Lusts of the Flesh


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He emptied the final few shots deep into Hailey's American butt, his thrashing, quaking body subsiding gradually into after-tremors and finally sinking sweatily into the mattress, with the thoroughly-fucked young woman still perched on top of him. 'Well done, Pastor - the Spirit really moved you that time,' he heard Rhianna say, as she hauled her friend's reamed hole slickly from his still not-remotely-limp dick. 'Feeling liberated?'

His sense of what had befallen him was swinging from liberation back to violation, however, as his head rolled damply on the pillow, his eyes attempting to focus on the ceiling. Had these women any idea what they were extracting from him along with his cum? Had they no concept of the turmoil into which they were plunging him? It would have seemed vaguely sporting if they had released him at this point, now that he had been made to deliver his first ever act af anal sex, but Rhianna obviously sensed there was more sport to be had. After he had been allowed to relieve his bladder into a bottle, his cock was teased back into full hardness, so the girls could indulge in a second energetic bout of cowgirl antics. That accounted for his third ejacuation of the evening. The fourth and final one was cajoled out of his wretchedly exhausted body around midnight, by Rhianna and Hailey's combined mouth and hand applications. This final draining of his balls left him limp, even to his dick, at which point his sexual captors agreed he had passed his usefulness. As he lay there drained of water, cum and Christian hope, they finally set him free.

Danny dressed silently and meekly, substituting an ill-fitting, only vaguely girly T-shirt of Rhianna's for his ruined one. He allowed Hailey to massage his aching wrists and ankles tenderly and gulped down the glass of water she passed him, having checked that it came straight from the tap. Rhianna, once more wrapped in her red-silk robe, helped him into his jacket, tiptoeing her petite body upwards to whisper into his ear, as she slid the garment on to him. 'That's a nice cock you've got there, Pastor Dan. You really should make more use of it.' Bewilderment and guilt combined to outweigh his resentment and he could find no answer. He just made to leave.

Hailey showed him to the door, displaying the same unassailable air of innocence with which she had greeted and fucked him. As they reached the front door, she went to kiss his mouth and a look of concern crossed her face. 'Don't be sad, Danny, we just wanted you to have a nice time.' She planted the kiss softly on his lips and smiled at him radiently. 'Just because you like sex doesn't make you a bad person.' He stared at her in baffled astonishment, failed once more to articulate any response and so passed mutely through the doorway and into the night. He was halfway down the street when he heard her voice again, its ridiculous earnestness carrying through the still night-time air. 'Hey Danny! Maybe I'll come see you in church sometime!'


She did come see him, some three weeks later, just when he had begun to convince himself that he need never lay eyes on either satanic vixen again. He was midway through the Bible reading when he saw her down the back of the hall, displaying generous amounts of cleavage in a pale yellow summer dress, and had to pass off his shock as a dramatic pause in the reading. The remainder of the service was a sweaty nightmare.

The witch-like Rhianna had done the planning, he presumed, watching out for the once-a-month occasion when Danny led the church proceedings - the outside notice board proclaiming him as speaker - then sending her innocently filthy sidekick along to continue her campaign of advanced sexual temptation. As if he had not been dreading this day already - the first occasion after his night of coerced lust that he had to stand before the congregation and fly the flag for virtue.

If Pastor Simmons had realised the lies he had told to explain his absence from the Bible Study... If the congregation had but known his inner turmoil, four weeks' worth of dark nights for his soul, nights devoted to either agonized prayer or frantic masturbation at the memory of the bizarre threesome... If any of them had heard him rage at God for letting this happen after his ten years of righteous abstinence..... But he had wrestled his way through it all, pushing aside all notions that he should leave the church and work for Oxfam or Friends of the Earth instead. He had made himself believe that he could stand in front of the church-people, old and young, and focus on his mission to teach the Bible, not on Rhianna and Hailey's secret, wet places and his cock's recent labours there.

And now, all the way through the prayers, the praise songs, the sermon that Pastor Simmons had prescribed for him to preach - on the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins for heaven's sake - here was Hailey, gazing at him perkily from the back row, as he stumbled his way through his duties, with a prickling under his shirt collar and a twitching restlessness in his trousers. Every wicked, forbidden image that he had tried to suppress from that night bubbled up to his mind's surface and he gripped the lectern till his hands hurt, trying to wrest his focus away from Hailey's tits and back to his godly task.

'You feeling all right, Daniel?' Pastor Simmons inquired of him as the service broke up. 'You were looking a bit peaky during the sermon. Don't think your mind was quite on the job.'

'Stomach's feeling a bit rough, had a dodgy curry last night,' Danny explained hurriedly, feeling sure that Hailey was primed to swoop on him at any second. 'Would you do the handshakes today? I kind of need to...' He pointed to the rooms at the back of the hall and grimaced to indicate dihorretic desperation.

'Certainly, certainly,' said the concerned Senior Pastor. 'I didn't realise.' Danny was already fleeing for refuge into the back study. He collapsed into the chair where he normally sat to fine-tune his sermons prior to a service and buried his face in his folded arms on the writing desk, letting the immediate sense of horror subside and waiting for the church to empty. Ten minutes had passed when the door opened, and he raised his head, startled.

