Making of a Porn Queen Ch. 08

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Stephie performs for the camera as a professional.
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Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/06/2022
Created 03/31/2005
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In the month of March Mark was away quite often. Normally he would go on trips for a few days once a month. I knew he went looking for new talent and he went all over the country to find it.

In the month of March he was gone most of the time but only for a day or two before he came back. He went to Miami and Tampa as well as Chicago and New York. He also made several trips up to San Francisco. It wasn't until the end of March when he finally told us what was going on.

Mark sat Helen Maria and I down and said. "I've got a big project I'm going to need all your help on. You probable notice I've been making a lot of trips over the past month. I've been out lining up girls for a set of movies I'll be making. I'll need all three of you to spent two weeks in Arizona, can I count you in?"

I told Mark he could count me in no matter what it was. I knew I could trust him and I would do anything for him. Maria told him much the same seeing she would most likely get paid a healthy chuck of change in the process. Helen told him if Maria and I were in she wasn't going to be left home alone."

Mark seemed quite pleased with us and said. "Great girls now let me tell you what I'm doing. I am making four or five movies in a series about spring break. I know it's been done before but this time there's only going to be T-girls in it. I'm calling it "Spring Break Tranny style.""

We all thought it was a good idea and Mark told us all about it. Seeing Maria was older than most of the girls she would be the hotel manager. It was actually a real big role and she would have to perform in a lot of sex scenes. Maria liked the role.

Of cause Helen and I would fill in as fluffers when we were needed. Mark also told us he liked to have us fill in as extras during the crowd scenes. We would only be stand-ins and we wouldn't have to perform sexually. We may have to loose our tops for a scene or two. Helen and I were okay with this.

After Mark told us about the movie he said. "Maria and Helen would you excuse us I need to talk to Stephie."

I was quite nervous by this, as I was never singled out like this before. Once Maria and Helen were gone Mark came over and sat next to me on the sofa. He took my hand and said. "Honey I need to ask you did Billy do something the night you three went out. I mean did he hurt you?"

Bill did hurt me but not physically. Now I couldn't say he didn't hurt me as that would be a lie and I would never lie to Mark so I said. "He didn't hurt me physically."

"I'll take that to mean he hurt you emotionally. I'm sorry that's the case. I really had hoped you two had worked this out by now but you haven't. I still need you on this project but I need Billy more. So if you two can't work together I think you should stay home."

With out looking Mark in the eye I said, "I really won't have anything to do with him. I've worked on eight different movies since that night and there hasn't been a problem has there."

"No there hasn't but he's been at the office while you were on the set. On this project we'll all be at a hotel together and I'm sure you'll run into each other a few times. Can I count on you two being civil with each other?" Mark asked.

"I will be civil with him that I'll guarantee you." I told him as I felt tears fill my eyes. "I just hope he'll treat me with the same respect." I had hardened myself against Bill rejection but at that instant it had all come back.

Mark pulled me into his arms and said. "Bill said much the same thing. I don't know what happen between you two but just remember. Some times guys say things they don't mean because they think it's what they should say. Other times they do things that scare them and they worry about what other people will think. Whatever the case is here maybe you should give him another chance. He has asked about you almost daily since that night. I really think he cares."

I knew Mark was right but I couldn't get past the feeling Bill rejected me. Mark held me for a minute or so longer. I knew he had a lot of work to do so I said. "If there anything I can help you with just let me know."

"I just need more T-girls to perform otherwise I have everything set." Mark told me as I could see his mind go back to the project.

As I was leaving Mark's study I wondered why Mark didn't ask me to perform. I thought I was good looking enough. And god knows I've been in front of the camera often enough. He and Tracy as well as Maria told me I was a natural when it came to performing in front of the camera.

I had been so occupied with my thoughts I walked right into Maria with out seeing her. "Hey there girl, is everything alright? With Mark I mean." Maria asked when she saw the look on my face.

"Everything's fine. Mark was just worried I would have a problem with Bill at the shoot. I told him I would be civil as long as Bill was." I told her though my mind was still occupied.

