Love Around the World 26: Zadar

Story Info
A heartbroken man is healed by the women of his family.
30.9k words

Part 26 of the 26 part series

Updated 01/30/2024
Created 11/24/2023
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A/N - And here we are. The twenty-sixth and last story of this series. Thanks to everyone over the past twenty-five stories who has added any of them as one of their favourites or left a comment.

Like my story set in Poland, where I had the story based around two places starting with W (Warsaw and Wroclaw), this will have the same regarding Croatia - Zagreb and Zadar.

Unlike every other story in this series, which have been between around 10-18k words, this one is going to be significantly longer due to all the content, and I think a long story about family love to end the series is a nice way to wrap up the series, and hopefully you'll find it enjoyable to read. (Perhaps a warning: I've never written about a two-generation gap between a loving couple. That is going to occur in a story of mine for the first time.)

As this is the final story, I have gone all-out on the fantasy aspect. Ypres was a pure romance. This is all about love in the family and I had a lot of fun putting this story together.

One last thing. I think Dresden was the only other story I took a viewpoint other than Mark's. For this final story, we have the usual viewpoint of Mark in the 1 st person, and then the women in the 3 rd person.

Previous stories in this series:

Love Around the World - Andorra (Mature)

Love Around the World - Bangkok, Thailand (Interracial)

Love Around the World - Colombia (Transgender)

Love Around the World - Dresden, Germany (Romance)

Love Around the World - Estonia (Group Sex)

Love Around the World - France (Anal)

Love Around the World - Guangzhou, China (Interracial)

Love Around the World - Hungary (Incest)

Love Around the World - India (Interracial)

Love Around the World - Japan (Mature)

Love Around the World - København, Denmark (Transgender)

Love Around the World - London, England (Transgender)

Love Around the World - Montenegro (Mature)

Love Around the World - Nepal (Romance)

Love Around the World - Oviedo, Spain (Incest)

Love Around the World - Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Incest)

Love Around the World - Quezon City, Philippines (Transgender)

Love Around the World - Reykjavik, Iceland (Incest)

Love Around the World - Sri Lanka (Interracial)

Love Around the World - Tromsø, Norway (Mature)

Love Around the World - Uruguay (Transgender)

Love Around the World - Vietnam (Interracial)

Love Around the World - Wroclaw, Poland (Incest)

Love Around the World - Xanthi, Greece (Mature)

Love Around the World - Ypres, France (Romance)

Australian / British standard English. There is a good chance of reading the following: lots of profanity, characters drinking, typos, and bad grammar at times.

Proofreading and editing suggestions provided by OhDave1. Any mistakes are still mine.

Comments are appreciated as always.

Feedback by email is always welcome. Enjoy chatting with anyone who likes my work.


A heartbroken man is healed by the women of his family.



Gazing out the window as her son was busy cleaning the pool of all the leaves after a rather windy day, she couldn't help sighing to herself as in those moments of solitude, she knew her son was away with his thoughts. All of them negative. It had been six months since he'd returned home, the weight of the world on his shoulders, heart shattered, soul destroyed, all by the woman he'd loved, given his heart to, and she was left wondering if he'd ever be capable of loving anyone else again.

"How is he?" Christina asked, her younger sister by eight years.

"Going day by day," Carlotta replied, sipping at her mug of tea. It had been a long six months for everyone. She'd done everything that she could think of to have him smiling again.

"His sisters are helping?"

Melody and Marisa were her twin daughters, four years younger at twenty-one to Mark's twenty-five. To say they worshipped their brother would be absolutely correct. And he loved his little sisters just as much. When she thought about it, there were only three people on the planet who made him smile every day. Christina would be a fourth though she didn't visit daily.

"To be honest, if it wasn't for those two, I'm not sure I could have done it myself," Carlotta admitted, "She crushed him, Chris. Tore his heart out. To find out what she was doing behind his back..."

"Has she tried contacting him?"

"He blocked her on everything possible, but the stupid bitch has tried knocking on our front door a couple of times. I tore strips off her the first time, and his sisters left her in no doubt what they thought about her the second time. I think she finally got the message," Carlotta explained.

