Mary's Bush

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A wife refuses to shave until she cheats away from home.
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The following story is a work of fiction and does not depict any actual persons or events. Any likeness to actual persons or events is purely coincidental. All parties engaging in sexual activity are of legal age of 18 and consenting adults. This is for entertainment purposes and is not an avocation for the activities contained herein. I need to seriously thank my wife and nikyc for their suggestions and help with editing. Please take a moment and vote if you like the story. Thanks.

I had my instruments laid out like a surgeon. Battery powered beard trimmer, razor blade, shaving cream, bowl of warm water and a warm wash cloth. On the bed a towel was spread out. My wife Mary, came in, fresh from the bath, and laid down with the towel underneath her. Naturally, she was nude and sporting a full bush. I picked up the beard trimmer and just as I switched it on and she came off the bed like a wild banshee. “You’re not fucking touching me with that thing! You can trim with scissors but you aren’t shaving me.” She was spewing venom as spat out those words. I completely lost interest.

This was meant to be the prelude to an afternoon of pleasurable husband/wife sex. I just got off the bed, got dressed, went into the kitchen and opened a beer. I was tired of playing her fucking games.

My wife and I have been married twenty-eight years and there has not been a week in all those years that I had not asked Mary to allow me to shave off her bush. She has always adamantly refused, that is until about two months ago. It was my turn to cook dinner and I had bought takeout pizza. In fact, I had two pizzas, a cheese pizza for her and a pepperoni pizza for me. Mary took one look at the pizza and said, “Jack, you need to lose weight. Give up the hamburgers, fries, and pizza, lose twenty-five pounds in six weeks and you can shave my bush.” That didn’t sound like a bad deal because I had wanted to lose weight so I just received my motivation.

The next morning, I saw my doctor who recommended a diet and exercise program. I had long intended to join a gym but that morning I did. I have never eaten so much salad and my muscles were continually sore. However, I lost the weight, in fact I lost thirty-one pounds in six weeks.

Today was supposed to be the big payoff day except it wasn’t. Mary wouldn’t let me touch her and for the first time in my life, I turned down sex. I was finished asking to shave the bush, let it become a fucking forest.

My name is Jack Anderson, I’m going bald, forty-nine, a little overweight, and out of shape. I work as a real estate broker and don’t keep office hours. I pay a secretary to do that and usually only work to appointments. I work mainly in commercial property and always keep a good inventory. I do ok but real estate is an on-off business, either feast or famine. I have been in the business a long time and have made good investments in the good years and just treaded water in the lean years. I am not complaining as real estate has been good to me and not having to keep hours is worth a fortune. I consider myself lucky.

Mary and I have been married for twenty-eight years. We met in college and married when she found out she was pregnant with our son. A daughter followed but my wife persevered with college and got a degree in accounting. A year later she had that CPA shingle to hand outside our door.

Our two children, Ben and Debbie, have both finished college, married, and have started families. Ben lives in Ft. Worth and Vicki lives in Plano, a suburb of Dallas.

My wife is a dirty blonde, forty-eight years old, stands 5’6”, and weighs about 120, pretty much the same as in college. She has generous C cup breasts that I never tire of paying them special attention.

Mary’s first job was for a large accounting office that was located downtown Dallas. She has remained with the firm for the past twenty years and now is a department head with her own secretary. She has a team of five accountants that work under her. Sometimes, but not often, they travel as a team for audits. Usually travel on Wednesday, audit Thursday and Friday, spend Saturday writing their report, and return on Sunday. There are several auditing teams within the agency and the travel rotates between the teams so they only have to travel two or three times a year.

We have always had a good sex life, well at least I thought we did. Every day when the kids were younger but lately just a couple of times a week. I still have the urge and certainly could perform more often but Mary is either tired or not in the mood. I try really hard to keep the romance going, I send flowers to her office, bring her coffee from Starbucks, take her out to lunch once a week, and always to dinner and dancing on Friday night. We always do something as a couple on Saturday and then on Sunday we are lazy and try to spend, at least the morning in bed. I love her as much, if not more, as I did the day we were married.

