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A young woman gets stuck on an island with four pirates.
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Four days and four nights. That was the intended duration of our voyage. Of course, we did not reach our destination on time. Had we, I wouldn't have written this story.

We were a trading vessel of the Dutch East India Company, traveling from Java to an adjacent island that had just come under the influence of colonialism. My Father owned a ship repair business and dragged our family from Amsterdam to the East Indies when mercantilism had reached its peak.

While managing business on the destination island, he invited me to join since he'd found a man suitable for courtship. He insisted I leave the family in Batavia immediately, so I boarded the ship with just a sack and the dress on my back.

During the initial days, thick, syrupy heat drenched my lithe body in sweat. My cotton dress clung to my curves, suffocating my pert, young breasts and bum. By breakfast it would be nearly see through, and though I tried to cover my cherry nipples from the crude shipmates, they'd still comment on my womanly figure.

"Forget your betrothed, lassie, marry me!" they'd snarl, knowing I was the prime age of 19.

While there were other girls like me, young maidens being sent off for marriage, we were far outnumbered by the lascivious brutes whose eyes burned through us.

On the third afternoon, the relentless sun finally ceased and the sky filled with grey clouds. This respite was unfortunately a bad omen, as soon our ship was swirled into a biblical typhoon! Women were screaming and crying. Men dove overboard to free themselves of their earthly existences and enter the celestial realm. I had no intention of dying and got on my knees to pray as the creaky deck swayed.

"Lord God, protect me in this life.... But seriously, God, please! There's still so much I have to do! Like meet a husband, and have children!"

My mind raced as I thought about everything I wouldn't experience. I was even gonna die a virgin, for Christ's sake! I began to bawl as a tsunami swept over the starboard bow.


Blackness. Prolonged blackness. That's all I remember. Not terror, not malaise, just dreamy, blissful blackness. Until.... light?

"I think she's alive, boys!"


"We gotta get the water out! Hmph! Hmph! Hmph!"

My vision was blurry but I felt a large body straddling mine, pumping my chest with its hands.


More water gushed out of my lungs.

"Push harder, Cap! She's not gonna make it!"

"Like hell she won't!" the gruff voice above shouted before tearing apart my buttons.

As the chest compressions continued, I heard a third voice laugh, "nice set o' tits on the lass, Cap! She'll be a fine addition to our troupe if she lives!"

"Oh, she's gonna live! I wouldn't let one this pretty go! She's a sign that God's on our side. First, he saves us. Now this! Ha!"

My "savior" relished in his access to my semi-unconscious teen body while resuscitating. He cupped my full breasts and manipulated them as he pushed down to expel more water. Deftly, he tweaked my nipples--rock hard from the adrenaline--with one hand while compressing with his other.


"She needs mouth-to-mouth, Cap! There's too much water!"

"I'll be damned if I let this maiden perish before breaking open that pink pussy!" 'Cap' called back to the other men.

"Aye! Can you see it, Cap? How's it look?"

"Sure can!" he replied cheerfully. "Her little flower's blooming. Can just make out her glistenin' folds between those puffy lips. Just beautiful!"

When my dress was ripped off, my savior had also parted my legs so he could gaze upon my nude form. He reached one hand back on my virgin mound as he dipped his head down. His lips completely covered mine, causing his stubble to prick my rosy cheeks once smashed together. He sucked vigorously, spat, then sucked some more. He repeated and repeated until:



"YEAAAHH!!" the men roared as I lifted my head.

"W-where are we?"

I looked behind the large man, who was now straddling my hips, and saw the vast, aquamarine ocean. To both sides laid a coastline of pale sand that curved miles away. I turned around and saw three grinning buffoons, the ones who'd been discussing my body. Which reminded me!

"Haha, don't worry about that," the man laughed as he grabbed my wrists.

I had tried to cover my nude chest but apparently wasn't allowed. I struggled with my savior-turned-captor for a moment before looking at him in defeat and confusion.

"We're marooned on an island, lassie. Our ship got scooped up in the storm and we five were spit out here. Lucky for you, I'm Captain o' that ship and know a thing or two about seafarin' survival. I saw ya floatin' on a plank and swam ya back to shore, gave ya a little kiss, and know look at ya! Good as new!"

My eyes shot open as the Captain swooped in for another smooch. I rarely mingled with boys, as was the norm, and definitely hadn't touched lips with one! My face and body warmed as I looked at the cocky gentleman who'd given me back my life.