"At least he didn't end up marrying her. Did he get the ring back?"

"He didn't care about the ring. What mattered was that he discovered what she was really like, the betrayal of not only the woman he loved but friends he'd trusted since he was a kid. Little wonder it's taken time for him to rebuild himself."

"He still looks a little lost..." Christina stated sadly.

"He doesn't really have many friends left. Would you remain friends with people who were fucking your girlfriend or fiancée behind your back? They've tried giving reasons and explaining more than once. The second time the police turned up to speak to him about an accusation of assault, I guess anyone who knew him got the message and is now leaving him alone. The only people he has anything to do with are the lads at the workshop. He's even keeping them at a distance nowadays."

"Guess she truly was the town bicycle. Everyone had a ride," Christina stated. It was usually a joke, but this was no laughing manner.

"And it was her best friend who finally told him all about it. She didn't want him by knifing her best friend in the back. She told him because he deserved to know the woman he was truly with. She didn't want him getting married to such a massive slut. By all means, enjoy all the sex you want. It's the modern world. But don't string along my son while doing it."

"Any ideas on how to put a smile permanently back on his face?"

"Mum mentioned one thing," Carlotta replied, "She thinks we should go back to the old country for a holiday."

Christina laughed. "I don't think Mum realises that Yugoslavia no longer exists."

Carlotta shook her head, chuckling to herself. "She doesn't mean Yugoslavia, she means Croatia. You remember the story? Her father the Aussie, travelling Europe on a shoestring budget. Her mother the Croatian beauty... Well, Yugoslavian at the time. Falling in love. Then her mother fell pregnant rather quickly. Mum immigrating out here with her parents while still a baby..."

"I remember our grandmother always talking fondly about Yugoslavia," Christina said somewhat wistfully, "I know she did travel back a couple of times. Mum went once though it really wasn't possible after it all fell apart in the nineties."

"I know she wants to go back to Croatia at least once before she dies," Carlotta stated, "I think a trip might also be what Mark needs. Get away from everything for a little while."

Mark walked back in, bare-chested and Carlotta didn't miss the slightly longing glance Christina had in her eyes when he bent over to kiss her cheek. He did the same to his mother, making her giggle as he wrapped her tightly in his arms and kissed her again and again.

"What about me?" Christina teased.

"If you're not careful, I'll carry you outside and drop you in the pool."

"Just let me take off my clothes first."

"You'd love that!" Carlotta explained, "Get your knockers out in front of everyone."

Carlotta knew her sister still had a fantastic body at thirty-seven. Married once though divorced for over ten years as the ex-husband was nothing short of a piece of shit. No kids. Focused on her career. Kept herself fit by attending the gym and doing yoga plus other activities. Great set of firm tits. Tight little body. Legs that went on for days. Barely a sign of aging on her face. Carlotta never felt jealous of her little sister, as even at forty-five, she knew that she could still turn heads, but her little sister was an absolute glamour in comparison.

"Any plans tonight, Mark?" Christina asked.

"Not really."

"We're thinking of having a barbecue," Carlotta suggested, "I've already told your sisters and they'll invite a few friends over too."

She knew that might interest Mark as his sisters were gorgeous and Carlotta knew all their friends had massive crushes on him. When he grinned, she knew the idea pleased him. "I'll head home and grab one of my scandalous bikinis," Christina suggested.

"Or just not bother at all and skinny dip," Mark retorted with a wink.

Carlotta glanced at her sister to see her eyes positively light up with amusement. "Only if you join me, Mark," she stated huskily.

"I bet you'd just love that, wouldn't you?"

Carlotta grinned as Mark gave as good as he got. He'd spent much of the past six months in quiet solitude, left up to his sisters and herself to bring him out of his funk. Christina rose to her feet, taking Mark by the hand and pulling him in for a hug. Mark no doubt felt her rather firm tits pressing into his chest as Christina leaned up to kiss his cheek.

"I'm just glad to see you smiling again," she said softly, "I'm going to head home and grab a few things. Want me to pick up Mum on the way, Carly? She'd love to come and spend time with the family."

"I was going to give her a call, but yes, see if Mum wants to come over," Carlotta replied.

