Lovely Lilly


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Somewhere in the back of her mind, especially after coming home late to find Judd asleep or not there at all, she enjoyed it. She enjoyed being taken and dominated in such a way. But this strategy wasn't working.

Wayne was on top of her, grinding into her as hard as he could, his hand at her throat, her hands bound above her head. He was cumming again, except this time; he was choking her too hard. Lilly's eyes rolled into the back of her head, she couldn't breathe. Finally Wayne released his grip and rolled off her. He untied her and asked her to clean his cock.

"No, I have to go. We're done," Lilly said grabbing her clothes.

"Done? What do you mean?" Wayne said.

"I'm leaving. We're through doing this," Lilly explained, putting on her shirt.

"If you leave I'll tell your husband you seduced me. I'll tell him you got me drunk, and - " Wayne said.

"Go ahead," Lilly interrupted him, walking out the door, leaving him speechless. She looked over into their backyard and saw Denise, lounging in a chair by their swimming pool, laughing while talking on her cell phone with someone, oblivious and not caring about what's been happening in her home. Lilly wondered, why they too, were still married.


Lilly went to see her mother the next day. She was out of ideas. She was crying, saying she's failed, nothing is working, and nothing is changing things. She was met with another slap, followed by her mother reminding her that she was a whore and to act like one.

Lilly started to counter Darla, insisting that she wasn't a whore, but didn't bother.

"Strike him where it will hurt the most. His blood," Darla said.

"What? What are you talking about?" Lilly said through the tears.

"His flesh and blood," Darla said, raising an eyebrow. Lilly looked on confused.

"His son, Lilly. His flesh and blood. Strike him there and he will notice, he will be hurt the most, he will be putty in your hand to think you resorted to your own child for your needs," Darla said.

"Think how utterly humiliated he would be to know you stooped to that level. 'What have I done?' he'll whimper. 'How could I have driven her to do this?' he'll cry. Then he'll talk to you about it, maybe see if the two of you could get counseling and repair all this damage," Darla explained.

Lilly looked on in shock, her mouth open, tears stopped.

"Jake looks exactly like Judd. Does he not? His thick dark hair, gorgeous eyes, bright smile, chiseled features. Ooh I bet that will burn so good, mmm," Darla closed her eyes, savoring her words.

Lilly stood, turning her back on her mother, peering out into her backyard. She had no idea how to respond. She shook her head and whispered, "I can't."

"You can't? You can't? Don't hand me that!" Darla spun Lilly around to face her. "No man in their right mind could resist you! No man could resist these!" Darla pulled her daughter's button up top apart, buttons popping out. She then pulled the bra down, revealing Lilly's breasts.

"Do you understand? No man, not even your son!" Darla grabbed Lilly's breast, squeezing them hard, and leaned in close, "not even your father," she sneered into her face before releasing Lilly's breasts.

Darla retrieved more wine from her refrigerator, pouring herself another glass at 11am.

"Get out," she told Lilly.

Lilly closed her mouth, adjust her bra, pulled her shirt together, grabbed her keys and her purse and left, not saying a word to her demented mother.

Back home Lilly sat on Jake's bed, thinking about the college freshman, hoping he was ok at school in Atlanta. She tried to maintain her composure as long as she could, but within a few minutes she started crying again, thinking about her horrible actions of the last couple months, thinking about her son, how much she loved him. She would never hurt him like that.

Lilly rolled over, wiping her tears, holding one of Jake's pillows tightly. She eventually drifted off to sleep, ignoring her regret, ignoring her mother's advice. Jake would be home in two weeks for spring break.

Chapter 5

Lilly woke up a couple hours later, still on Jake's bed. Thoughts of her mother's suggestion flooded her mind once more. She thought about calling Wayne again, but decided against it. She was done with that.

Angry thoughts toward Darla crept back into her mind once more. If only her sister, Jessica, knew of her failure.


"Do you promise?" 18 year old Jessica asked her younger by 10 minutes sister, Lilly.

"I promise," Lilly said.

This day was their 18th birthday. They had made a pact to cut their mother out of their lives. They hated the way she treated them, they hated the way she treated their beloved father, deep down they hated her.

Here the two twin girls stood, naked, in their room, holding hands, making their pact. "Let's begin," Jessica said.

Black dye flowed through their red hair; they would no longer have the same color hair as their mother. They would no longer rely on her, need her, or be close to her. Jessica was leaving, running away across the country. Lilly was taking her baby and moving across town with Judd's parents.

