Maddy and Mr. Sloane


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"You like?"

"Uhhhhh. Yes," I replied.

"I did it," she exclaimed.

"So I see," I stammered in reply.

"Is it okay?" she asked slyly, knowing the answer.

"I think you already know my answer," I replied.

Her hair was done up to look casual and loose. She was wearing make-up, but not too much. It was just enough to highlight her gorgeous brown eyes and smooth skin. Her lipstick looked to match her manicure and I quickly looked down to see pedicured toes of the same color projecting out of an open toed, strappy heel.

She did a little twirl for me, the loose skirt flaring out as she spun - just for a split second revealing her long lean thighs. Her legs looked amazing in the spiked heels and I was just totally floored by her beauty.

"Oh, Maddy. You look absolutely incredible. I'm...speechless."

"Well don't be. How will we converse at dinner if you can't talk," she teased.

I watched her move across the room gathering her things together - her purse, a shawl, her phone. I could hardly believe my eyes. That same girl who I saw padding around in her nursing duds and sneakers had transformed, and not surprisingly so, into a stunningly beautiful woman.

And she had not been kidding about the dress. It was revealing and very sexy. I loved it, but knew I'd have to control my eyes from bugging out of their sockets all night. But I could be cool. One thing I did know for sure: she'd be turning a few heads tonight.

It was a gorgeous early July evening so we both decided that walking would be preferable to driving. I told her she could hold on to my arm to keep from tipping over. The restaurant was only a few blocks, so we'd be fine and take it slow. I loved the feeling of Maddy's soft breast pressed against my elbow as we made our way downtown.

We were a few minutes early for our reservation, but the maître D seated us immediately. I saw more than a few sets of eyes follow Maddy as she sauntered to our table in front of me. She seemed oblivious to the attention, but I wasn't. She was the most stunning woman in the place.

We settled into a small table against the wall and each ordered a drink - she a Cosmopolitan and me a single barrel bourbon on the rocks. The drinks arrived and she removed her shawl as we settled in to our cozy perch toward the back of the restaurant. I was going to be strong and not let my eyes wander down into that deep dark cleavage. But I knew it was going to be a struggle all night long. I settled on getting lost in her pretty face and big brown eyes instead.

We were in no hurry and we began a conversation that would take us through dinner. I had been looking forward to hearing her story, but knew that she'd have to have put away at least one drink before she was in a mood to share. It was after we had ordered and our waiter had delivered our second drink that she took a deep sigh and began her story.

"So," I said, as we clinked glasses. "You had a story to tell me." She took a deep breath and began.

"You really want to hear it all?" she asked.

"I do. Leave no stone unturned."

"Okay, well then, where to start?" She took a sip and began.

"So maybe a little background is needed first," she said as she began her tale. "I enjoyed high school and went out with a couple guys, but nothing very exciting. I even lost my virginity senior year, but even that was pretty unspectacular." She took a sip of her drink. I could not believe I was sitting with this gorgeous creature, and about to get her full, unedited story.

"I think one of the things I struggled with, even in high school, was that I was always drawn to older men and never enjoyed the guys my own age. While my friends were fawning over some football player, I was eyeing my art teacher. And I found I liked going over to my friends' houses so I could flirt with their fathers, not their brothers. I honestly thought I was broken."

I nodded and kept silent as she continued. I was going to mention our pool party, but decided to remain silent for the moment.

"I went off to college, determined to have a good experience. I did, for the most part. But by then end of junior year I was sick and tired of drunken frat boys and stoners. I tried, but I just never got with that program."

"I can understand that," I chimed in. Her skin was so smooth in the candlelight.

"So the summer before my senior year I stayed in Durham and got a job waiting tables. I became friends with another waitress and we would go out clubbing on the weekends. She was hot and fun and we were kindred spirits. Her name was Jill."

Maddy took another sip of her drink and looked at me. The make-up and candlelight gave her a glow that was never apparent over coffee during the day. I watched. And listened. The sheer depth of her beauty was truly intoxicating.