I was sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee when Mary entered. She had just slipped on a robe. She poured herself some coffee and sat down. “Jack, I’m sorry. I know I promised you but when you turned on that beard trimmer I couldn’t take it. I have been proud of my bush all my life and just don’t think I want to part with it. How about if you just tidy it up with a pair of scissors?”

“No, I’m not going touch it again nor will I bring the subject up but I have to admit I’m very disappointed. I feel you mislead me in getting me to lose weight and for the promise of a special reward if I did, which I did not receive. I feel like there was blackmail, coercion, deceit, and lies involved in this little situation. We’ve been married a long time and I have never felt so humiliated by you.” I got up and went outside to work in the yard.

We rarely argued and even when we did we would kiss and make up immediately. This time we were strangely silent for several days. I felt that I had done everything she had asked of me and then some. Why should I bend and beg forgiveness? What exactly had I done wrong? Losing more weight than requested? We got up, ate breakfast, went to work, and then more or less the opposite after work, all without talking. Did I omit that we weren’t having sex either?

Finally, after about ten days of this I had reached my limit, “What exactly do you want? Why are you still angry? Do you somehow think I am the blame?”

“Yes, all of this is your fault. If you hadn’t been after me to shave my bush, ever since we’ve been married, this would not have happened. Why can’t you just accept me the way I am?

“For as long as we’ve been together I have never forced you to do anything. Not a single thing. Did I come to you and ask you if I lose weight would you allow me to shave your bush as a reward? Did I suggest that or did you?”

“Stop playing games, you know I asked the question but I couldn’t go through with it so shoot me. Why has this become such a production?”

“Can we just call a truce and get back to the way we were before?”

“I agree let’s just not discuss this anymore. I’m sick of it.”

So our life resumed much as it had before, however, I was still on a diet and continued to visit the gym every day. If Mary took any notice she never said anything. Sex, for me at least, had become more vanilla. She just didn’t seem to have the interest or want to put as much effort into it as she once had. We had lost something in our relationship. Was she premenopausal?

I knew my wife’s team was scheduled to travel at the end of the month and these were always tedious and stressful trips. I made a point of cooking dinner every night and having fresh flowers in the house. Mary always arrived home to find a glass of chilled wine waiting for her. I tried to make her feel special and to know that I cared for her.

My wife has never, despite numerous attempts by me to buy sexy underwear, worn anything overtly sexy. She has the body of a model yet she has never shown it with classy clothes, much less underwear or heels.

I watched her pack the night before and wondered what it would take to get her to change her appearance. We had our usual brand of vanilla sex that night and I still felt that Mary was holding something back. She didn’t want or help spice up our sex life, the goal was to get me off quickly so she could sleep. Just doing her duty.

The next morning at breakfast I asked if her usual team was traveling with her and she yes, including her boss as well. The upper management had been restructured so she ended up with a new boss and he wanted to travel along to observe and learn how the team operated. They were meeting at work and a van had been ordered to shuttle them all together to the airport.

Usually on trips Mary calls every night and we exchange several texts during the five-day trip. I only heard from her once and that was at lunch and she was very hurried. She apologized and just said this had been a crazy trip. I didn’t worry too much as she had never given me any clue that she was cheating.

Mary returned home around 4:00 Sunday afternoon, which was about three hours after the plane had landed. She excused herself for being late by saying the boss had wanted a team meeting before allowing anyone to go home. She was exhausted and just wanted a shower and go to bed. I told her to go up and I would be right behind her. I wanted sex as it was always great after a trip.

By the time I arrived in the bathroom Mary had showered and had a towel wrapped around her and was brushing her teeth. I told her to get in bed and I would be right there.

I showered quickly and was soon in bed with her. She complained about being tired and asked for a rain check but I told her I missed her and wanted to make love before she went to sleep. Reluctantly, she finally agreed.

