Marlene's Mature Fantasies Pt. 02

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Marlene brings her special fantasy to life.
6.7k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/15/2021
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***Author's note*** [The characters in this story are based on the characters first presented in "The Seduction of Louise", an earlier submission. For a more intimate look at the relationship between Louise and Jimmy, please check out that story as well.]


In the semi-darkness of Louise's kitchen, Marlene quietly took a glass from the cupboard and added several ice cubes from the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. As the liquor cabinet was almost in complete darkness, she reached into the cabinet and selected a bottle at random, not really caring what manner of alcohol it contained. She was drinking purely for medicinal purposes and anything would do nicely.

She took the bottle and her glass into the dining room and took a seat on one of the plush barstools in front of the granite counter that separated the dining room from the kitchen. She glanced around, pleased by the quiet solitude she felt in the semi-darkness, the only illumination at all came from the soft amber glow of the low-wattage bulb beneath the range hood above the stovetop. A glow that left her and, indeed, most of the dining room in a warm and pleasantly shadowed amber ambiance.

She smiled, swiveling her stool to look around contentedly, enjoying the view from the bank of windows that looked out upon the backyard as well as the side of the house facing the street. All was pleasingly dark outside, with only a few small pools of light from neighborhood porch lights and one distant streetlight to feebly dispel the darkness.

She sighed appreciatively, letting the night's calm quiet serenity wash over her and, for the first time that evening, felt her entire body relax. She smiled, the pleasant state of euphoria from her intense orgasms still permeating her body.

What an incredible experience it had been, she thought, to virtually realize her long-held stripper fantasies and to vicariously watch herself as others might have seen her had she been performing in front of an audience. It gave her more than a little pause to wonder at the possibilities of taking any of her other fantasies into reality as well, virtually, or otherwise. If the intensity of tonight's orgasms were any indication, she most certainly wanted to explore those other fantasies and would, most definitely, do more striptease dancing with the mirrors in her bedroom.

Suddenly she bolted upright on her stool, her attention drawn to a vehicle parked across the street from the house. It was that private detective's Ford Mustang convertible. She might not have even noticed the vehicle at all had it not been for a face inside the vehicle suddenly highlighted from the glow of a cigarette as the man took a drag from his smoke. A moment later, the car slowly pulled away from the curb and moved off down the street, only turning on its headlights when it was well away from the house.

She shook her head and raised her middle finger to the departing car. "Wow," she murmured, a half-smile on her lips. "No one can ever say you're not a dedicated and tenacious son of a bitch." What might he have been expecting at this late hour? Seeing her sneaking off to meet a secret lover somewhere? She hoped he was charging Gary by the hour and costing him a fortune.

She swirled the contents of her glass, making the ice cubes tinkle softly, and raised the bottle she had liberated from Ross's liquor cabinet. She examined the label, angling it to catch a little light from the stovetop across the room. "Ezra Brooks, Bourbon Whiskey," she read aloud. She had never heard of this particular brand of whiskey before, having merely selected the bottle at random from the liquor cabinet.

She pulled the cork from the top of the bottle. It came away with a satisfying little "ploonk" sound that made her grin broadly. Now, that's the proper sound a whiskey bottle ought to make when it's opened, she thought, picturing a grizzled old western sodbuster as he pulled the cork out with his teeth in front of a campfire.

She poured a generous portion of the amber liquid into her glass, swirling the ice cubes once more to allow the bourbon to settle in and mingle with the ice to temper the strength a little.

She took a tentative sip, savoring the taste momentarily before swallowing. "Mmm," she sighed contentedly as the alcohol burned the back of her throat in a rather pleasant way as she swallowed. Her smile widened as she felt a warmth begin to suffuse her. She took another sip, once again savoring the taste before swallowing, and decided she liked it very much. She made a mental note to remember the name, Ezra Brooks.

As the alcohol began to warm her, she once again felt a renewed sensual presence between her legs. She smiled and shivered pleasurably at the memory of her incredible orgasms. She crossed her legs, feeling delightfully sexy and naughty to be without panties, and thought of what an incredible evening it had been.

