Love, Lust, and Betrayal Pt. 04

Story Info
Jack is alive and tries to reconnect with Nancy.
6.3k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/21/2020
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Chapter 17

"Oh My God! JACK!"

I felt dizzy. The man that was my husband that I thought was dead for nearly fifteen years is standing at my door in front of me.

I said, "I can't believe it. They told me you were killed in a helicopter crash."

Jack said, "I'm sorry, Nancy to spring myself on you like this but the reports of my untimely demise were greatly exaggerated. That's not to say the Taliban didn't do their best to finish me off over these many years but I'm still alive. Do you not have a kiss for your long lost husband back from the dead?"

"Jack, about that. We need to talk. Please come in."

Jack took me in his arms as soon as he walked in the door and began kissing me. I instinctively responded kissing him back. I felt some of the old passion we once shared again. I didn't see Robbie, who had entered through the back door.

He said, "I'm sorry, I'm obviously interrupting a tender moment. Well, I guess I know who the strange car belongs to now. Nancy, call me when your lover leaves. We obviously need to talk."

"No, Robbie, Wait!"

Jack said, "Nancy, who is that?"

"Jack, he's my husband. I'm married and he just saw us kissing. Damn, what a mess. You were declared dead nearly fifteen years ago. I waited for word that you were alive. Then when the military confirmed your death, I mourned the loss of you for years. I finally moved on with my life, Jack. I have a death certificate saying you're dead. We are no longer married, Jack. I'm sorry but that's the law."

I heard Robbie's car back out and roar down the street. I tried to call but his phone just went to voicemail.

"How are you still alive, Jack?"

"Nancy, I'm sorry if the fact that I'm still among the living disappoints you. The fact is that when the chopper went down, I was thrown clear but suffered some serious injuries. Both my legs were broken. I received a punctured lung from shrapnel from the RPG blast. I also had a traumatic head injury. The Taliban captured me. They were not kind. They let me suffer in pain for days before some quack tried to set and splint my legs. Some tribal medicine man that apparently had some medical training inflated my lung and stopped the bleeding. The head injury caused me to lose my long term memory. The only way I knew my name was I still had my dog tags. Gradually, over several years, my memory started returning bit by bit. My memories of you and our life together before I was deployed slowly returned. Getting back to you became my only reason for living."

"I was kept in chains and caged for years. I survived on the least rations they would allow me."

I said, "Jack, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. It must have been horrible for you. How did you get away?"

"The only thing I could figure out from what I could hear from the guards was they got tired of having to deal with me. I never let them know that I had most of my memory back. They took me out into the mountains and shoved me out of the truck and drove off. A sheep herder found me on the second day and got me to friendly local forces. That was eight months ago. They tried to contact you but all your contact info has changed over the past fifteen years. I now find that even your name has changed. I've been discharged from the service."

"Jack, I'm married to a wonderful man that saw us kissing. I know he's hurt. I've got to find him and explain."

He said, "How does that work? We are still married, aren't we? You can't be married to both of us."

I said, "No, we are not married is my information. I had to present your death certificate when I married Robbie. All this was done in good faith. You were presumed dead for thirteen years, for God's Sake. I'm going to have to seek legal help with this issue anyway to reinforce that everything is legal. Just so you know, I intend to stay with my husband. As it stands right now, I'm Mrs. Robert Ingram and I will do what I need to do in order to stay his wife and the life I've chosen."

Jack said, "I see. I'm over there nearly dead and my supposedly faithful wife is home living it up with another man. I will fight to keep you, Nancy. You won't live another happy day. I swear it."

Jack was angry. This is not the sweet, loving man I married fifteen years ago. I didn't recognize him as the man I knew.

I said, "Jack, you will always have a place in my heart but you were dead as far as the military was concerned for thirteen years. I'm glad you're alive but yes, I finally moved on. Robbie and I were married two years ago and I'm happy. My feelings changed over the years. I needed companionship and love. I found that in Robbie Ingram. I couldn't have a life on your memory. Please don't fight it, Jack."

Jack suddenly turned angrier and hostile. He was scaring me.

He said, "Nancy, if I can't have you, Ingram won't either. I can't forgive you for abandoning me. I won't forget your betrayal. You'll regret it.