'Everything okay, Daniel?' Pastor Simmons again, his frown suggesting the merest hint of scepticism this time at Danny's excuse of an upset stomach. 'I can't give you a lift home?'

'No, no, no,' Danny insisted, with a weak smile. 'You go on. I'll lock up in a bit. I could do with the fresh air. Don't worry, I'll be fine.'

Alone again, he lay in the chair, caught between despair and that other all-too-familiar feeling, the one that had hardened his dick half a dozen times during the service, despite all his confusion and fear. Wasn't it enough that he had to wrestle daily with the erotic images and sensations branded on his memory that night, without one or other of his sexual tormentors putting in a live appearance? How was he to continue as a youth pastor, while his nightly dreams swam with the sordid sweetness of his captivity? 'I've tried, you know I've tried.' The prayer was muttered under his breath to combat the newest stabs of guilt. 'Ten years, being the good boy, fighting temptation... Okay, maybe I was an idiot to go there, but how could I have known? It wasn't my FUCKING FAULT!'

'Danny? Danny, you okay?' This time the voice was soft and American and it made him jump out of his seat.

'Hailey! What are you doing here?' His heart was thumping like a drum in his chest. She was standing in the doorway, tanned and pretty in her flimsy, yellow dress, nervously chewing her bottom lip.

'I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to come and say how good your talk was. You're a really good preacher...' She advanced into the room, shutting the door behind her, a sweet, yet hesitant smile on her face.

'Did Rhianna send you here?'

Hailey looked confused. 'No, I just thought I'd come visit your church, like I said I would...'

Danny's nervousness in her presence was rapidly fermenting into anger. 'You planned this between you, right? She reeled me in last time and now you're here to mess with me some more. What's wrong with you two, I mean wasn't that night enough for you? You want to carry your twisted games a step further, is that it?'

'No, no, it's not a game! I just wanted to see you, Danny!' The American girl seemed genuinely startled by her reception. 'I - I felt a bit bad after that night - you seemed such a nice guy and I thought maybe we'd upset you.'

A month's worth of violent, conflicting emotions seemed to be swelling inside Danny. 'Upset me? You thought maybe you'd... You assaulted me, that's what you did! I went there in good faith, because I thought that...that bitch wanted to talk about God, and the two of you carried out a criminal assault! Don't you get that, Hailey? Or are you too stupid?' He jabbed a finger repeatedly against his temple, as he advanced on her in his building rage. 'Or - or maybe your stupidity's just part of whatever sick routine you two have going!'

Hailey stared at him, frightened and perplexed, wringing her hands a little in her confusion. 'But we just wanted you to have some fun...'

Danny stopped short, stunned by the sheer extent of the girl's gaucheness. 'Fun? Is that what you think you're doing, giving people fun? Is that what that mad friend of yours tells you it's all about?' He moved towards her again, his voice shaking with emotion. 'You fucked with my head, Hailey! You fucked with my faith!' He grabbed her bare arms bruisingly and stared in her shocked, nearly tearful face. 'You fucked with everything I've devoted my life to for the past ten years, don't you understand that? Don't you get it? Don't...' He was seized with fierce, irresistible passion and dragged the trembling girl to him, attacking her mouth with his in a furious, tongue-searching kiss. After a split-second of shock she responded completely, pressing the full curves of her body into him, the soft wetness of her mouth and tongue yielding deliciously to his lustful, oral assault.

Danny reached down and clutched her ass through the thin material of her dress, moulding their loins tightly together. His mouth searched its way hungrily to her neck and throat, causing her to moan in an unexpected, half-frightened ecstasy. Then, propelled by the momentum of his lust, he swung her about and all but flung her against the side of the desk. Her face was flushed, her throat producing little breathless noises of anticipation, as his fingers hitched up the short hem of her dress, scrabbling for whatever might be found beneath. He discovered a tiny wisp of thong, which he jerked sharply downwards to her knees, before setting about his own trouser fastenings. Having tugged himself free of the clothing layers that constrained his desire, he hoisted Hailey into sitting position on the edge of the desk and wrenched her thighs apart. His cock had sprung from his briefs already hard, her cunt was already sopping with its natural juice. She clung to his back through the damp material of his shirt, her pupils dilated and her lips slightly parted in a fearful thrill of expectancy, as he planted himself firmly between her legs and found out her slippery entrance with the tip of his ready organ. With a single, vehement fuck-thrust, he filled her completely.

Hailey nearly fell back on to the desk, as his surging cock-head rammed its way towards her womb; he caught her and pulled her to him, but not before her flailing arms had scattered papers and knocked a tray of Communion glasses explosively to the floor. Undeterred he dug his fingers into her fleshy butt-cheeks and delivered a barrage of penetrating thrusts into her pussy, making her cry aloud with each hard, wet connection of their sexes.

