Lucky Day Ch. 01


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The next day, Annie turned up at work to find Kaia there already. Her coffee was on her desk, her days schedule already laid out. As she walked in, Kaia greeted her warmly. "Good morning, Boss. Your coffee is on your desk, I grabbed a muffin, as well. Banana and chocolate, right?"

Annie snarled her bitter response. "Yes, thank you." As she walked into her office, she slammed the door closed behind her.

Annie got a moment mid-morning to search for a solicitor. She decided on the firm that completed their conveyancing during the house transition. The solicitor at the firm who was recommended wasn't available, so she had to wait for him to call when he became available.

The call came later, and it was transferred by Kaia. After the call was completed, Kaia entered her office. "Is there a problem? Can I help?" she asked.

Annie snarled, "Get out, this is a private matter."

Kaia whispered, "Annie, if you need somebody to talk to, I'm here for you."

"Here for me, don't be ridiculous, you're the damn reason I need a solicitor, just get out."

Kaia winced disconcertedly, but turned and walked out. She wanted to be able to help, to repair the damage she caused. Every day the guilt became a little worse; it was the driver for her applying for this position. What amazed her was Annie: she was absolutely adored by everyone around the office. She was everybody's go-to when they needed help, they all leaned so heavily on her. It wasn't just that they sought her out for help, but Annie never said no, she would put whatever she was doing aside to help.

Kaia couldn't believe how anybody could get through so much work and still get out of the office on time to pick up kids, then go home and do it all over again for her family. What a woman. Kaia felt worse than ever. How could she destroy this wonderful woman's life?

Over the next week, Kaia doubled down on her efforts to make Annie's life easier. She picked up as much work as possible, she took work home. She waited on her hand and foot.

It didn't go unnoticed. Annie felt her workload ease, found spare time. It seemed Kaia was able to second guess her, she merely had to think about something, and Kaia was onto it. The wall standing between them came down, one brick at a time.

It was unintentional on Annie's part, but Kaia put aside every caustic jibe, accepting all the slings and arrows without firing back a single shot. She absorbed everything.

With Henry gone, Annie spent her nights playing with the girls, trying to calm their distress. They missed their father. They missed him dreadfully, and there were many tears shed collectively as Annie tried to quieten their anxiety. Her mother was concerned as the girls had lost their gregarious playful attitudes. They were withdrawn and sullen. She tried to talk to Annie, but when she raised it, Annie bit her head off. "It was your damn idea, you're the one who said I should kick him out."

Her mother cringed. "I said no such thing. All I said was you couldn't keep going the way you were. I was trying to encourage you to break down the barriers and try and rebuild your marriage."

"I suppose if Daddy cheated on you, your response would be to turn the other cheek. I don't think so, Mum."

Kristen couldn't answer. Annie was, of course, right, she would never accept that. She could see the distress on her granddaughters faces, it was plain to see they were becoming angry, acting out and being naughty. They needed their father.

"Annie, why couldn't you at least try counselling? There are plenty of good marriage counsellors around. I have checked, it might help."

Annie left with an uneasy feeling knotting her stomach into a ball. She could see the kids changing, and not for the better, either. Henry, if nothing else was a good father, and the girls missed his influence, his gently guiding hand. As much as she hated to admit it, she missed him, as well. Okay, they might not have been sleeping together, or even talking that much, but she missed his smile, his laughter while playing with the girls.

It all came to a head when she opened an email from her solicitor. It was early morning, and she was sifting through emails that had filtered in overnight. There amongst them was the one that broke the camel's back. Henry wasn't going to fight the divorce and he had agreed her terms. Attached was a letter from Henry.

