Love And War Bk. 01


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"As a Starship Captain, I have many duties," said Picard with a smile, looking around the room and finally at the bride and groom. "One of the hardest duties in my career was having to inform a young Starfleet Cadet that his parents had been killed, and that I wasn't fast enough to save them. That Cadet showed more bravery, honor, compassion, and forgiveness than I thought I deserved. The most pleasurable duty I have is the one I'm performing now. To bring that Cadet, now a Lieutenant Commander in Starfleet Fighter Command, together with his one true love."

He paused for a moment, refocusing on Delaara. "When I first met Commander Delaara, she stood before me as an enemy pilot during a time of war. It was with great incredulity that I had read both reports of what had occurred above and on the surface of planet NZ8-257. The young Commander was genuine in her motives, and had fallen in love with the young Cadet I knew so long ago. I've never, in all my years, seen a love so pure as possessed by these two exceptional individuals. It is my greatest duty today to join Lieutenant Commander Jason MacKenzie and Lieutenant Commander Delaara in the bonds of Wedlock. If there are any here who object to this union, let them speak now, or forever hold their peace." Nobody uttered a word, and the Skulls were looking around for anyone who would screw up their friends' happiness.

"Jason, do you take Delaara to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, to love, honor, and cherish, in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," answered Jason with all his heart, slipping the wedding ring onto her finger and setting it against the engagement ring she already wore.

"Delaara, do you take Jason to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, to love, honor, and cherish, in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," she said with all the love she had for him, slipping the wedding ring her father had given her onto his finger.

"Then by the power vested in me by Starfleet Command, the United Federation of Planets, and the privilege of being a Starship Captain, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife." He turned to Jason. "You can kiss her now, son."

Jason turned as if in a dream. He lifted her veil and gasped at the beauty before him. He slipped his arms under hers, pulling her to him as her arms slipped around his neck. Their lips touched, and parted, kissing slowly and tenderly, eyes closing in rapture at the feel of each other.

After what seemed an eternity, they broke the kiss and turned to their friends and family. Cheers broke out as they walked back towards the rear of the chapel and out to head for the reception in Ten Forward, the bar aboard Enterprise.


Ryan, drunk as usual, stood up to give the first toast to the happy couple. "To Jason and Delaara! Let your love continue to grow, and let your sex continue to be kinky!" He sat down and promptly passed out.

"Bloody hell, not again!" said Rachael, smiling as she nudged him gently. The whole crowd laughed at the toast, most of them knowing what Rash was like.

"Now, for the first dance of the night. Jason and Delaara, this is for you," said Commander Will Riker, clicking the button.

Jason rose and held out his hand for Delaara. She grinned widely as she heard the song start to play and he led her to the dance floor. She molded her body to his in a slow dance, her arms around his neck as his hands rested on her waist.

"I love this song." She whispered in his ear.

"I know, sweetheart. I love it too. It's almost like it was written for us. Two souls that will always find one another, even if separated." He kissed her ear, sending a small shiver of pleasure up her spine.

As the song ended, Jason led her off the floor. Next, the Maid of Honor and the Best Man, who had woken up stone cold sober, made their way to the dance floor for their song.

Jason had picked a good one for them. "Love is a Battlefield" by Pat Benatar. The song was upbeat, but they danced slowly together, her arms around his neck and his hands on her lower back.

"You look so beautiful, Captain." Ryan whispered to his fiancee.

"Why thank you, Lieutenant. I must say that when you aren't passed out drunk, you're quite dashing." She said quietly, smiling and carressing the back of his neck. He pulled her close, and she rested her cheek against his shoulder. Nobody there would say a word about it, and they even shared a soft kiss as the song ended.

While Rachael danced with Ryan, Jason was talking with Delaara's parents. T'Rya said "I'm so glad you two found each other, no matter what the circumstances." She smiled warmly at him, and he smiled back. He decided he liked his new mother-in-law.

"Thank you, Ambassador." He smiled at his new family.

Stovrin was a bit more gruff. "You have redeemed my son, Jason. I had my doubts, but after seeing you two together, I know that I was wrong. Please accept my apology for judging you before we even met."

"It's understandable, sir. It was my hand on the trigger that caused your hatred of me in the first place. If I could rewind time..." Jason's voice trailed off.

"You would have done the same thing, son. It's alright. Stovral died a hero's death. He died with Honor." Stovrin said this in a gentler tone.