Maria took me in her arms and asked, "So what are you looking so worried about?"

I slid my arms around her waist and said. "I'm not worried about anything I was just thinking about something. Can I ask you a question."

"Of cause you can ask anything you want that doesn't mean I'm going to answer." She told me as she released me and sat down at the kitchen table.

I sat next to her and asked, "What's it like being in porn movies?"

"Do you mean what it like being a porn star? It's really not that much different than any other person. I go to work I act then I come home. You know all this so what are you really asking me?"

I could feel a blush come to my face before I asked, "Are you ever recognized on the street. And does having sex on camera feel the same as it does off camera?"

"As for being recognized it only happen twice that I can remember. But that's mostly because guys that watch my kind of movies don't admit it. Tracy and Mark get recognized more often. As for the sex it isn't as fulfilling. You have to remember you're there to make the movie not for the pleasure. Sometimes the person your with makes it fun and you have a good time. More often than not it just a job." Maria told me then she asked. "What brings this up? Did Mark ask you to be in his movie as a performer, not just an extra?"

"No he hasn't asked me to perform." I told her and I'm sure she could hear the disappointment in my voice.

Maria took my hand and said in a caring voice, "I'm not surprised. Mark would never ask a non-actor to perform. He doesn't want to be seen as a panderer. Are you considering getting into acting?"

I know I could feel my face blush even deeper as I said. "I've thought about it but I didn't think Mark would want me. I thought I wasn't pretty enough."

"Your pretty enough that's for sure and I know the camera loves you. But making home movies with people that care for you is not what making movies for a living is about." Maria took both my hands in her and said. "Honey think about this carefully. It can be a lot of fun but mostly its just work." I'm not sure if Maria was going to continue but she was called to Mark's study so they could go over her part.

I did think about it. For the next week and a half I thought about nothing else. I knew what it was like having sex with a camera in my face. That was something I was quite use to by this time. The only difference would be the fact I would be doing it with people I didn't care about and not to mention all the people who would be watching.

There was something in me that said I had to do it. I had to do it just once, just so I know what its like. I really wanted to see if I could do it. I think it was more curiosity than anything else.

Even though I had convinced myself I wanted to be in a movie I never got the chance to talk to Mark about it. The time never seemed right and he always seemed really busy.

Mark rented an SUV for the drive to Yuma Arizona where he had rented a hotel for the shoot. He knew it was bigger than either his or Tracy's car and the SUV had plenty of room for the five of us plus our baggage.

He also rented a truck to bring down all of the equipment they would need for the actual shooting. It also carried the costumes and the props. Bill's editing equipment was also in the truck.

Two cameramen plus two soundmen and three electricians drove down with us in another Van. The van also carried Patty the wardroom girl Sammie Weight and Laurel Adams. Of cause Bill was in the van to.

All the rest of the girls that Mark was using would come in a day or two before they were needed. He figured he could get most of the scenes shot in advance and then the girls wouldn't be waiting around getting into trouble.

The hotel he rented was about to undergo major renovations. They were shutting down for a few months so Mark worked a deal to get the use of the place at a steal. The hotel looked kind of ratty at first but it had some charm. Mark said no one would notice the condition, as they would be watching the sex. Mark and Tracy got the best room the hotel had to offer. Maria Helen and I where right next door. We didn't have to stay in the same room but we wanted too, Besides we would probable wind up in the same room any way.

Laurel and her boyfriend, who would come down over the weekend, were on the same floor as was Sammie. Sammie didn't have a boyfriend at the time but she figured she wouldn't need one. Most of the crew was on the same floor as well, including Bill.

At dinner that night the five of us sat down together. Seeing our table was set for six that left one empty chair right next to me. I had thought we would be alone but then the thing I dreaded most happen. Bill asked if he could join us.

The meal we shared was enjoyable and the conversation was humorous. Mark told stories about movies he made and all the things that went wrong with them. He had us laughing so hard that I didn't mind when Bill touched my hand accidentally.