We began kissing and I eventually trailed down to her breasts and paid special attention to her nipples. They were standing proud and begging to be sucked. I didn’t disappoint. I moved on down her body to work on her clit and as I got down there something was missing, her fucking bush was gone!

I sat up and looked at her and said, “what the fuck happened to your bush?”

Mary looked at me and said, “I shaved it just for you!”

I replied, “that’s bullshit and you know it. What happened? You’re as smooth as a baby’s bottom. I don’t think you could have done this on your own. Tell me what happened?”

“Jack, nothing happened and I did it for you.”

I simply said, “bullshit” and got up and got dressed. I went to my home office and just cried. I knew my loving wife had been unfaithful, most likely several times. This was new ground for me so I got on the internet and did a google search for what to look for with an unfaithful wife.

Several things popped up including did she come home and shower straight away, check. She did. Look at the crotch of her panties for evidence of cum. I slipped back upstairs to find her asleep so I looked into the dirty clothes hamper for her panties. I didn’t find her granny panties that she normally wears but a sexy pair of thongs and the crotch was covered in semen. Someone had fucked her just before she came home.

Mary’s Story:

I have always considered Jack’s and my marriage as near perfect and happy as anyone’s. We have always been there for each other. We’ve always done everything together, including raising two wonderful children. Jack has been my rock. I am so ashamed that I let him down and now find my life in ruins.

I have never wanted or needed as much sex as Jack. Two or three times a week was fine for me but he could do it every day. He has always had a higher libido. I thought I was happy with what we did sexually with each other but since Jack was the first guy I ever kissed, much less doing anything else, I was very inexperienced and naïve. Sometimes I wondered what it would be like to have sex with someone else, after I did have fantasies.

I was raised in a very religious and conservative home and have extremely prudish ideas concerning my appearance and attitude. Jack has constantly nagged me to wear sexier underwear, more fashionable clothes, and heels. I have always been more comfortable wearing granny panties and Maidenform bras that leaves nothing on display. Jack has even harassed me since our wedding to shave my bush. I’m proud of my bush and besides, if it were shaved, I could never get a medical exam because nice girls don’t shave. I would be so embarrassed. Therefore, I have never done or even considered experimenting with what Jack has ever requested.

My accounting agency recently restructured the upper management and I found my department under a new boss, Eric Thompson. He was ten years younger than me, extremely good looking and very domineering. I found myself, for the first time ever, totally submissive. I’m not saying I like it but found it arousing, raising feelings within me that had not been stirred in years. I get lubricated from just being in his presence.

When Eric announced he was going on the audit with my team I realized he was going because he wanted to have sex with me. I was extremely nervous as I had always been completely faithful to my husband. I have never been hit on like the full court press Eric was putting on but I was secretly flattered that such a good looking young man would be interested in an old woman like me.

After the first day’s audit I found myself alone with Eric in my room and he didn’t waste time getting me out of my clothes. I found myself totally under his control and I found that I liked it. He laughed at my underwear and said we will sort that out tomorrow during lunch. When he saw my bush he said that was coming off too. He was in charge so I didn’t say a word.

Finally, he had me out of my clothes and told me that I was hiding a model’s body underneath that horrible granny underwear. He made love to my breasts, nobody has ever sucked and played with them like Eric. Then he found my vagina and finger fucked me while sucking my clit. Jack had never made love to my clit the way Eric did, and he didn’t stop after just one orgasm. Eric is a big man, much larger than Jack, and when he undressed I discovered he was twice the size somewhere else too. I was in heaven when he fucked me with that cock. He had stamina and could fuck for thirty minutes before coming and he was the best fuck of my life, winning hand’s down. I only allow Jack to have sex in the missionary position but with Eric we had sex in several different positions and I discovered I loved getting fucked from the rear. Actually, I only had Jack to compare Eric to and there was little comparison.

Eric kept his word, the next day he shaved me. I didn’t say a word but realized I would be in trouble when I got home. I admit that I felt sexier without all the hair, not to mention cleaner as well. Eric and I also went shopping for new underwear and clothes. I just accepted all of Eric’s suggestions and realized this is what Jack had been wanting me to buy for years.