A vehicle turned onto the street, its headlights catching her attention as the vehicle pulled to a stop beside Louise's house.

She recognized the band's panel van and, as she watched, the side door slid open and Jimmy stepped out of the vehicle. With the side door open, the van's interior light revealed other band members as well as several young women, one of whom quickly jumped out to stand beside Jimmy and take hold of his arm.

She was a cute little thing Marlene noted, petite and slender, with long blonde hair, wearing a very pretty blue dress that appeared to be almost painted on, and almost, but not quite, short enough to reveal the bottoms of her buttock's cheeks. Definitely one of the plethora of pretty girls that always seemed to be hanging onto the arms of the band members.

Her interest mildly piqued, she watched as Jimmy and the pretty young thing talked briefly, and then he took hold of her arm and helped her back into the vehicle and closed the door. By her demeanor, Marlene had clearly seen that the girl did not want to go. As the van sped away, Jimmy turned to make his way toward the back door of the house.

Marlene watched as Jimmy crossed the back yard and moments later, she heard his footfalls on the stairs leading to the back door and then his key in the lock. He entered and quietly closed the door behind him and relocked it. He turned away from the dining room and began moving into the kitchen.

She smiled, almost even laughed aloud, as she realized that even though she had been seated at the counter very near the back door, he had apparently failed to notice her sitting there.

As he began to reach for the light above the stove to turn it off on his way to his basement room, she finally spoke. "Hey," she called out. "Don't leave me in the dark without any light at all."

She smiled broadly as he almost jumped out of his skin. He turned to face her with a loud gasp of surprise, his eyes wide.

"Marlene?" He rasped a moment later as he recognized her, his voice little more than a harsh whisper as he slumped against the stove with his hand over his heart. "Jesus Christ, Marlene. You scared the fucking shit out of me."

"Sorry," she returned with a little laugh, very much enjoying his momentary fright and discomfiture. "I'm guessing you didn't see me sitting here when you came in."

Jimmy shook his head, "God, Marlene, I sure didn't," he said with an embarrassed smile. "Everybody's usually sound asleep by the time I get home, so I wasn't even paying attention. What the hell are you even doing up this late?"

Marlene shrugged and raised the bottle of bourbon, "I needed a little something to help me get to sleep and thought I'd rob Ross's liquor cabinet. Care to join me? You look like you could probably use a drink right about now."

"You sure got that right," he said with a laugh as he quickly regained his composure while still patting his chest over his heart for emphasis.

"So, get yourself a glass and come on over here," she said, pouring herself a fresh splash of bourbon into her glass. "A gentleman should never allow a woman to drink alone anyway."

She watched him as he moved to the cupboard, shamelessly dropping her eyes to admire his narrow hips and tight round little buttocks beneath his ever so tight jeans. She smiled appreciatively and couldn't help but wonder how gorgeous his perky little butt might look without those jeans.

She shook her head to quickly dispel that particular vision and sipped her drink thoughtfully. While it had often been fun to fantasize about younger men and even Jimmy on more than one occasion, it was always moderately disquieting to realize that, given the large disparity in their ages, there was little likelihood of any such fantasy ever coming to fruition. Especially with all of those lovely young ladies he and his other bandmates always seemed to have at their daily beck and call.

With his back to her, she rose up slightly on her stool and raised her skirt a little more, taking a moment to cross her legs seductively as well. She smiled as visions of Mrs. Robinson doing something very similar for Dustin Hoffman in "The Graduate." What the hell, she shrugged mentally, even though nothing would likely ever come of it, it never hurt to flaunt her best assets.

She was thirty-six years old. Thirty-six years! How the hell did THAT ever happen without her noticing? One moment she was the darling of El Sorento High School, a cheerleader, the homecoming queen, senior class secretary, the envy of every other underclass schoolgirl. Fast-forward almost twenty years and she was now a soon-to-be divorcee with zero romantic prospects on the horizon. She did, however, have a great job as executive assistant to Donald Levinson, and was more than adequately compensated for her efforts, but her personal love life was a veritable dumpster fire.

