Lust on Haunted Hill


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Continuing to kiss her, I dusted between her breasts, the powder drying small beads of sweat there. Prying my mouth from hers, I began kissing her breasts, licking and sucking her taut nipples. The duster I moved downward, replenishing its contents several times as it swished from belly to bush.

As I continued to suck and nibble her nipples, I teasingly brushed the powdered feathers at her moist, pouting pussy lips. I loved the sounds of her sighs and moans, and it encouraged me to further tease and titillate her. She spread her legs wide for me, and I pushed the feathers more firmly into her sex, working it in playful circles as I devoured her delicious breasts. The soft feathers were obviously having quite an effect on Cheryl, as her increased squirming soundly attested to.

Next, I alternated again. Now dusting her breasts once more, I moved my licking and sucking down between her legs, teasing her with my tongue where the duster had played only moments earlier. As my tongue probed through her pink petals, I noticed that the powder had made her trim, light brown bush look like the gray-white beard of a wizened old man. I chuckled lightly as I licked. Cheryl didn't notice. Her mind was on my tongue....and the dusting going on at her nipples.

Since Cheryl seemed to enjoy this immensely, I kept the duster and my tongue where they were for quite some time. I heated her up quite nicely with both objects, but she'd already been eaten once, so I decided on more play before letting her get too excited. So, grinning, I decided it was time for another goody from my bag. The lightning was right on cue as I picked it up and opened it.

"Oh, don't stop now," Cheryl moaned.

"I'm not stopping, dear....just preparing for the next phase. Be patient," I said.

She squirmed and sighed, "Hurry."

From the bag I decided to next try some vanilla flavored massage oil. I put a tiny bit on the fingertips of one hand and then rubbed those fingers along Cheryl's lips. Her tongue came out to lick the oil off my fingers,

and I slowly worked the first two fingers into her mouth. She sucked my fingers gently for a minute or so, enjoying the taste of the oil. While she did, I reached down with my other hand and played between her legs, slipping two fingers inside her, sliding them in and out. She gasped and her thighs shook...and she nearly bit my fingers. I removed my fingers from her mouth, but only long enough to put more oil on them. Then I put them back in her mouth....and the other fingers back where they were. Teasing was such fun.

After a bit, I took my fingers from Cheryl's sucking mouth and dripping sex, and I applied a generous amount of oil to the palm of one hand. I rubbed my hands together briskly to warm the oil, and began giving her a sensuous massage, beginning at her neck and shoulders and rubbing and kneading along her bound arms to her hands and fingers. Of course, when I massaged her breasts, I started it out as a simple, soothing massage, but it soon became a teasingly erotic one. Cheryl's breasts are too firm and full to be able to resist playing with them, and the rest of her massage would have to take a back seat while I enjoyed them. After all, she was my bound harlot, mine to play with and enjoy.

I fondled, kissed and licked her breasts, tasting the pleasant vanilla flavor. I licked between her breasts while my fingers tweaked and pinched both nipples at the same time. I squeezed her breasts together and sucked first one, then the other nipple hard. As I feasted on those abundant pleasure globes I rubbed myself

against her. My penis was hard and full length now, and I rubbed it against her belly and the top of her patch by grinding and gyrating against her as my lips and tongue savored her vanilla flavored mounds. She began to sigh loudly and she lifted her pelvis up to grind against me in return.

But again, I didn't want her to reach the point of no return. I wanted to prolong this as long as I could. So I stopped my oral assault on her breasts and my grinding of my muscle into her body. I stood on my knees on the bed and looked down at her. She was squirming and moaning, and when her glowing eyes opened and looked up at me, they beckoned me to take her. Her arms were straining at the cloth straps, trying to break the bonds. I smiled wickedly down at her. I laid next to her and whispered in her ear, "Not

just yet....I have more to do."

I got back up on my knees and then straddled her again, this time facing her legs. I sat my bottom lightly on her chest, feeling her erect nipples pressing into my buttocks. Playfully, I wiggled my ass from side to side, enjoying the sensation of those nipples gliding along my cheeks....and enjoying watching Cheryl's eyes as they feasted on my wiggling bottom. I continued her vanilla oil massage.

I massaged downward from just under her breasts, along her ribcage and down to her stomach. As I did, I occasionally bent to kiss or lick her vanilla flavored body, even licking a pool of oil out of her navel. An added

enticement to Cheryl was that she could watch my tight buns as they danced before her eyes. Also, on those occasions when I bent to kiss or lick her, I would lift my ass off her breasts and my fully inflated rod would come throbbing into view, just behind my fully loaded sack. Enticing, yes...but she could do nothing about it, tied as she was and only able to lift her head a few inches off the bed. But, to Cheryl's credit, at one point when my genitals came into view she did manage to lean forward enough to nip both my cheeks and even lick a few times at the very back of my testicles. I was willing to bet her eyes were glowing the most intense sea green color I'd ever seen.

I think it must've broken her heart when I slid toward her legs so I could massage them. I looked back to see her sad eyes saying good-bye to my bottom and my swollen manhood. As I turned to resume her massage, she closed her eyes, but her chest still heaved with her excitement, and her mouth hung open to claim all the oxygen it could.

