Manipulating Jenny Ch. 07


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"Well Mr Wilson, I sure won't be cranky at you if you stare at me and I know my dress tonight is really very sexy and I'm glad you liked it."

"What I'd like to know is how you and Katrina can have such big tits that stand up so firm with no support. Look at that dress you are wearing, from the side all I can see is bare breast. It would be so easy to put one's hand in there and hold them."

"Mr Wilson, you speak so well of your stepdaughter and I know how my stepdaddy and I feel about each other I can relate to how you feel so come over here and stand behind me and put your hands around my breasts for a minute to see how they stand up without a bra."

"Really? Are you serious? Not having me on? Not going to tell Raymond if I do?

"Of course not. He would be real mad at me if he knew I would let you do this."

The old accountant never figured on this free treat of instant gratification as he steps behind Jenny and brings both hands around the side of her sensationally designed dress and slides his open hands around the bare breasts held in by the front of the dress. His hands go right under and around the front to slide up around and tweak her big puffy nipples.

"This is just beautiful. Just beautiful. Your tits are fantastic."

"Are they like Katrina's?" she says to bait him.

"Yes very much the same size only I've never felt them -- only seen them behind tight tops and that. She has puffy nipples though like you. Love them. I always wanted to get my mouth around them since I saw how big they were when she was 13."

Jenny has heard enough and quickly pulls away. "Now Mr Wilson, I can't let you nibble my nipples just because you'd like to ravage your stepdaughter Jenny uses the expression ravage deliberately to heat up his obvious concealed passion for his wife's sibling.

The old man enjoyed feeling her breasts. She is coming around a bit, he thinks. Jenny is mute. He wants to touch me, feel me; he is going to cave in like they all do. Maybe he'll sign the deal any minute, she thinks.

He speaks first, flopping to the lounge as she stands before him. "Look Jenny, if I agree to your boss's terms on our deal, this is going to cost me plenty. You have no idea as you have nothing to lose. It is a big ask, but why don't you make me think I can work out something by taking off your dress and letting me see what a sexy young 18 year-old personal secretary looks like under her clothes?"

"You want me to take off the dress sir? That is a bit much to ask isn't it?" They are both foxing now. She senses she is getting him to melt under her hot sexy looks and will go the way her boss wants; he thinks she is playing hard to get and wants to not look cheap.

"Jenny, tell you what, you are a very sophisticated young lady; I can see why Raymond hired you because you are not just attractive and good to be around, you are very intelligent and an asset to his firm. If I see you in your underwear it makes me see the real you because clothes cover people up. Seeing how you look under your clothes makes you well, er, more true to life, you know what I mean."

Jenny smiles sweetly. "You want to see the real me?"

"Yes of course."

"Will it help Raymond?"

"It could. I came here tonight determined not to give in to that greedy man..."

"Well, sir, I have to tell you I cannot possibly undress for you. I have specific instructions from my boss not to do anything silly. He could sack me if I went against his instructions."

Both Jenny and Mr Wilson know that is not true, as Jenny has been told to do whatever it takes to get him to sign, even having sex with him all night if she has to. Mr Wilson, after paying $10,000 to Raymond, has been told to get her into bed on his own ability. The money he paid was just to give him an inside running opportunity after seeing the hot video of Jenny filmed in her boss's office in her underwear.

They continue to fox. Jenny is unaware it is a set-up and Mr Wilson is unaware Jenny is prepared to have sex to get him to sign Raymond's piece of paper. A deal that doesn't even exist but she is not to know that.

They are approaching stalemate again. Going nowhere. Time is running out for both but neither is aware of the other's fear. On the surface it looks a legitimate deal they are trying to settle. Jenny, knowing she may have to give sex to get him to sign, doesn't want to give in to the old man. She wants to crack him to show her boss she is one clever operator.

She presses on and another half hour disappears on the clock without any result. He knows if he agrees to sign he will never get her into bed as she has what she's after for her boss. She knows that if she offers sex too early he will greedily take that but still hold out for something better. The all night stand and there's nothing in that for her.