Dear Annie,

I let you down, I broke a promise that was supposed to be the cornerstone of our marriage and life together. I know I have already said sorry, but here it is in print. I am sorry, not just for letting you down, but also for putting you in the position where you had to make choices. I have finally come to realize the extent of what I did to you. It wasn't just a "mistake," as I tried to convince you. It was a betrayal, and I can finally see just how badly I behaved. Trust me, I think you have acted fairly, I would have liked to explore counselling, but I understand why you don't see any future in doing so. I don't want to drag this out and make it any harder. I want the girls to grow up in their home. To make that possible I am gifting my share to you. Look after them, I know you will. I wish you nothing but love and affection for the future. I hope you meet somebody who will not let you down the way I did. I love you.


After scanning it she read it again. When she reached the I love you part she broke down. Her head fell into her hands on the desk, and she cried like she had never cried in her life.

Kaia, who heard the choking sobs, rushed in. When she saw Annie, she closed the door giving them privacy, walked around behind Annie and pulled her into her arms. Annie, all things forgotten, allowed herself to fall into the embrace. They hugged tightly; their arms wrapped around each other. Annie bawled, cried, sobbed and Kaia whispered, "It's okay, let it all out, let it go."

They stayed like that for what seemed like hours. Eventually, Annie lifted her head from the nape of Kaia's neck and dried her eyes. Kaia asked, "What happened? What could be so bad?"

Annie started to answer, but as the words were about to fall out, she again broke down. Kaia grabbed her again, "Honey, it's going to be all right."

"No, it's not." Annie growled, "Henry agreed to the divorce, he's not going to fight."

Kaia confused, whispered, "Isn't that what you wanted?" After listening to Annie yelling down the phone at Henry for months her present sorrow seemed incongruous with her desires.

Annie fell back into Kaia's arms and their embrace. Annie held on tighter than ever; just the feel of human interaction warmed her soul. It had been so long since she had enjoyed the touch and embrace of another human being. Her heart raced a little as the warmth of Kaia's body crushed against her. She could feel Kaia's heart beating, the pulse falling into time with hers.

Kaia held tightly, her embrace was more than comforting: it was driven by another emotion... Desire, lust. After spending this time working so long with Annie, her feelings had changed from admiration to desire. Annie, a beautiful and charming soul, had infected her with lustful thoughts. She had long since realised she was bisexual. Henry had been her first heterosexual relationship in a long time.

As Annie held on, Kaia could hold back no longer; her smell, her warmth, was intoxicating. As she held Annie in her arms, her lips nibbled on Annie's neck. They opened and she nuzzled softly, waiting for any horrible reaction. To her surprise, Annie just held on. Excited, she let her mouth glide over Annie's flesh, her hot moist lips trailing deliciously, making Annie tremble, her body shaking uncontrollably.

Shocked, not only by Kaia's assault on her senses, but by her reaction to it, Annie jumped, startled. "Kaia, what are you doing."

Kaia's hands captured Annie's face, and as she peered into her eyes, she pulled her forward into a kiss. Their lips touched, a fleeting gentle caress, but as Kaia's lips moved and the kiss changed, no longer a gentle kiss, Annie felt Kaia's tongue pressing against her lips. It was forceful and urgent.

Without understanding, Annie's mouth opened slightly to receive Kaia's demanding tongue, and they swirled together in an exotic dance, a fiery tempestuous tango.

Annie, having never kissed a woman like that, was overcome with emotion. Kaia's lips were so soft, smooth, the taste of her lipstick, the velvety texture. Her tongue purposeful, but soft, inviting, demanding, juxtaposition of emotion.

Her eyes closed, their arms circled, the embrace tightening. As soon as they separated, Annie asked again, "Kaia, what are you doing?"

With her hands sliding across the fabric of Annie's blouse, Kaia held her stare. "Annie, don't fight this. I want you."

Her words slowed and she again pulled Annie back into their kiss. This time, Annie didn't hold back, it was her tongue driving into Kaia's mouth, parting her lips with devilish intent. They were fighting, and Kaia's hands found Annie's bountiful pounding breasts. Her hands caressing, fondling, squeezing. Her thumbs tweaking her now hard pointy nipples. Even through her brassiere she could feel the change, the soft rubbery pliant flesh hardening with desire, growing, swelling with the fiery need of desire.

