Love And War Bk. 02


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Jason looked up at the newly promoted Lieutenant Commander and Lieutenant(J.G.) on his arm. In the past month, he'd healed considerably from the wreck. "Lookin' good, you two!" Jason said with a grin, rising and hugging his long time friend, and then hugging Stratal. Delaara also gave them hugs, and they made room as Jason grabbed a couple more chairs from an empty table.

Mac and Elizabeth entered next, and Mac said "Don't get up, Jason. We can get our own chairs," as everyone chuckled at his expense.

Rachael said "Elizabeth, this is Dominic and Stratal. Both are great pilots, but they also are fully trained and competent in Command and Security respectively. Dom will make a great Second Officer for you, and Stratal worked in Security before training as a fighter pilot."

"Good to meet both of you, and since it's obvious you two are a couple, don't worry about the regs. I run a similar ship to Mac and Rachael," she said, and grinned as the relief flooded the young couple's faces.

"Oh, and I have some more news," said Rachael. "Commander, MacKenzie, you are out of uniform."

"Ummm, no I'm not," said Jason, checking his flight suit.

"Yes, you are, Commander." She put emphasis on Commander, he noticed.

Jason's eyes went wide. "Seriously? Rachael, are you shittin' me?"

"Not at all, Commander. Congratulations!" She removed his hollow pip and replaced it with a solid one.

"Holy crap! I mean, thank you, Captain!" He beamed, and Delaara, who had been holding back, laughed her musical laugh.

"Well, as the youngest Commander in Starfleet history, I just have to ask WHY ME?"

"Because we need a Wing Commander, and nobody is more qualified than you are," Rachael said by way of reply, "except maybe your wife."

"I would have turned her down, Jason," said Delaara. "I love being under you," she winked, and everyone's eyes went wide as Jason grinned slowly.

"You will still command Skull Squadron, Jason, so don't worry about that." Rachael was laughing at the double entendre that Delaara had delivered with flawless precision. "But since you've been running all the Wing level missions already, it made sense to promote you and give you official Command of Striker Wing."

Garak and Kira shook his hand, then everyone else, and Rash grinned as he knew that he would soon be promoted too, in accordance with Command Squadron in a Wing having Lieutenant Commanders as Flight Leaders.

Mac clapped him on the back, handing him a beer. "Thanks, Mac," Jason said, laughing. Delaara leaned in and kissed him. "Thanks, sweetheart," he said breathlessly after his toes had sufficiently curled.

Quark, who had finally been released from protective custody after public opinion said that Quark was a DS9 citizen, and they didn't care whether he was Ferengi or not, Kira gave Odo the ok to let him and Rom out.

"Colonel, who's paying for all this?" Quark asked, addressing Kira.

"I am, Quark," said Jason. "Just got promoted, so I'm buying the rounds tonight."

"Very good, Commander," Quark said. "Congratulations, and congrats on your marriage, since I wasn't able to attend."

"No problem, Quark. Good to see you again," said Jason.

Quark nodded and smiled, then moved on to another table.

"He's a good guy, if a bit greedy," said Jason as Delaara was looking at him funny.

"He's Ferengi," she said.

"Yes he is, but his nephew is in Starfleet, and Nog is a friend of mine." Jason said. "Hey, Quark. Is Rom around?"

"Sure thing, Jason. I'll see if he's here," said Quark.

"One second, Jason", said Elizabeth. She tapped her combadge. "Shelby to Nog".

"Nog here, Captain. What can I do for you?"

"Well, there's an old friend here who wants to see you. Can you come to your uncle's place on the Promenade, Lieutenant? Don't worry, have Jack cover for you at Helm."

"Sure thing, Captain", said Nog on the other end of the comm.

"Good. Shelby, out", she said with a smile. "There, Commander. Your friend is on his way."

"Ha! I didn't know he'd transferred to the Gryphon! Thanks, Elizabeth!" He hugged his adopted aunt.

"No thanks necessary, Jay." Shelby and Mac both grinned.

"Oh hell, Nog is coming? Sweet!" Rash and Nog were buddies too.

"Sweetheart, don't worry. Nog might be Ferengi, but he's Starfleet above all else," said Jason when Delaara looked at him walleyed. "Trust me, baby. Nog's family would have nothing to do with the reason we're fighting this war."

"Well said, Jay," said Rom. "Trafficking in children is illegal, even under Ferengi law. I'm surprised that those damned bureaucrats are protecting whoever is responsible!"

"Hey, Rom! Glad you're here!" Rash said, hugging another drinking buddy. "Where's Leeta?"

"Oh, you know. She's around here someplace." He shrugged.