We had sex at every opportunity before leaving for home. Eric even fucked me on his couch in his office the day we returned from the trip. I felt dirty as I went home as I didn’t take the time to clean myself. I wanted my own shower.

Naturally, after a trip Jack wanted sex as soon as I got home. I asked for a rain check and did everything I could to get out of it but Jack was insistent and finally I agreed but only after a shower. I wanted to wash Eric off besides his cum was still inside me.

Jack began to make love to me and when he realized I was shaved he knew immediately I had cheated. There was no way I could have shaved myself, as even the crack of my ass was shaved. He got up, got dressed and went downstairs.

I found him in the kitchen drinking coffee and tried to white wash everything saying I did it for him but he could see through me. He knew I had an affair.

We just coexisting for the next several days. I continued to dress in my sexy clothes and saw Eric again for a long lunch that included awesome sex. I felt like I a new, younger person when with Eric and couldn’t wait to be with him again.

We did see each several more times in fact before Jack dropped the hammer that he knew. I felt that he did by his actions. He was very angry and straight to the point. If I wanted to stay in my marriage to him, I had to quit my job and finish with Eric. I told Jack I couldn’t just up and quit as I had over worked there over twenty years. He said I had made my choice so he got up, packed, and left.

Jack made my life hell and somehow he got photo evidence and after that was disclosed my life and job turned to ashes. My life as I knew it was over.

Jack’s Story Continued:

I thought about her team members and they were all married and much younger than Mary. They had worked together as a team for a long time and I trusted each one of them. They were almost like family to us. That only left her new boss and I didn’t know him at all.

The next few days I watched my lovely wife dress each morning acting as I was still asleep in bed but I could see what she was wearing and it was all super sexy. Even thigh high stockings and heels.

I realized the only time Mary could really have a relationship with someone was during lunch so I sat across the street in a coffee shop everyday watching the employee entrance. I never saw her until Wednesday when she exited with a male a few years younger than us. They got into his car and left. I didn’t need to follow them as I sat with my cellphone opened to the find a phone app and watched until the dot stopped moving. I zoomed in on the location and made a note. Later I discovered it was the Hampton Inn.

My wife arrived home on time that evening and questioned while I had neither wine chilled for her or dinner ready. I said make your own fucking dinner. I grabbed a bottle of red wine and disappeared into my office.

That night I slept in the guest room. One thing for sure was I planned not to have sex with Mary again as there was no doubt she was fucking someone else. What if she had caught an STD?

I was gone the next morning before Mary got out of bed. I was waiting in my lawyer’s office when he opened the door at 8:00 AM. Frank was a personal friend and most likely had gotten rich from all the work I had sent him over the past thirty years.

I told him about my wife’s affair and I wanted him to start divorce paperwork. Also, I wanted to take some sort of action against her boss but wasn’t sure how to proceed. Frank said that without strong evidence there wasn’t a lot we could do. I needed ironclad proof. Texas is a no fault state so divorcing Mary would be easy. Frank suggested letting the affair continue a couple of weeks and hiring a PI to gather evidence.

Frank sent me to who he considered the best PI in Dallas and judging by what he charged I am sure he must be. I explained what I needed, gave him a photo of Mary, and explained the last liaison occurred during lunch at the Hampton Inn near where she works. He said be patient and he could provide what I needed.

We just coexisted for the next several days, hardly a word spoken between us. Where the fuck did she think she was going with our relationship? Finally, on Sunday I had enough. Knowing I might blow the PI investigation, “Mary, what is going on? We are just living together, and not as man and wife.”

“Jack, there is a lot going on at work and my new boss is very demanding.”

“So is he the reason for all the sexy underwear, new clothes, and heels? Did he force you or did he shave your bush? I assume he also caused you to have semen in your new thongs when you got home last Sunday?” You’ve done everything I have always asked you to do for some bastard that just recently came into your life. Is he married too? Oh, and I bet he still has kids at home too.”