Mark hugged his aunt tightly and Carlotta didn't miss how she closed her eyes and a content smile appeared on her face. As much as his little sisters crushed on their big brother something fierce, Carlotta was more than aware that her younger sister no doubt nursed feelings for her nephew that many would probably find issue with. Carlotta had already looked into it if Mark were to ever return those feelings.

If Carlotta was honest, after everything his ex-fiancée had done to him, finding love with his sisters or his aunt might actually end up being better for him, a way to truly heal his heart. And if there were four people on the planet who would never break his heart, it would be his two sisters, his aunt... And if she thought about it honestly, herself. During those first couple of months, she'd found herself snuggled against him in his bed as he spiralled into a depression. If it wasn't her, his two sisters would snuggle into him for a night or two. Even Christina had stayed for a night or two...

Later that afternoon, Carlotta was sitting back on one of the lounges by the pool in her two-piece swimsuit. Christina was showing off plenty of skin in her bikini. Melody and Marisa had nearly identical toned bodies, young, healthy and very fit. Five of their friends were also around to keep her daughters' company though she didn't miss that most of their attention was on Mark. He wasn't oblivious to their interest though he remained distant but friendly.

Carlotta was keeping an eye on all the younger people as his sisters settled on the lounge next to her. "You know what will do him the word of good, Carly? Getting him laid."

"Yeah, but how and who?"

Carlotta turned her head to see Christina looking back at her, unable to see her eyes behind her sunglasses. "Yes, I'm interested in your answer too," their mother stated, Carlotta turning to look at Jana, their mother, who had an almost knowing smirk on her face, "Please enlighten us, Christina."

"Mum... It's just..."

"Your desires are obvious, Christina. I'm just curious about your vocalising them. I love my grandson, and after what was done to him, the only women I'll trust him with from now on is family."

"You mean that, Mum?" Carlotta asked in surprise.

"Carlotta, if you were to heal your son's broken heart by taking him to bed and showing him how much you loved him, I would approve."

"Get out!" Christina exclaimed, laughing out loud, "You serious, Mum?"

Thankfully, the youngsters in and around the pool were too busy talking amongst themselves, or were distracted by Mark, that they were not paying any attention to their conversation. "If not you and your sister, Carlotta, then I know of two young women who would do anything to make their brother happy again," Jana stated, "I'm not hung up on all these supposed rules. Whatever goes on between consenting adults is only their business. I'm old enough to have seen a lot of things over the years. I know many secrets of our family and many other families."

Carlotta shared a glance with her sister and was left wondering what their mother was talking about. As far as she knew, nothing inappropriate had ever happened between her children. As far as she and her sister, the age gap meant nothing inappropriate could have happened. By the time Christina was eighteen, Carlotta was already married and had given birth to Mark.

"Mum, I actually wanted to talk about Mark and helping him get over everything. We were thinking about a family holiday," Carlotta said after a couple of moments of thought before dismissing them.

Jana immediately smiled. "The old country?"

"Croatia, Mum," Christina replied, "We know you haven't been there in over twenty years, and now that Dad isn't around, and we've never been there. Neither has Mark, Melody and Marisa, and we thought not only would getting away help Mark, but we'd all get to experience a bit of where our grandparents lived."

"Things would be much different nowadays," Jana murmured, "My mother was always a proud Yugoslavian and Croatian."

"Would you like to go, Mum?" Carlotta asked.

"I'm retired, Carlotta. Just give me the date of when you want to go."

"I'll talk to the kids tonight and see what they have to say. I think Mark will pack in his job and make a completely clean start when we get back. The girls will just love a holiday after four years of studying. And Christina..."

"I haven't had a holiday in at least five years. We'll have to do some research into Croatia though."

"Mum?" Carlotta asked, looking back at Jana.

"I'd love to go home," Jana replied softly, "Zadar. That's where I was born and where my mother was born. She loved Australia. She died as an Australian, but she never forgot where she was from. Part of her would have loved to have been buried back in her homeland, but it was more important to be buried next to the man she loved and moved halfway around the world for."

"Maybe we can do it for her as well," Carlotta said softly.