How the hell does a woman my age compete with all the cute little nineteen and twenty-year-old women out there with their long legs, zero cellulite, flawless skin, toned abdominal muscles, flashy groomed nails, stylish hair, and ultra-hip body piercings and tattoos. She wondered idly, and not for the first time, if all that youthful feminine temptation had fueled Gary's imagination and provoked him to stray from their marriage.

She thought momentarily about that young woman Gary had been fucking so enthusiastically on his desk, and wondered idly if she had seduced him, or if it had been the other way around. In her early twenties, she had to be almost half Gary's age. What does a woman that young know about love and relationships? Can she even imagine the darker side of sexuality that Gary secretly enjoyed, the kinky gang-bang fetishes or she-male fantasies...even bestiality? All things she would likely come to learn if she stayed with Gary for any length of time, she thought with a rueful smile. Relationships were something of a long-term learning experience.

She watched as Jimmy gathered some Ice for his glass and recalled a surprise birthday party Louise had thrown for him earlier that year where he had just turned twenty-one. Which meant, she sighed heavily, she was fifteen years his senior.

And yet, something about that age difference had a very erotic quality to it that she found rather appealing. She smiled, stifling a laugh as she realized that her physical attraction for a much younger man had very likely mirrored Gary's attraction for his much younger office assistant. True, she thought, but she had never followed through on that particular fantasy and cheated on her husband.

And, as if the age disparity between her and Jimmy wasn't enough, there was also a rather striking difference in height. She stood five-foot-eight inches and knew that her height likely made her at least an inch or two taller than Jimmy. But, in her heels, Jimmy seemed even more diminutive when she stood four or five inches taller than she normally would depending on the shoes she wore and the height of her heels.

The difference in height made no difference whatsoever to her, but she distinctly recalled from her formative school years how the cute shorter boys always seemed to shy away from taller girls like herself and were more attracted to girls of shorter stature. Glancing down at her shoes at that moment, she grimaced, noting how she was wearing her five-inch heels. C'est la vie, she thought, idly wondering what Jimmy had thought of tall girls when he was of high school age. Or, indeed, what he thought of them now.

"So..." said Jimmy as he suddenly appeared next to her, startling her from her thoughtful reverie as he pulled out the stool beside her to sit down. "What are we drinking tonight?"

Marlene smiled and turned the bottle so that the label faced him, "Bourbon," she said. "Ezra Brooks, to be precise, and I've decided I really like it." As Jimmy sat down, she couldn't help but notice how his eyes dropped to her legs and she successfully resisted the urge to smile.

Jimmy examined the label curiously. "I've never heard of it, but if you like it, then I'm thinking it must be good," he said as he poured a very generous portion into his glass and then held his glass up and cleared his throat. "Here's to the bees...those busy little souls. They got no use for birth controls. And that's why, in troubled times like meet so many sons of B's."

Marlene laughed aloud and sipped her drink. "Good one," she said. "How about...Here's to all the men who loved me terribly, may they soon improve."

"Excellent," returned Jimmy with a laugh. "And, speaking of excellent, so is this bourbon."

"I'm glad you like it," she said. "Although, if I had known beforehand that I'd be sharing a drink with a good-looking young guy, I wouldn't have removed my makeup," she added with a laugh.

"That's what it is," said Jimmy with a broad smile. "Your eyes are without makeup. I wondered what it was that seemed different about you tonight."

"Sorry," she said, looking away in embarrassment. She had completely forgotten how she had been preparing for bed and she mentally cursed herself for the indiscretion. "After I got home, I was just going to go to bed. I wasn't planning on seeing anyone...or anyone seeing me."

Jimmy smiled broadly and tilted his head to look more directly into her face. "Trust me, Marlene. There aren't many women who can look anywhere near as fabulous as you do right now without makeup."

His words cheered her somewhat. "Thank you," she said, glancing up into his eyes. "It's kind of you to say."

"I'm not being kind, Marlene," he returned, taking a sip of his drink. "I'm being completely honest. Seriously, even without makeup, your eyes really stand out. I've always thought dark-haired women with light blue eyes to be especially attractive. You know, like Megan Fox, or Rena Sofer...or even Zooey Deschanel."

