Mary Hearts John

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18 year old girl goes for a much older man.
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Before turning down my bed for the night, I picked up the picture that was on the table next to my bed. In the picture was myself, my best friend Kate, my parents, and the man I was in love with, John. The picture was taken just a few months ago at my 18th birthday party. John is our next door neighbor and has been ever since I can remember. In fact, I distinctly remember when I was a little girl telling my mother, "Mommy, when I grow up, I'm going to marry John."

I had had a crush on him since I was 6 or 7. But growing up, into my teens, my crush on him was still strong. Only something was different. I no longer had just a crush on him. I was in love with him. I was 16 when I realized this, and it hit me right in the heart like a sledgehammer.

But now I was 18. Young, vibrant, pretty (if I do say so myself), and above all, I was legal now. But he still had no idea how I felt about him. I was always afraid to let him know how I felt, lest he think I was a sick, depraved young girl for wanting a much older man. After all, I was barely legal, and he was 48, a year older than my Dad.

I put down the picture, turned off the lamp and crawled into bed sighing. I always went to bed the exact same way. Wet, horny and willing. Sure I had dated a few boys, gave a few hand jobs, a couple blow jobs, but I was still a virgin. And John has been divorced since before I was born.

He was good friends with our family. Celebrating birthdays and holidays together, having him over for dinner, etc. He would even be coming to my high school graduation which was in about two weeks. I sighed and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning my alarm clock went off at it's usual time, 6:30. Irritated, I hit the snooze button. Damn the clock for actually working! I laid there for a minute or two and felt a pounce on the bed. A big, wet tongue started licking at my ear. I shrieked in surprise.

"Clark!" Our little Pomeranian dog had greeted me good morning. I giggled and petted him, hugging him to me.

After a quick shower, I got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Daddy was sitting at the kitchen table, "Good Morning, darling."

"Mornin' Daddy", I said, feigning a southern accent.

He chuckled, "Baby, you're a character. I - " he looked up me up and down and stopped. "Jesus Christ honey, you can't go out of the house dressed like that!"

I looked down at my outfit which consisted of short jean shorts and a snug baby blue top. "Oh daddy, don't be so old-fashioned," I told him.

"Sweetheart," he began. I rolled my eyes. Here it goes. "You're young and naive. Men have only one thing on their minds, and I just worry about you wearing something like that."

I sighed.

I was walking home from school, thinking about John as usual. God, he was sexy. I checked the mailbox and sorted through mail. Junk, junk, a bill (I'll make sure Daddy gets that one), and an envelope addressed to John Prescott. John! My John! The mailman must've put it in our box by mistake.

I rushed in the house, dropped off the mail and my book bag, and went back outside to go deliver John's letter. I rung his doorbell and there was no answer. I tried again, still no answer.

I walked down the steps to leave, when his truck pulled into the driveway. He was a carpenter and was still in his work clothes. Snug and torn work jeans and a flannel shirt rolled up to his elbows. He was so big. Probably about 6'3". He smiled when he saw me.

"Hi Mary, what brings you here?"

He approached me. I swallowed the lump in my throat, and was determined to at least appear confident. "Hi John, I just came by to give you your mail. The mailman put it in our box by mistake."

"Thank you honey," he said, taking the envelope. "Another bill it looks like." He rolled his eyes.

I giggled, "Maybe I shouldn't have given it to you after all!"

He chuckled, "Would you like to come inside honey? It's such a hot day, and I just got back from work. I could get us some lemonade."

I just loved it when he called me honey! "Sure, I'd love to."

He walked up the steps, and I followed closely behind. A little too close - I accidentally bumped my arm into his ass. He turned around. "Sorry," I said, blushing.

"Don't worry about it," he smiled at me. I looked into his blue eyes. He was so handsome and sexy. My stomach got a whoosh of butterflies. I could feel my heart beat twice as fast, and I felt my panties getting moist.

We made his way into his house and into his kitchen Pouring me a glass of lemonade, he complimented me on my outfit.


"You're welcome. So have all the boys been hitting on you at school?" he asked with a big grin.

I giggled shyly, "Kind of. Actually, Daddy objected to me wearing this outfit today. He thought it was too, you know, revealing."

"I guess fathers are like that," he said. "He just doesn't want to see his little girl get hurt. You know I remember when you were just a little squirt, you always like to wear those polka dot, frilly dresses."