"Thank you...." I blushed. "For saving me."

"'Tis I who should be thanking you!" he exclaimed with a jolly grin. "If you weren't here, it'd be just us men. But now we have ourselves a little island girl!"

The four guys all cheered as I shivered--even in the hot sun--at the realization that even though I was alive, I was the only woman.

"What's your name, lassie?" the Captain asked with a hand cupping my chin, his other still holding my wrists.


"Lina... I like that name. Little Lina. Our little Lina. Huh, boys?" he called out to the back. "You like our little Lina?"

"Oh you know we love Lina, Cap!"

"We just adore her!"

The three men walked over and formed a circle. I was now surrounded by large, sea-dwelling brutes with another on top of me.

"This here's Pieter, Dirk, and Klaus," he pointed to the men. "I'm Joost, but you'll just call me Captain. Since I commanded that ship, I'll also be commander of this island. Do you have any problems with that, Lina?"

I knew these men could easily overpower me. Additionally, my chances of surviving without them were slim. With no option but to submit, I shook my head nervously and Captain grinned.

"Good girl, now let's go find a place to make camp."

He gave me his hand to lift me off the sand. My dress stayed on the floor, but when I tried to drape it over myself Captain threw it into the ocean.

"You won't be needin' that anymore, Lina. You're an island girl, now. A woman of the land. We're gonna have to tap into our natural instincts to make it out alive. Do you think animals wear clothes? Come on, men, let's join Lina and drop our britches!"

"Aye, aye!"

The concupiscent males denuded excitedly, eager to show off their masculine forms. They were all tall and strapping, their muscles worked from years attempting the impossible task of taming Mother Earth.

Pieter was a red beard with matching burnt sienna fur coating his chest. Dirk paired his pitch black hair with a freshly shaved face and icy blue eyes. Klaus was a goateed blonde whose body was chiseled and smooth. All three were in their late 20s and terribly intimidating, but they looked like puppy dogs in comparison to their Captain!

Captain was older than all of us, at 35. He was the Wolf of the Water, born and bred on the sea. His hair was dark brown and cut short, his eyes a smooth caramel. His body was both stronger and taller than his crew mates, a characteristic that reminded me of the gorillas, whose alpha male was always the largest. To add more similarity, he was wildly hairy, with it sprouting from portions of his shoulders and upper back. His long, thick arms even hung forward in an ape-like stance!, so it was easy to see why he was in charge.

By comparison, I was a dainty little thing: just 5'4", nearly a foot shorter than the men. I'd been told my long, blonde locks and pinched waist were desirable traits in a wife, and that my emerald eyes were a treasure. Men often stared at my ample cleavage, though they weren't privy to the two pillowy breasts which lay below. Nor the accompanying pink, raindrop nipples.

I was also used to men commenting on my voluptuous rump, which was buoyed by wide hips and healthy, chubby thighs. In the tropical environment, I'd become slightly more tanned, though my creamy white torso was in direct contrast to my darker appendages. This was my nude figure's first foray in the fresh air, and admittedly, it felt fantastic.

We ambled down the coast, warm wind breezing between my thighs. Captain looked towards the jungle on occasion to scope out potential campsites, while I told the men why I was on the ship.

"Well ya aren't gonna be seein' that bethrothed o' yours no more, are ya, lassie?" Captain asked.

"I guess not...."

"Then she's a free maiden!" Pieter confirmed electrically.

"Yeah! We'll all be her husbands! She's gonna be our little island wife!" Dirk added.

"Our little island wench, more like!" Klaus finished with a laugh.

They giggled and rubbed their hands while I trembled to the side near Captain.

"And what makes any of ye think I'm gonna share my little island wife?" Captain shot back confidently.

We all stopped. I stood dumbfounded, unaware that I'd already been claimed. Captain smirked with his brawny arms crossed while the three crew mates got angry and started yelling.

"What do you mean your wife, Cap!"

"Yeah, she's all our girl!"

"You can't hog her, Cap! She's the only pussy we got in this place!"

"Actually, I can do what I want with her cuz she's mine!" he growled, pulling me into his hirsute chest.

"No, she's all ours!" they chorused.

The stooges surrounded us and Captain put me in front of him, my tits squished lewdly by his forearm.

"I'm the leader of our ship and the leader of this island! I say Lina's my girl, so she's mine!"