Eventually, in order to massage her calves and feet, I had to get off the bed entirely. The erotically sublime look on her face changed to a look of simple comfort and contentment. But a quick glance between her legs

still showed plenty of wetness there, glistening in the flickering firelight and the ever present lightning. Not to worry....I'd soon be heating her up again.

When I'd completely massaged every inch of the front of her body, I again straddled her and sat lightly on her, once again facing her. Again I put oil on my fingers and gave her mouth something to enjoy. She sucked my fingers hungrily, knowing now that the massage portion of my game was done, anticipating more erotic

joys to follow.

She was right. I got up on my knees, still straddling her, and let her watch as I rubbed the vanilla oil all over my erect penis. I rubbed it in slowly, directly over her face. Her mouth hung open, inviting, her eyes wide

and green. Her tongue had a life of its own as she watched me ever so slowly rub the oil along the shaft and head. I even reached my hand down below my cock and gave my testicles a coating of vanilla. Once the entire are was thoroughly covered in tasty oil, I lowered myself enough to allow her to lick to her heart's content. She assumed she was going to orally pleasure me again. But, aside from letting her lick the oil off of me, that wasn't what I had in mind. I just wanted to let her lick and suck me again, to get her aroused and wanting more.

As she eagerly lapped at my groin, I leaned back and rubbed her belly, slowly sliding my hand downward. Sliding my hand between her legs, I began teasing her pussy with my fingers. I teased lightly between her sweet, pouting love lips. She sighed as she licked me, her sex getting wetter by the second....and my throbbing erection hungered for more than her mouth. I let her lick every drop of sweet vanilla off me, even lowering my testicles into her mouth for her to suck the oil from them as well.

Cheryl was temporarily disappointed when I pulled my oil free organs from her delightful mouth, but when she realized my plan she was just fine with it. I moved to the side of the bed where that sweet honeypot lay waiting for me, and got on my knees between her legs. I again lifted her off the bed by her back and buttocks. We sighed in unison as her dripping bush met and devoured my pulsating piston...taking it deep inside her. As I heaved and thrust my pounding muscle in and out of her she struggled vainly to use her hands to squeeze me or grab me somehow, to lift herself to kiss me passionately, but her bonds once again said no to any such doings.

Holding her hips well off the bed, I slammed into her again and again, with more sexual frenzy than I'd ever felt before. Sweating, heaving, grunting with lust, I felt as if I couldn't get myself deep enough inside her.

I felt I needed to get deeper with each thrust. Both of us were lost in the searing heat of unbridled sex. I wanted to grab and fondle every inch of lick and suck every part...yet never stop fucking her for a single second. I watched her breasts bounce and jiggle as we heaved on the bed, wanting to grab and squeeze them, lick and suck the nipples. In our normal lovemaking I would surely have done that, but on that sultry summer day, with the storm raging around us, I needed to pound myself into her harder with each thrust...needing to thrust so deep that I had to grab both cheeks of her fine ass and squeeze them hard, to pull her downward around my cock so that it could travel upward through her entire body. My jaw clenched and my teeth gritted tightly together in my effort to skewer my love. I could think of nothing but

fucking her until we were both exhausted...or dead. Such was the fury of our union.

Cheryl strained so hard against her bonds that I briefly feared the old bedposts would splinter and the bed would come crashing down around us. The intensity of our lust amazed me. So far, every sex act we'd carried out in this house was more profoundly erotic than ever I really shouldn't have been surprised....but the sheer animalistic nature of our lovemaking still shocked me. Carried away by lust, I at first heard Cheryl's screams as if from a vast distance.

She was screaming my name over and over again, calling me an animal, a sex machine, and a host of other names I'd never heard cross her lips before. At times as I looked down at her, she was literally growling and snarling, teeth clenched and green eyes blazing. She was bucking her hips against me in rhythm with me, also trying to get me as deep as possible inside her. If my own sexual need at that point hadn't been as

powerful as hers, her bucking would've been forceful enough for her to throw me from her, up and over her head and onto the floor. I thought Cheryl was going to have an orgasm at any second, until she snarled out a command.

"Untie me, dammit! I want you to take me from behind....NOW!"

So urgent was her need, and mine, that I knew I'd never be able to untie her bonds fast I did the next best thing. I leaned forward, still thrusting into her, and grabbed her arm, pulling it toward my face. Like an animal, I lunged and bit the strip, savaging it with my teeth....chewing through the fabric until it gave and freed her arm. By the time I chewed through that strap of cloth and went to the other, I noticed that Cheryl had already chewed through that one as well.

Her hands now free, Cheryl rolled over onto her stomach so quickly that she nearly sheared my penis off in the process, the unexpected movement nearly toppling me off the bed after all. In one fluid motion she was

up on her knees, butt pushed upward toward me. Without a second's hesitation I thrust myself into her steaming sex from behind and we continued our animalistic rutting. Her hot ass banging against my stomach and upper thighs was intoxicating. The moist heat of her pussy sucking at my cock made my mind hazy, hot and humid. My brain was a blissful quagmire of lust and desire, having no other apparent functions at that point other than to assist Cheryl in disseminating pleasurable sensations throughout my body...though Cheryl did the bulk of the work in that regard.