After dinner Helen Maria and I went for a walk. It was really beautiful out side. It wasn't as hot as I had imagined it. I mean you hear of Arizona and you think desert and it being really hot out. After our walk we went back to our room.

Maria Helen and I made love to each other well into the morning. In fact it was well past four by the time we fell asleep in each other's arms. Though if we knew what was going to happen we would have went to sleep earlier.

At seven o'clock on the dot Mark was pounding on our door. When I answered the door he said. "Tell Maria I need her down in the lobby in an hour. I though she might want some breakfast before we start." Maria wasn't too happy but she was getting paid so she really had no choice.

By the time she got down stairs Maria didn't have time to eat. She merely grabbed a few pieces of fruit before she went looking for Mark. She then was taken into a banquet room so she can get her costume on.

An hour later Maria was standing behind the check in desk. This morning's filming was mostly close up work for Maria. Helen and I watched from a distance as she talked to imaginary guest as she was checking them in.

Once lunch was called at about noon Maria went back to the room to lie down as she had a headache. Helen went with her leaving Mark Tracy and myself alone during lunch. Thankfully Bill didn't join us, as he had to do something with the scenes they already shot.

I figured this was my chance to talk to Mark about getting in the movie or at the least getting in any movie. As I fiddled with my salad I said. "Have you got all the girls you need for the movie?"

Mark chuckled and said. "For this kind of movie you can never have enough, but we'll make due. We have thirty-five girls coming in a day or so but I would have like to have more."

As Mark was about to take a bite of his food I said. "You know you can use me if you'd like. I mean I'd like to be in your movie."

After Mark chewed his food he said. "You're going to be in the movie honey. I've already got you and Helen slated to be out by the pool during one of the scenes. I also have you slated to be in the bar in another one. Plus don't forget about your other duties, I don't think I can do this without you."

By this point my hands were shaking and I could feel beads of sweat starting to pop out on forehead. I know I stuttered slightly when I said, "I thought you could use me like your using Laurel and Sammie."

Mark looked shocked, which was the first time I ever seen that look on his face. He then looked at Tracy who looked even more shocked. Mark put his fork down and took my hand before saying. "You do understand what Laurel and Sammie are doing. I mean you understand we're going to be shooting sex scenes of them quite often."

"I understand that. That's what I want unless you don't think I'm good looking enough or too inexperienced." I told him.

"Boy I really wish you would have said something earlier. As far as being good looking enough your that in spades. In fact I wish I had found fifty girls like you. You're the right age to be in college." Mark told me as I could see the wheels in his head spinning. "Why do you want to do this. Is it the money."

"I just want to try it. I want to be able to say I did it." I told him. Then I said. "It has nothing to do with money. I have no idea what this sort of thing pays. I just want to try it."

"If you're sure this is what you want I'll get you in, but if you like it and you want to continue I want to do a debut movie of you before this one is released. I want to get your name out in the public before we release Spring Break One." Mark told me.

Nothing more was said throughout the meal. As Mark was going back to the lobby he whispered something in Tracy's ear. I thought I should follow Mark but Tracy stopped me by placing her hand on my arm.

Once Mark was gone Tracy said, "Mark wants me to make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. It's not like it was with the three of us. They'll be about ten or more people in the room watching you. You'll have to act like there's only you and the person you're with."

"I know that." I told her a bit sarcastically.

"You will also have to do things to yourself with no one else there to help. A debut movie is like that. It's usually just you in the beginning getting all dressed up in sexy undies. Then you have to relieve yourself using toys and your hands." She told me slightly irritated.

Okay I didn't know that. I've never seen any one do that before. I mean I have masturbated often before I came to live with Tracy, but not since then. I knew that would be embarrassing.

I didn't say that, but Tracy could read it in my face. She smiled as if her had brought me down a notch before saying. "Are you sure you want to go through with this?"

"Yes I do." I told her though I didn't sound as confident as I was before.

