Mary and Alvin Ch. 07


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"That's not done," he said, "It ain't done if it ain't been on fire."

She reached toward the fire again, and in a minute, the marshmallow ignited.

"That's got it," Alvin said. Mary blew out the flame and waved the marshmallow in the air to cool it. This time, Alvin took it and popped it into his mouth. He looked at Mary, smiling over her shoulder at him, and around the circle. Everyone had pulled their seats into a ring around the fire; his sister and her family, his brother and his son, his daughter and their partners and friends. He was filled with a feeling of contentment. The grove had always been his place of comfort and peace, never more than now. He had sat here with his father, with so many friends, with Bonnie and with his girls. Maybe someday, he thought, I'll think back to the first time I sat here with Mary.

Mary ate her own marshmallow and sipped her beer. She listened to the chatter and the laughter around her, and smiled whenever anyone made eye contact with her.

"How are you doing there, Miss Mary?" Alvin asked her.

"I'm fine," she said, stroking his knee, "I'm generally quiet when I don't know people well."

"What happens when you get to know them?"

"Oh, then I'm the life of the party."

"I don't doubt that." He kissed the back of her head.

"Did you play sports when you were younger?" she asked.

"I played JV baseball."

"Were you good?"

"Wicked good."

"You didn't play varsity? How come?"

"Too organized for my taste."

Tim entered the circle of firelight carrying a pair of guitar cases. He handed one to Charlotte, then sat down and opened the other. Charlotte took hers out and began tuning it, while Tim immediately began softly strumming.

"I've got to pee," Mary told Alvin.

"Well, it's either the bushes or up to the house," he replied, "do you want me to come with you?"

"No, I"m fine." She rose and headed up the path towards the house. She had only gotten a few steps past the ring of trees when she heard a voice behind her, calling her name. She turned and saw Jennifer coming up the path. She waited, and they walked toward the house together.

"Going to the bathroom, I'm guessing?" Jennifer asked.

Mary nodded.

"Yeah, me too." Jennifer made a broad sweep of her arm. "In a couple years, this is going to be the alpaca pasture."

"Your father told me about the alpacas, that's really interesting."

"Well, for a small operation, they are more profitable than cattle. The economics of dairy farming are tough, unless you have a massive operation."

"You know, I have a degree in business from USC," Mary told her, "if there's anyway I can be helpful, let me know."

"Wow, that would be great, thanks."

Jennifer told her how she intended to replant and expand her mother's old garden, and how she intended to build a greenhouse and a rigging for growing hops.

"I figure I'll get my dad to do the rope work. Can't be hard for a man who can rig a sailboat in a nor'easter."

Mary smiled. "He's really something, isn't he?"

"He's a pisser," Jennifer said as she opened the back door and gestured for Mary to enter the house.

The kitchen was dark until Jennifer switched on the overhead light. Mary saw a box on the kitchen table, filled with containers of quinoa and plantain chips and Larabars.

"Yours I take it?" Mary laughed.

"Not my dad's," Jennifer said with a grin. "The bathroom is upstairs."

"I know."

"Oh. Right."

For a second, Mary felt compelled to tell Jennifer how Alvin had balked at spending the night with her in the bed he had shared with her mother, but realized that it would not be appropriate. She went up the stairs to the bathroom.

When she came out, there was a light shining from one of the doors across the hallway.

"Mary, come here," Jennifer called. Mary entered Jennifer's bedroom. It was crammed with unpacked boxes and suitcases.

"It's going to be a bit crowded in here for the two of you, isn't it?" Mary asked.

Jennifer was rummaging in a big cardboard box. "That's alright, we like to keep close." She winked at Mary and pulled a gray cardigan from the box.

"Here, put this on. It's about full dark, it will be getting wicked chilly."

Mary thanked her and put on the sweater. As they walked back to the grove, they could hear Tim and Charlotte playing their guitars together.

"I get the feeling that Charlotte isn't all that pleased to meet me," Mary said.

"Oh, she's just really protective of Dad, that's all. She'll come around when she sees how much the two of you are in love."

Mary stopped walking. "I wouldn't say that we..."

Jennifer took Mary's arm in hers. "No, I don't expect you would. Not yet. But don't worry about Charlotte. She's thought of herself as the lady of the house since Mom died. She might not know she wants to give that up, but she does."