"Honey, Rash and I flew with the Bajorans a couple years back, and we used to hang out at Quark's all the time." He squeezed her hand.

Delaara finally decided to put her distrust of Ferengi aside, and smiled. "I'm sorry, love," she said. "I have to put my preconceived notions aside, but it's difficult. I've dealt with way too many Ferengi in my career with the RIF."

"And now you realize all the distrust people show you when they don't know you." Jason said it kindly, knowing that the shoe was now on the other foot.

"Rom?" She said.

"Yes, ma'am?" He said, ready to help in any way possible.

"My name is Delaara, and Jason is my husband." She smiled.

"Well, Delaara, I'm Rom, and Jason has been a friend of mine for a while now. I'm happy to meet you!" Rom smiled big, and shook her hand profusely.

"And I apologize if I haven't been too friendly to you or your brother. When I was in the RIF, we had quite a few Ferengi problems in the Empire." She smiled by way of apology.

"Oh, it's alright! We're used to preconceptions around here." Rom chuckled.

"Jay! Dad!" Nog came running into the bar and hugged his dad and Jason in turn. Then he noticed Rash. "Ryan!" He ran and hugged Ryan. Then he turned to Captain Shelby. "Wow, ma'am! Thank you! I haven't seen Jason and Ryan in forever!"

"Nog, this is my wife, Delaara," he said. "Honey, this is Nog, an old friend from the Academy."

Delaara had visibly relaxed and was much friendlier now. "Good to meet you, Nog," said Delaara warmly.

"Wow, Jay! You married WAY up!" Nog said with a huge grin.

Delaara blushed a bit at the compliment.

"I agree, Noggy. So did I," said Rash as he held Rachael's hand and showed off their rings.

"Dang, Ryan! If you married a babe like Captain Thatcher, there's hope for me yet!" Rash's face went blank at that for a moment, and Nog laughed along with Jason, Delaara, and everyone else.

"Nog, I like you. You actually shut Rash up," Delaara said.

"He's been good at that since we were plebes, sweetheart," said Jason with a grin. Nog pulled up a chair and sat between Jason and Garak.

"Good to see you again, Nog," said Kira.

"Thanks, Colonel. Great to see you too!" Nog said with a smile. "And you, Garak."

"Yes, it's been a while, Nog. How are you?" Garak asked politely.

As the conversations went on, Nog was excited to say the least, and everyone was having a great time.

When they finally went their separate ways, it was with the fond memories of spending time with good friends. Jason paid his tab to Quark and gave the waitress a generous tip for keeping the beers coming.


Back onboard Nimitz, Jason pulled Delaara close. "See, sweetheart. I told you not all Ferengi are the same," he said, kissing her.

"Well, baby. I'm sorry that I didn't take your word for it. I love Nog, Rom, and even Quark." She smiled at the thought of her new friends. "Now, Commander, I look forward to serving....under you," she said, unzipping her flight suit slowly, revealing that she wore nothing underneath.

"My God, sweetheart. Every time I see you, you just get more and more beautiful." He let her unzip him and he pulled his t-shirt off over his head while he sat on the bed and she pulled off his boots. He pulled her up to kiss her deeply and passionately. Her lips tasted of cherries, and as his finger slipped into her wet pussy, she moaned into his mouth.

"God I want you, baby." She said as she kissed him and felt his fingers up inside her. She fell onto her back on the bed and Jason moved down between her thighs. "Ooooh yes baby. Lick me. Eat me. Make me come on your tongue...." She gasped and moaned as his tongue entered her and slipped in deep, tasting her sweet wetness as his thumb found her clit and rubbed it lightly. She squealed and moaned as he licked her cunt and sucked her clit in turn, fingerfucking her and knowing that her climax was building. She came hard on his tongue as he sucked her clit, and his fingers were drenched as she screamed loudly. "OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYGGGGGGGGODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!" He drank her cum down like a man dying of thirst, and felt her orgasm deep in his soul. Her hands were wrapped tightly in his hair, and she pulled him up to kiss him, tasting her cum in his mouth as her tongue invaded and duelled with his. Her other hand reached down and grabbed his throbbing hard cock, shoving it inside her cunt. "Now, lover, fuck me like a whore," she whispered to him. "Fuck me, Commander. Fuck your whore wife! Fuck your Romulan WHORE!" She was screaming and coming as he plowed into her fast and hard.

He pounded her cunt like a man possessed, the mind meld transferring her aggressive feelings to him and he channelled that into fucking the living hell out of her. He leaned down and said "Get on all fours, whore!" She got up and knelt in front of him with her hands on the pillows as he moved in behind her and shoved his cock into her cunt from behind. "You like that, whore?" He asked, grabbing her hair. She came around him as he grabbed her by the hair and shoved his hard throbbing engorged cock deep into her cunt over and over and over and over again.