I laughed, "Yeah, I remember that. I must've looked so silly."

He sat down on the stool next to mine with his lemonade, "Nah, you were adorable. I've seen you turn from a cute little girl to a lovely young lady."

An awkward silence passed between us. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw a bulge in his pants.

"Thank you," I said quietly and leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek. I could feel his eyes looking down my shirt. He stood up and told me to do the same. Holding my hands, and looking me up and down, he said in a gruff voice, "You are beautiful honey."

He gently took his rough hands and held my face, bending down to kiss me, as I am only 5'4". His lips tenderly touched mine. I opened my mouth, and we started kissing really hot and passionate. I ran my hands up and down his forearms. In between kisses, he mumbled, "Oh baby, you're so sweet."

And in the heat of the moment I told him what I really felt, "Oh John, I love you."

He looked at me, surprised.

"Oh God, I'm sorry!" I said, and ran out of his house out of embarrassment. I heard him call out something to me, but I just ran home. I was so embarrassed that I had actually told him that. I felt so foolish.

I bolted into our house and thundered up the stairs to my room. I slammed my door behind me and locked it. Even though it was only 4 o'clock in the afternoon, I got into my pajamas, sobbing. Thank God my parents weren't home yet, they'd surely want to know what was the matter.

I crawled into my bed and cried into my pillow. I felt like such a fool. He must think I am so pathetic. I had the nerve to tell him I loved him, and I didn't even know if he felt the same way about me. Probably not. He was probably more interested in mature women. Not girls who are going through the heartache of their first love.

I cried and eventually fell asleep. At about 7 o'clock, I heard a knock on my bedroom door."

"Mary," my Mom said. "Mary, it's time for dinner."

"Mom, I'm not feeling very well. Just let me stay in here, please."

She paused for a moment, "Ok sweetheart, I'll save the leftovers in the fridge if you want some later."

"Thanks Mom."

And with that I heard her feet patter down the hall, and then downstairs. I didn't want to think about what happened with John, so I just laid there and tried to fall asleep again.

But I just couldn't. So many times I had played with my pussy, pretending it was him. So many times in school, I had daydreamed about him and I together. And I can't even imagine how many times I dreamt of him being my first, or how many times I had gushed about him in my diary.

John must be so confused, I thought to myself. He deserves an explanation. I got out my pad and pen and started writing him a letter. After a wastebasket full of crumpled up notebook paper, I finally composed an acceptable letter. It read:

Dear John,

I don't know what to say about this afternoon. I feel so foolish for having said that to you. But I cannot say it was a lie. I love you John, I really do. Ever since I was a little girl I had a crush on you.

But a couple years ago, I realized it was more than a crush. It was love. Whenever I date a boy, I compare him to you John. And not one other guy I've gone out with is even half as good as you are.

I know you may not feel the same way about me, but you do deserve an explanation. And I feel I have to unburden myself and just let you know how I feel. I ran out of your house the way I did because I was so embarrassed. I felt so ridiculous. I was just so foolish, I couldn't face you, not for one more minute. So I ran.

You've meant so much to me in my life. You were there for me when I broke up with my first boyfriend. Somehow it was easier to talk to you than to my parents about things like that. You even gave me "the talk" and came to my 8th grade graduation.

I think about you all the time. I think about pleasuring you, I even think about us making love together. I've always wanted you to be my first John. I love you so much. I look at you and think about you, and I feel millions of butterflies in my tummy.

Please don't hate me, I can't help the way I feel.

Love Always, Mary

I folded up the letter and put it in an envelope. I put his name on the envelope and put it in my drawer. At about 10 o'clock, I heard my Mom, and finally my Dad go to bed. With my bedroom lights off, they probably figured I was asleep and skipped on the "good nights" not wanting to wake me.

At around 11, I took the envelope and snuck downstairs. Quietly sneaking out of the living room, I ran over to John's house. I slipped the letter under his front door and ran back home.

Back in bed, I lay for hours in nervous anticipation as to what his response would be, if any.

The next day was a Saturday, so I didn't have to get up early. I woke up around 10 a.m. and went downstairs for some breakfast. Mom had already left, doing some shopping with her girlfriends, and Dad was going golfing in a few hours.

"Hi Princess," Dad greeted me. "How are you feeling?"

"Good, Daddy."

"That's good. I was worried about you last night, not coming down for dinner and pretty much keeping to yourself."

"Yeah," I said, very annoyed with the way this conversation was going.