They showered together, cleaning their newly dyed hair. They dried each other off, wrapping towels around their bodies.

They packed their suitcases together. Jessica drove Lilly to Judd's house. They held hands, looking into each other's eyes outside of Jessica's car. They shared a long, slow, loving kiss goodbye. Jessica drove off, Lilly walked into her new home.

Jessica left and never looked back. Lilly hid across town, avoiding her mother like the plague. Darla moved to Tampa Bay for a bit, her husband, Lilly's father finally leaving the witch a few years later - no one knows where he ran away to. 10 years passed, Darla had since moved back to Miami. Out of guilt, Lilly sought her out; her attempts to make amends and rebuild a relationship with her mother have obviously led to more pain.

Here she was sitting in her son's room, her mother having suggested she commit desperate and deranged acts.


A week later, Lilly was walking along the same beach her and Judd made love on during their 5th anniversary. She was alone, thinking about divorce. She thought about her Aunt who happened to live in Atlanta. Maybe she could stay with her, should her marriage to Judd end. She thought that would be nice. Jake went to college there; perhaps they could hang out some.

She thought Darla's suggestion, shaking it from her head each time. There was nothing that would make her even attempt to seduce Jake.

An hour later, her world collapsed even further.

She heard it as soon as she entered her home - the moans and cries of a woman in pleasure. "This is it," she thought solemnly, "this is how it'll end."

Judd was calling her name, slamming into her from behind, standing in next to their bed. She was tall, 6 feet, long legs, dark brown skin, and dark hair. "Fernanda! Yes!" Judd cried, slapping her ass a couple times. Lilly had witness her husband with one of the several women he had in his stable.

Lilly immediately ran away, got into her car and sped off. She found a parking lot nearby, pulled in and began sobbing.

Then the rage came - the blinding, uncontrollable rage. She began slamming her fist into the steering wheel, then slamming the center console, then throwing anything she could find, and then finally, screaming.

He hadn't noticed her own indiscretions because he was too busy sleeping around. She felt unbelievable foolish. Hatred for her mother and herself consumed her.

Resting her head on the steering while, sobbing, a thought entered her mind. Her mother's insane word rang in her head. Lilly clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, saying those words out loud; "his flesh and blood."

Chapter 6

Julie, a 39 year old single mother, ran her hands up and down Jake's 19 year old, muscular torso, smiling at him. Her legs were locked around his toned butt, holding him in place as he worked. She looked over his body, moaning inwardly, admiring his chest, stomach, arms, and one other thing. Jake smiled at Julie, pulled his cock out of her, letting it rest on her flat tummy.

"Mmm, such a nice dick," Julie joked with her younger lover.

Jake smiled, blushed, and shook his head before plunging it back into her. Laying on top of her, rolling his hips, he felt her tense up beneath him, kissing her neck, hoping to bring her another orgasm.

Julie was one of several women in Jake's stable. There was a woman he met at the gym, another single mom in her mid 30's, she was a fitness model who was out of town a lot, but they occasionally worked out together, then had a post-workout sex session.

There was a senior at his university that he started sleeping with his first week as a freshman. Her name was Gisele and they got along great, using each other for sex. Gisele telling Jake that she was with someone, but needed to date and go out in order to throw people off. Apparently she was in a relationship that she wanted to keep secret. Jake understood and helped her out when available.

There was a professor in one of his classes, married, early 30s, who took him out to dinner every once in awhile, then slept with him. Jake let the married women come to him, he dared not to initiate things. He learned that when he lost his virginity at age16.

Denise's son is two years older than Jake. When he left for college, the flirts and affections the older woman gave Jake increased. She snuck over a few times. They had sex in the basement guest room where Jake frequently hung out after swimming in his pool, watching TV, and drying off. Jake figured Denise was lonely, but enjoyed every second with her. She taught him so many wonderful things.

Julie was climaxing again; gripping Jake's powerful back as the young stud worked. He looked exactly like his father. Dark hair, tall, chiseled muscular body. He had green eyes just like his mother though. There was also one other key difference between Jake and his father.

"Ahh ahh!" Julie cried out, when suddenly Jake stopped, sat up and reached for his ringing phone.

"What are you doing?!?" Julie pretended to fuss at him.

"Hey mom!" Jake enthusiastically answered the phone.

