Lust and Mayhem

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Mayhem for Tandy in this 'Cloak and Dagger' liaison.
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This story is a sequel to 'Hope and Desire' and features characters from the Marvel TV series 'Cloak and Dagger.'


"Hey buddy!"

Leaning in close to the glass Mina Hess smiled warmly at her latest test subject; studying the nervous mouse with keen brown eyes. Reaching into the container the young Engineer grasped the trembling white bundle of fur, stroking the creature as she spoke clearly into a microphone, keen to record her every word:

"Subject 34 has been drinking an aqueous solution with a 6.5% Roxxon chemical agent. Recovery sample 446 taken from the North shore of Lake Pontchartrain 72hrs after the mass exposure. Last night she divided into 34A, the aggressor and 34B, the docile."

Approaching another habitat Mina bit her lip, the usually bubbly asian scientist all too aware of what had happened to all her previous test subjects; such a massacre. Moving close to the glass an identically marked mouse appeared from the shadows, claws glowing green in the dim light of the lab:

"Now I know what you're thinking; why expose another subject to it's more aggressive counterpart when previous pairings have resulted in... violent conclusions. Well this female specimen was fed hormonal stimuli before the split coupled with well... alcohol. So if a catalyst exposure magnifies inherent sexual traits and alcohol lowers inhibitions then in theory-"

Moving closer to the glass Mina flinched as the aggressive mouse flung itself forward, the container shuddering as it bounced off the surface, the creature's submissive counterpart struggling in her tight grip:

"Well it's only a theory. But maybe these interactions don't have to end violently. Maybe the aggressor and the docile can work out their differences in a more... amorous ways."

Opening the container Mina lowered the nervous mouse into the see-through enclosure, watching as it scurried to the far end.

Seeing the aggressor turn on it's twin the Scientist held her breath, watching as the doppelgänger pounced.

"Woah... Lusty rodents. Well that's progress..."

Big brown eyes widening Mina's mouth fell open. Grabbing her clipboard she hastily scrawled down notes; even as the habitat before her began to rock raucously:

I would not like to be the catalyst between these two; that would be mayhem!"


Sitting alone in her dingy little apartment Brigid O'Reilly raised a glass of bourbon to her lips, hand shaking as she took another swig. Ignoring the rain lashing down outside her window the young Detective groaned as she swallowed the last drop; desperate to drown out her nerves in the deepening darkness.

Ever since she was shot Detective O'Reilly hadn't felt whole, like a part of her was now missing. Feeling increasingly paranoid Brigid had taken leave from the New Orleans Police Department; preferring to drink alone and lounge around in her sweatpants than get drop-kicked into another lake.

Remembering that awful night Brigid ran a hand through her messy brown hair before hugging her knees to her chest: desperate for a distraction from her own fearful thoughts.

A sharp knock awaking Brigid from her fugue the Detective shuddered in place, eyes darting around her living room. Flinching again as the sound returned, Brigid realised she had a visitor as the insistent rapping on the apartment door continued.

Rising off the couch Brigid rushed to the door before pausing in her kitchen, apprehension halting the nervous Detective in her tracks. Who would visit her at 1AM? Approaching the entranceway cautiously Brigid rose up on her tiptoes to peer through the spyhole. Concern creasing her beautiful features Brigid swallowed hard; it was just as she feared. Impatient knocking reverberating the frame, the brunette pulled back the bolt and removed several new chains before finally opening the door:

"Booty call in the house!!"

Brushing past the nervous Detective, Tandy Bowen flounced into the gloomy apartment, grinning at the brunette as she passed by.

"Tandy!? I mean, Ms. Bowen; I wasn't expecting you tonight..."

"Woah O'Reilly... Was this place always such a shithole??"

Crinkling her nose the adorable young grifter eyed her surroundings disdainfully.

Checking the dark corridor beyond to ensure they were unseen, Brigid quickly closed the door behind her uninvited guest:

"You know you shouldn't be here."

Twisting back to face her Tandy grinned deviously:

"I know... But hat's what makes it so hot right?!"

Backing away from the immature blonde Brigid began to ramble:

"Tandy, I'm not the same person I was when we-"

"-hooked up??"

Interrupting playfully the impetuous kid stepped closer to the Detective.


"So you're not the by-the-book Detective flirting with her bad side? Cos I'm still a hot juvenile delinquent looking to get her rocks off, sooo..."

Looking the attractive Detective up and down Tandy took in the brunette's lean curves and sumptuous assets, smiling naughtily at the nervous woman:

"...Nothing's changed."