I didn't know what to do about John. Should I go over there? Should I call him? Should I wait for him to come see me? It was all very confusing. I decided just to stay in for the day.

Daddy eventually went to go golfing and I hugged and kissed him good-bye, telling him to have a good time.

I went upstairs and lay in bed, reading a magazine. I was just getting into a very interesting ad about a medicine for Erectile Dysfunction when the phone rang.

I picked up the receiver, "Hello?"

"Hi Mary, it's John."

I paused, "Hi John."

"Hi, listen I wanted to talk to you about the letter you wrote to me."

I gulped, "Ok."

"Sweetheart, it was the most beautiful thing I've ever read. To know that you - a beautiful, young girl - feel that way about an old man like me, honey, it just made me feel so good. I was crying when I read it because I do love you too."

I started to cry, "You do?"

"Yes babydoll, so much."

"I'm so glad John. I was so worried."

"Would you like to come over tonight sweetheart?"

"Yes, I'd love to. What time?

"How about 11:30? Will your parents be asleep by then?"

"Yes, they'll be asleep, and I'd love to come over."

"Mary, baby, I want to make love to you. I've been wanting to ever since you started turning into a woman. Call me sick, but it's the truth. I want you so bad."

"I want you too John. I'll be there tonight at 11:30."

"Ok darling, I love you."

"I love you too John, bye."


I hung up the phone in disbelief. I felt so many emotions. Fear, excitement, joy. I looked through my closet for what to wear tonight.

After much deliberation, I finally settled on a black pleated mini-skirt and a low-cut, thin top. Underneath I would wear my only thong, a white lacey one, and a lacey white bra. I would also wear my pretty diamonique necklace and matching earrings.

I was so excited that he loved me too! Finally, we could be together as I'd always dreamed! And we could make love! I - wait a minute....Yes, we would make love tonight! I was happy, but I was so scared too. It would be my first time. I was so frightened that I wouldn't be good enough of a lover for him.

That evening when my parents came home, I pretended all was normal. We sat down and had dinner, and talked some. Finally, they decided to head to bed at about 10 o'clock. I said I would too, and we retired to our separate rooms.

I began getting ready for my night in my bathroom. Showering, brushing my teeth, doing my hair just right, make-up, perfume, the works! With my pretty outfit on and my jewelry, I felt beautiful and confident.

At about 11:15, I snuck out of the house and went to John's house. I rang the doorbell and he answered almost immediately.

"Hello precious," he greeted me, ushering me into the living room.

After he locked the door, I hugged him close to me. I could already feel his hard cock against me. "Oh John, please, let's do it. Let's make love."

"Sweetheart," he took my hand and lead me to the couch. "This is your first time, and so I want us to go nice and slow, ok baby?"

I nodded, "Yes, John, whatever you want." I sat there awkwardly. "How do we start?"

"It usually starts with a kiss. Can I kiss you baby?"

I nodded, "Please, yes."

He put his lips to mine, and we opened our mouths to one another. It's like our mouths were fucking. We kissed wet, hot kisses. We both wanted it bad.

I ran my hand up and down his chest, then I finally slithered my fingers down to his cock, protected by his jeans. I could feel him so hard, and I began rubbing his crotch. He breathed heavily and groaned.

"Oh shit, yes baby. God, that feels good. Oh you sweet little thing, so naughty baby."

I moaned. I continued kissing him and whispered in his ear, "John sweetie, can I call you 'daddy'?"

"Oh God, yes, oh yes baby, let me be your daddy."

He ran his hand up and down my thigh. I opened my legs.

"Please, touch my pussy, please play with it."

His hand went up between my legs and rubbed my little pussy with his big fingers.

"Oh princess, you're so wet for daddy aren't you baby? hmm?"

"Oh yes Daddy, yes, rub my pussy."

We continued like that for several more minutes. I put my mouth next to his ear, "Can I dance for you daddy?"

He looked at me, his eyes filled with lust, "Oh yes precious, do it for your daddy."

I stood up and slowly danced around, being seductive. I slid my top up off over my head. Then I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I continued dancing and pulled off my skirt.

"Oh yes baby, take it off. Take it off for daddy."

I slid my skirt down and off. Now I was just in my panties and bra. I rubbed my tits for him.

"Oh fuck, oh shit," he said. He unbuckled his belt and pulled down his jeans and underwear, starting to jack off.