"Thank you for understanding, sir. My Best Man and best friend was the one I saved that day." Jason had just put a very Human face on his actions for the Ambassador.

Stovrin actually laughed. "Ryan seems like a good man, and your Captain seems to think so, too."

"He is, sir. He's also now your adopted son-in-law, just so you know." Jason grinned at the shock on the Romulan Ambassador's face. "He's the closest thing I've ever had to a brother, and that makes him part of our family."

Both Vulcan and Romulan parents laughed at that. T'Rya said "Now I see why my daughter fell in love with you, Jason. She has good taste."

All fell silent as Ambassador Spock took the floor. "During my long career, I have met many who possessed true courage. However, I have never met any who possess the courage of Jason and Delaara. They defied two interstellar governments. They survived against the odds to find each other. There is no greater gift than the gift of love."

Everyone applauded his toast and drank.

Next up, and their last event of the evening, was the bouquet and garter toss. Delaara stood, eyes shut tight, and tossed her bouquet behind her. Reaching up, as if by accident, it was caught by Captain Thatcher, who blushed noticably and smiled.

Then Jason got down on one knee beside his new wife and endured the catcalls when he slid her dress up exposing about a kilometer of perfect leg to pull the garter down from her thigh. As he slid it off over her high heeled shoe, he tossed it directly at Ryan, who caught it deftly and winked at Rachael.


A Matter of Honor

As the reception ended, Jason and Delaara walked to their quarters from the turbolift. They had made their excuses and left a little early. As their door slid open, he picked her up in his arms and carried her across the threshold. As they entered their home as Husband and Wife, he kissed her lovingly, setting her back on her feet and unzipping the back of her cobalt blue wedding gown. In Romulan culture, it was the same as a white gown at a Human wedding. The straps slid off her shoulders, revealing the fact that she had worn no bra beneath it. Jason caught his breath as he stared at her flawless beauty.

"You are everything my soul desires, my love", he whispered in her ear as she undid the buttons of his Dress White tunic and he kissed her ear.

She felt another shiver of pleasure as he kissed her ear, and wondered if he knew he had finally found her secret pleasure zone. She knew for certain when he slowly traced his tongue up from her earlobe to the pointed tip of her ear and she moaned in pure bliss.

"Your touch is intoxicating, Jason", she moaned as he continued to kiss and lick her ears and she now fumbled with his dress pants. She was so wet just from his kisses, and she knew that he was without a doubt the most passionate man she had ever known. No Romulan man would open himself up to a woman like Jason had to her. Their bodies touching, caressing each other, exploring everything they had to offer the other. Her hand wrapped around his long hard cock and stroked him as she kissed him softly.

His fingers roamed between her thighs before reaching up to her waist and pushing her panties down as he started to kneel before her. As she stepped out of them, he put her right leg over his shoulder and slowly tongue kissed her hot wet pussy. He licked around her petals before slipping his tongue deep inside her. She gasped and moaned in appreciation and pleasure. He removed his tongue from inside her and circled her clit with it before taking her little nub between his lips and sucking gently. As he sucked it, she moaned louder.

His hands came up to cup her ass while he continued to lick, eat, and suck her. Her moans turned to screams when he sucked her clit gently while flicking his tongue across it in his mouth. He drank her sweet juices down as her orgasm turned violent and the mind meld kicked in, amplifying their pleasure tenfold. He caught her as her knees buckled, and lay her down gently on the bed. He moved on top of her slowly, kissing his way up to her breasts and sucking gently on each nipple before continuing up to her full lips and kissing his new bride softly.

She felt him at her entrance and thrust her hips up slowly as he pushed into her, slowly filling her hungry pussy with his hard as tritanium cock. He looked deep into her beautiful amber-brown eyes and saw her love for him. He felt her love as she felt his through their mindmeld. "Make love to me, my husband", she whispered in his ear as he kissed her ear, causing her to moan again.

Jason moved slowly inside her, rotating his hips in circles with each thrust. He kissed her deeply, her moans into his mouth causing him to tense up, feeling the pressure growing inside him. He held off, thrusting a bit faster inside her as their urgency grew. He felt her pussy contract around him as she reached her second climax. She moaned into his mouth as her pussy gushed, drenching him and locking him inside her as her muscles gripped him tightly. "I'm cumming, my love", he whispered as he couldn't hold back any longer, filling her with more cum than ever before as she came around him again, screaming his name over and over. Their mindmeld locked them both into their ecstacy for what seemed like eternity until they collapsed together.