He turned and stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

I immediately started calling Robbie. I called and called. He finally answered in the saddest voice I had heard from him since Deanna's confession.

Robbie said, "What do you want, Nancy? Is your lover gone?"

"Robbie, please listen. That was Jack. He's alive. He just showed up at our door. I had no idea. He impulsively kissed me before I could react. That's what you saw. I'm sorry, Honey. Please come home. We need to talk. I'm scared."

Ok, Nancy, I'll come home but there's a lot of explaining needed. I won't stand for any deja vu."

"I know, Robbie. I assure you, that's not the case. Jack scared me. He doesn't seem rational. I need you."

Chapter 18

When I drove back into my driveway, Nancy came running toward me. As I got out of my car, she jumped into my arms.

"Honey, I'm so sorry you saw that kiss. There is no man in my life but you. I did not initiate it and it was unsolicited. I've been so scared. This was not the man I knew all those years ago. Robbie, he implied that I would be sorry for what he perceives as my betrayal. He said we would never have another happy day. He said I betrayed him by moving on with my life and marrying you. He's been discharged but didn't say what type. Robbie, he threatened us."

"Nancy, I believe you. I think we need to contact the military and inquire about his current status. I think we also need to contact an attorney to make sure that he no longer has rights regarding your previous marriage to him. I still have some contacts in the military that hopefully can get us some information on him."

I got on the phone and made some calls. My contacts said to give them a little time and they would find out Captain Jack Flowers' status.

Nancy found an attorney that was familiar with the laws in these cases. She discovered that after there has been no contact for seven years that death in absentia can be ruled and a death certificate issued which is what occurred in this case. Although Nancy waited thirteen years. Her marriage was dissolved by declaration of death and the issuance of a death certificate.

My contact contacted me within 48 hours with the bad news. Captain Flowers is suffering from severe PTSD. He was being treated for other psychological issues including that diagnosis. He left the VA hospital two weeks ago against medical advice. He's been there since he was returned to the states. He's prone to explosive violent tantrums and could be considered dangerous if provoked. He was given a medical discharge noting psychosis. I wondered if Nancy's rejection of his attention could be provocation for something more.

Nancy's meeting with the attorney was good news but my information was not as good. I told her it's possible he could be dangerous so be watchful and let me know of any further contact with him.

A month went by with no contact from Jack. We began to relax a little, trying to get our life back to normal.


It was just another normal Tuesday. April Bonner, who is one of my staff, was just arriving and walked into our office.

Just as I approached the office door from the sidewalk, somebody yelled something in my direction. I stopped momentarily to look and saw a white Mustang with the driver pointing a gun at me.

"It was Jack. He yelled, "I said you'd regret your betrayal, Bitch."

That's when I heard a sharp noise and I was knocked back against the wall. I felt a severe burning pain in my chest and it was immediately hard to breathe. I looked at my blouse and saw a red stain appear above my left breast. Another shot rang out which took my left leg from under me. I fell in the door way of my office at the street. I looked up and saw what could only be my blood on the wall where the impact had knocked me against it. I wasn't aware at the time but the bullet had passed through me and exited near my shoulder leaving a blood spatter on the wall. I felt a warm trickling down my back which could only be blood.

I thought, " What's going on? I'm bleeding from my chest. My leg hurts too. Oh Jesus, Help Me! I've been shot!"

I could barely breathe. I started trying to drag myself through the door into the building. My shoe had been knocked off by the impact and was laying on the sidewalk along with the trail of blood I was leaving as I dragged my leg.

April ran to me and grabbed my arms trying to pull me into the office.

She cried out, "Nancy! Nancy! Hang on. Just as she grabbed my arms, another shot rang out. I watched as the bullet hit April in the chest. Then another shot passed through her right thigh. She fell in front of me bleeding profusely writhing in pain. I finally was able to get through the door and close it just as the white Mustang sped away.

Angie was on the floor and had already called 911. She was hysterical telling the operator that an active shooting was in progress. Two victims have been shot.

I could hear the sirens as I was in and out of consciousness. Angie and the office staff were over us putting pressure on our wounds. I no longer heard April's moans.

I whispered with my weak breath, "Am I dying, Angie? Call Robbie. Please call Robbie."