Mark was in a good mood later that night after the friends of Melody and Marisa had departed for the evening, no-one blind to how each of them made sure they received a cuddle and a kiss on the cheek from the only man in the house. As they relaxed in the living room, Melody and Marisa cuddled into either side of their big brother, Carlotta thought about what her mother said earlier. When she looked at her daughters, and saw how their blue eyes gazed at him, she was left wondering if her mother saw the same thing that she sometimes saw. Carlotta was always left wondering if her daughters had feelings for Mark that would be considered problematic to most other people.

Carlotta wasn't blind to the crush they had on their brother. She assumed Mark wasn't oblivious either though she did wonder if he would ever do anything about it. Probably not, if she was honest. When it came to Christina, she surprised herself by having no problem if her sister wanted to have some fun with Mark. It wasn't illegal in Australia, it would just raise a lot of eyebrows and cause no end of gossip.

Christina remained until later that evening. Upon leaving, she said goodbye to her sister and nieces before she asked Mark to escort her outside to his car. Watching from behind the screen door, she watched as her sister said a few quiet words to her son before her hand rested on his chest. Leaning up to kiss him, it was no chaste kiss. What made Carlotta smile was the fact he kissed her back for a few seconds before Christina hugged him ever so tightly.

"Maybe Mum was right," she whispered to herself, "Maybe he'd be better with us. But..." She trailed off and sighed. She loved her son intensely. He was her first born. He'd owned her heart since that first moment she held him in his arms. She loved her daughters exactly the same as Mark, she'd never played favourites, but there was always that special bond between a mother and son.

After Christina drove away, Mark walked back into the house with a small smile on his face. His sisters had disappeared to bed, only Carlotta remaining in the living room though she was ready to go to bed. Mark walked around the house to lock it up as he always did. He'd always taken his family's safety to heart.

"Baby... Want to come sleep with me tonight?" she asked.

"Want a cuddle, Mum?"

"I always loved cuddles with my son. I know you being home..."

"Mum, it's okay. I am feeling better with each day that goes by."

Rising to her feet from her armchair, she took his hand and led him towards her bedroom. She knew a lot of people would think it bloody weird that her twenty-five-year-old son would share her bed, but given that he'd arrived home completely shattered, she knew it was up to her and her daughters to help piece him back together.

She did like the smile on his face when she walked out of her ensuite bathroom in just a bra and panties. Far too warm to be wearing pyjamas. She'd normally sleep naked once the weather started to warm up. She knew her son slept naked all year around as he'd joked about it more than once though he was wearing underwear that night in bed with her.

Snuggling into him, keeping her eyes on him as she felt him stroke her back, she felt the urge to kiss him just like her sister had done. She knew where it had come from. Deep in her heart, that motherly instinct to make her son feel better, but also a multitude of other feelings that had exploded in the past few months but had also existed since he'd become an adult. Feelings no mother should have for their son. No doubt the same feelings her daughters had for him.

"Mark, how would you like to go on holiday with the family?"

"I could do with some time away, Mum. Where are you all thinking? Up the coast or something?"

"No... Christina and I talked to your grandmother earlier today and we were thinking of taking a family holiday to Croatia. Mum would like to go back at least once before she passes on, and my sister and I have never been there. We'd love to see and learn more about our heritage."

"To be honest, Mum, I'll go whenever you want to go. I need a completely clean break from everything and everyone except my family anyway."

"We'll sort it out, baby. I promise you'll feel better in the end."

Snuggling into her son, she smiled as she felt his arms wrap tightly around her. She knew how much her son loved his family. Her husband had walked away from the family years before when he was still a teenager, and he'd stepped up to the plate immediately, supporting his mother and sisters through a terrible time.

She'd supported him as much as his sisters had during his own terrible time. She was now contemplating something far more than just a lot of hugs and kisses.



Lying back on the lounge next to her sister, she felt her bikini bottoms increasingly grow damp the longer her eyes lingered on her nephew. It was still growing warmer as summer was now in full swing and whenever he was out in the sun, Mark was always coated in sunscreen so he wouldn't burn as he rarely wore a shirt while in the backyard by the pool. His two sisters were lying on towels nearby on the lawn, his mother on a sun lounger next to her.