The only name she actually recognized was Megan Fox, the female lead of that atrociously loud movie Gary had dragged her off to see with robots turning into cars. She had to admit that Megan Fox was, indeed, a rather attractive woman, albeit a terrible actress.

"I'm not all that familiar with most of those names," she offered, "but, if you're at all comparing me to Megan Fox, then I'm certainly going to take that as a very nice compliment. And thank you again."

His eyes widened and he smiled, "Oh, absolutely, Marlene. That's exactly how I meant it to be. I think you have the same kind of stunning good looks as the women I mentioned. Here..."

He pulled his phone from his pocket and quickly typed something into it. Moments later he smiled and held the phone up for me to look at it. "This is Rena Sofer," he said with a smile.

The photo of Rena Sofer, apparently a soap opera actress, showed a very lovely woman and, like her, had dark hair and light blue eyes. "Wow, she's lovely too," smiled Marlene as she handed the phone back to Jimmy. "I'm very flattered to think you would even compare me to either of those women."

Marlene sipped her drink. It pleased her immensely to realized that Jimmy had not only noticed her, but also thought her physically appealing. Especially given the fact that he always seemed to be surrounded by extremely pretty girls.

Their conversation drifted from movies to television shows and she smiled as it was revealed they seemed to have an affinity for the same things. They carried on for the next half an hour with never an awkward silence or pregnant pause between them, almost as if they were old friends more than just acquaintances. Marlene was astonished at how the time flew. They talked about music as well and were both surprised by how much they had in common. She told him all her favorite bands and songs as he interjected his knowledge and insight, often humorously. When he regaled her with stories of his band on the road, she laughed so hard she had tears in her eyes. The bourbon had definitely loosened their tongues and she found herself feeling very comfortable in his company.

Throughout their conversation, he kept glancing surreptitiously down at her legs and that also pleased her very much. Who says older women can't be appealing to younger men? She thought as he glanced down yet again. Take THAT all you pretty young things. She knew her legs were very likely her best physical feature, nicely shaped and rounded, and had always made an effort to show them off with her short-ish skirts and her high-heels.

Jimmy pointedly looked at his watch, "I'm really enjoying hanging out with you like this, I just hope I'm not keeping you up too late. If you're tired, I won't be offended in the slightest if you want to call it a night and go to bed."

She smiled at him and shook her head, "I'm not at all tired," she replied. "And I'm actually enjoying myself more tonight than I have in quite some time."

Jimmy nodded soberly, "Not to put any kind of a damper on the conversation," he began. "I just want to say how sorry I was to hear about you and your husband splitting up."

Marlene nodded and pursed her lips. "Thanks," she said. "Leaving him wasn't the easiest decision I've ever made but I'm pretty sure now that it was the right thing to do."

"So...then you were the one to end things?"

Marlene nodded, "Yeah, I suppose I was, at least when it came to physically walking out the door and leaving him," she said, pleased to note that Louise had seemingly not spread the word among her acquaintances about Gary's infidelity. "But," she continued, "I suppose it would probably be more correct to say that Gary fucking his office assistant on his desk in the middle of the afternoon had more to do with ending our marriage than anything I did by walking out."

Jimmy's eyes widened, "Oh," he said, surprise written all over his face. "Oh, God, Marlene. I didn't know about any of that. How did you find out about it?"

Marlene sat back and sipped her drink. "Because...I literally witnessed it. I walked into his office right while they were doing it," she said. "Neither of them was even aware that I was in the room. And they...just kept right on fucking."

"Jesus, Marlene, I'm really sorry," he said with a sad shake of his head.

She waved the sentiment away with a flip of her fingers. "Thank you. But, it's all water under the bridge now. It's all over now except for the judge's decree."

He nodded silently and sipped his drink. "I hope I'm not being too out of line here," he began tentatively, "but, for what it's worth...I think your husband is a complete idiot."

Marlene laughed and raised her glass, "I'll drink to that. But enough about me and my dumpster fire love life," she said. "Let's talk about you for a while. I can't help but notice how you always seem to come home alone without any female companionship. What's that all about?"

Jimmy laughed aloud, "Yeah...Well, I suppose I could have invited some sweet young thing home to my swanky, palatial digs in Louise's basement."