It is coming up to 9pm and he won't budge. Raymond has told her to slip into his hot outfit as a last resort to get him to sign up. Of course Raymond knows by her doing that she is only feeding him what he paid for but as an exploited teen, Jenny is unaware that ruse won't work either. For him, it's all night in bed or no signature. That's Jenny's nightmare. It's not what she wants and if it happens, she has failed her boss. She thinks.

"Mr Wilson, I've tried my hardest to be attractive to you in the hope you would agree to the deal my boss put to you; we have talked for three hours and I have let you feel my tits while in this lovely evening dress. I know you haven't tried to do anything improper that would upset my boss and maybe affect your business relationships but I have to say I am disappointed"

"You are disappointed I haven't asked you for sex?"

"Hell no, not that. I didn't mean that. I mean I am disappointed that you are prepared to let a good business deal slip through your fingers by not signing the paper my boss put to you. He told me is was an exceptional offer."

"Jenny, it's just don't have to lose what I have to lose if I cave in. I can't do it," he says with mock tension. You see, it's easy for you to say sign here and there is no skin off your back so to speak, but to me a lot of investment is riding on my shoulders. For your part you have absolutely nothing to lose, nothing at all."

Jenny is now convinced she has failed to seduce him into agreeing to her boss's deal. Mr Wilson is now convinced he has failed to get her into bed like he hoped.

They look at each other; Jenny in her evening dress looking like she wants to go home. He looks totally dejected. His previously erect penis has curled up and retired to a quiet corner of his underpants. Raymond, across the other side of town, wonders what is happening at the hotel.

In a last ditch attempt to get him to buckle, Jenny puts her soft hand under his chin and speaks in an affectionate voice, a tone he has not heard previously.

"Mr Wilson, you said you will be the loser if you agree to my boss's deal and you say I have nothing to lose if you do that. Let me say that if you agree to the deal with my boss I will give something away that belongs to my boss"

He looks up, a glimmer of hope appears out of nothing.

"What exactly are you saying? What are you losing that belongs to your boss?"

"Mr Wilson, I'm sorry, I have to go to the bathroom for a moment before I can explain." As she disappears from view the businessmen sits up apprehensively but quietly cursing. "This bitch is giving me a hard time. Is this the same Jenny who so easily performed sex dances and put a vibrator up her while her boss put it all on video in his office?"

Five minutes later Jenny re-emerges and the old man can't believe his eyes. The charade may yet work. Jenny is standing there in just her high heel shoes and the teeny one-piece sheer silk lingerie outfit Raymond requested her to wear for him at bedtime. "Geeezus, oh geezus," he murmurs as he leans forward from the edge of the lounge chair.

"Mr Wilson, I will make a deal with you if you make a deal with my boss. This outfit I am wearing hardly covers my body and my boss wanted me to wear it for him tonight. You say I have nothing to lose. Well, I am prepared to lose my pride and let you see me in this thing that makes me virtually naked, and in doing so I would expect you to sign that damn piece of paper for Raymond."

He knows if he says yes now, that will be the end of it. She has only one fallback position and both are getting desperate.

"You are just stunning. simply stunning Jenny. I want to thank you for being so honest with me and trying so hard to help your boss but this deal means more to me than sex." His eyes feast over her luscious body. It is almost too good to be true. He is so close, yet so far. He is like a kid looking through the window of as shop filled with lollies. So close but something there to stop him reaching out."

He bites his lip, knowing he is on the verge of getting nothing else from Jenny when he takes a bold step and rejects her dancing for him in lurid fashion. I must be made, he thinks, I may never ever get this close to something so beautiful, so hot.

"It's not about sex, it''s...Jenny I can't do it and won't do it. You have been brave ambassador for your boss and I respect you tremendously but no deal"

Jenny feels shattered, but then remembers his daughter. She feigns being terribly upset with tears and runs to the bedroom and returns in her evening dress as though she is preparing to go home.

Now he feels shattered. Blast! I've stuffed it, he curses under his breath. The little bitch is packing up to go. I've lost. He is really pissed off with himself. He was going so well, it just had to be too good to be true but at least he got to feel her tits. For $10,000?

Then suddenly Jenny makes an amazing statement.

"Mr Wilson I am determined to take that piece of paper back to the office with your signature on it and I am going to offer you something you have always wanted provided you sign first.