The three musketeers tugged at Captain's arm to free me. They pawed and mauled my breasts, baring teeth and barking. For some reason I felt safe with my savior, even though he'd just claimed me without asking. I'd prefer one man to three though, so I scrambled and hid behind Captain's broad back, then hugged his waist in terror.

"Aww, look what you've done! You've scared the girl!" Captain bemoaned.

"But it's not fair!" they whined.

"Then how about we solve this like men, huh?" Captain asked while prying me off him and stepping forward. "A little hand-to-hand combat to see who's boss. Winner leads our troupe and takes home the pretty maiden. With her, he can do what he pleases, for she shall be his property."

"That sounds fair, Cap!"

"Yeah! If we win we're gonna share her!"

"You can do whatever you want if you win, but first you have to do that." Captain punched his open palm. "Alright, who's up?"

"Me, Cap!" Dirk answered confidently.

The rest of us formed a triangle around the fighters. I was still terrified of the situation, aware that I was the prize, but there was nowhere to run. I couldn't live by myself out here. I needed these guys whether I liked it or not, so I stood and watched as they fought for my virginity.

"That all you got?" Captain asked after easily dodging a fist.

On the next swing, he grabbed Dirk's wrist and pulled him forward, then finished him off with a gut punch. Dirk dropped to the sand groaning and Captain came behind with a headlock.

"You gonna shut yer mouth now and let me take my girl?"

"Yes! Yes, Cap!" he begged while tapping out.

The next two didn't put up much of a fight either, and by the end the crew mates were all holding their sore solar plexuses. One even waved his shirt in a mock white flag.

"Then it's settled!" Captain declared while wrapping his arm around my waist. "Lina is to be my wife on this island, and I am to be our leader. We'll set course inland immediately to make camp. Come, girl, let me carry you home."

Captain cradled me like a bride before waltzing blindly into the jungle. The boys finally got up and followed behind. As we hiked, Captain began tweaking my tits and fondling my ass. I tried to stop him at first but was too exhausted, so I lay in his arms, my naked body completely exposed. Truthfully, I also didn't want to walk on the dirt.... He seemed to enjoy my weak will and took inventory of his prize.

"Such a pretty little wife I have," he cooed, tracing his finger under my soft, creamy boobs, cupping and squeezing them.

"Ooo..." I moaned softly, this pleasure entirely new to me.

"Yes, my little Lina, you're gonna like bein' my wife," he whispered while trailing along my sweat-slicked inner thighs. "I'll be a good Husband to ye, lassie, don't worry. I'll protect you and keep you safe from the jungle and my men. In return, you'll be an obedient wife. You understand me, girl?"

He brought my stone-hard nipple to his mouth and suckled it. I moaned out as he bit gently, "ooo, yes, Captain..."

"I'll bring you new pleasures once I own your body, Lina. You'll see."

He tickled along my thigh gap, plucking at the blonde pubic hair that adorned my virgin maidenhood. Under his tender grazing, I melted into a puddle. I moaned and mewed while he rubbed my pubic bone. The sweat mixed with juices leaking from my pussy, juices he'd coaxed out of my core until they flowed wantonly. My blonde hairs were seeped with female lust. Captain patted my mound, slapped the wet skin, the sounds of which echoed through the jungle.

We walked (well, they did) for about 20 minutes. Weary from the tempest, I nuzzled my cheek into Captain's hairy pec, moist from his own workout, and took a nap. He didn't smell particularly good, though I'm sure none of us did. His scent was musky and undeniably manly, much different than mine, like the rest of him. His bulging muscles, his stubbled jaw, his ability to fight off attackers--it was all so foreign to me. But it was under those trees, with my pussy weeping involuntarily, that I sensed our primal attraction.

"This oughta do," Captain sighed when he found a suitable area.

He set me on the ground and I looked up at him pleasantly, but slightly weary. I didn't know what to do and needed his guidance. He recognized my discomfort and pulled me into a hug while discussing plans.

"Alright, here's our spot. Obviously, this isn't where we expected to sleep tonight, but we're just gonna have to make due. Now in order to survive on this island, we'll each do our part to make a camp. That means the boys and I will fish and explore, while you stay here, Lina. You're gonna take care of our home and cook our meals."

I nodded at him resolutely. To be honest, I didn't know how to fish, and exploring sounded dangerous. My mother had taught me domestic duties in preparation for marriage, so I felt this was appropriate.

"Good, I'm glad you're beginning to understand yer role around here, Lina. You are to be my wife. Our woman. Since woman is subservient to Man, you'll obey our every order--except the naughty ones the boys may impose."