I reached around Cheryl, grabbing her waist tightly with one hand, holding her firmly for my invading tool. As we continued our bestial fornication, my greedy hands were finally granted their wish of fondling Cheryl's bouncing I alternated fondling first one, then the other, while our bodies slapped together in our primal dance of lust. It was constant motion..our sweating bodies a continual blur of groping, thrusting, gasping and grunting sex...pure...unadulterated.

I have no idea how long we engaged in that mind-numbing lovemaking there on that dusty old bed, but it must have been a very long time. Tough I had fought off orgasm with every ounce of will I had, I still ended up coming before Cheryl did. I could no longer fight the pressure. I exploded into her with force that made my teeth clench nearly to the point of shattering, and the muscles of my neck strain to the brink of spasm.

Luckily, my hot liquid filling her was enough to push Cheryl over the edge as well. With still more screams, echoing my own carnal grunts, her groin spasmed around my muscle with a heat and strength like nothing I'd ever felt before...almost searing, cutting. It was like her vaginal walls had decided to actually

bite off and swallow my penis whole.

Even in orgasm, we continued to thrust and buck as if it hadn't happened yet. Our combined sexual energies crackled with the same ferocity as the lightning outside. Our pounding hearts beat no less loudly than the raging

thunder. Our screams of pleasure and release mimicked the loudly moaning winds screaming against the windows and ancient lumber of Bradford house. And then the rain came, hot summer drops slamming against the walls and roof like millions of tapping fingers, symbolically mirroring the spraying, mingling fluids gushing and spurting in this master bedroom which we'd converted into our private love nest. It was as if the storm raged within if we were one with the storm. We fed off its energy, and it fed off ours.

And then there were the Bradfords, leering down at us from their perch above the crackling fire. Their mouths seemed to be opened in sighs of pleasure, their eerily glowing green and steel gray eyes half closed in ecstasy.

Near the bottom of the portrait, their arms, formerly bent across their waists, extended downward and out of the frame, crossing as if reaching for each other's most intimate places. And I could swear that not all the moaning I heard was coming from the storm or from Cheryl and I. Low, sighing moans, of more than one pitch, seemed to be coming from every crack and crevice, every peeling wall and rotting beam of the room...indeed, of the very house itself.

With a final grunt of release, I stopped my assault on Cheryl's sucking pussy. I felt weak, and dropped down with my forearms on the bed, Cheryl collapsing beneath me, gasping, her head turned toward that old portrait. We panted and sucked in lungfuls of air, our spent bodies vibrating together, sweat fusing her back to my chest. The green glow slowly diminished in Cheryl's eyes as I suspect the gray light left mine. Outside, there was a lull in the storm, an eerie silence. All that could be heard as we lay together was our pounding heartbeats and our

heavy, labored breathing. Or was that all? I still heard the Bradfords, sighing and moaning, though faintly....and from the look in Cheryl's now blue eyes, I believe she heard it as well.

As we lay there in love's aftermath, the ghostly moans trailed off into an echoing memory. Outside, the storm continued, but the thunder was a distant, faint rumbling and the drumming of the rain was merely a quiet hiss. The lightning flashed less constantly and the light from it was hard pressed to illuminate even a tiny corner of the room. The storm seemed to be passing.

Barely able to move, I rolled off of Cheryl and settled on the bed beside her. She remained motionless, except for her heaving chest. I pulled her to me and we lay there spooned together, my arm around her, both of us in the final stages of recovery. I kissed her neck gently and lightly stroked her upper arm and

shoulder. She had reached back and was lazily stroking my thigh. Exhausted, we remained that way, cuddled and thinking our own thoughts, touching and being touched, no words being uttered, for an indeterminate length

of time. No words were needed...the touch conveyed it all.

Finally, we each spoke the same three simple words, saying them at exactly the same instant. Breathlessly, and with more conviction than ever before, we looked deeply into each others eyes and sighed, "I love you." Then, smiling, fulfilled, our needs having for the moment been met - by the only other person who could possibly meet them - we snuggled again and basked in the warmth and comfort afforded by each other's body. In seconds, we both drifted off into a deeply relaxing sleep. As I drifted away from reality a weak smile made its way onto my face...for I realized that with all that had happened so far, I still hadn't used some of the toys in my bag. But that would have to wait, for I barely had the strength to hold a thought, let alone play some more.

My eyes fluttered and I felt myself drifting deeper. Just before they closed completely, my eyes wandered over to the old painting. The Bradfords were back in their original pose, but their faces seemed flushed, their eyes - though less brilliant - seemed no less alive, and their smiles were smiles of sublime contentment.

The storm had seemingly moved on. Distant rumbling, light, drizzling rain left in its wake. My heavy eyelids eked out their last few flutters before surrendering to sleep. But as I joined my love in merciful slumber, my ears heard all too clearly a low, quiet urging,

"Rest," I heard it say, "there is more to do. Sleep now."

The world went black, and I dreamed happily of the woman I love...of summer storms...

of ghosts...and of haunted houses.

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