Julie rolled her eyes, "You're going to stop having sex to talk to your mom on the phone?"

Jake ignored her, rolling off Julie, sitting on the side of her bed. "Yeah I'm good. I'll be home soon, so that'll be a nice break. How are you?"

"I'm ok. Just thought I'd say hello," Lilly said, fighting back tears.

"You sure? Is everything alright?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, I just don't feel too well," Lilly responded with the truth. She didn't feel well, not emotionally that is.

"I'm sorry. We'll be sure to hang out when I'm there. I'm guessing Dad will be busy," Jake said.

"Yeah, he will be. I'm looking forward to seeing you," Lilly said. They chatted a bit more and the call ended.

Julie entered the room, wiping her forehead, sitting on Jake's lap, still naked. "I think that's actually kind of adorable that you did that," she told him, kissing his forehead.

"Thanks. And sorry, but she's my mom, you know? She's pretty important to me," Jake said, smiling at Julie.

"You're a sweet guy," She said, kissing him again. That was the other difference between Jake and his father - he wasn't a scumbag like Judd.

Later that night Gisele was on her back, her mystery man on a date of his own, the 22 year old, grunting as Jake plowed into her. "Yes!" she cried out, Jake's twin bed in his dorm room banging against the wall.


Lilly planned it out. Anger in her heart, she planned out how she would try to seduce her son. She no longer cared if Judd caught them in the act, she wanted vengeance. The fact that she would be sleeping with a younger, better version of her husband, was satisfying enough. She would spend his entire spring break with him. Buying a couple thong bikinis to wear while they hung out in the pool, she hoped would spark some sort of desire in him.

They always got along, but the relationship was strictly platonic. He was just Jake to her. She no doubt was just mom - nothing more than that. Lilly was hoping, in her hatred toward Judd, to change that. As the week toward Jakes arrival counted down, she wondered several times if she was just a demented as her mother.

"There, you look even hotter," Marie said, fixing Lilly's hair. Marie cut bangs into Lilly's hair. They came just past her eye brows. Combined with her smoky eye makeup, it made her look even younger and sexier.

Each night she entered a sort of meditative trance. Thinking of Jake, thinking of his body, imagining his penis was as impressive as Judd's, picturing him in the pool with her, picturing him holding her in bed. He would be home soon, she would be ready.

Chapter 7

"Hi sweety!" Lilly said, throwing her arms around Jake, her braless breasts, smashing against his chest as he picked her up off the ground.

"Hi mom, I missed you," He said, sitting her feet back on the carpet. "Dad around?"

"Nope still working. But that's ok, I've already got dinner fixed."

"You look great. I like your hair," Jake said.

Lilly was sitting on his lap, her small exercise shorts, riding up her thigh. She wasn't wearing underwear. Jake was driving his spoon into his bowl; his other arm instinctually went around his mother's waist, holding her while they sat. Lilly noticed something different about him. Her affection seemed to not make him feel uncomfortable. Jake went with it, letting her play with his hair, or ear while he ate. She wondered if he just missed her or if he had matured a bit.

Thanking him for the compliment, she kissed his cheek, teasing his hair a bit. After dinner she led him to the couch, holding his hand, sitting next to him. She put his feet in his lap. Jake smiled politely, "Want me to rub them?" This was also something new. Something he had never offered to do, it was quite grown up for him.

"I'd love that," Lilly answered. They chatted a bit about his semester, but mostly remained quiet, enjoying each other's company.

When Lilly returned from the bathroom a little later, she straddled him, taking him by surprise. Jake smiled, playing it off, his arms extended to his sides, his head leaning back on the cushion.

Lilly sat on him, running her hands over his face, neck, shoulders and arms. "Still working out?"

"Mmhmm," Jake answered, his eyes closed, enjoying a woman's touch.

"Wow," Lilly thought feeling his large, hard, biceps. "You feel good," she said, immediately embarrassed.

Jake chuckled, "Thanks mom."

Lilly continued exploring his upper body. With one hand massaging his shoulder, seeing his eyes still closed, she brought her other hand to her shirt, pulling it upward, revealing part of her left breast.

"No," she thought, "calm down, don't scare him off." Pulling her shirt down, she decided to nuzzle into his neck a bit; perhaps placing a kiss or two on it to see if that had any effect. Jake moaned slightly, releasing a sigh of happiness.