He looks up, surprised.

"Your daughter Katrina is my age, my kind of figure. You are her stepdaddy and you told me tonight you would do anything to spend a night in bed with her. You want to fuck her, let's be honest now. You admitted she gets you by the balls and you want her real bad but you can't have her.

"Sign that paper in the next five minutes and I will give you Katrina, your stepdaughter in bed for the night of your life. I will be Katrina, we'll dim the light; you can call me by her name when you get aroused and I will call you daddy like she does. I can make your ultimate dream come true. And Mr Wilson, not just for a quick poke. As many as you like until breakfast time.

"Well, what about it?"

He can't believe his ears. "You've beaten me lass, you win. You found my weak spot and went for it. I should not have told you how much I wanted to fuck Katrina but you are one smart little lady, a good negotiator. Give me the paper and I'll sign it now."

The magic words have been spoken. He's heard Jenny say she will sleep with him all night. For a 54 year-old grubby minded yet respectable looking accountant this is manna from heaven. This is not a bordello job; this is a juicy full-bodied kid. He stutters in excitement, trying not to make any mistakes now the trick is almost stitched up.

"Oh Mr Wilson, Raymond must never, never know I am doing this. I could lose my job. He could lose respect for me. He must think I have simply talked you into submission on the deal and there was no sex whatsoever. I went home at 8.30 you understand?

"Yes Jenny. It makes sense. He would be speechless to think one of his clients could get you into bed."

He drags himself to his briefcase and pulls out a sheet of typed paper with lots of legalistic bunkum all over it. It look impressive but is just a mass of text not meant for Jenny to read.

"Here, I've signed and dated it now and I'll seal it in this envelope for you to hand to Raymond personally. You must not try to read it or he will be very angry. It is highly confidential and I know you will respect that."

"Oh yes, of course."

Jenny is thrilled that she has secured the deal for her boss. He will be over the moon when he knows, but she sure won't tell him how she did it. Mr Wilson will though, and Raymond will shake hands with him and say congratulations.

Jenny has been tricked into a full night of debauchery with one of Raymond's golfing partners, far from the big shot business magnate he is supposed to be. And now, unwittingly, she concedes her body to the man some 30 years her senior.

"Sir, I will give you a good time tonight and I will afterwards sleep naked beside you until morning. If you wake up through the night, you can have your way with me even if I am still asleep. But you are no longer Mr Wilson....

The old man suddenly panics, thinking she knows that is not his real name, but her next words quickly calm him.

"I am going to call you daddy. You will recall I said told you earlier that my stepdaddy was about your age and build and with grey hair like you and I have secretly wished for him to ravish me; I truly worship him as my hero, a sexy man who doesn't know that he excites me so. Tonight you will be my stepdaddy and I will enjoy the lust I want from him if you do me well."

Mr Wilson is flabbergasted. "Sure Jenny. I'll pretend to be your stepdaddy and ravish you like you wish he would. I'll be calling you Katrina then, or my little daughter, and you can call me daddy. I think this will be fantastic."

For them both the idea is a win/win conclusion to a frustrating evening. First and foremost for Jenny, she has succeeded in her mission. She can take the signed paper to her boss so he trumps Mr Wilson in their negotiations and demonstrates to her boss she can be trusted in such important business.

The double whammy for her, she thinks anyway, is that even though she must now sleep with Mr Wilson for getting him to sign up, she can make their sex a make- believe for her own strong desires to be fucked by her own stepfather. He will be calling her his daughter and she can call him daddy so the fantasy will be very powerful and make her want to perform well.

Mr Wilson is so besotted with desiring to fuck his own 18 year-old stepdaughter Katrina that Jenny's cunning offer to play the role of his equally buxom daughter in an all-night sex romp was simply too good an offer to refuse. For the old man not only can he act out his long time sexual crush on his stepdaughter but he realises with excitement that while Jenny's boss Raymond spent one hour videoing her in just stockings and garter belt, he gets to be with her naked in bed from 9.30 at night until at least 9.30 the next morning -- an incredible 12 hours of continuous access to her undressed stunning beauty.