They entered the grove and Mary sat back down with Alvin, while Jennifer joined a few of her friends who were chatting on the far side of the fire.

Tim was a very good guitar player, and not a bad singer. Charlotte was not as skilled a player, but had a fine voice, throaty but melodious. They would sometimes play together, sometimes solo. They ran through a number of songs that all seemed familiar to Mary. She recognized some by Bob Dylan and Paul Simon, but none she knew well. Here and there, other voices around the fire would join in for a chorus or two, but she did not know any of the songs well enough to raise her own voice. Listening to them was like driving through a landscape that you had travelled through before, but never given much attention.

After a while, Tim got up and stretched, then went to the cooler to get a beer. Charlotte began strumming another song, and this was one that Mary knew well. Charlotte began to sing.

What a beautiful face
 I have found in this place

That is circling all round the sun...

Mary joined in, tentatively.

What a beautiful dream

That could flash on the screen

In a blink of an eye and be gone from me

Charlotte made eye contact with her and Mary thought she might have nodded, or perhaps was just moving her head with the music. They both gave more strength to their voices.

Soft and sweet

Let me hold it close and keep it here with me

They fell into a close harmony, and there was no doubt that they were not two women each singing, but that they were singing together.

And one day we will die

And our ashes will fly from the aeroplane over the sea

But for now we are young

Let us lay in the sun

And count every beautiful thing we can see

Mary faltered on the next verse, and dropped her head, embarrassed, while Charlotte continued to sing. Alvin squeezed Mary's shoulders and she raised her head and her voice to join in the final verse.

What a beautiful face 
I have found in this place

That is circling all 'round the sun

And when we meet on a cloud

I'll be laughing out loud

I'll be laughing with everyone I see

Can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all

Charlotte played a finishing flourish and stopped. She looked across the fire at Mary and this time, Mary was sure that she smiled.

Tim had returned and began playing, and the moment passed, but Mary hoped that she had made at least a small connection with Charlotte.

After a couple more songs, Tim packed his guitar back in its case. Theo was sound asleep in one of the lounge chairs, and it was past time to get him home. One by one, Jennifer's friends began to drift away. When Mary saw Diana cleaning up the area, she got up to help her. As she gathered paper plates and crumpled napkins, she noticed that Charlotte had taken her seat by Alvin and was speaking with him in low tones. She did not want them to think she was eavesdropping, so she turned to Diana, who was packing away the few leftovers.

"Would you like to take some beans or potato salad?" she asked Mary.

"No, thank you. Everything was wonderful though. And Diana, well, thanks for making me feel welcome."

"I see how he looks at you, honey." She called to her husband and daughter, telling them it was time to go. Bob shook Mary's hand warmly and Rachel mumbled a goodbye.

Jennifer, Danni and Jake had all pulled lawn chairs close to where Alvin sat with Charlotte.

"Anybody want anything?" Mary called.

"Any of those marshmallows left?" Jennifer asked.

Mary looked around, "No, either they are all gone or Diana took them."

"I guess I'll have to have another beer then."

Everyone laughed at that. "If that made sense to you, you've had enough beer," Alvin told her. "You could bring me a beer too, sweetheart," he called to Mary.

Mary smiled that he had called her sweetheart in front of his daughters. She came back to the fire with the beers, and Charlotte got up and moved to a seat beside her boyfriend. Mary handed Jennifer her beer, then sat down and gave the other to Alvin.

Charlotte picked up her guitar and softly strummed a melody while everyone talked quietly about nothing much at all. Alvin was feeling a little light headed from the beer. He lay his head against Mary's back. He could hear her heart beating. Please don't stop beating, he thought. Don't ever stop beating.

Mary gazed into the fire and let her mind drift. The rhythmic song of the peepers underscored Charlotte's quiet playing. When she closed her eyes, the fire still glowed through her eyelids. What a beautiful dream, she thought, remembering the words of the song, let me hold it close and keep it here.

Charlotte stopped playing and reached for Jake's hand. "You ready to call it a night?" she asked him.

"I'm ready if you are."

She put her guitar in it's case and stood up. Jennifer rose as well and the sisters hugged.

"I love you, baby girl," Charlotte said. Jennifer replied, "I love you, big sis."

Charlotte gave Danni a kiss on the cheek as Alvin climbed out of the lounge. He crossed to his older daughter and took her in his arms.