Backing away from the insatiable girl Brigid only realised she was falling into a trap when her behind hit the end of her own bed.

Pinning Brigid to the frame Tandy leant in close to the twitchy Detective, pressing her body against Brigid's own as she embraced her older lover. Wriggling in the small girl's tight embrace, the brunette felt powerless to resist. The girl's round face now so close to her own, Brigid couldn't help but stare at Tandy's pouting lips:

"Mmmghh Unnnghhh!"

Brigid was immediately muffled as Tandy captured her mouth, holding the woman still whilst kissing her deeply, pouting mouth smothering her trembling lips.

Brigid crumpled against her bed; reluctantly accepting the warm embrace. Moaning awkwardly her lips sealed against the girl's insistent mouth, parting further to allow Tandy's tongue inside. Tasting bourbon the blonde smiled: Dt. O'Reilly made this too easy.

Squirming as the kiss deepened Tandy leant against the Detective, pressing their bodies together; standing on tiptoe so that Brigid's lithe form met her more rounded curves, wavy dark hair drifting past the girl's adorable nose.

For the fearful Detective the kiss was overwhelming, Tandy climbing into her lap to effectively mount the nervous woman and deepen their lustful embrace.

Changing her stance she settled in place, the demanding hand in her lover's greasy locks gradually loosening. Tipping her head Tandy let her tongue glide instead of thrust, finally allowing the Detective some much needed air.

Filled with misgivings Brigid lost count of the Police Guidelines she was breaking, focusing on the kiss she so desperately needed. Panting against the invading mouth she finally pushed them apart, gasping for breath.

"Mmmm... God I love how nervous you are!" Tandy smirked delightedly, wiping her lips with the back of her hand.

Mortified, Brigid stayed frozen as the girl kissed her cheek before moving to her chin, chuckling between each love bite:

"BTW, mmph, I'm more of a spirits girl, mmmph, so you should probably cool it on the bourbon."

"Tandy please..." the brunette moaned weakly, lashes fluttered as Tandy reached her neck.

"Give it up O'Reilly, we both know you want me: I've seen your hopes and desires remember?"

Smiling Tandy ran her through the brunette's hair, cupping her quivering cheek. Palm glowing against her face, Brigid cursed her weak submissive thoughts, Tandy using her powers to see straight through the woman's passive resistance:


Tandy shivered, closing her eyes as she absorbed some of the Detective's secret arousal.

"This is sooo wrong..."

"Why?" Tandy asked coyly: "I'm not going to tell on you."

Reaching between them as the Detective mumbled incoherently, Tandy's fingers deftly untied the drawstring of the brunette's sweatpants, tugging at the elastic. Afraid for the girl to find her hot nethers, Brigid shook her head anxiously, catching the blonde's hand.

Seeing how wound up Brigid was Tandy considered her next move impatient to fuck the nervous woman; but if she wanted to get laid tonight she would have to give a little before she took everything she wanted:

"Fine," Tandy replied carelessly, stepping backward off the bed: "I'll go first but you're gonna owe me: Now take off my Pants."

Brigid gulped, staring back at the expectant blonde before finally acquiescing; quickly unfastening her high-waisted jeans before helping Tandy wriggle out of the oh-so tight denim.

Taking charge once more Tandy gripped the brunette's hands, placing them back on her hips.

The Detective's fingers tracing over Tandy's lacy black knickers, Brigid bit her tongue, enthralled by the blonde's smooth skin, her hands descending over the girl's plump behind.

Sensing Brigid's growing arousal Tandy gave the detective a few seconds to become distracted, all too aware the image of her ass filled the Detective's subconscious desire. Stroking and squeezing that plump flesh, Tandy soon pried the brunette away, returning Brigid to the task at hand:


Stated as a command rather than a request, once again the Detective dutifully helped the young thief remove her offending garment, grasping the hem of Tandy's crisp white top.

"Ohhh... you smell like melon..." Brigid stammered weakly, shrinking as Tandy shimmied the light fabric upward; revealing the creamy skin of her torso to the brunette's awed gaze.

Tugging the top over her head Tandy shook out her wavy blonde locks. Standing in nothing but her underwear, the girl flirted playfully:

"Well how about these melons??"

Teasing Brigid, the brazen blonde found the brunette's hands and lifted them to her own chest; squeezing soft palms against her pert young globes.