"Oh fuck yes!" She screamed out. "Fuck your Romulan WHORE, Commander! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me! OH FUCK ME BABY!!!" She screamed over and over as his cock bottomed out against her cervix, causing her to come over and over. She felt his balls tighten and his cock swell even larger and shouted "COME IN YOUR WHORE, COMMANDER! COME IN YOUR ROMULAN FUCKING WHORE! COME INSIDE ME!"

It was too much to hold back, and he came, thunder pounding in his ears as he unloaded completely inside of her. Her cunt clamped down like a vice on him, locking him inside her as his cock continued to pulse with every release of his seed.

They seemed to stay locked like that for hours as they both came over and over. By the time they collapsed beside each other, they were both breathing like they'd just run from Marathon to Athens in full armor.

"My God, Delaara.... Every time I think you can't shock me again.." He laughed raggedly.

"Mmmmmm, baby. You like it when I'm your Romulan whore?" She grinned evilly and her eyes twinkled with love and lust.

"That was intense, sweetheart. But as far as I'm concerned, you're my wife. I don't care if you're Romulan or not. I love you, and that's all I know," he said, looking into her beautiful amber brown eyes.

"I know, baby", she said, stroking his bearded cheek and smiling. "You love me for who I am, not for what race I am. Same reason I love you. But you have to admit that was hot," she grinned.

"Ok, yeah. Hearing you talk dirty is always hot!" He grinned back at her. She rolled over and snuggled into his side as his arm went around her.

"I love you, Jason", she said.

"I love you too, Delaara", he replied as they fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.


"Ok, you're Ensign Mariel Evans, and you're Lieutenant(J.G.) Gabrielle Saint." Rash was chiding himself for a moment when looking at Xena and Gabrielle standing in front of him. 'Dammit, Bounce', he thought to himself. The tall statuesque brunette with the ice blue eyes caught him a bit offguard, but the cute petite blonde with the hourglass figure and a little bit of babyfat on her face was just too much.

"And it says your callsigns are open." He nodded to himself.

"Aye, sir!," they responded in unison.

Then he thought of a way NOT to name them after old 20th century television characters. He checked his computer for callsign history and said "Good news. Mariel, you are now Seraph, and Gabrielle, you're now Cherub. Congratulations, angels." He grinned.

Mariel looked surprised yet pleased, but Gabrielle looked like she wanted to shoot him.

"Hey, I go off of training or combat record, looks, and names. In your cases, mostly looks and names. It says here that both of you are very competent pilots, and graduated top of your respective flight programs."

"Aye, sir!" They said again in unison.

"And ease off the 'aye aye sir' stuff," he chuckled.

"Ay.." They both started, and stopped.

"Look," he said with a smile. "Rachael runs a pretty informal ship here. While disciplined, we don't stand on rank a lot, and most of our replies to orders are standard 'yes, sir', 'yes, ma'am', 'you got it, captain', etc. I'd settle for a 'fuck you, Rash' sometimes." They both chuckled, and the ice was finally broken.

"Now, I'm Lieutenant Ryan Rasher. You can call me LT, Ryan, or Rash. Or Bravo Lead since you're both in my flight, now. The Old Man is Commander Jason MacKenzie, who is the same age as me, and the Old Lady, who really is an old lady, is Lieutenant Commander Deraala, former commanding officer of Gladius Wing, Romulan Imperial Fleet. Yes, there is a helluva story to that, but I'll let them tell you that, themselves. The Captain is Rachael Thatcher, who you've already met."

They both nodded.

"Are you calling me 'old' now, Rash?" Deraala raised one upward swept eyebrow at him.

"Hey, sis", he said. "Yeah, I was. But you don't look a day over 25", he grinned as the two new pilots turned and saw her. "Delaara, these are Ensign Mariel 'Seraph' Evans, and Lieutenant Gabrielle 'Cherub' Saint.

"I bet you won't look this good at 60, buddy," she said and grinned.

She looked at the wide eyed girls and said "I use good skin cream. Good to meet you both. I'll tell Jason they're here, Rash." She turned and walked away at a brisk pace.

"Ladies, that's Demoness. You probably already know how she got that name." He smiled and chuckled. "Now, come on. Time to meet my wingman," he said. "HEY ROY!" He shouted.

Roy poked his head out of his Valkyrie's cockpit and said "WHAT? I'm installing my new sound system!"

"Arrow, get down here and meet our new wingmen!"

"Roger that, Rash," he said, vaulting onto the deck and jogging towards them.

Mariel turned to Gabrielle and whispered "Oh my God, look at him!"