I could taste the blood that was drooling from my mouth as I spoke. I couldn't move my left leg. I could see blood oozing from a hole in my leg just above my ankle.

The police arrived first taking a cautious stance searching for the shooter. Angie told them he had left in a white Mustang and the shooter was a white male in his fifties.

I whispered, "Jack Flowers" to the officer kneeling beside me. My voice was breaking but I managed to tell him enough about Jack that they could hunt for him.

He got on the radio and told his dispatcher that the suspect is Jack Flowers. He walked away from the VA hospital on a psyche hold six weeks ago. One victim is his ex wife.

EMS arrived and began their trauma stabilization on me. They started an IV and placed a large gauze pad on my chest and back. They wrapped my leg and splinted it. I could see them performing chest compressions on April. There was a large pool of blood around both of us.

Oh My God! No! She's so young. Please don't let her die."

I heard one of them yell, "I've got a pulse. Let's go."

Then I was in the ambulance trying to stay conscious. I was in and out.

I remember whispering, "Robbie, Robbie."

Chapter 19

I was on my way to the airport for my morning flight when I heard on the radio that there was an active shooter situation on Fourth Street downtown. Two people have been wounded and being transported to a local hospital.

Just then my phone rang.

I picked up and heard Angie crying hysterically. "Mr. Ingram...Robbie. It's Nancy. She's been shot! Oh God, Robbie, she's hurt bad. April tried to help her and the guy shot her too. You have to get to the hospital. HURRY!"

I came to a screeching halt and turned around, headed for the hospital.

I rushed in to the Emergency Room and asked for my wife.

The nurse said, "Are you Mr. Ingram?"

I said, "Yes, where's my wife?"

"Please wait here. They are still working on her. She'll be going to surgery soon as she's stable enough to go.

I broke down. Sobbing. Praying.

"Please God, don't take her away from me. She's the best thing that ever happened to me."

I saw a doctor and several nurses walk out of one room and go into the next one. The doctor looked at the nurse and shook his head. I thought the worst.

The nurse said, "That's the other lady. Not your wife. Her coworker didn't make it. I'm so sorry."

I said, "Her name is April...April Bonner."

I saw them wheel Nancy out and to the elevator. She had IV bags hanging everywhere. I ran to her just in time to tell her I loved her and squeeze her hand. She wasn't conscious.

The nurse said, "She will be in surgery several hours. You can wait in the waiting room. The doctor will talk to you soon.

The ER physician came out and sat down beside me.

He said, "Your wife is lucky to be alive. One bullet passed though her left lung, collapsing it then exited out her back. She lost a great deal of blood. The other bullet shattered her left tibia in her leg. They will have to put a titanium rod in her leg with plates and screws. She's going to be out of commission for awhile. She's in good hands, Mr. Ingram. She will go to ICU when she's out of Recovery. Do you know the other lady?"

I said, "Only from my wife's office. So young to lose her life like that."

The doctor said, "I know. It's tragic."

About that time, two police officers walked in and sat down beside me.

The first officer said, "Mr. Ingram, all available units are searching for Jack Flowers as we speak."

I said, "Flowers did this?"

I related all the information I had to the officers about Jack and his psychological issues.

The officer said, "You know you could be next on his list. Do you want protection?"

"No, thanks. I can take care of myself. I'm Ex military also and I have a License to Carry."

It was five hours before the Surgeon came out to talk to me.

He said, "Mr. Ingram, your wife suffered some very serious injuries. The bullet passed through her body piercing her lung. I repaired it and we are replacing the blood she lost. Her wounds will heal in time. She's very weak. The Orthopedic surgeon repaired her leg. She has a titanium rod in her leg held in place by plates and screws. She won't be dancing for at least 6 months to a year but should be able to walk again in about 2 months. She'll be on crutches until then. I anticipate that she will be here a week to ten days. She's a lucky lady. She will be asleep until tomorrow sometime if you need to do anything."

I said, "Doctor, right now I just want to see my wife."

He led me to ICU where the nurses were just finishing transferring her to the bed and hooking her monitors up. Her leg was covered up in ACE bandages resting on pillows. They were cleaning the blood from her hands and arms. She looked so peaceful but pale. She had a breathing tubes in her mouth attached to the ventilator that's helping her lung function. She was nude under the sheet. There was a large bandage on her chest and another on her back.