"That... that was... mind blowing... baby." Delaara said between ragged breaths.

"I.. know... what... you.. mean... sweetheart.." He replied, knowing that they had just crossed over into a new level of lovemaking. They had kept their mindmeld ability while making love a secret from everyone. It was something that they alone shared. It seemed that the more they made love, the stronger the bond became. It was exhausting and exhilarating at the same time. After yesterday's frantic fuck after their mission, it seemed like the pinnacle had been reached... until now.


Above Belaeus VIII

"Skull Lead to Skull 2, we have 3 bogies at 2 o'clock high, bearing 212 mark 176." Jason said to Delaara as the unknown craft showed up on their scopes.

"I see them, lead. Come on, loverboy. Let's go see who's intruding on our little getaway." She grinned.

"Sounds good to me, Demoness. You want me on your wing this time?" Jason loved her with all his heart, and knew that she was just as good, if not better a pilot than he was.

"Roger, Friday. Take my wing, and we'll see who they are." She replied. She knew that he was as good as she was, but she was also used to leading patrols as a Wing Commander in the Romulan Fighter Corps.

"On your starboard, lead," said Jason as they switched roles. They hit their Warp burners and closed distance with the bogies in seconds. Their computers had finally IDed them as Klingon Raptor class light fighters.

"We have some Klingons, it seems. Want to do the honors, Skull Leader?" asked Jason with a grin.

"Sounds like fun, Friday." He could hear the grin in her voice. She switched to an open channel. "Skull Leader to unidentified Klingon flight. Are you in need of assistance?" she asked.

The reply came back "Negative, Skull Lead. We're on a training mission. Leave now."

"Identify yourself, Klingon flight", demanded Delaara over the open channel.

"We are a training flight on maneuvers. Now leave", the Klingon lead said.

"You have five seconds to come to a halt and submit to scan," said Delaara in her most commanding voice.

"We will not. You have violated our training area, and you have five seconds to leave. Now."

"Two to Lead. Weapons charged and ready." Jason reported to Delaara.

"Roger, Two", she said. "Weapons charged and ready."

She switched back to open comms. "Negative, unidentified Klingon flight. We are in Federation space, and you have failed to identify yourselves. This is your last chance. Stand down, prepare to be scanned, or you will be fired upon." She stated. Jason saw then how she had commanded an entire fighter wing as a Romulan Commander. She had brass the size of Texas, and he thought he loved her even more.

As they watched, the Klingon flight banked hard and came about, bearing down on them. 3 against 2, but the Klingons were facing the two best fighter pilots in the known galaxy. Jason saw how close they were, and proxed two photon missiles. As soon as the first Klingon bird opened up, he fired both photons before banking to starboard. Demoness had done the same, and their explosions tore two of the Klingon fighters apart. The third appeared to be adrift, similar to how Friday's fighter had fallen into the atmosphere on NZ8.

"Wow, that worked again!" He shouted over their comm. "Great shot, Demoness!"

"Nice shooting yourself, Friday," she grinned.

"Lead, I'm scanning Klingon fighter now. Looks like one Klingon life sign aboard. Life support is still operable. We'll have to tractor him back to Nimitz." Jason reported.

"Roger that, Friday. Go ahead and resume Lead. I've got your wing", she said back.

"Copy that, Two. Let's lock tractors and start tugging." He grinned. He knew this might cause an incident, but they had been right, and their data recorders would show that.

Their tractor beams locked onto the Klingon fighter, and they Warp burned back to the Nimitz with the ship in tow. "Skull Lead to Nimitz. We have a disabled Klingon fighter in tow, and a possible survivor aboard."

"Roger, Friday. What the hell happened out there?" asked Captain Thatcher.

"We'll give a full report while the survivor is checked out at Medical and thrown in the Brig, Captain." Jason said by way of explanation.

"Copy, Skull Lead. You had better give a good explanation for this. Seriously, Jason," she said in an exasperated tone.

They managed to pull the disabled Klingon into the fighter bay and docked their own ships. Security and Medical teams were standing by to treat the Klingon pilot and take him into custody as Friday and Demoness went to give their report to their Captain.