The guys all snickered at that.

"As my wife--my property--you won't speak to the other men unless spoken to. You also won't look at them until commanded! You are MY woman, and you will respect me!"

I looked back at Captain and gave him a shocked, "what!"


Captain gave me a light, but firm smack. I held my cheek and looked to the floor sullenly, not totally unaccustomed to corporal punishment for misbehavior. Father had a similar view of women, that they should stay silent, and had imposed it upon me severely.

Captain cupped my chin and raised my red, teary face to him. "Do ya understand why I had to slap you, Lina?"

I nodded at him. In truth, I did understand. He had given me a command and I had questioned it. As his woman, the weaker vessel, the one who could not fight back, I had to accept his orders or suffer punishment. The Alpha silverback had made quick work of turning me submissive.....

"Good girl," he cooed with a kiss. "You're gonna be over my knee quite often if you're a disobedient wife! I've found a sound spankin' can show any woman her place around Men!"

"I'd love to see that, Cap!" Dirk sneered.

"Me too! Turn those milky cheeks pink, Cap!" Klaus popped in.

"Haha, I'm sure I'll have to at some point," Captain laughed while giving my butt a taste of his open palm.

"Okay, everyone, we're gonna divvy up the work so we can have camp ready before sundown. Men, you'll be comin' with me to get wood for a house and fire. We're gonna fish too, and maybe we'll even kill a beast! I'm not gonna let my wife starve!"

I blushed hotly at my "husband's" instinctual desire to keep me alive.

"What will I do, Captain?" I questioned shyly.

"First, woman, you won't speak outta turn. You can talk to me--and only me--without permission when it's appropriate, but not when I'm commandin' my men! Now, little girl, while we do our work you'll do something more fitting. You'll scan the area for fruits, and you'll collect palm fronds which you'll braid into covering for our shed and sleeping pads."

"But I don't know how to do that!"

Captain raised his hand again and I cowered. "I wasn't finished, woman! I'll teach ya when I get back."

"Sorry, Captain!" I pleaded, moving my body closer to appease him.

My feminine charms proved the perfect panacea and he kissed my hair.

"It's okay, Lina, you'll learn. You're gonna be a good wife to me, huh?"

"Yes, Captain..." I replied bashfully, though I wasn't sure I knew how.

"We'll see just how good tonight!" Klaus joked.

"That we will!" Captain replied with a hearty chuckle while moving one hand to smack my ample globes. I shuddered weakly, but accidentally bucked back into him. Well, maybe not accidentally....

While we did our jobs, I thought about what Captain had said: that he was going to make me his wife tonight. I knew all about sex from my married friends and was terrified of my tiny pussy being stretched open! It was so small I could barely fit my finger in it, and I knew how big he was! Their cocks had hardly settled since seeing me, especially Captain's which poked up the whole hike.

While I plucked edible flora, my legs rubbed together to thoughts of my savior. Even though he was so gruff--and so much older than me!--I couldn't deny I liked his touch. I also liked his scratchy face and hard body. When I melted into him, he supported me effortlessly. It was also strangely endearing how possessive he was of me as his wife, his woman. These conflicting feelings culminated with juices dripping down my soft thighs. My curious fingers slipped between my gushy folds....

"Did I catch you slacking off?" Captain asked mischievously after sneaking up behind me.

I was crouched over in a squat pulling apart my pink lips. I had found an interesting fruit, one shaped like a banana, and it's smooth shaft made me extremely horny. I know it sounds silly, but something about it's shape was tantalizing so I decided to rub it along my cunt. The pleasure was immediate when the hard rod glided between my labia, like meat between bread. I was afraid to put it inside, but this new pleasure was truly exciting!

"Ahh! Captain! You startled me!" I squealed while tossing the plantain to the dirt.

"Preparing yourself for tonight, are ye, darling?" he teased.

"W-what are you talking about?"

"You know, little girl. You know Captain's gonna stick this," he smacked his erect cock in his hand, "in that," he grabbed my blonde mound roughly, "tonight. Right?"

I nodded pathetically, effectively surrendering my girlhood. Though I was afraid, I think I secretly wanted it....

"I'm glad you understand, but for now let's get you to work."

He showed me how to fray the palm fronds then braid them into whatever I wanted. With different thicknesses, the world was mine for creativity. I was a wiz at sewing and the like so this was my happy place.