"Okay little one, go put on your purple flowered bikini and meet me in the hall where Patty is doing make up." Tracy told me as she got up from the table. I wasn't sure what I got myself into but I was going to see it through.

I went up stairs like I was told and put on the bikini that Tracy wanted me to wear. It was very reveling suit that left little to the imagination. The top had two tiny pieces of cloth that barely covered my nipples. There was a string the connected the two triangles to each other and there was two strings that tied the top around my back. There were two more strings that went up around my neck to keep the top up.

The panty of the bikini was real tight, to keep my clit and scrotum between my legs. If some one look closely they could see a slight bulge where there shouldn't be any, but other wise it was hard to see I wasn't a real girl. The back of the panty snaked its way up between my cheeks leaving my bottom fully exposed.

Even though I wasn't told too I but on a purple gauze short sleeve robe just to keep myself decent while I walked though the hotel. For shoes I chose a pair of three inch heeled purple sandals. After adjusting my make up I took my sunglasses and went to meet Tracy.

As I was leaving my room I ran into Bill leaving his. A smile lit up his face when he saw me and I couldn't help smiling back. When he saw my smile his brighten even more. Seeing I had to go past his room to get to the elevator Bill waited for me. Once I came abreast of him he walked along side me.

Once we were on the elevator he said, "Its good to see you again. I hoped we could talk while we were here. I'd like to make amends for the last time we were together."

I wasn't mad at Bill any longer. In fact I was never mad at him at all. He only reminded me there was something wrong with me. So I said, "There nothing to make amends for. You just let me know how you felt about what we did."

"I enjoyed what we did," Bill told me with desperation in his voice then he said. "At the time I was scared, I thought everyone would treat me like a freak."

"So you decided you wanted to act like nothing happen. Like you and I didn't do anything. Okay we didn't and we never will." I told him just before the doors to the elevator open. He was about to say something but I didn't give him the chance as I walked off the elevator.

Tracy was waiting for me by one of the banquet halls. I'm sure she saw me and Bill getting off the elevator together but once I reached her all she said was. "Come on Patty is waiting." I had no idea why I needed to see Patty but I didn't ask any questions.

When we walked into the banquet hall I saw Patty had transformed the hall into a dressing room as well as a full make up room. There was a row of make up tables with lighted mirrors and each table had a full compliment of makeup. Patty also had what looked like a barber's chair to one side.

Patty was standing by the barber's chair she held out her hand and said, "Come on honey we need to get going I have a make up change for Maria in a few minutes."

I didn't bother to ask what was going on, as I was sure I was getting a make over. The first thing Patty did after I sat in her chair was immersed my finger in a bowl of liquid. I was pretty sure this was to remove my nail polish. I wasn't too happy about this as I like the nail polish I was wearing. It was called pretty in pink and it looked so good on me compared to the tan color of my fingers.

While my nails were soaking Patty started removing my makeup. Though she had said she was in a hurry she was really gentle. Once my make up was off she put false eyelashes on me. I've never worn them before and they felt very heavy on my eyelids.

She then started applying make up to my face. I could tell she was putting it on heavier than I would wear it and it made my face feel slightly stiff. By the time she was done I knew I had more makeup on than I would use in a week.

When she was done with my face she cleaned my nails and started putting on polish. Seeing my nails were well manicure Patty didn't have to do anything else. All she did was apply two coats of dark red nail polish and three coats of clear lacquer. She also did my toenails to match.

While my nails dried she went to work on my hair. She teased it and brushed it till finally she put down the brush. She then had me stand and used a large powder puff to pat down every exposed inch of skin.

When Patty was finally done I was allowed to see what I looked like. The makeup made me look sexier and more glamorous. There were silver lines that outlined my eyelashes. The fake eyelashes were almost three times the length of my own lashes. I had several different colors of eye shadow that were blended together. My lips look thicker than they normally were due to the liner she used. All in all I liked the look and I would have to learn how to do this for myself.

I didn't have too much time to look at myself as Tracy handed me my robe and said. "Come on honey Richard is waiting out by the pool."