Lilly sat back up, looking at his face, thinking how much it reminded her of her husband's. "You ok?" Jake smiled, looking into her eyes, surprising her.

"Yeah, fine. Just thinking about how much you look like your father," Lilly said. "Except better," she quietly admitted.

"Thanks mom," Jake smiled once more, closing his eyes, relaxing.

Just then Judd arrived home, Lilly not bothering to get off Jake's lap. Seeing his father arrive, Jake stirred, sitting up, causing Lilly to move to her side, letting him stand. He greeted his father, chatting a bit, talking about school, talking about the basement and how there was a new paint job to check out. Judd gave Jake a wink, suggesting he sleep down there, he'd be alone in the event he wanted to bring a girl over. Jake just blushed, looking down, nodding.

"So you sleeping down there?" Lilly asked, after Judd said his goodnights and headed to bed.

Jake shrugged, "Yeah I guess. Might as well."

"I think I'll join you," Lilly said.

"Ok great. It might be chilly down there," Jake replied.

A little later, after the dry dishes were put away, Lilly headed to the basement. She walked in on Jake undressing.

"Sorry!" she said after seeing her son in only his boxers.

"It's ok, mom," He laughed. Lilly smiled, watching him fold his clothes. She felt uncomfortable. His large defined muscles eclipsing his father's, his tight boxer shorts showing off a sizeable budge, didn't help matters.

Jake climbed into the queen size bed, his hands going behind his head. "You going to wear pajamas?" Lilly asked.

"Oh, well this is usually what I sleep in now. I can put on a shirt if you like," Jake said, starting to rise.

"No, no, this is fine," Lilly said, putting her hand on his chest, preventing him from getting up. "Perfect," she smiled, guiding him back on the mattress.

She climbed in bed with him, his massive arm holding her close, her hand trailing up and down his chest. She couldn't believe how she felt. Lilly thought this would be difficult for her. She wanted to kiss his face, his body, so badly.

"Um are these boxers too small for you? If so, we can get some new ones while you're here," Lilly said, her hand sliding over his six pack abdomen.

"No they are fine," He said, his eyes closed.

"Are you sure, sweety," Lilly asked quietly, her fingers pulling at the waistband, letting it snap back against Jake's body.

She looked for a reaction, only to see his eyes remaining closed, and another smile on his face. Lilly curled up into his arms, figuring that this was enough for one day.


Lilly looked at herself in the mirror the next day, rotating slowly, looking at the tiny black bikini she had put on. All of her butt cheeks were exposed. She sighed, hoping this would cause something, anything to happen.

Jake's eyes lit up with surprise when he saw his mother emerge from the basement door which led out the pool area.

"Hi," she said, smiling, handing him a towel. "Lay down and I'll do you."

"Huh?" Jake asked.

"On the lounge chair, I'll rub the suntan lotion on you," Lilly said.

"Oh, right, ok," Jake replied.

Lilly sat on his butt and began rubbing the lotion in, slowly going over every back muscle with care. "Up," she said, getting off her seat, standing next to him. Jake stood, extending his arms, as his mother rub lotion up and down his torso, slowly pausing at his chest. Their eyes met, slight smiles came across their face.

"You have a great body, Jake," Lilly quietly said, rubbing lotion on his arms.

"Do me?" She asked, sitting the lotion down, laying on her tummy. Jake paused, looking her over.

He sat on her thighs, running his lotion covered hands all over her back, and then switched to her thighs, his eyes glued to her bare ass. He stopped, thinking his task was complete.

"Everywhere, please. I don't want to burn this," Lilly said, wiggling her hips from side to side, and then flexing her butt muscles.

"Sure," he said, lathering up his hands once more. He placed them on her cheeks, his large hands covering most of them. He took his time, slowly going over each one, covering it in suntan lotion, massaging it in deeply.

After a few moments, he got up, set the lotion down, adjusted his swim trucks, and smiled down at her.

Lilly lathered up her front, stomach, and chest, after seeing Jake already on the other side of the pool, fiddling with the cleaning net. She smiled, watching him gather up a few bugs and leaves that had fallen in. Through her large dark sunglass, she watched him, admiring his glistening body, picturing herself on her knees kissing and running her tongue over his stomach before going further south. She shook the image from her, attempting to maintain control of her mind.

After soaking some sun for a bit, Lilly spoke up, "Join me?" she stood, extending her hand to Jake.