It was voices in the hallway that drove them apart. They separated quickly, panting, staring at each other.

Kaia turned and strode quickly for the door mouthing, "Sorry," as she ran.

Annie flopped back in her chair, her heart racing, pounding out some frantic rhythm. 'What the hell just happened?' she thought to herself. As she rubbed her hand across her mouth, she tasted Kaia, her scent still lingering in the office. She had noticed it in the past, but now... now it's loitering aroma made her quiver, not with fear, not with trepidation, but with desire.

The morning meeting was attended by the whole team and they focused on laying out the day's activities, the problem being Annie couldn't focus. All she could see was Kaia standing of to the side, a folder clutched against her chest. Her gorgeous sexy legs, long, slender, shapely.

Every time their eyes met there was that uncomfortable questioning look. For the first time in her life, Annie walked out not knowing what the hell had been said. All she could think about was that kiss: damn that kiss. It was the most sensual kiss she had ever experienced, filled with desire, lust, a soft yearning thirst.

As she walked back into her office, Kaia followed and pulled the door closed behind her. She stood still clutching the folder against her breasts across Annie's desk. "I'm sorry Annie, I shouldn't have let my emotions get to me, but I have wanted to do that for such a long time. I have to be honest, Annie, I am so damned attracted to you right now, I want to kiss you again."

Annie heard the words and her heart raced, her pulse quickened. "Kaia, I don't know what to say." She spluttered hesitantly. "We shouldn't have done it, I don't know what to say, you work for me, it's so improper."

A hint of a smile appeared on Kaia's lips, "So if I didn't work for you, you would have carried on?"

Annie hesitated, her mind was jumbled, emotions not letting cognisant words out. Kaia... I... I... I'm... shit I'm at a loss."

Kaia interrupted, "Annie, if it's because we work together, I would quit, if it meant you were interested, I would quit."

Annie, taken back by her announcement, replied quickly, with an intensity that shook even her. "No!" Recovering her composure, she leaned back against the desk, "Kaia, I don't know what happened. When you started here, I hated you, I hated you with such an intensity I invented thirty different ways to kill you and not get caught."

Kaia smiled, a little chuckle escaping as Annie continued. "Somewhere along the way, I stopped hating you. Your attitude and the effort you put in helping me. Even though I was nasty, you just kept going and I stopped hating you. I don't want you to leave."

"Then what happens? Annie, I am serious, I have never felt this attracted to anybody in my life. I feel a connection to you I cannot explain."

Hearing those words staggered Annie lightheaded with her head spinning, she felt overwhelmed, giddy with emotion. "Kaia, I feel it as well. I am attracted to you."

Tears started to roll down her cheeks. "You said you never felt like this before... What about Henry?"

Kaia flinched, "I never loved Henry: I liked him, I enjoyed his company. He caught me at a weak point in my life. I had a new job where I didn't know anybody, and he took me under his wing. I made a mistake. I am sorry for what happened between him and me. I'm sorry for how it affected your marriage."

She stepped closer; their bodies almost touching. Kaia allowed her arm to fall, removing the folder, taking away the only thing separating them. She took another step and their breasts touched; their hips touched.

Annie quivered, the heat of Kaia's body arousing, stirring emotions she had never experienced with another woman. Kaia leaned closer, their breasts crushing together, leaning in closer, their mouths touching, their breath condensing in a cloud of anticipation that settled over them.

Annie leaned back, frightened by her desire, shocked at her reaction, she wanted to kiss her. 'Oh my god, I want that kiss,' she thought.

Kaia kept pressing until their lips touched, her tongue sliding out along Annie's lip line, a trail of moisture wetting Annie's dry parched lips.

The heat was intense, the mutual desire unquestionable. Annie leaned forward, accepting the caress. Her mouth opened and her tongue slid deliriously into Kaia's mouth. The kiss kept growing, from inquisitive to passionate. The folder in Kaia's hand dropped to the floor, their arms circled, and they openly embraced, the sexual energy inescapable.