'Oh God, oh God, oh God,' she was moaning, as he pumped fluidly and aggressively into her tight, juicy box. 'Oh-oh-oh- Fuck me Danny, fuck me hard - I deserve it! Fuck me like I deserve!' Her voice was jolting with each thrust she absorbed. He gritted his teeth and fucked her with all the passion that had gone into his recent prayers. He fucked her because she was pretty with great tits, that were currently tumbling out of her dress. He fucked her because she was a silly, air-headed girlie-girl, who played along mindlessly with the evil sex-games of her devious, hot friend. He fucked her because however much anger he had felt towards her, he had still ended up fantasizing about her sweet smile and her dirty little ass. He rammed himself deep into her cunt for every moment's mental torment she and Rhianna had caused him. He fucked her long and hard and recklessly - like he was already damned for it - until the juice welled up from within his balls and he came, a long scream of anguished joy issuing from his throat, even as the hard jets of semen spurted freely from his cock deep inside the young American. Then she fell back on to the desk with her breasts on display, as he let her go. Danny felt his own drained body wilt, although he remained standing, propped as he was between Hailey's legs.

He was still propped there moments later, when the door opened and Pastor Simmons strode into the room. The senior preacher was halfway through some brisk comment about having left his notes for the evening's service on the desk, but when he saw Danny and Hailey he actually stumbled back, as if physically rebuffed by some invisible wall. Danny stared stupidly at him, and at Luke and Rebekah, his teenage children, who were standing behind their father, goggling into the room in adolescent astonishment. It occurred to him in his dazedness, that the notes in question were probably to be located beneath Hailey's naked ass, with her vaginal fluids soaking their way through the top sheet. He felt his dick flop heavily out of her slit, so that the last of his cum dribbled on to the carpet.

'Ehhh...' Pastor Simmons stared vacantly at the obscenely irreligious tableau before him. Danny imagined his career as a preacher trickling stickily down Hailey's thighs. Even in the overwhelming horror of the moment he felt the faintest trace of relief at letting it go.

'Hi there.' Hailey was climbing up into a sitting position, hitching up her dress straps to conceal her bared breasts, a look of embarrassed sincerity on her face. She clearly hoped the situation was not beyond salvage. 'Danny's been telling me all about the church. Do you think it'd be okay if I joined?'

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

very weak and pathetic femdom by rihanna

it seems like this is written for lazy male audience who like to lie down in bed and let woman do all the work

it ended up in him getting more pleasure than pain which sucks

what challenges christianity is men getting sodomised and end up loving it and the not the women ?women being sodomised is boring af

its so tantalising when a cock is forced upon a mans rectum all his boasting comes to a pathelic mewling of a gangraped women?

the shame the humiliation man faces when he gets taken by cock up his ass ,his submission is like the mount everest in front of the trashy and weak dominatio done by rihanna on danny ?

once a man gets sodomised he breaks so bad do bad that a chick gets gangraped by 100 guys gor the 100th time

but jaymal doesnt have guts to show his male character subjected to a heavy domination enough to make him a sissy to a dominatrix

most of his story involve severe mindfuck and breaking of women at the hands of plain braindead male bullys

but never jaymal would challenge to break a man to a sissy at a poweful womans hands

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

why jaymal why?

why are you so double standard when it comes to pain inflicted on gender?

why is it ok for your male chatacter joe to mercilessly tear mary janes virgin asshole in just one hard stroke joe didnt even gave her the time to adjust and mocked her for getting wet and orgasm

but when it comes to danny how conviniently you saved danny from getting a big dildo in his ass just in one stroke and having anal orgasm like just mary jane and both the girls mocking him just like joe

you are emitting a truck full load of toxic masculanity jaymal

danny here being a guy faced no pain at all but mary jane faced so much pain despite being a really sweet gentle nice guy ?

had i been there i would have thrust the dildo w/o lube into sweet little tender asshole of danny just to give him the same pain mary jane faced during hard and brutal fucking of her virgin ass

if its right for joe to destroy msry jane asshole and laugh at her pain

so why is it wrong for rhianna or haley to destroy dannys ass

according to you jaymal its ok to abuse women asshole brutally but not men's?

jaymal,is you masculanity so weak that taking a cock in your rectum or any of your male characters makes you less of a man?

for you painful sodomy of women is enjoyable and painful sodomy of men not?

coz i like both men and women to get brutally sodomised

i would have sodomised all of your male characters in the same way they sodomised naive virgin women like mary jane

GrushaVashnadzeGrushaVashnadzeabout 3 years ago

This is my favourite Jaymal of all time. The juxtaposition of religion and sex, restraint and licentiousness, humour and filth, is brilliant. And it captures just what it is like when one is poised on that uncomfortable cliff-edge between holiness and sin. I relate to that feeling!

GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationover 4 years ago
Gotta love that Hailey.

Awesome story. Thanks.

LoveMenLoveSexLoveMenLoveSexover 9 years ago

ROTFLMAO! A brilliant tale on every level! So very well written and every aspect was a joy to read! Great work!

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