"So one weekend we were going out and she came over to collect me. We were going to hear this hot band that she loved and she was very excited. I remember her eyeing me when she arrived and putting her hands on her hips. 'You're going out in that?' I remember her saying. Before I knew what was up she had dragged me into my closet and was pulling out tops and skirts and rustling through my entire wardrobe. 'Damn, girl. You have that body. You got to show it off!' I remember her saying. So, before I knew it, I was in a tight little bra and tube top and a pair of jeans that I rarely wore because they were so tight. She found some heeled sandals to complete the look and I remember looking at myself in the mirror and going "Holy shit."

"I can only imagine," I said. I could too. She must have been a head-turner that night, as she was this evening.

"So, off we go to the bar. We had fake ID's and got in no problem. The band was called Johnny and the Aces and they were hot. I have to say I felt a little more exposed than normal, but once I had a drink or two and started dancing, I forgot all about what I was wearing. In fact, I kind of liked being ogled, I have to say."

I smiled and made a mental note to self.

"The band was great, and their leader, Johnny was an incredible presence on stage. He was this tall lean guy with long hair and tattoos and he played the hell out of the guitar and had this beautiful sexy voice. Man, he had every woman in the club hanging on his every word, including Jill. You could see why they were so popular."

I was entranced as she talked and was listening to every word, but also taking in her entire being. I wanted this night to last for a long, long time.

"So the band takes a break and I am at the bar waiting for a drink. From behind me, I hear this, 'Hey!' I turn around and it's Johnny. So I reply, 'Hey'. We always joked afterwards about what a great pick-up line that wasn't," she giggled. "So there he is, in the flesh, looking me up and down. I could feel the eyes of all the other girls in the place watching us, including Jill. All these hot women, and he came up to me!"

"I'm not surprised," I inserted. "You must have looked amazing." I loved hearing her tell the story and wanted to encourage her to keep going.

"So that was the start of our relationship. We made small talk at the bar and I was smitten. Before he left to go back up on stage he invited me to an after party. I went, but I went home alone that Jill's chagrin," she added. "But I think he was used to women that were at his beck and call and I was determined to make him work for it. And I did. We didn't sleep together until about the third time we met. He was a perfect gentleman, despite his rocker appearances, and was very respectful."

"Good for him. I guess it worked."

"Yes. It did." She took a sip and eyed me over the rim of her glass. "Do you really want to hear all this?" she queried.

"Most definitely," I assured her. "Please continue."

"Well, I wasn't prepared to, but I fell for him hard. I loved that he had a heart of gold under his rocker image. I loved that he was older and wiser and experienced. And, I have to admit, I loved that he could have had any woman he wanted in the bar that night, but he sought me out."

"Again, I'm not surprised. Kudos to Jill, though he probably would have noticed you even without her sartorial advice."

"Thank you," she replied, rather sheepishly. "So we started going out - or as much as you can go out with someone who is on the road all the time. We spent a lot of time together when he was in town. I'd occasionally go out of town to a gig and certainly went to all his shows in the area. But I was also a senior and studying hard, so our relationship was kind of a balancing act." She took another sip. "He was fun in those days," she added wistfully.

"Those days?"

"You know, the early part of our relationship. Before we got married."

"What brought you so close?"

"Hmmm. Good question. Well, three things, I think. One, my father hated him and I was in a rebellious phase of my life at that point. All my father saw was a skinny, tattooed, long-haired musician who dressed in black and denim and rode a Harley."

"Oh my. Well, I know your father a little bit. I can understand his concern," I said.

"It was a low point in my relationship with Dad and the more he criticized, the more he pushed me right into Johnny's arms. I had to stand up for myself." She paused. "Anyway, the second thing was his motorcycle."

"Really," I said more as a statement than a question.

"Oh man, I loved it. Something about having this powerful machine between your legs and your arms around a man. I used to get so turned on riding around on that thing, and he knew it." She paused again, kind of assessing me as she spoke. "I think it explains my on-going love of vibrators."

She could see the surprise in my expression, even though I tried to remain nonplussed. "What? Too much information?" she giggled.

"On the contrary," I said, trying to recover. "Not enough, in fact. Please continue."

"Well, the third, and most important, reason I fell for Johnny was he was the first man to bring me to orgasm." She let that statement sit there as she took another sip.