Kaia moved her legs, pushing one between Annie's, her mound pressed against Annie's thigh as she raised it, pushing inexorably between Annie's parting thighs.

Her knee pushed higher rubbing Annie's nylon clad pussy, her damp clammy panties which moved, caressing her engorged swollen lips.

They parted briefly and Annie managed to squeal, "No... Kaia, not here, not now."

Kaia, disappointed but understanding, lowered her leg from between Annie's and took a step back. She stood staring at Annie. "Tonight, have dinner with me at my place. I'll cook."

Annie let out a gentle whimper, "Yes... yes okay... Tonight."

Kaia grinned wickedly as her tongue slithered over her lips, "I'll look forward to it." She turned and bent from the waist to retrieve her folder from the floor, as she did, she ground her butt against Annie's hip. She held the position as her ass gyrated, slowly rotating, grinding.

Annie felt the dampness on her leg as Kaia moved sensuously, and she had to fight hard to quell the desire to reach out and touch her, feel her hands on Kaia's flesh. 'What would it feel like?'

With a shake of her head, she cleared away the raging hunger that burned so brightly.

Kaia stood, turned and kissed her gently on the lips, "Tonight, don't be late."

Annie's day was destroyed in that brief moment. Her brain swirled crazily, conflicting emotions, desire, hate, anger, need, arousal, all fought for control. What she couldn't hide was the attraction; she wanted it, she needed it. It was late in the day when she rang her mother to see if she could have the girls overnight.

"Sorry, Darling." Her mother responded, "Your father and I have reservations for dinner, sorry, but it is too late to change them."

Annie sighed. "Oh, it's all right, Mum, it wasn't important."

Her mother suggested, "Darling, why not call Henry, I know he would love to have them."

With the phone hanging beeping in her hand, she thought, 'How does she know? Has he been speaking to him? Was this some plot to get them together?'

In the end, she called him. "Hello, Henry, a quick question... would you be able to have the girls tonight?"

His response was immediate. "Of course, shall I pick them up from your mothers?"

Annie sighed with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation, "Yes, please, that would be perfect."

"Got something important on?" he asked.

With a bitchy snap she answered, "Yes, I have a date."

The phone line was suddenly silent, only breathing, a slow hesitant cold silence. "Oh, I see." he muttered.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have told you like that."

"No need for apology, Annie, we are adults."

Later, Kaia walked in. "Can I leave early tonight? I need to pick up something for dinner."

It would be the first time since she started that she left early. With a nervous smile, Annie nodded and said, "Yeah, that'll be fine. Ummmm, what time should I come?"

Kaia chuckled. "You can come whenever you want, hopefully several times."

Annie blushed, her fiery red cheeks trembling at the words.

"What shall I bring?" Annie added as an afterthought.

"Just yourself, oh, and a bottle of wine if there is one you prefer."

With a quick swirl she was gone.

Annie sat trying to justify her desire, trying to put some sort of context to gain some insight into what happened, what was going to happen, where it came from...

As she walked out that night she knew, there was no question if she went to Kaia's place there would be no stopping the overwhelming hunger that bubbled away in them both. She battled her own emotions; perhaps she shouldn't go? Perhaps she should just go home, recover and assess her feelings.

By the time she reached her car she was convinced. 'Yes, tonight is not happening, I'm going home.'

At the traffic lights, she again had to fight the desire to turn left or right.

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tsgtcapttsgtcapt9 months ago

One sexual harassment lawsuit would break either company and put all three protagonists out of work... just saying! Thanks?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Is this how life is in NZ?

Everybody banging other coworkers in the office? And no repercussions?

I mean it happens everywhere...but there's always consequences.

You can't fuck your interns, new hires, and assistants. And shit like that is never a secret.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

That was different

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyabout 2 years ago

Really good and intriguing plot. One of yiur better and that is saying something

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago



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