"They fired first," said Captain Rachael Thatcher. It was a statement. She knew better than to doubt the words of her Skull Squadron CO and XO. "Well, we'll download the data recorders and send the data to Starfleet Command."

"Sounds good, ma'am," said Jason.

Rachael looked at Delaara. "Great flying out there, you two. And a great call, XO. I heard the comm data already. That was textbook." She nodded and smiled.

"Thanks, Rachael," said Delaara with her own smile. They had become like sisters, and the mutual respect was obvious.

"Ok, kids. Beers are on me at 1800 in 11Forward," she grinned as her two senior pilots left the Ready Room.

"So what's the plan until 1800, honey?" Delaara asked, taking her husband's hand.

"Well, I thought we'd go see how our Klingon buddy is doing." He grinned evilly.

Delaara chuckled. "He'll go ballistic if he thinks a Romulan girl shot him down."

Jason leaned in and kissed her lightly. "Exactly, sweetheart." He tapped his combadge. "Friday to Dr. Tavolk. Is our guest still in Medical?"

"Affirmative, Friday. Why?" asked the voice of their ship's Vulcan Medical officer.

"Just thought we'd stop by to check on him ourselves. Friday, out." They stepped into the turbolift to head down to Medical and grinned evilly at each other.

"This should be fun." Delaara said with a loving kiss for her husband.

They stepped out of the turbolift right outside Medbay, and went inside. The Klingon was having his broken arm set as Jason and Delaara walked in. He looked up and his eyes grew wide as he recognized a Romulan.

"Whoa there, chief. Calm down." Jason said. "What's your name?"

"I am Kalvak. What is that THING doing here?" he asked with venom in his voice, pointing at Delaara.

"First off, that's my wife you're talking about, and second off, she's a Starfleet officer." Jason had seen this type of racism before, and it always made him sick.

"Why are you here? To gloat?" Kalvak asked, defeated.

"We stopped by to check on your health, and make sure Delaara's missiles didn't do any permanent damage." Jason said it with a friendly smile.

"SHE shot me down?!?!?" he demanded, incredulous. "She has NO honor!" he spat.

"Well, she had the honor to give you every chance to stand down and be scanned to make sure you weren't carrying anything you shouldn't. Your flight wouldn't even identify itself, and fired on us first. Now, who's the one with no honor, here?" Jason had him cold, and Kalvak knew it.

But instead of admit it, he growled and rose to his feet just as Dr. Tavolk reached up calmly, without even looking up from his clipboard, and delivered a perfect Nerve Pinch. The Klingon fell unconscious instantly.

"Doc, that was priceless!" said Jason as he and Delaara laughed at the sheer comedy of it.

The doctor looked at them, raised one eyebrow, and said "I don't know what you mean, Friday." He then got a slight smile at the corner of his mouth and winked at them.

Jason grinned. "Well, we need to meet the Captain in 11Forward. Make sure Security comes and gets this guy, Doc."


"So, Doc reaches up without even looking up from his clipboard and knocks the Klingon out with a Nerve Pinch," said Jason to Rachael and Rash, who just about fell off his barstool, he was laughing so hard.

Delaara added "And when Jason told him how funny it was, he looked up, raised his eyebrow, and said 'I don't know what you mean, Friday' before winking at us with a little smile."

That was it for Rash. He fell off his barstool and shouted through fits of laughter "HELP! I've fallen and I can't reach my beer!"

Commander 'CAG' Jerov was laughing his bald head off at the story. "You two are incorrigible!" He laughed even more. "Not only did you blast him and his buddies, but you went and taunted him too!" He laughed even harder.

Rachael finally wiped the tears from her eyes and said "Ok, enough is enough." She looked down at Rash, still laughing his ass off on the floor. "Hey, stud!"

Rash looked up at his lover and fiancee. "Yeah, baby?"

"Take me to bed or lose me forever!" She winked at him.

"Take me home, baby!" said Rash as he slowly got to his feet, grinning ear to ear.

Jason shook his head and laughed as Rash and Rachael left together. "Damn Bounce and his insanely huge collection of old 20th century flatvids."

Delaara looked at her husband lovingly. "Which movie was that, baby?"

"It's called 'Top Gun', sweetheart. Hell, Bounce wanted the callsign 'Maverick' before they made him 'Bounce' because of his favorite saying 'let's bounce'." Delaara laughed, and Jason continued to explain.