Observing the mystified face so close to her own Tandy smiled, Brigid transfixed with undeniable lust. Tandy cooed, eyelids fluttering as those nervous fingers tightened on her chest, biting her lip and leaning into the contact.

"That's it O'Reilly, get some forbidden fruit..."

"Holy shit!" Brigid mumbled, feeling those firm globes rise into her outstretched hands.

With the Detective suitably distracted Tandy kissed her once more, both mouths suitably relaxed and open; both now ready for the next stage of passion.

Breathing the girl in Brigid's mind was in a whirl. Attempting to bring the code of conduct back to the forefront instead all the Detective could feel was Tandy, the dancer's pert young body tight against her own quivering limbs.

Brigid gasped as firm nipples stabbed her palms. Entranced she barely noticed as Tandy's own hands passed briefly over her t-shirt, lingering and teasing their way down before trailing over her belly. Fingers slipping beneath the elastic hem of the sweatpants once more Tandy smiled; now she was the arresting officer.

Brigid suppressed her panic; this was all too much, too soon! Only a few weeks ago she had first let this grifter into her bed. And now she needed her?? How had she gone from up and coming police officer to drunken slut in less than a month!?

Tandy curling her fingers between moist lower lips and up into her pussy Brigid moaned, her concerns melting as the girl slipped inside, finding a warm and welcoming honeypot.

Staring into Brigid's soul Tandy enjoyed the moment, watching those green eyes roll back as she pushed a digit into the older woman's wetness, producing a pleasant "Ungggh," from the terrified Detective.

Brigid could only just manage to stay upright as the girl began to finger her nethers: starting off with a slow, steady pace, then gradually increasing the speed and depth of her thrusts. Stroking the helpless cop, the blonde curved her fingers, her thumb brushing over the aroused tip of Brigid's clit, drawing whimpering cries of pleasure with each touch:

"Ugh! Unnnghh..."

Leaning in Tandy mashed her body against Brigid's, resting her lips against her ear and whispering breathily to the enraptured Detective:

" Shhhh..."

Brigid closed her eyes, giving herself over to Tandy, anything to distract herself from her own failings as a cop. Body pulsating she was grateful for a distraction and secretly wanted the girl inside; desperate to be whole once more.

This time they kissed passionately like true lovers, Brigid surprising herself and Tandy: "mmmhhh," the blonde moaned as their tongues rolled together. With another thrust she went all the way into the Detective, two fingers up to the knuckle. Gasping into her companion's mouth the brunette produced a fresh flow of fluids, coating the girl's agile digits:

Brigid's misgivings were strangled by the girl's cruel stimulation; swirling fingers in a drooling slot, scissoring motions in her channel even as the girl's wrist tested the slack of her sweatpants.

With the Detective finally ensnared Tandy only wanted further control, all too aware that she was giving rather than taking from the other woman. She had to show strength:

Tandy bit her lip in concentration, gathering up a good coating of Brigid's cream before slipping downward.

Brigid shuddered in shock as the girl made contact, shaking her head insistently as the presumptuous intruder touched her little puckers eyes becoming fearful once more: That hole was off-limits! She wasn't some common whore on the streets of New Orleans! She was a Cop!

Grinning Tandy ignored the indignant brunette, testing her little pink starfish with the tip of her finger. The muscle contracting Brigid twitched on her bedspread. Would this act of submission fulfil her? With the girl tapping insistently on her backdoor, it was only a matter of time until her body finally yielded, a slim digit slipping inside.

Groaning the Detective felt her anus clutch the invading finger. Bewildered, Brigid struggled with this sudden adjustment, Tandy having successfully penetrated the uptight woman's butthole.

"UUunngh, Oh God!" Brigid cried out, shivering and grabbing frantically at the sheets beneath her, teetering on the edge of her bed. Slipping her thumb between the brunette's lower lips Tandy made sure to keep the brunette on the edge of pleasure and pain, massaging her pussy at the same time as she penetrated her tight asshole.

Pistoning her finger and thumb in and out of the Detective Tandy alternated; one in, then the other, occasionally pinching at the thin wall between her two channels. Each time she pushed into her ass the brunette tensed up and gave a little "Ohh" or "Unngh," biting her lip. With only the minimal lubricant from her pussy, it hurt Brigid a little each time Tandy thrust into her ass. Yet given the girl knew her every desire, Brigid just couldn't resist; both women knowing she truly enjoyed this demeaning treatment.