"Love you sweetheart."

"Love you, Dady."

Charlotte stepped away, and looked at Mary, uncertainly. After a second's hesitation, she leaned down and gave her a quick hug.

"Good night, Mary."

"Good night, Charlotte."

Jake picked up the guitar case and held out his other hand to Charlotte. They headed towards the opening in the trees.

"Waffles for breakfast!" Jennifer called after them.

Charlotte waved over her shoulder. "Whatever you want, baby girl."

Jennifer clapped her hands. Alvin stirred the fire with a stick, and it sputtered up a cascade of sparks.

"Maybe we ought to head up to the house, too," Danni said.

Jennifer shrugged. "Wait a bit. Gotta give Charlotte about fifteen minutes in the bathroom."

Danni chuckled and looked at Mary. "That great big house," she said, "all those added on rooms, and nobody ever thought about a second bathroom."

"Wasn't any bathroom when they built it," Alvin said.

Danni winked at Mary, and Mary smiled back, once again glad for Danni's presence.

Jennifer got up and stood with her father by the fire, their arms around each other's waists. Alvin's warmth with her, as he kissed her head and muttered his love for her, filled Mary's heart. Such a tender man, she thought. Such a good father.

After a few minutes, Jennifer turned to Danni. "Well, alright then," she said, "I guess we'll go up."

Mary stood and both Jennifer and Danni gave her heartfelt hugs. Alvin put a hand on Danni's shoulder and kissed her cheek and Mary was pleased to hear him whisper that he loved her.

Jennifer and Danni walked hand in hand out of the grove and Alvin and Mary were alone. The fire was little more than glowing embers, but Alvin tossed another log into the center and within a few seconds it began to grow again. He stood looking into the flames for a minute. Mary came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Resting her head against his back, she asked him, "What are you thinking about?"

"I was remembering camping out for the night down here with the girls when they were, ten and eight, I think. Making s'mores. I thought it would be a good idea to read Poe to them. It seemed that it was until an owl started hooting, and that was the end of scary stories."

Mary laughed and hugged him tighter.

"I don't think they understood much of it anyway," Alvin said, "they were just humoring ol' dad. They took that owl damn serious though."

He turned to Mary. Her face glowed warmly in the firelight. He ran the back of his fingers over her cheek, then bent his head to kiss her.

Alvin was swaying a bit from side to side.

"You're a little bit drunk, aren't you?" Mary asked.

"Just a bit, but why not? I've got a lot to celebrate. A wonderful family, and my girls sleeping under my roof tonight. And here I am standing by the fire with such a very special woman."

Mary shook her head. "I'm just an ordinary woman."

"You are not ordinary. I'll tell you what, next time we go into town, you point out to me any woman that you think is better looking than you, and I'll tell you if you are right or not."

"You are going to say they are not, even if they look like Brie Larson"

"Who is Brie Larson?'

"Okay, Marilyn Monroe."

"How old do you think I am?"

Mary laughed and pulled him towards one of the recliner lounges. "Come on, let's sit down before you fall in the fire."

"I haven't fallen in a fire in weeks!"

Mary pushed him into the recliner and squeezed in beside him.

"I'm not so drunk," he said.

"Not too drunk I hope," Mary whispered.

"Too drunk? Oh. Oh hell no, I'm not too drunk."

He pulled her closer and kissed her deeply. She responded passionately, running her hands up under his shirt. Alvin closed his eyes and felt his head spinning, but Mary was his anchor and he felt secure in her arms. After a few minutes, she leaned back. "It's getting chilly, do we have a blanket or something?"

"I don't think so," Alvin replied, "but I can fix this."

He stood up and dragged the recliner closer to the fire. Mary fell back and gave out a sharp cry, fearing she might fall out.

"Bet they heard that up at the house!" Alvin laughed. He threw a couple more logs into the fire, then turned back to Mary. He knelt down before the recliner and took hold of her ankles. As he pulled her to the edge of the seat her dress rode up her legs and bunched around her hips.

Alvin leaned forward, running his hands up the back of her legs. He lowered his head and kissed her knee, then the inside of her thigh. Mary reached down and tangled her fingers in his hair as he slipped his into the sides of her panties, tugging them over her hips and sliding them down her legs. She pulled her left foot free, but the panties snagged on her right shoe and hung there as he leaned in again and kissed the bottom of her belly. She put her head back and looked up at the stars, remembering the night they stood on the deck of his boat and he showed her the Milky Way and told her he would give her the universe. Then she felt his lips on her vulva and she could think of nothing but the pleasure of their touch.