"You mean...none of those other guys...?"

"Nope. Not a one. Not even close. I was beginning to think I was broken. But then Johnny came along. Man, he was so good. I mean, I know he'd been with a lot of women and he was 29 when I met him. I was 20. But he just knew what he was doing. He tapped in - totally."

"How did he make you cum the first time?" I asked. I couldn't believe we were having this conversation. I couldn't believe we hadn't even been served appetizers and I had just asked that question.

"With his fingers," she stated, matter-of-factly. "He always said that guitar players were great lovers because they can do different things with each hand. I would have laughed at that notion before meeting him. But, it's true. The man had magic fingers."

The waiter arrived with our appetizers and we dug in as she continued.

"Here all these years I thought I couldn't achieve an orgasm with a man and he made me cum three times the first time we had sex. Instead of feeling broken I found out I was multi-orgasmic. It was a shocker."

"I guess so," I opined. "Tell me more."

"He was just a great lover. That's all I can say. He knew how to go down on me so good and, man, could he fuck. He had a beautiful cock and incredible stamina." She paused again. "Geez, I can't believe I'm telling you this stuff," she giggled. "I'm getting wet just thinking about it."

"No. This is fascinating. I'm glad you feel free to tell me."

She got serious. "Well, I really don't have all that many people to talk to about it with, especially now."

"He sounds pretty amazing. So what happened?"

"Well, we got married the summer after I graduated, to my family's chagrin. I entered nursing school and we moved in together. Looking back I realize the best part of our relationship was the sex. But once we married, there were lots of other things to contend with - like money and household chores and all the other stuff that goes on in real life. Like reality!" she exclaimed emphatically.

"Yeah. I hear you," I confided.

"Johnny was a partier. He was a great guy in so many ways, but he loved to push the envelope. And being a front man in a popular band meant he was constantly in play and out there on the edge. I went along with that for quite a while. I enjoyed much of it in fact."

"Pushing the envelope?" I asked. "Like what?"

Maddy heaved a sigh before continuing. Damn, she looked so beautiful in the flickering candlelight of the table.

"Well, Johnny was always trying new things sexually. He liked multiple partners. It started with a threesome, another girl, which was fun - a friend of mine, actually. And then there was a threesome with another guy - a friend of his from high school. And that led to partying one night with another couple." She looked at me to assess how this information was going down.

"Wow. Did you like that?" She cast her eyes down before returning my gaze.

"Kind of," she answered demurely. "I mean, I liked it, but I think my motive for doing it was to please him. Sometimes he liked to watch - just sit back and watch me, with another woman, or another man, or a couple. Other times he was right in the middle of the action. It was...strange."

"This is fascinating. I would never have guessed." I was getting aroused hearing all of this, and delivered in such a matter-of-fact way.

"We eventually tried everything. He could be very dominant at times and I responded to that. We played around a little with light bondage and such. We... we experimented in all sorts of areas. It was great at the time. Looking back, I can't believe I did some of things I did, or we did." She paused and put her face in her hands. "God, I can't believe I'm telling you this stuff," she stated, suddenly blushing.

"No, don't worry. This is totally fascinating. It sounds amazing," I said encouragingly. "So how did it all fall apart?"

Our waiter picked up our appetizers and we ordered a couple of glasses of wine. She continued.

"All through this Johnny was drinking and doing drugs. It wasn't bad at first, but the more we experimented sexually, the more he experimented with drugs. That also was fun at first. But that has a very dark side, especially combined with alcohol. And, of course, I wasn't with him when he'd go out on the road; he and the band were primarily local, but they'd tour the Northeast sometimes. So that often left me at home as I was going to nursing school while he was out carousing. It began to affect our marriage."

"Yes, I can see that. What brought it to an end?"

She sighed deeply and took a sip of her wine before starting.

"I found out he was sleeping with other women on the road, even having unprotected sex. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. I wouldn't tolerate him having sex with other women - at least unless I was there. I'd accommodated him in so many ways. But that was one line I had drawn in the sand and he couldn't comply."

"I totally understand. I'm sorry."