On her next stroke Tandy plunged in even harder, as deep as she could with her long supple fingers. Brigid whimpered as the vigilante held her there, vibrating inside while she groaned desperately. Shuddering against the end of her bed she almost buckled. The Detective gulped down air, struggling with the new sensations coursing through her.

Gasping for breath, Brigid struggled to think, her while being overcome by the pleasure and humiliation of this wayward girl Blinking back tears the brunette shakily revealed all:

"T-Tandy you don't want me-mmmpgh! I-I can't even shoot straight anymore -oohhh! I-I'm useless-Ugh!"

Tandy knew this was her moment to seize full control; Brigid practically offering herself on a silver platter. All she had to do now was assert dominance and the Detective would be literally eating out of her hands. Unclasping the front of her bra with her free hand, Tandy shifted, leaning into the brunette's lap:

"Then I'll find a new use for you..."

Still twirling her thumb against Brigid's clit the brunette gave a delicious whimper. Recognising the signs of the woman reaching over-stimulation, the blonde girl eased off, levering herself forward, Tandy lifting her chest towards the Detective's unsuspecting mouth.

Agape, Brigid could only watch as a firm boob was pressed against her shocked face. Bewildered, Brigid recovered as another shockwave of pleasure rippled through her, instinctually closing her lips around a stiff nipple; Tandy resuming her dual finger fucking in earnest. Brigid's eyes glazed over: overwhelmed by all this sensation finding something to suckle was oddly comforting: The girl's breast warm and firm against her lips.

Holding her nerve, Tandy waited for the brunette to latch onto her chest, nipples rising to meet the Detective's open mouth. Squirming a little as the brunette began to suckle, she suppressed the urge to whimper, resting her cheek on the Detective's forehead. But she couldn't lose her grip just yet; not until Brigid yielded completely.

For several minutes the two women stayed locked in this delicious embrace, Brigid worshipping the blonde's chest with her lips whilst Tandy confidently fingered her nethers. Gradually devolving, for the first time the street-thief felt her tough facade waiver, the brunette's passionate breast bathing almost overcoming her own resolve. Increasing her manual manipulation of the brunette's core, Tandy was relieved when the Detective melted first, becoming putty in her hands.

Pulling away from her Brigid moaned desperately, close to collapse; her whole body hot and needy from the girl's wonderful stimulation. Realising she had lost all composure, the brunette met the girl's eye tentatively:

"Please! I need this!!"

"Then swap with me."


Tugging the brunette off the bed Tandy reversed their position, grinning as she planted herself before the Nervous Detective. Pointing at the floor before her Tandy opened her legs; time to see if Brigid would take the bait:

"Time to put your money where your mouth is O'Reilly."

Brigid fidgeted nervously: "You know I could lose my badge for this right?"

"Doesn't the badge say to 'Protect and Serve'??"

Tandy replied cheekily:

"Well you've thoroughly failed to protect me... So I'm thinking you're going to have to make up for that with some good ol'fashioned serving!"

The Detective nodded shamefully; all she wanted now was to please the girl that had brought some light into her gloomy world.

The assertion clear, Brigid slowly dropped to her knees, crawling forward and positioning herself between the girl's outstretched limbs. Easily taller than Tandy, Brigid crouched down low, her face now centimetres from the girl's waiting crotch.

Slowly reaching for the grifter's hips, the brunette slipped her fingers up the girl's smooth thighs: she was definitely going to serve. Gripping the hem of Tandy's panties she tugged the soft cotton away, revealing the girl's perfect flower:

A feeling of desire overtook Brigid's rational mind, eyes wide and unfocused as she stared into the millennial's glorious pussy, pink petals pulsating before her. The Detective swallowed hard; attempting to keep those inappropriate feelings at bay.

A flicker of her old determination returning, Brigid flexed her jaw, opening her mouth wide as she finally leant forward:


Tandy gasped; genuinely surprised the Detective was so willing to debase herself. Blinking hard, the inexperienced blonde quivered; feeling that warm wet tongue curl into her slit, an electric thrill coursing through her veins.

Tasting Tandy the brunette sucked the girl's sweetness into her open mouth, wrapping her lips around her pulsating peach. Taking another lick, the brunette slipped lower to take a longer, deeper swipe.

"Holy shit!"

Big blue eyes wide, Tandy grasped the bed, her confident facade flickering under this pleasurable pressure; for all her cool underneath Tandy was still a horny drug addict desperate for a fix. Biting her lip, the blonde tried to suppress her ecstatic reaction, determined to retain dominance in their carnal game of chess.