them since just before I got out of high school. Gramps and I kept in touch until earlier this spring when it all stopped. I don't even know when he died or got sick or whatever."

Hank sighed and said, "Crap, that sucks. Ok, Petty Officer Lowery. I'll let this go this time. If I find out you've been blowing smoke up my ass or if you ever disgrace the Navy like this again, I'll drop the hammer on you for sure. Now, get your clothes on and come out back. We'll have coffee, then we'll have some breakfast before I take you back to the ship."

The Master Chief and his wife turned away and headed for the back patio and their, by now, cold coffee. Sue remained standing just inside her room watching Jason. Finally, he said, "Do you mind? Your dad told me to get dressed and come out to where he is."