Gabrielle responded immediately. "He's hot, Mari!"

The girls bit their lips as they watched Lieutenant Roy Harper close on them at a jog. "Mari, I want to fuck him silly." Gabby was salivating.

"We'll share him, Gabby," Mariel promised.

Roy finally came to a stop, smiling as Ryan made the introductions. "Good to meet you both, and I can see why Rash chose those callsigns for you. You're both angels," he smiled disarmingly.

"Angels with dirty halos, flyboy", said Mariel with a wink.

"How'd you get the callsign 'Arrow', anyway?" Gabrielle asked with a meaningful look at his crotch.

"Ladies, I'll leave you in the capable hands of Arrow here, and I'll grab Jason right quick," he grinned as Roy began smiling his million credit smile at the ladies.

"Poor Roy is going to get more than he bargained for," said Rash quietly as he walked away, grinning to himself.


"Hey, Cobalt! You gotta see these two new pilots we got!" Rash was beside himself.

"You mean the Ensign and Lieutenant(J.G) down in the flight hangar?" Jason asked. "Delaara told me about them, and she also overheard you getting Arrow to take care of them. Do you really think they're ready for that?"

"No no, buddy. It's 'Do you really think he's ready for them', and trust me, those two had the look of a predator in their eyes when they were eyeing poor Roy up like a side of beef! Wanna go watch the fireworks?" Rash was grinning like the cat that ate the captain.

"Rash, when are you and Roy going to cut out the betting and practical jokes? Especially when you involved two horny female pilots? Yeah, Delaara told me about the pheromones they were giving off, like they hadn't been laid in a year." Jason grinned. "Hell with it. I'm in." He stood up from behind his new desk and headed out into the flight hangar with Rash.

Jason and Rash took up a spot behind Rash's fighter. "This should be good. Roy's a beast, but I can see what you mean about those two. I wouldn't trust them alone with a Marine battalion, much less one pilot." Jason's mouth was hanging open in shock and horror.

"Is this a private party, or can anyone join?" Delaara kissed Jason's cheek.

"Hey, sweetheart. We're just watching to see if Rash's joke on Arrow backfires or not." Jason said by way of explanation.

"50 creds says he takes them back to his place," said Delaara.

"You're on! I say he does them in his Valkyrie," said Rash with a grin.

"No bet, here. As Wing Commander, I have to stay neutral," Jason said with a sage nod. "Besides, I just want to see if this newest temptation is enough to win that bet for you or not."


"Well, you're both familiar with the Valkyrie, I take it?" Roy asked the two new pilots.

"Of course. We both graduated top of our classes at the Academy in both Mjolnirs and Valkyries," said Mariel. "Gabby here was a year ahead of me, but we were roomies for a while." Mariel had 'FUCK ME' written across her forehead, and Roy was definitely interested. However, he had a bet with Rash that he could give up women for Lent.

In fact, both of them looked like they hadn't seen a cock in a year or two, so Roy had figured out what Rash was up to. He was seriously thinking of paying Rash the bet now and having his way with them, in fact. However, his pride was on the line. It really was a tough call.

Gabrielle said "Yeah, Mari and I shared everything for the three years we were roomies", she winked.

"And she does mean 'everything', flyboy," said Mariel with a lick of her lips.


Delaara said "Ok, I think we need to stop this."

"No, sweetheart. This is a valid tactic," said Jason. "We have to see if Roy's willpower is up to the challenge, and besides, Rash has 50 creds on the line with Roy for the bet." He grinned and Delaara chuckled softly.

"That poor man. Either lose 50 credits and have his way with two lonely women who are, and let's be honest here, hot as hades, or turn them down and win the bet for 50 credits and pride while suffering with a bad case of blue balls? If I was a man, I would take those two over the money." She shrugged.

Both Rash and Jason were looking at her with shock on their faces as she smiled at the thought. "Sweetheart, if that's what you want, I'd be more than happy to watch", said Jason with a chuckle. "You know, for scientific purposes."

Delaara laughed. "Not quite, hotshot. I'm not into women, but if I was, those two would definitely do it for me." She winked at her husband.

They all turned back to watch the action.


Roy had decided that his pride and 50 credits weren't worth the chance of missing out on these two. "Ladies, would you like to take this discussion someplace a bit more private?"

"How about your place, Roy?" Gabby asked with a look of hunger in her eyes.

"I think that can be arranged. Just give me a second to put something on Rash's desk." He smiled at the two, then went to Rash's office and placed 50 credits on the desk.

He jogged back to them and said "Ok, we're good to go. Ready, ladies?"


As they all walked to the turbolift together, Delaara held out her hand and Rash handed her 50 credits.