Alvin drank in Mary's scent and pressed his face against her, exploring with his tongue and lips. He took delight in hearing her moans of pleasure rise to a peak, then subside into a series of soft sighs.

He got to his feet and Mary slid forward on the lounge. She tugged at the waist of his jeans as he unbuckled his belt. His stiff cock sprang free as she pushed them down past his hips.

"I hope neither of the girls forgot anything and comes back for it," Mary said with a chuckle.

Alvin took her seriously and started to look around, only to be distracted by the feeling of her warm lips encircling his cock.

"Ahh, Jeezum crow," he moaned.

Mary began to laugh and that caused her to gag. "God damn it," she said, "You Mainers say some screwy stuff but that's the screwiest."

She took his cock in her mouth again and gently sucked on it. Alvin held her head in his hands and closed his eyes. He felt lightheaded and almost lost his balance. His legs trembled and nearly buckled beneath him. He took a step back and looked down at Mary. She reached under the lounge and picked up her purse, then scooted back in the seat. She fished in the purse, and came up with a condom.

"Glad you've got one this time," Alvin said.

"Oh honey, I went to Planned Parenthood, they hand them out like they are candy."

Alvin kneeled between Mary's legs and pressed his knees against hers,spreading them apart. She took his cock in her hand, gave it a few strokes, then slipped on the condom. She leaned back and he moved forward. His face hovered above hers as she guided him towards her, and as his cock entered her, his lips touched hers and she opened her mouth to his tongue.

Alvin didn't know if it was the beer or something else, but he felt exhilarated in a way that he had not in their previous couplings. A sense of joyful abandonment overcame him. He was completely in the moment, he was doing the only thing in the world he wanted to do, with the only person we wanted to be with.

Mary sensed the difference in Alvin. She hooked her legs around his and welcomed him inside her. His face was shadowed, barely visible, but she could see that he was smiling. She felt a lightness herself, and began to giggle. Alvin thrust harder, faster, and her giggles turned to gasps. As they pushed against each other, their breathing synchronized. Alvin pressed his body down against her, his face buried in the hollow of her shoulder. She put her head back and she saw the pine branches above, looking like they were dancing in celebration of the ancient ceremony taking place beneath them. Only after her orgasm subsided did she realize it had been the flickering firelight illuminating the boughs.

Alvin continued to thrust into her. She took his head between her hands and held it close to her face. He could see the firelight reflected in her eyes. He remembered the first time he had looked into those eyes, standing on the wharf, and he felt his legs stiffen and the muscles in his back clench and he came in a long, shuddering climax.

Mary wrapped her arms around Alvin as his body went limp. He lay on top of her, panting for breath. She stroked his back and ran her hands down to his ass. She pressed her hips upward, and felt a tremor of pleasure ripple through her.

Alvin tilted to the side and eased his weight off of Mary. She shifted over to lay side by side with him. They held each other, gently kissing and caressing. After a while, Mary twisted to lay on her back. The fire had burned down once more to embers, and the grove had grown very dark. She looked up and saw a circular sky full of stars.

"I ought to get home, I guess," she said.

"You can stay."

"I don't think that's wise. Charlotte might be willing to accept us going out, but I don't think she's ready to make me any waffles."

Alvin laughed. "Well, alright then. Her waffles are finest kind, though."

"Some other time. I should go."

"Uh huh." He waited for her to get up, but she snuggled closer to him and continued to look up at the night sky.

"I just saw a shooting star," Mary said, "did you see it?"

"Nope, missed it."

"Well, you have to see one now. I will leave when you've seen yours."

"A fair deal," Alvin replied, hugging her tighter and kissing the side of her neck. She poked him in the ribs with her elbow.

"You have to look, Alvin."

He rolled on his back and gazed up at the sky. A few minutes later, a flash of light streaked above the clearing.

"There!" Mary cried. "You saw that one."

"Damn, I must have been blinking."

Mary sat up. "You are such a liar. I'm going home."

"Well, alright then."


"Yes, dear?"

"Help me find my underpants."

Alvin pulled up his pants and dug his phone out of the pocket. He turned on the flashlight and shined it around.