The nurse said, "She's going to be out until tomorrow afternoon. You might want to get something to eat and get some rest. Get ready for the long haul. She's in good hands."

I decided to go clean up and eat something. The tears wouldn't stop flowing. I believe I looked at every white Mustang I saw going home. I didn't know how many there were but I swear every one I saw was white.

I armed myself and prepared for a possible confrontation with Flowers at some point. When I returned to the hospital, I was surprised to see Deanna sitting at her beside holding her hand and talking to her.

Deanna said, "Robbie, I hope you don't mind me being here. Nancy and I have been friends a long time. I know she can't hear me but hopefully my voice might be some comfort to her. Are they still hunting for her assailant?"

"Deanna, I'm sure she hears you on some level and your voice is a comfort to her. Yes, the police are keeping me updated on the progress. They think he might come after me too. I'm prepared for that occasion."

I sat down on the other side of her bed and asked, "How have you been, Deanna? Anyone special in your life?"

"I'm better, Robbie. No, no one special. I date some but I not really interested in a love life. I haven't had sex since Joey ran out of town. I lost that desire when I lost you. I can see the love in your eyes when you look at her. I loved that look."

"She's a wonderful lady, Deanna. I'm glad we found each other at this time in our lives."

"I know. I can't think of another woman I would want taking care of you other than Nancy if it couldn't be me. I was so stupid."

Deanna arose and gave Nancy a little kiss on the forehead. Then gave me one on the cheek and said, "I'll come back by later in the week when she's awake. Take care, Robbie.

"You too, Deanna."

I sat and watched Nancy's chest go up and down with the pump. The tears began to flow again. I slept in the big chair at her side, holding her hand.

The sun shining through the window woke me. I saw a nurse checking her vitals and checking her drips.

She said, "Good Morning, Mr. Ingram. I'm just checking your wife's vitals. She seems to be doing as well as can be expected. I'll change her bandages shortly if you want to go down and get something to eat. The doctor will be in soon to check her breathing. If all goes well, he may take her off the vent tomorrow."

I looked at Nancy still sleeping. There was a blood spot on her chest where she had bled through the bandage. The nurse was watching me.

"Don't worry. A little bleeding is normal," she said.

I was gone about an hour and when I returned a doctor was examining her.

He said, "Hi, Mr. Ingram. I'm Doctor James. I'm her Orthopedic surgeon. I'm going to check to make sure she has blood flow to her foot and check for any infection. She's getting a strong dose of antibiotics and pain medication from those IV bags. She shouldn't be in any pain right now."

He pressed on her foot and toes of her broken leg checking for blood flow and color. The nurse unwrapped her leg and he examined her sutured incision. I wanted to cry when I saw her beautiful leg so bruised and abused."

Dr. James said, "I know it looks bad now but in six months it will be just a faint memory of a bad time in her life. Her rehab will be frustrating and painful but she will be back as normal as she was before. Just takes love, time , and patience."

It was the next afternoon before her doctor took her off the ventilator. They had stopped the sedation medication and increased her pain medication for when she wakes.

I was sitting beside her holding her hand when I felt her squeeze it slightly. I called for the nurse as Nancy slowly came around. Her eyes fluttered and finally opened. She saw me and tried to say something but nothing came out but a squeak.

I said, "Don't try to talk yet, Honey."

The nurse said, "Welcome back, Mrs. Ingram. Can you tell me if you are in any pain? Don't try to talk. From one to ten hold up the number of fingers that indicates your level of pain.

Nancy held up five fingers on her right hand. Her left arm was immobilized to her body due to the exit wound near her shoulder.

The nurse told me to feed her some ice chips to moisturize her throat. Her voice should be weak but she should be able to talk in a few hours.

Finally, I heard her barely audible whisper, "Robbie? Robbie, what happened to me. I hurt all over and my memory is fuzzy."

"Try to relax, Sweetheart. You're in the hospital. Jack shot you. You were badly wounded but you're on the mend now. The bullets pieced your lung and your left leg is broken. You've got a lot of metal holding your leg together. The doctor said that you'll fully recover with time but you'll have some extra hardware in your leg."