"Thanks, but no need to apologize. I was a big girl. My parents, especially my father, warned me. It was my decision to marry him. So, ultimately, it was my decision to divorce him. He was not in a good place at the end. He was drinking way too much and mixing that with all sorts of drugs. It got ugly." She looked at me seriously. "So I got out."

"Well, good for you, Maddy. It sounds like it was an adventure with a not very happy ending. But it sounds like you've handled it well." I raised my glass. "Where is he now?"

"I'm not sure. I know the band broke up. I heard he had moved down to Boston, but we are out of touch and I want to keep it that way. I hadn't planned to be divorced at 23, but...shit happens," she said with a hearty laugh.

"It does, indeed. Well, I thank you for sharing your story."

"Sure I didn't scare you away?" she asked with a little hesitation. I smiled.

"Quite the contrary, Maddy. I'm totally intrigued by your story...and you," I said, raising my glass to her.

Our main courses arrived and we dug in. The food was great, the ambiance romantic, and the company was stellar.

"What about you? I'm only talking about myself here - hogging the conversation. Tell me about your marriage."

"Well, after hearing your story, mine is quite tame in comparison. Sharon and I had a nice marriage and three great kids. But once they were all out of the house, we kind of looked at one another and said, "Who are you?" I laughed. "It was true. She kept wanting to upgrade and spend money - bigger house, bigger car...all on top of college educations. I guess, once the girls were gone, we realized we didn't want to spend the rest of our lives with the person sitting across the table from us. So we divorced. It was relatively amicable - a few financial issues to deal with that caused some of the problems in the first place. But, in the end, we parted friends."

"Well, your marriage may have failed in the end, but you have three lovely daughters to show for it. That must make you proud."

I smiled. "Yes, very true. The kids were pretty much out of the house by the time our marriage dissolved. Not that they were happy about it, but it was easier than if they had been younger."

Our conversation ranged far and wide from there, now fueled by a few drinks and a growing comfort with one another. At one point Maddy got up to use the rest room and I watched her sashay across the floor, causing more than a few patrons to pause mid bite and check out this ravishing beauty. I couldn't believe she was my date for the evening.

She was beaming by the time she came back and I couldn't help but smile in return. She had her shawl wrapped around her torso so that none of the spectators could see the generous cleavage she had on display. But as she moved her seat in and sat down, her shawl fell open and her breasts bounced seductively as she plunked down in her chair. I groaned silently.

A thought formed in my head and the alcohol had loosened by tongue to the point that I blurted out what I was thinking at that very moment.

"You are so incredibly beautiful, Maddy." I reddened a little at this minor outburst and watched a smile gather on her perfect lips. She didn't reply, but seemed pleased by my admission. "I'm sorry, just stating a fact. I'm so pleased to be here with you and...well, it's true. You are." I was officially smitten - there was no way around it.

"Why thank you, Mr. Sloane. You ain't so bad yourself,' she replied with a somewhat lascivious smile.

"I mean, you could go out with anybody, but you're here with me. Excuse me while I pinch myself."

She laughed and replied once again. "Listen, I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be. Like I said, I've always been attracted to handsome smart older men and, you, kind sir, fit that bill in spades." We raised our glasses and toasted the admission of our mutual admiration.

As much as I was enjoying our date and the meal, we were getting toward the end of our dining experience and the question of what might loom in our immediate future was suddenly facing us. We both declined dessert, I paid the check and we prepared to leave.

"So I can walk you home or we can go wild on the town. Your choice," I claimed.

She giggled and offered a suggestion. "Well, I told you I wanted to go dancing, but there isn't a club downtown that offers that so..." she paused for a second. "So I took the liberty of putting together a dance tape at my apartment and I thought we could meander back there and have a dance party."

At first I thought she might be joking, but her gleaming smile told me otherwise.

"I see. So are you worried about dancing with an old codger in public, cause I'll have you know I can cut one serious rug, Maddy."

"Oh, I bet you can, Mr. Sloane. No, I would never be embarrassed dancing with you in public, if there was such a place. I just thought it would be more fun, you know, in private," she whispered with a naughty grin; leaning forward enough to give me an eyeful of her generous bust. I looked and then returned her gaze.