He is convinced he has won the night, just as Jenny thinks she has won the night. They finish having a coffee nightcap and he is falling over himself to get her into the stateroom dominated by a huge bed with white satin sheets. Jenny adjusts the exclusive mood lights in the room to just two ultra soft 5 watt floor mounted ribbon lights which run along the floor at the bottom of the walls except the panoramic opening to the outside balcony. They are so dim they are similar to a night light in a baby's room. After all, she doesn't care too much about looking at Mr Wilson's face, just his size and voice will be enough because he will be her stepfather and she decides to use the profane experience with this dirty old man on how she can be with her real stepdaddy if she can somehow get him in the mood to take her to his bed one night.

"Isn't it a bit dark, I can hardly see you," he complains after Jenny as they both undress. Jenny is ready to turn it on -- but not the lights.

"Oh daddy you don't need the lights," she says in a genuinely juvenile tone. I can't escape you now you have me in the nude and you locked the doors to have your way with me.

"I know daddy you want me so much without any clothes and I had this feeling you would want to take me tonight. "See, when I came home from school today I went and polished my bare pussy with a lovely scented sexy oil to make it glisten in the soft light. And to make it even smoother so daddy's tongue will find it softer than silk."

He can't believe he is hearing this. Her voice is soft and juvenile, teasing, comely and warm. The shape of her sex goddess-like body is before him in muted shadow form with the ever-so-soft floor light behind her making her look exquisitely sensuous. Mr Wilson is kneeling on the bed with a throbbing erection. Her voice mesmerises him for a moment. She sounds like a child talking, wide-eyed innocence wanting to flaunt her youthful body, the big buds on her youthful breasts, her bare pussy, her skin to supple and smooth, her buttocks so tight, her thighs so shapely just waiting for her daddy the explorer to go hunting.

"My God, what a sexy daughter you turned out to be," he says almost breathless in anticipation of what is about to happen. "My angel, I feel like I am in heaven when I look at you completely nude offering yourself to me."

"Daddy you know I have always been there for you. You help me with my homework 'cause you want your little daughter to be the best girl in class at school and your little sweetie pie loves you so much I want you to put your big hands all over my soft skin and have your way with me."

"Oh Katrina, I want tonight to last forever," he says more urgently as he moves up to Jenny and rests her backwards. "You are so gorgeous, so delicious."

Jenny is only 18 but is a natural at play making as though she is twice her age in experience. She knows how to make a grown man wince in devious delight. She will make him squirm and force him to reveal his secret lusts.

"No daddy, not that way," she teases as she gets off her back and pushes him down on the bed facing up. "Remember the night mommy was at grannies house helping her and you taught me some new games. Remember daddy?"

Mr Wilson knows she is trying to turn him on. It doesn't take much but if she keeps this up he will blow on the bed sheets. "Yes Katrina, I remember. I was lying down like this and taught you all the different ways we can kiss in special places."

Jenny squeals girlishly, playing to her best talents when she can sucker a grown man to go back to his childhood dreams "Daddy likes to kiss his little one between the legs doesn't he? Daddy you taught me that the best tongue kiss was one where my little pussy gets wet with your tongue and then you put your tongue in my mouth so show me the next best kind of tongue kiss."

Mr Wilson groans as he hears her juvenile overtones. He never expected this. He only expected to get one fuck out of he before she calls it all off. That's his kind of luck, but what luck he concedes privately. He snaps back to attention as his make-believe stepdaughter keeps talking to him.

"Tell me you love me daddy,"

"I love you darling."

"Have I got the best figure of all the girls in my grade at school?"

"Yes of course, none of them have tits like you for someone so young"

"Oh daddy, you say the curtest things but aren't you going to kiss your baby girl between the legs now. Mommy won't be home for hours and we have so much time..."

Jenny straddles him as she taunts him, taking him to the limits of his own imagination. He grabs her around her tight buttocks. Squeezing her supple cheeks hard as his mouth goes to her hovering honey pot. His tongue slides up the full length of her vagina slit, dithering as it touches her clitoris and finds the two body piercing she recently had done to her clitoris. She winches at the first touch of taboo sex with her daddy but quickly melts under the overpowering sensations the old man commands with his swiftly moving tongue. Mr Wilson has never had it so good.