I took off my bra. He groaned loudly. Then I started to take off my panties.

"Oh god, oh yes, oh yes, come on baby take it off. Take it off for daddy, princess," he said urgently.

I slid my panties all the way down, exposing my bare and pink, sweet little pussy.

"Oh fuck baby. God, what a sweet little pussy. Oh Daddy wants to fuck you so bad."

I walked over to him and got on my knees and immediately took his huge cock into my mouth. Mmm, it tasted good. So much meat in my mouth. It was so delicious. "Do you like it daddy?" I asked him teasingly.

"God, oh baby you know I do. Oh that's it, suck daddy. Suck Daddy sweetheart."

"Do you like my tits daddy?"

"Mmm, yes, I love your full tits baby. Rub them for me."

I tugged at my tits, still keeping his cock in my mouth. I eyes slowly went up to look into his. He groaned, "You are such a good little cocksucker, mmm, I love it baby, but I'm not going to last much longer if we keep this up. Let's go in my room."

He carried me to his bedroom, kissing me on the way. He laid me on the bed. Now all my fear was gone, I just wanted so badly to be fucked. His cock must've been at least 8 inches, and I wanted every inch inside me.

He took off all his clothes, and I kneeled on the bed, wrapping my arms around him, kissing him. My tits rubbing up against his hairy chest. Our mouths so needy for each other, so horny for each other. We kissed, breathing heavy. God, I needed to get fucked so bad.

"This," he started to rub my pussy. "This is what daddy wants more than anything else precious."

I laid back on the bed, suddenly nerves taking over. He must've saw it in my eyes because he stroked my hair and said it would all be alright.

"Honey," he said. "As bad as I want it, we don't have to do this if you don't want to."

I spread my legs and giggled. He chuckled, "Baby does want it I see."

He was on his knees, between my legs. He rubbed the head of his cock along my slippery cunt, and I groaned, starting to stroke my tits.

"Daddy loves you baby," he said in a low voice.

I moaned, "I love you daddy. Oh daddy, fuck me, fuck me so hard."

He started to slide the head of his cock into my wet, bare slit. I felt some pressure but there wasn't any pain yet. He was going nice and slow and then he hit my hymen, "Are you sure honey?"

I nodded, quietly saying, "Yes I'm sure."

He eased his dick into me, and it hurt so bad that I started to cry. He started to pull out, but I stopped in, "No, no. I have to do this, please, put it all in me." Doing as I asked, he slid his cock all the way in and stopped.

He leaned over and kissed my tears away, "Daddy's sorry baby. I'm so sorry."

I took a deep breath, "Keep going daddy, it's starting to feel good."

He started to fuck me slow, and then faster and faster. By this time, the pain had faded, and we were both breathing heavy between kisses. I loved the feel of his big body over my small one. I held him around the neck, and nuzzled him as he fucked me, I was going to cum, "oh yes, yes, oh daddy, yes."

"God," he whispered. "You're so tight, little one. Mmmm, daddy loves his baby tight."

"Oh daddy," I panted.

"Oh God, yes yes!" he cried, and I felt his warm load shoot into my cunt. I started to cum, my pussy quivering, holding tight to his thick pole.

He had just stopped cumming, and fell on top of me in exhaustion. We lay there sweating and panting, trying to catch our breath. But he must've weighed 200 lbs., and so I asked him to get off of me.

He chuckled, "Sure thing sweetheart."

We laid there in his bed. After we had caught our breath, we started kissing a little. I stroked his face with my hand, and looked in his blue eyes, "Was I good?" I asked.

"Oh honey," he leaned into kiss me. "You were fantastic."

Over the next couple of weeks, John and I made out and made love whenever we could. He really did seem to be in love with me, and I was with him. But today was the day of my High School Graduation.

My family and John were coming too. Of course, my parents had no idea John and I were having sex, and that's the way I wanted to keep it.

When my line of students walked into the gym, it was packed. On the left side of the bleachers were my parents, and in the middle section of the bleachers was John. Neither of them knew the other was there.

I waved to my parents and they smiled and waved back. I waved to John, and he blew me a kiss, mouthing the words "I love you". I smiled and mouthed "I love you too" and gave him a wink. Myself and the other kids in the line were now all sitting down. First there was a speech, then another speech, then the chorus started to sing.

Finally the principal started going through the names of the students, calling them up to collect their diplomas. As my last name was Zimmerman, I had a long way to go.